When will the "List of fees" pdf be uploaded for 2025 IGCSE

2024.12.01 02:31 HungryPhilosopher418 When will the "List of fees" pdf be uploaded for 2025 IGCSE

If you know the time for the Bangladesh region, even better.
Thank you.
submitted by HungryPhilosopher418 to Edexcel [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:31 PhilosopherIll2410 Which of the Thrawn audiobooks are abridged?

I'm in love with the thrawn books, but I'm really enjoying the audio versions as Marc Thomson's voice fir Thrawn is, well, mouth-watering.
BUT I saw on a post here somewhere that some of the audiobooks are abridged, but audible doesn't say which on the title page.
I don't want to miss out anything from these books, so I'm prepared to read them, but to save money I'd just like to know which Thrawn audiobooks are abridged so I know which books to buy.
Thankyou, Force be with you. x
submitted by PhilosopherIll2410 to starwarsbooks [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:31 uppsak [Into the light, once again] Haven't seen al lot of pregnant women in mnhwa. She looks amazing

[Into the light, once again] Haven't seen al lot of pregnant women in mnhwa. She looks amazing submitted by uppsak to OtomeIsekai [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:31 Bladefanatic A variety of buffaloes

A variety of buffaloes submitted by Bladefanatic to Silverbugs [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:31 Admirable_Maize_7312 Victoria Coren Mitchell

Victoria Coren Mitchell submitted by Admirable_Maize_7312 to BritishCelebrityBabes [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:31 Mem_1480 On my boyfriend’s google search I found “How to ask my girlfriend to loose weight”

I opened his phone to check something for him as he was getting ready to go for a trip and found this on his recent google search I was really upset and asked him and he said he wanted to talk to me about it in a nice way wondering if I was depressed (which I have been that’s how I put on some weight) he gave me long explanations on how he is very much attracted to me it sort of made me spiral though our sex life was been pretty shitty lately and I can’t help but think it’s cos he isn’t as attracted to me as he used to me which he denies is not true We started living together and our sex life became really less he just prefers playing video games and doing his own thing and when I ask him he said maybe his libido is low and it’s a him issue. I don’t know if I’m being gas light I feel very upset cos his explanations were he was worried about my health when I’m not even fat just slightly chubby and if he was worried about me being depressed his search should be something else, he says he is not body shaming me or asking me to change the way I am but it does not add up, he says he will love me however I am and to think on how his actions have not changed and his actions shows that he cares for me It upset me cos I knew I put on some weight I feel really shitty about myself and then to think that your partner thinks the same kinda broke my heart
submitted by Mem_1480 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:31 Darth_Azazoth I have a bonner

submitted by Darth_Azazoth to justguysbeingbros [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:31 Send_Pupper_Pics_Pls [14.23c] 4 Quickstriker/4 Sentinel Twisted Fate Reroll Guide

[14.23c] 4 Quickstrike4 Sentinel Twisted Fate Reroll Guide Hi everyone! longtime lurker, first time poster. Take this with a grain of salt due to it being low plat lobbies but this comp has been working well for me so far with it consistently making top 4.
Twisted Fate is extremely slept on. With his variable backline access and insane group damage, along with the fact that he's virtually uncontested right now, I think it's easy to take advantage of him to get you free top 4's. This comp stabilizes well at 2-star with at least Shojin/JG on TF and 4 sentinel, giving you enough time to push and slow roll on 8 for 3 stars + Illaoi/Ambessa/Rumble.
Item priority in order: 1. Twisted Fate: Shojin -> JG -> Archangels/ Deathcap/ Guinsoo's 2. Loris: Iconic Spark -> Gargoyle -> Warmog 3. Ambessa: BT -> Titan's -> Sterak 4. Akali: JG -> HoJ -> Any excess damage items 5. All other defensive items not put on Loris go to Illaoi, if not able to 3-star Loris and you are low, you can remover and slam items on Illaoi.
Notable Augments:
  • Quickstriker Emblem (allows you to go 4 quickstriker early then 4 quickstrike6 sentinel on 9) cut Nocturne
  • Sentinel Emblem (6 sentinel on 9)
  • Pandora's Box (This comp is item dependent so getting guaranteed perfect items is good)
  • Any Econ augments work well since we are trying to push 8 and slow roll
  • Guinsoo's still worth testing on TF, not sure if the extra AS is worth it vs the scaling from Archangels
  • 3 Star TF is a must
  • 4 sentinel is a priority, you can sub in lower costing sentinels until you get Illaoi/Rumble (use Singed until you get both Illaoi/Rumble for AS buff)
  • Loss streak on stage 2 for carousel priority and to hit 50 gold asap
  • If you need to, you can slow roll on 7 for TF/Loris then push 8 for Ambessa
  • You can slam ad items on nocturne until you hit Ambessa to save HP
  • Hard to first unless you roll good augments or 3-star early and push levels for 6 sentinel
  • Room for improvement on positioning
Lv. 7 Comp:
Lv. 8 Comp:
Thanks for reading :) Let me know if you see any improvements that can be made and good luck y'all
submitted by Send_Pupper_Pics_Pls to CompetitiveTFT [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:31 Cute-Bit815 [Request] Cards for my mistreated mother [US]

My heart is heavy as I am thinking of the words to write. Here goes..
This weekend my sibling who lives out of state was visiting with my mother. We are always on edge when he visits because he is set off quite easily and becomes verbally abusive. This time was no exception. This afternoon I received a phone call from my heartbroken mother who just had to endure an hour of my brother berating and insulting her.
My mami Lupe is a sweet, gentle, loving woman who doesn’t deserve the blunt end of my brother’s unresolved issues.
If this speaks to you in any way and if you would be willing to send words of love and kindness to my mami I’m sure she’ll be touched by it. Thank you in advance, friends.
submitted by Cute-Bit815 to RandomActsofCards [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:31 Dandyyy_Cottonpuff Best scene for me! What's yours?

Best scene for me! What's yours? submitted by Dandyyy_Cottonpuff to ArcaneAnimatedSeries [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:31 Conscious_Middle4071 Programs for 12th Graders?

Most programs I’ve looked at are looking for 11th graders 😭 please let me know if there are any programs specifically for seniors or including seniors
submitted by Conscious_Middle4071 to summerprogramresults [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:31 jdklein001 Sensitive and growing nipples, opinions please

Help with symptoms and labs
Hi. I started trt this summer (75mg daily of compounded cream) and within a month had burning nipples that were always erect. There was also some growth of the areola. The area above the nipple has puffed up and remains so. I stopped trt at the doctors recommendation until the nips felt better(the size and change in appearance never went back) and then started at a lower dose (15mg/day). I increased every week or two until I reached 45 mg per day. Each time I increased the nips got a little sensitive-I waited till that faded then added another half click of cream. At 45 mg the nips were erect and pretty sensitive all of the time. I also lost libido and felt generally down attitude wise. Two weeks ago I backed down to 30 mg/day and libido and attitude are improved. Nips are erect maybe half of the time and are still a little sensitive. All in all the nips are double the size they were before I started. They were tiny before so I’m ok with it but concerned they could continue to grow. Especially with the upper areola tissue which never went back. There are no lumps that I or my wife can feel. This is my main concern.
Other than that I am happy with how I feel. Often I am tired during the day, it’s difficult to tell if that is hormone related or due to lack of sleep, running a business and family responsibilities. My mood is generally.
Any thoughts about the nipple growth and sensitivity?
I’m considering an AI or going off all together.
Presently my levels are as follows (this is taken a few hours after my am dose of 30 mg) I’m a healthy, lean 48 year old who is very active.
LH 0.1 Prolactin 7.3 E2 38 Dhea 184 Test 925 Shbg 39 Free test 19.9
submitted by jdklein001 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:31 PsiPhiDragon Spell table for 2024 shepherd druid

To make it align with all the other circles what should be their always prepared spell table?
submitted by PsiPhiDragon to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:31 dcsag [hiring] looking for an artist that can sketch/draw in these styles!

[hiring] looking for an artist that can sketch/draw in these styles! https://preview.redd.it/0offrl7xe54e1.jpg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=049874c801c7f37b9b2fc304bbba310a1e1a1b32
Hi! I'm hoping to commission a half body portrait of a couple. Budget is around $40 for the sketch. Dm me if you think this is something that could work for you. Thanks!
submitted by dcsag to HungryArtists [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:31 DisplayNecessary5296 Does 1995 Pride & Prejudice get better?

I’m on the second episode and I’m just not loving it. I feel like the characters are silly and some of them just aren’t good actors/actresses. Maybe it’s because it’s older than other period dramas I’ve been watching?
submitted by DisplayNecessary5296 to PeriodDramas [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:31 InfluencerInfluenza Tarte you nailed it!!!

Tarte you nailed it!!! submitted by InfluencerInfluenza to DanielleEilersSnark [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:31 KingRishiL Avoid Paying Application Fees

Hey! Here's a tip to avoid paying application fees on common app without a fee waiver.

  1. Go to the profile section of your common app.
  2. Tap on common app fee waiver section
  3. Select "yes, I do meet requirements for a fee waiver"
Check the last requirement to get a fee waiver. If you can convince your counsellor to verify that you need a fee waivers then congratulations. Go on a wild spree of applying.
submitted by KingRishiL to IntltoUSA [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:31 Good-Avocado-495 Frank Lloyd Wright - Saguaro Forms & Cactus Flowers / Galison / 1000 pc. / 2017

Frank Lloyd Wright - Saguaro Forms & Cactus Flowers / Galison / 1000 pc. / 2017 This was a lot harder than I expected. 😂 Thrifted this recently, was so happy all the pieces were there.
submitted by Good-Avocado-495 to Jigsawpuzzles [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:31 Additional_Row6975 I was blackmailed - incel past and kinks were outed to everyone in my life, I need to know what my next steps are.

I want to keep this short, avoid as much info as possible.
I've be unconditioning myself for a while. Was approached on discord and started what I thought was an online relationship. I opened up to them about a lot of things and as a result they have a lot of compromising text, sceenshots and voice recordings of me. Including screenshots from my past on incel forums.
Turns out I was targetted by someone who I think is just a scammer but they claimed to be an anti-incel vigilante. They demanded money, i refused. They've just released everything to everyone in my life - family, friends, work.
I've grabbed some clothes in a bag and left my house. I bought a burner phone which i can top-up data on, texted one friend to let everyone know to leave me alone until I choose to make contact. I bought a ticket to a town nearby on the train but got off a couple stations early, and I'm currently in a cheap hotel room.
What are my next steps?
I have enough money for about 2 months if i stay in hotels, more if i find a cheaper way to live.
submitted by Additional_Row6975 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:31 Sw4ggy3mma OCR A A level biology online book

Does anyone know where I can get the kerboodle OCR A digital book for free? Our teachers require us to bring them in but I sometimes have so much stuff to bring that I’d rather be able to carry it on my iPad 😅
submitted by Sw4ggy3mma to sixthform [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:31 holyhackzak Can anyone help me diagnose this noise? 2006 Saturn Vue

Can anyone help me diagnose this noise? 2006 Saturn Vue submitted by holyhackzak to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:31 zadefilberts Top 10 most forgotten characters you’d want on your crew?

To add context, I’m mostly talking about in terms of usefulness. Whatever your pursue goal may be, from finding the one piece to building a grand pirate fleet.
Also, these don’t have to be the only hypothetical members in your crew so you can get creative!
submitted by zadefilberts to OnePiece [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:31 Isac_hilda Dynamites invasion

Dynamites invasion submitted by Isac_hilda to SquadBusters [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:31 AB3D12D Can anyone lend a rookie some advice about traveling to Patagonia?

I (39m, USA) always thought Patagonia would be a cool place to visit. But financially, not realistic. However, while browsing flights I discovered Punta Arenas, Chile, and it seems like planning a trip is a possibility now! While I continue to do my research, what are some things to look into? Do I need to know the language? Are there dangerous areas to be avoided? As a dopey, un-traveled american, will I be an easy target for crime? As the title of the post says, I'm a "rookie" and looking for a starting points to research.
submitted by AB3D12D to Patagonia [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:31 MurrDOC_ Jones Act Question

Was wondering if ships offload cargo in other countries like Mexico and Canada and then deliver by motor or if Ships just add a stop in Canada and then drop off goods in another US port.
For example Foreign flagged ship picking up cargo in Florida delivering goods to Canada and then heading to New Jersey to drop off the US goods picked up originally in Florida.
submitted by MurrDOC_ to Ships [link] [comments]
