Armand on a Saturday Night

2025.01.18 04:57 Oui-d Armand on a Saturday Night

Armand on a Saturday Night submitted by Oui-d to InterviewVampire [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:57 Treetronkk What product is good to smooth texture and even out skin tone?

What product is good to smooth texture and even out skin tone? Super fair skin and it’s kinda splotchy red and textured in my cheeks which I don’t like. How could I improve that? There are so many products I cannot figure out what I need
submitted by Treetronkk to Skincare_Addiction [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:57 P4sTwI2X Reminder to players: Nexus (and objectives) wins you game, and a late game death is very costly.

Reminder to players: Nexus (and objectives) wins you game, and a late game death is very costly. Kayle played out of her mind with 4k dpm, with Seraphine as her assistance.
Kayle was incredibly fed during early and mid game, but her team refused to take EldeBaron when given the opportunity, especially when her team comp can't really dive well to end games, and it only took Kayle to die twice in the last 3 minutes for her team to crumble down very hard.
So if you're carrying games, your most important job is to NOT die.
submitted by P4sTwI2X to wildrift [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:57 informalspy13 Taylor in New York with Ashley and her parents - her first outing of 2025!

Taylor in New York with Ashley and her parents - her first outing of 2025! submitted by informalspy13 to TaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:57 lambo13770 German WW2 Rifle

German WW2 Rifle submitted by lambo13770 to milsurp [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:57 OLIVEmutt Shimmers are so pretty!

Shimmers are so pretty! My phone camera can’t even do this polish justice!
Yes, of course I love a good holo. And glitters are always fun. But I adore a good shimmer and Camera Shy is a good one!
Products used:
Mooncat hardcore base coat
KB Shimmer Fillin' Groovy Ridge Filling Nail Polish Base Coat
Holo Taco Camera Shy (2 coats)
KB Shimmer Clearly on Top top coat
submitted by OLIVEmutt to simplynailogical [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:57 JunglellamaYT How do i change my damage shader?

I don't like my triangly damage thing and i see everyone else with nice lovely damage how to fix?
submitted by JunglellamaYT to BONELAB [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:57 Exotic-Studio-5634 Should I just ask her out or wait?

So I’ve just recently met this girl I think she’s super pretty. We’ve talked a few times and she’s so interesting we seem to be obsessed with the same things. She also seems cool. So, I know what you’re thinking why haven’t you asked her out? I just recently met her, we met about a week ago and we’ve had about 4 conversations. All of which revolved around the stuff we’re nerdy about. She just went on a date with some guy. I’m kind of thinking I should let her know I’m interested. At the same time tho I’m going to see this girl everyday for 3.5 years and the last thing I want to do is make it awkward already. So what should I do? P.S. when we’ve texted we kinda had very subtle flirty teasing idk I could be reading too much into that.
submitted by Exotic-Studio-5634 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:57 Life_Starts_Now23 DL0494 LAX to DWT

I'm worried about my 2 hr lay over being enough time. I arrive 6am in TB and departing at 8am.
I'm a little confused as last time i departed from T3 but when i google that flight now it says departing from TB at 9.20ish.
On the delta app it still says 8am departure.
Does anyone know if that sounds right i would arrive in TB and depart at TB?
submitted by Life_Starts_Now23 to LAX [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:57 Pure_Zucchini_Rage For those of you who don't have a higher education, what are you doing with your life?

I only have an associates degree, which is pretty much on the same lvl of a HS diploma. I was always bad in school so I dropped out after 2 years. I've just been working shitty jobs for the past 10+ years. I've been a bartender and call centecustomer service rep.
I hate working these jobs bc its soul crushing and also low paying. I've been looking for another job, but all I see are customer service type jobs. I feel like this will be my life. I don't really have any interests in life that will help me land a higher paying job.
Am I just fucked? Is this how a lot of people's lives are like?
submitted by Pure_Zucchini_Rage to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:57 MajorPuzzleheaded632 还有人没收到通知吗,收到请回复

还有人没收到通知吗,收到请回复 submitted by MajorPuzzleheaded632 to abstractmemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:57 RingsideNews_ Tiffany Stratton Retains Title In First Defense During 1/17 WWE SmackDown

Tiffany Stratton Retains Title In First Defense During 1/17 WWE SmackDown submitted by RingsideNews_ to ringsidenewscom [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:57 HarvardPlz Need advice on whether it's worth asking a girl out

Met this girl in college recently that I really liked and vibed with. Ended up finding her ig (thanks to the contact suggest lol), and noticed her profile pic has a guy next to her (just the two of them), but no posts with him. I'm sure this means she probably has a boyfriend, so is it even worth asking out or should I just move on? I don't wanna be a dickhead and accidentally ask out someone else's gf.
submitted by HarvardPlz to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:57 ardapepper Ningalude irl nte creepshots, thund pics or video or random shots share aakan thalparym ullavar dm vaa mutual share aakam

submitted by ardapepper to mallu__kambi [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:57 CollinTheChillOne “Aye the GameCube deadass had a hall of fame roster of games bro 😂😂😂” CORRECTED

“Aye the GameCube deadass had a hall of fame roster of games bro 😂😂😂” CORRECTED This post showed the GameCube love, and these are all great games, BUT: - The Simpsons: Hit & Run was not GC exclusive. - In my opinion, only 4 of the games would be included in my 12 most iconic/best GC games. Here’s my 12 (no specific order):
  1. Luigi’s Mansion
  2. Super Mario Sunshine
  3. Mario Kart: Double Dash
  4. Super Smash Bros. Melee
  5. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
  6. The Legend Zelda: Twilight Princess
  7. Metroid Prime
  8. Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
  9. Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
  10. Eternal Darkness
  11. F-Zero: GX 12: Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader
Any objections? Just curious.
submitted by CollinTheChillOne to Gamecube [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:57 Boompaplift What do animators do to keep afloat?

I know the job market is pretty bad right now so I mean how it typically was. What did industry professionals do to stay afloat? Did you try to line up jobs when you knew the project you were working on was about to end? Did you take on commissions? Working part time somewhere else? Working and monetizing your own work? Is it possible to line up jobs? What happens for shorter projects like movies? I know that’s a lot of questions but I’m very curious. Thank you!
submitted by Boompaplift to animationcareer [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:57 davidbyrnesutopia Looking for people to go with for Coldplay Ahmedabad

I genuinely want to go have all friends ditched me, if anybody wants to make plans together 👉👈 the entire trip would cost 7-8K (by road) because accommodation is sorted.
submitted by davidbyrnesutopia to delhiuniversity [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:57 EvilTwin_Sister I need help

So Im new to pc modding super new and i read the noobie guide and i downloaded both vortex and mod organizer 2 trying to install kaidan revoiced and its still not working. I even tried going into steam and inserting the mod into the local game files. Im just not sure what im missing here, is it the script extender in the mod organizer? I read that you don’t put it in the load order so i wasn’t sure. Thanks for any help in advance.
submitted by EvilTwin_Sister to skyrimmods [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:57 PrettyGaebro Fairy tail characters based on friends characters for their personality?

I want to make a fanfic where i want to incorporate some ideas from sitcom shows to fit for their characters. Like for the shows, i was thinking of friends and thought what female characters would fit phoebe, monica, rachael and what male characters would fit chandler, joey, ross for certain male fairy tail characters and write a fanfic by using the friends characters personality into the fairy tail characters?
submitted by PrettyGaebro to FanFiction [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:57 Substantial-Earth975 I think they forgot 💀

I think they forgot 💀 submitted by Substantial-Earth975 to YAPms [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:57 OddBranch132 Tried SF for the first time today

What an absolute assault on your senses. Props to anyone who can actually race wheel to wheel with them. Just concentrating on not dying for 30 mins was exhausting.
Are there any other cars that you all find so mentally demanding?
submitted by OddBranch132 to iRacing [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:57 PersimmonAcademic525 Does anyone have a nice value valley?

Our vv looks like absolute shit. It's so overwhelming to look at. I want to reorganize it but I'm not sure where to even start. If ur VV looks nice please drop pictures!!
submitted by PersimmonAcademic525 to DollarGeneralWorkers [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:57 earthman34 Flat Earther claims a 747 isn't real, because it holds 65,000 gallons of fuel, which can't fit in the plane, proceeds to show a "giant" 65,000 gallon water tank out of context. Neglects to provide any scale to the actual plane.

Flat Earther claims a 747 isn't real, because it holds 65,000 gallons of fuel, which can't fit in the plane, proceeds to show a submitted by earthman34 to flatearth [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:57 RedHotToiletPaper the halls of medicine - songs for the river

the halls of medicine - songs for the river submitted by RedHotToiletPaper to noisemusic [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 04:57 13mckich Barkeeper’s Friend safety

My partner used BKF spray (and water) on our bathroom floor, with all toothbrushes out in the open. Is this safe? Can I use my toothbrush or water flosset without worrying too much?
submitted by 13mckich to CleaningTips [link] [comments]