I Posted W4D3 today…long term goal is to go out and bite off 10 miles straight as unrealistic as that seems now

2025.01.18 05:20 Motosurf77 I Posted W4D3 today…long term goal is to go out and bite off 10 miles straight as unrealistic as that seems now

Anyone else looking past c25k while trying their damnist to get through week by week?
Maybe it’s a pipe dream then again so was running 5 min straight. Maybe someday.
Baby steps.
submitted by Motosurf77 to C25K [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:20 PinballOtter Yet Another Seattle Late-Night Meet-and-Greet

SATURDAY! SATURDAY! SATURDAY! The Iron Sparrows will assemble at the Northwest Pinball Collective (aka The Sanctuary of the Silver Ball) in North Seattle for a late-night session! I'll try to be there before 2000 tomorrow, but the party will probably go through the night, especially if I'm there. Insomnia sucks, but sometimes it's useful. There will still be people playing at 0400. Bring your own drinks, food, and snacks. We have a nice little fridge too.
submitted by PinballOtter to pinball [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:20 IcyEye1947 26[M4F] Im looking to make you my toy

Love I’m looking for something special. First ill lay out what I’m wanting so you can tell wether your intrusive or not. Like the title says I want to make you my toy. I want you to be a good girl and obey me in some nsfw. My biggest kink will be controlling you and seeing you submit and obey. Second to that will be the utter enjoyment you get from your kinks so be upfront about what you enjoy so I can make you my depraved little toy itching to cum for me.
What I want is monogamous and is supposed to be a relationship so there is expectation of us forming a relationship and not just using each other. Im quality time based so if we dont spend time talking then the connection will not be full.
We can trade pics to see if where attracted to each other at the start, I have long hair (love it or hate it). Some people like super aggressive conversations at the start I tend to be really tame and ramp up as I learn what pleases you.
I know what I want, Im honest, and good at communication. If your looking for a kinker relationship message me.
(Btw the names Ill call you really depend on you I think its just as hot when your my little princess bending over for me verses you being my depraved little fuck toy.)
submitted by IcyEye1947 to LetsChat [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:20 docholiday06 (WTS) Surefire x300, Modlight plhv2, Streamlight VIR II, Cloud MCH 2.0, Avon f90 helmet.

Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/9tfN57M

Surefire X300u-A
--$250 / 1 Available
Kf1-a-dft Light Head
--$175 shipped
Steam Light VIR II
--$300 shipped
Cloud MCH 2.0
--$100 shipped
Modlite PLHV2 Handheld
--$250 shipped
Surefire m600 Body
--$50 shipped
Avon protection F90. Sz M. Team Wendy Harness
--$525 shipped
Comment first and then message me. Dibs takes priority and open to bundles as well.
Click here to send me a PM
submitted by docholiday06 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:20 CourageOrdinary5947 DISO

the prices online i’ve seen are literallyyy the worst i’ve ever seen for a build a bear i think. he’s so cute i want him & i might be delulu but i don’t wanna pay more than 80 😫
submitted by CourageOrdinary5947 to buildabearBST [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:20 bot_olini La política anti-mexicana de Trump está a unas horas de implementarse.

submitted by bot_olini to Mexico_News [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:20 Zestyclose_Recover70 Job Sites

Currently looking to leave my current job and find a new one. What job search sites do you guys recommend? I use indeed but it seems so spammed down these days.
submitted by Zestyclose_Recover70 to idahofalls [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:20 M-47 Anyone have a source on original or repro VSR-98 uniforms? (56-4)

submitted by M-47 to Rusfor [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:20 Uneasyfeelingss Men are just playthings for hot girls

submitted by Uneasyfeelingss to findommes [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:20 Jonathandejong1989 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Jonathandejong1989 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:20 Lord_Zogg My first time---a love story

submitted by Lord_Zogg to basketballcards [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:20 Intrepid_Face_7796 YES DADDY, I NEED

submitted by Intrepid_Face_7796 to juliaconnerarchive [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:20 DryAbbreviations9089 FORE pi slot booking problem

Anyone else facing the same issue ? Pi slot book nhi horaha Step 7 par it’s not letting me click Some please help!!
submitted by DryAbbreviations9089 to CATpreparation [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:20 ReadSmall4142 Choose the backup quality of your photos & videos

submitted by ReadSmall4142 to USbank [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:20 Adventurous_Sand_884 Karma

submitted by Adventurous_Sand_884 to karmaassist [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:20 Charless-srl Help to import Presents

Hi ! I'm trying to import some presets that I bought today, but I don't understand why it is not working. When I select the preset in XMP, It's appear a sign that says "Profiles and presets cannot be imported. All elements have already been imported. " But nothing happens...
submitted by Charless-srl to Lightroom [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:20 Redditsucks29 My first setup

submitted by Redditsucks29 to BudgetAudiophile [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:20 Majestic_Repair9138 The five faces of humanity in my Stellaris campaign

The five faces of humanity in my Stellaris campaign submitted by Majestic_Repair9138 to Stellaris [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:20 Grouchy_Ad_1346 Sleep regression starting at 9 weeks and still ongoing?

Have been lurking here for a while trying to find someone in a similar situation. But that hasn't been fruitful so I thought I would post.
LO is currently at 3mo. He naps super well in the day and for at least the first two months, we tried to follow his cues. We always tried to put him up need at around 9-10pm (as we did with our first at the age), but he would treat it like a nap and be awake till 2am. We usually just rock him asleep or till he's drowsy. We always plan to sleep train so we choose to use whatever crutches necessary for us to survive the early days, but we really do not want to start on a paci. We usually try to follow a 3 hour sleep eat play pattern. In the day, we tried our best to follow ww of 1-1.5hrs, and no naps longer than 2 hours. At night, we only fed him if he wakes and can't be soothed. Had stretched about 5-6 hours without any training.
At about 9 weeks, he started having these nights where he would be unconsolable, had to be carried and walked, had to be patted (any two symptoms combined), until 4+am in the morning. He would be wide awake, even more awake than daytime.
We would usually have 2 or 3 such consecutive nights before we would try smthg like traditional Chinese baby massage. The sleep would improve dramatically for one or two nights (able to sleep through or latest ard midnight) and the 4am nights would come again. We looked into capping the daytime naps more strictly, but this was tough because he was so sleepy, unsure if it's a circadian rhythm problem or sleep debt. So it made our days so much harder yet it did not make our nights better. We would cap the naps to about 1-1.5hrs depending on which schedule we followed, and stretched ww to 1.5 at this point. Have tried mostly 4 naps, sometimes 5 each day. I feel like we have followed all the rules!
It was seriously affecting our lives as we also have another toddler, who just turned 3 last Oct. At one point, toddler and me both fell sick and it was such chaos. Both me and hubs really struggled to recover physically (sleep and arms/back aches). I eventually pestered my hubs to go for chiro a friend recommended and thought why not try for the baby too at the same time. After the chiro, the baby slept a solid undisturbed 7 hours that night in his cot. After that day, the good sleep deteriorated slowly over 3 days and we were back to two 4am nights. By now, at 4+am, he would accept co-sleeping and was impossible to put down until he was in super deep sleep by 6am. So we were basically just drifting in and out of consciousness. Introducing the pacifier helped us calm him down at 3+, 4am that he would slowly drift back to sleep without us having to walk around. Now we try to start the day at 8am.
Went back to the chiro yesterday, and while we had to co-sleep still, it was the most restful it has been in a long while. But still, we dk what else we can do? Is it sleep regression that has come early and is still going on since week 9? It's 12 weeks going on 13 soon and we are so desperate. He's too young to sleep train and so we are just waiting and surviving. Would appreciate any advice.
submitted by Grouchy_Ad_1346 to sleeptrain [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:20 FirmSatisfaction6028 Kann ein anerkannter Flüchtling (21, Uni-Student) BAföG und Kindergeld für vermisste Eltern erhalten?

Hallo zusammen,
Ich bin ein anerkannter Flüchtling in Deutschland, 21 Jahre alt und studiere an einer Universität. Aktuell erhalte ich bereits BAföG, aber ich bin in einer extrem schwierigen finanziellen Lage und suche nach weiteren Unterstützungsoptionen.
Hier sind meine Fragen:

  1. Kann ich als BAföG-Empfänger trotzdem Kindergeld beantragen? Ich habe gehört, dass man beides unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen gleichzeitig bekommen kann, bin mir aber nicht sicher, ob das auch für anerkannte Flüchtlinge ohne Eltern gilt.
  2. Zum Thema Kindergeld: Ich kenne den Aufenthaltsort meiner Eltern nicht und habe gelesen, dass man Kindergeld beantragen kann, wenn die Eltern vermisst werden. Mein erster Antrag wurde von der Familienkasse abgelehnt, weil ich angeblich nicht genügend Anstrengungen unternommen habe, um den Aufenthaltsort meiner Eltern herauszufinden. Hat jemand Erfahrung damit? Welche Schritte kann ich unternehmen, um meinen Antrag zu stärken (z. B. eine Vermisstenanzeige stellen oder Organisationen kontaktieren)?
Ich wäre für jede Hilfe, Tipps oder Erfahrungen sehr dankbar. Ich versuche, die Anforderungen zu erfüllen und mich finanziell etwas besser abzusichern.
Vielen Dank im Voraus!
submitted by FirmSatisfaction6028 to bremen [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:20 Herewegoagain1070 Anyone know if bereavement or hardship leave is available?

Can’t find any info since their website is such a mess. I also doubt they’d let me since it ain’t a family member but me and my gf just moved here for school for me and work for her but we just found out her grandma is in her last days :/ I’d like to leave with her if possible
submitted by Herewegoagain1070 to austincc [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:20 moonlitlatte Is it just me that is not enjoying the new patch as much?

My defence just seems all over the place. No physicality and awful positioning. Also goes both ways, it’s too easy to just chuck one through ball in to the striker and get in behind. The amount of times my defenders are just standing clueless is so frustrating.
submitted by moonlitlatte to fut [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:20 Salty_Tour6669 Chaeryeong

Chaeryeong submitted by Salty_Tour6669 to kpoppit [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:20 zanderhasbeenhere Horikita vs fodders

Horikita vs fodders submitted by zanderhasbeenhere to IntelligenceScaling [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 05:20 Der-Verschwunden Where can i get a dark collar nva nco tunic?

where can i get a dark collar nva nco tunic something like in the photo?
submitted by Der-Verschwunden to Eastgermancollectors [link] [comments]
