would someone be willing to do one of these trades?? (im left)

2024.12.01 02:50 StupidLittleVal would someone be willing to do one of these trades?? (im left)

would someone be willing to do one of these trades?? (im left) https://preview.redd.it/pb2yn0kei54e1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=09923f420440170ff539714b856611be823e7c06
submitted by StupidLittleVal to AdoptMeTrading [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:50 LyndonBurrellJr Just took a few assessments. Im MAD AF!

10MINUTES! for 10-13 questions. bullshit man. yall would get way more better people and accuracy if the time were fucking 15 minutes. but no! every part 10 minutes or less its crap.
submitted by LyndonBurrellJr to alignerr [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:50 copharmer Dawes quotes you use daily

I was talking to my brother, who's currently going through a separation, and I realized I was a walking Dawes quoter because I kept referencing there lyrics Now, I am somebody who takes quite a bit of inspiration from quotes and one of my favorite quotes is actually disparaging this, " I pointed my fingers and shouted the few quotes I knew as if something that is written should be taken as truth" is something I say to myself on a daily basis but I think the key point is to not point fingers when shouting quotes because it's always going to have limitations in perfectly fitting a circumstance. Anyway, outside of that one, here are some of the most common:
"It's the angels up above me, it's the song they don't sing" "I hope the rest of the world sees the person you've always been to me" "It's like trying to sing every verse when you should simply humm along" "Quit taking the jobs that rob you of your freedoms so you can buy more shit you don't have time to use" "You can judge the entire world on the sparkle you think it lacks" "As if you give something a value just by naming it I'd be a hell of a vendor if I knew what I'd sell" "Was it the road that pulled me away or am I still a victim of my fears" "That lost feeling through the credits feels correct" "She doesn't know that most people feel the same way" "The kind of guy you say you're looking for sounds like the kind of guy I want to be"
That's just a few. I think so many of these lyrics go beyond singer songwriter wisdom for me, I teared up when I wrote a few of those out so maybe it just hits me in a particular way. Does anybody else do this? what are some of the ones you repeat to yourself and others regularly?
submitted by copharmer to dawes [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:50 kingprotector Ktm offroading

Ktm offroading Morning
submitted by kingprotector to KTM390ADV [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:50 Realkoneok Bruh What the Fuck

Bruh What the Fuck submitted by Realkoneok to playboicarti [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:50 jennahstgg Younger women are apparently "undateable" because of their "inflated egos"

Younger women are apparently For context: Too comments on a post, where someone asked if younger men seem to date older women more in this generation.
Besides the usual generalization, and casual misogyny, how do these people not realize how insanely out of touch and terminally online they sound?
To think that most younger women are drowning in a "sea of infinite attention", which makes them "undateable" is borderline incel rhetoric. If you have to generalize that much, the "very unfortunate psychological consequences" are probably just that the majority of younger women have standards (like literally everyone else).
submitted by jennahstgg to BlatantMisogyny [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:50 Mug_of_Diarrhea I just kept crawling and it kept working!

I just kept crawling and it kept working! submitted by Mug_of_Diarrhea to MortalKombat [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:50 These_Bird_8655 This is getting out of hand i just want an arcane dark (2 global under 24h)

This is getting out of hand i just want an arcane dark (2 global under 24h) submitted by These_Bird_8655 to SolsRNG [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:50 Distinct-Temp6557 7 44 mm vs 7 Ultra: Bottom material?

I'm torn between the 7 44 mm and 7 Ultra. I have tried many aluminum watches, and I'm allergic to pretty much all of them. I'm currently on the 5 Pro since its titanium.
I understand the 7 casing is aluminum and the Ultra is titanium. What I'm not sure about is the bottom material. Are the bottom side of the casing also metal, or are they plastic?
If they're plastic, I think I'm going to get a 7 and just put a case on it to protect my skin. If they're metal, I'm going to get the Ultra since the titanium should be safe.
submitted by Distinct-Temp6557 to GalaxyWatch [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:50 DapperPlatypus2099 Do I keep talking to this guy?

We have met recently we have similar values and foundations But he told me he goes out with his friends on weekends to play pool 🎱 Shall I be concerned No hate comments please
submitted by DapperPlatypus2099 to MuslimLounge [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:50 IntnsRed This is What Evil Looks Like | “Why is nobody f……g stopping Israel…….Wtf,” asks my exasperated daughter? Its a question people around the world are asking, and have been asking for years.

This is What Evil Looks Like | “Why is nobody f……g stopping Israel…….Wtf,” asks my exasperated daughter? Its a question people around the world are asking, and have been asking for years. submitted by IntnsRed to worldpolitics2 [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:50 Sad-Zucchini-6592 I am drawn to your smell.

submitted by Sad-Zucchini-6592 to sixwordstories [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:50 QuantumAnxiety "I've painted 40k, this won't be hard"

Long time lurker First time poster
It is not as easy as 40k. I need an airbrush to hide my skill issue on large flat surfaces and some deburring tools 🤦‍♂️
submitted by QuantumAnxiety to Gunpla [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:50 CockfaceMurder Real ones know a 4.3 is better than a 5 star rating😆

Real ones know a 4.3 is better than a 5 star rating😆 submitted by CockfaceMurder to ThreedomUSA [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:50 Spacingguild10191 The Great Expeditions

The Great Expeditions A collection of the various treks I’ve made in a number of ships into the Black. The expedition that was featured the most in this was the Wide Ring Route back in 3308. It was basically a giant circle with a diameter of about 12,000 lys centered on the Bubble.
submitted by Spacingguild10191 to EliteDangerous [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:50 Slight-Lobster840 my Tp and SL looks different.

my Tp and SL looks different. https://preview.redd.it/5fgd2ax9i54e1.png?width=98&format=png&auto=webp&s=0666502c9028bcd6b8a12a510dec47402de1da04
I reposted bcuz the picture looked wrong but basically, my Stoploss looks like the first picture. But i want it too look like the second one. Help please. Thank you.
submitted by Slight-Lobster840 to FOREXTRADING [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:50 wewdwtnizrub Apple Vacations Promo Code Black Friday

Visit here for Apple Vacations Promo Code Black Friday
Unlock Savings of up to 70% with Apple Vacations Promo Codes in December 2024.
submitted by wewdwtnizrub to blackfridayisnoww [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:50 Quatro999 Yellow Fruit served at fancy dinner

Just curious what the yellow/orange fruit is. Tasted good but a little sour.
submitted by Quatro999 to whatisthisplant [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:50 EvasionPersauasion LFG after long hiatus

Stopped in the 70s level. Not really for "state of the game" reasons but my crew fell off. I considered myself damn good at it, used to have a blast but it lost it's luster after my regular slowly but surely disappeared. Combine that with the common kicking and trolling being a "random" i havnt been back.
I've been creeping the sub and I really want to get back into it, i just need some fellow divers to show me the new ropes. Any takers?
submitted by EvasionPersauasion to helldivers2 [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:50 I_AmQueensBoulevard for sale, US, Blood Rage and Coup, shipping from Minnesota.

looking for $40 obo for blood rage, no expansions
$15 obo for Coup with Reformation expansion.
You pay for shipping
submitted by I_AmQueensBoulevard to BoardGameExchange [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:50 Remarkable-Ad9880 My erg collection is growing, and I'm happy

I decided to try and pick up bass, so I got a 5 string for my first one 🙃
submitted by Remarkable-Ad9880 to ExtendedRangeGuitars [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:50 Hsherlock16 Third Swipeversary Title

I was playing doubles just before and there was this opponent which had a title displaying “Third Swipeversary” any idea how this was obtained??
submitted by Hsherlock16 to RLSideSwipe [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:50 scott81425 Looking for a set for my xbox

Evening all- I have recently got into gaming on my series x. Well, I've stepped out of my comfort zone of MLB the show and forza. Anyway, I am looking for a set of IEMs to help me enjoy black ops. I borrowed a set from my son, I believe they were truthear brand. They were a dark blue. Due to my clumsiness, those are now broken, so I'd like a set to replace them. Let's say budget around 100 dollars, but I'm open. A few things I'm looking for:
Comfort. I won't wear them for long, I don't play marathon sessions, so that doesn't matter
I'd like them to have a nice soundstage. I have tinnitis so my hearing isn't great. I don't need anything top of the line, but something decent would be nice.
A mic is not necessary. I'll most likely never use one.
Thats really about it. I'm a bang for the buck guy, if that 45 dollar pair is 95% as good as the hundred dollar pair, no need to spend the extra money. But if it's only 60% as good, I'll make the investment.
I'm not even sure I still own a device that has a headphone jack outside of my game controllers/systems, so performance for things outside of gaming is not important. IE, if a set is amazing for music, it probably won't matter to me as I'm not going to be using them to listen to music.
Appreciate any input.
submitted by scott81425 to iems [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:50 catfight_War_5753 Jacqueline challenge Kareena for fight. Will Kareena accept or denied? Why

submitted by catfight_War_5753 to Kareena_vs_Priyanka [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:50 One-Guilty-Finger Ecobee Enhanced not showing temp or humidity, won’t switch on heat

It's a cold night, not the best time for my Ecobee to stop communicating with my furnace. I've tried powering it off multiple times, checked the filter, the standard troubleshooting, checked the 24VDC power, all the usual stuff. What have I missed?
submitted by One-Guilty-Finger to ecobee [link] [comments]
