Loving the M Challenge at Daytona!

2025.01.18 06:56 AdStrong2959 Loving the M Challenge at Daytona!

Loving the M Challenge at Daytona! https://preview.redd.it/l3t2xf9m9pde1.png?width=3440&format=png&auto=webp&s=39b3a4366af8cca4debda3a80eedd4d74c105b56
Only my 3rd day on Iracing but I'm loving nearly every second of this series at Daytona. All of my races have been neck and neck the entire time with no time to relax lol. Kinda wish there was a way this could be a permanent thing.
submitted by AdStrong2959 to iRacing [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:56 SplitTall7783 Tamanna Bhatia UHD

Tamanna Bhatia UHD submitted by SplitTall7783 to IndianUHD [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:56 Own-Statement-6049 Fleeting Microcosm's flavor text captures the essence of Elden Ring's tragedy

The description for Fleeting Microcosm is probably my favorite piece of flavor text in the entire game. Possibly in all of FS, personally, and it is embodied in a symbolic manifestation of, possibly, the universe we (the Tarnished) live in.
"The broken and discarded are fully willing to cling to fleeting simulacra, earning them some modicum of sympathy."
Simulacra is being used in equivalence to an idol here; or an imitation of a person or idea. Not exclusively an object of worship, but a goal to pursue or a belief to prove, to hold onto.
In Dark Souls terms, it's what keeps you from going Hollow.
In lieu of Elden Ring, "the broken and discarded" - the people who suffer but cling to memories - are so desperate for salvation that they often adhere themselves to something so pitiful. It's usually something transitory, or a lie, an inevitable failure or just something external and impermanent.
And yet, that is human. It is how those who are still walking around in the present, like a zombie but not a corpse on the ground, is because they still have Runes, or Remembrances, or MEMORIES. Something to keep getting up for, even if it's a distant dream - it keeps you moving.
And it's because of the simplicity - the relatability - of that tragedy, it is likewise in the player's nature to feel at least a twinge of sadness for them, even if they are monsters.
And, tell me, who in Elden Ring DOESNT fit this description?
The lowly soldiers, each for their own memory of the past, or an ideal passed by a demigod?
Messmer, adhering to his vows, and holding faith in a mother's inherent love for their son? At least, until the end.
What about Godfrey, who cast aside everything to be broken down again and again for his strength - for the simple art of bloodlust?
Mohg and his desire to belong, to matter, to someone, even if it's bloody?
Miquella and his grief towards the suffering of the world - and his willingness to rob humanity to save it?
Radahn who, for all his ideals of a replicating Godfrey as a noble and strong lord, ultimately became the embodiment of heedless strength and warmongering that Godfrey was willing to set aside, to rule, in an act of true strength - an act that supposedly cast a "long shadow on the Lands Between" when he partook that sap?
What about Metyr, continuously following her purpose to compel the development of humanity, despite the part of her (perhaps the Three Fingers) that want to end it all?
Or what about Marika - who, if nothing else, began this living nightmare on the evident basis that she wanted a family, and that family to live for eternity?
Many of these characters are horrible, now; they were once noble, but are now bereft of everything but their most base desires driving them. And yet, we understand them all too deeply to slander them as simply evil.
They're broken, though, and discarded - and for that, they have a modicum of our sympathy.
submitted by Own-Statement-6049 to EldenRingLoreTalk [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:56 Svennis79 Building in flood zones

I was just watching a couple of old episodes of grand designs (UK) and S12 E7 they built an amphibious house on a river.
Basically a massive basement hole, that they then built a watertight basement box in, with 2 floors above it.
All in the house weighs a few hindred tons, but when the river floods the entire house can float up to 12 ft above ground level (all service connections are flexible designed to rise with it)
Has anyone ever heard of someone attempting anything like that in brisbane?
It seems that more and more houses are going to have to be built on stilts unless weird and wonderful ideas like this take off and become cheaper
Total genius
submitted by Svennis79 to brisbane [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:56 Silenced_Matrix Does Angmar have a discord?

Thank you
submitted by Silenced_Matrix to lotro [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:56 New-Beautiful-7450 Is Liberty Vacations International reliable for holiday?

submitted by New-Beautiful-7450 to india_tourism [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:56 Equivalent-Twist-255 Lloyd was the best green Ninja candidate

Lloyd was the best green Ninja candidate Ok let’s be real. Kai wouldn’t have worked as the green ninja. The tension between and Lloyd and Garmadon was key to the story and most of Garmadons character is his redemption catalysed by his relationship with Lloyd.
If Kai was the green Ninja then the Moro arc wouldn’t really work considering how much he did as the red Ninja. Also Lloyd’s development in Rebooted, the Oni trilogy, dragons rising and the tournament of elements wouldn’t work.
Let’s not even talk about Kai being the sensei in Hands of time because if we’re being honest he would have lost the time blades in 0.4 seconds.
Kai was best when he was doing his own thing. His hot headed ness and charisma unironically clutched him a win in the tournament of elements and Hunted.
So let’s be glad how things are
submitted by Equivalent-Twist-255 to Ninjago [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:56 CalMC-Builds I'm curious. Does anyone else build their power lines like this?

submitted by CalMC-Builds to RimWorld [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:56 Zimbron1229 Cabeza de Nere

Tengo el cadaver de Nere. ¿Cómo le corto la cabeza?
submitted by Zimbron1229 to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:56 RectalcANAL I love chaos

I love chaos submitted by RectalcANAL to duolingo [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:56 sans1448 Trading my inv for unobs or limiteds or good offers mlf unusual sentinel purple

Trading my inv for unobs or limiteds or good offers mlf unusual sentinel purple .
submitted by sans1448 to AUniversalTime [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:56 angerissues248 Which CTs do y'all think are the most boring (or interesting)?

Which CTs do y'all think are the most boring (or interesting)? submitted by angerissues248 to JujutsuPowerScaling [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:56 manila_traveler California Zephyr question - does the Reno/Truckee segment have the best views? Or is it Sacramento/Truckee?

submitted by manila_traveler to Reno [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:56 dew-y H: Q2525 Elders W: Leaders, Apparel or Displayable misc

H: Q2525 Elders W: Leaders, Apparel or Displayable misc submitted by dew-y to Market76 [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:56 GOMANNlg What’s a sentence of yours that has always helped make a good impression on a girl u met for the first time?

Gotta help got a blinddate here
submitted by GOMANNlg to ask [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:56 Walton557 phantom thief rule

phantom thief rule submitted by Walton557 to 691 [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:56 UsurpedBeefcake Moderators

How come I can view some chick blowing 10 guys in one group on here, but in another some fucking bot tells me off for not using pronouns properly? Reddit is completely fucked up.
submitted by UsurpedBeefcake to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:56 No-Condition-3788 Very horny pig 🍔🐖

Very horny pig 🍔🐖 submitted by No-Condition-3788 to stufferswomen [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:56 Potential_World_2421 Hogyan kell kezelni az ilyen embereket?

Biztosan találkoztatok már azzal az embertípussal, aki már a mondatod elején megállás nélkül mondja, hogy "ja-ja-ja", tehát fingja nincs róla mit akarsz kihozni belőle, de ő már helyesel. Illetve megpróbálja helyetted befejezni a saját mondataidat és általában hülyeséget mondd. Általában a beszélgetés végére kiderül, hogy egész végig nem figyelt és neki egyáltalán nem volt fontos ez a kommunikáció, olyan mintha csak zavartad volna, miközben ő jött oda hozzád "beszélgetni (?)". Egy kollégámról van szó, sajnos nem igazán beszéltem vele sokat eddig, pont emiatt, egyszerűen nem tudok úgy beszélgetni, hogy folyamatosan mondogatja, hogy ja-ja, igeeen igen igen. Mit kell kezdeni ilyen emberrel azon kívül, hogy nem kommunikálok vele?
submitted by Potential_World_2421 to askhungary [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:56 lyn2col WireGuard vs. OpenVPN: A Technical Comparison

When choosing a VPN solution, the protocol you use plays a critical role in determining the security, speed, and reliability of your connection. Two of the most widely used VPN protocols are WireGuard and OpenVPN. Both have distinct advantages and trade-offs, and choosing between them depends on factors like performance, security, ease of use, and compatibility with your devices or network. In this post, we’ll break down the technical differences between WireGuard and OpenVPN to help you understand which might be best suited for your needs.

  1. What is OpenVPN?
OpenVPN is an open-source VPN protocol that has been around since 2001. It is widely regarded as one of the most secure and flexible VPN protocols available today. OpenVPN uses SSL/TLS for key exchange and offers high configurability, which makes it a popular choice for both commercial and open-source VPN providers.
Key Features of OpenVPN:
Open-source: OpenVPN is free and open-source software, which allows anyone to audit the code for security vulnerabilities.
Encryption: OpenVPN uses strong encryption algorithms such as AES-256 for data encryption and RSA or ECDSA for key exchange.
Flexibility: OpenVPN can be configured to run over either UDP or TCP ports, making it adaptable to various network conditions.
Cross-Platform Support: OpenVPN is compatible with a wide range of operating systems, including Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS.
Mature and Reliable: OpenVPN is well-tested and has been used for years by both personal users and businesses for secure remote access.
  1. What is WireGuard?
WireGuard is a newer VPN protocol that was designed to be simpler, faster, and more efficient than traditional VPN protocols like OpenVPN and IPSec. WireGuard was created by Jason A. Donenfeld in 2016 and quickly gained attention for its streamlined codebase and high performance.
Key Features of WireGuard:
Lightweight: WireGuard has a minimal codebase of around 4,000 lines, compared to OpenVPN's much larger codebase. This makes it easier to audit and more efficient to run.
Modern Cryptography: WireGuard uses the latest cryptographic algorithms, including ChaCha20 for encryption and Curve25519 for key exchange, offering high security with lower overhead.
Fast Performance: Due to its simplicity and efficiency, WireGuard can outperform other VPN protocols, especially in terms of connection speed and latency.
Built into the Kernel: WireGuard has been integrated directly into the Linux kernel, which allows for faster packet processing and better overall performance.
Cross-Platform Support: WireGuard is supported on many major platforms, including Linux, Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS.
Simpler Configuration: WireGuard’s configuration is simpler than OpenVPN’s, making it easier for users to set up and manage.
  1. Security: WireGuard vs. OpenVPN
3.1. OpenVPN Security
OpenVPN uses SSL/TLS for encryption, which is one of the most secure and widely adopted protocols in internet security. It supports a variety of encryption algorithms, but the most commonly used for VPNs is AES-256. OpenVPN also provides options for Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS), which ensures that even if a private key is compromised, past communications remain secure.
Pros: OpenVPN’s security is well-established, and it supports strong encryption. It also offers good protection against man-in-the-middle attacks and is highly configurable.
Cons: OpenVPN's support for older cryptographic methods and the complexity of configuration can introduce security risks if not properly managed.
3.2. WireGuard Security
WireGuard uses modern cryptographic algorithms such as ChaCha20, Poly1305, and Curve25519, which are considered highly secure and efficient. The protocol’s minimal codebase reduces the chances of security vulnerabilities, and it has been carefully audited for security flaws.
Pros: WireGuard’s use of modern cryptographic algorithms and its small codebase make it both secure and efficient. It also provides Perfect Forward Secrecy by default.
Cons: Since WireGuard is newer, it hasn’t been as thoroughly tested as OpenVPN. However, it is gaining adoption and has been reviewed positively by security professionals.
  1. Performance: WireGuard vs. OpenVPN
4.1. OpenVPN Performance
OpenVPN can be slower than WireGuard due to its more complex configuration, larger codebase, and higher overhead for encryption and decryption processes. OpenVPN typically runs over UDP (for speed) or TCP (for reliability), but UDP connections can still suffer from latency when the network is congested.
Pros: OpenVPN is highly configurable, and its performance can be adjusted based on user needs.
Cons: OpenVPN’s performance can be affected by the encryption overhead, making it slower than WireGuard, especially on mobile devices or networks with low bandwidth.
4.2. WireGuard Performance
WireGuard’s streamlined code and efficient cryptographic algorithms give it a significant performance advantage over OpenVPN. Because it operates with fewer computational resources, WireGuard is generally faster and more responsive, offering lower latency and higher throughput.
Pros: WireGuard is faster and more efficient, especially on mobile devices, and provides better overall performance with less battery drain and faster connection speeds.
Cons: WireGuard’s performance can still depend on network conditions, but overall, it is considered one of the fastest VPN protocols available.
  1. Ease of Setup and Configuration
5.1. OpenVPN Configuration
OpenVPN is highly configurable, which gives it great flexibility but also makes it more complex to set up. It often requires manual configuration of certificates, encryption settings, and server settings. Additionally, OpenVPN might require extra configuration to ensure it works correctly on different devices and operating systems.
Pros: Highly customizable and configurable to meet specific network needs.
Cons: Can be difficult to set up for non-technical users and requires manual configuration.
5.2. WireGuard Configuration
WireGuard’s design is focused on simplicity, and its configuration is much more straightforward compared to OpenVPN. Users only need to configure the private and public keys for each device, and setup is often as simple as copying and pasting a configuration file.
Pros: Extremely easy to set up and configure, especially for non-technical users.
Cons: Limited configuration options compared to OpenVPN, which may be a disadvantage for some advanced network setups.
  1. Compatibility: WireGuard vs. OpenVPN
6.1. OpenVPN Compatibility
OpenVPN is one of the most widely supported VPN protocols, with compatibility across virtually all platforms and devices, including Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS. It is also supported by most commercial VPN providers.
Pros: Very wide compatibility and mature support across all major platforms.
Cons: The need for additional configuration may hinder usability on certain devices or networks.
6.2. WireGuard Compatibility
WireGuard is newer but is rapidly gaining support across all major operating systems, including Linux, Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS. However, its adoption by VPN providers is still growing, and it is not yet as universally supported as OpenVPN.
Pros: Simple and effective on modern platforms, especially with Linux, where it is natively supported.
Cons: Still gaining traction with VPN providers and may not be as widely supported as OpenVPN in all scenarios.
  1. Use Cases: WireGuard vs. OpenVPN
7.1. Use OpenVPN When:
You need a highly configurable VPN solution for complex enterprise environments.
You require mature, well-tested security and customizable settings.
You need to support a wide variety of devices and platforms, particularly in enterprise environments with varied device configurations.
7.2. Use WireGuard When:
You want a fast, efficient, and lightweight VPN with excellent performance.
You need easy setup and quick deployment for both personal and business use.
You are looking for modern cryptographic standards with lower overhead and better performance on mobile devices.
  1. Conclusion
Both WireGuard and OpenVPN are excellent choices for securing internet traffic, but they cater to different needs. OpenVPN is a mature, flexible solution that offers a high level of customization and is well-suited for complex environments, while WireGuard is a modern, streamlined protocol that delivers faster speeds, better performance, and ease of use.
When deciding between WireGuard and OpenVPN, consider your specific needs:
If you prioritize speed, simplicity, and modern cryptography, WireGuard is a great choice.
If you need flexibility, advanced configuration, and strong compatibility across platforms, OpenVPN is likely the better option.
Both protocols provide strong security, but the best one for you will depend on your use case, technical expertise, and performance requirements.
Which protocol do you prefer for your VPN needs? Share your thoughts in the comments!
submitted by lyn2col to VPN_recommenders [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:56 Soloflow786 A baby Starfish

A baby Starfish submitted by Soloflow786 to BeAmazed [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:56 False-Reputation-623 Those who plays this game that has insanely high ping which vpn y'all use

I've been playing moba games a lot but the main cause of me getting lose streaks is high ping so any suggestion of which vpn y'all use
submitted by False-Reputation-623 to MobileLegendsGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:56 Blakeley00 Civ7: Russia as a civ and Catherine the Great

Firaxis has revealed the second last civilization and an associated leader: We are getting Russia and Catherine the Great.
Russia is a cultural and scientific civ with a starting bias for tundra and furs. Russia has UUs Cossacks and the Katyusha, and gets as their associated wonder the Hermitage. More info & discussion: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/new-civ-game-guide-russia.694059/
Catherine the Great is also cultural and scientific, with also a starting bias for tundra. She gets more culture from displayed great works, and she dislikes players who compete with her for great works. More info & discussion: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/new-first-look-catherine-the-great.694058/
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXz9kj8SpJE
(Picture only - use video link above)
submitted by Blakeley00 to civfanatics [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:56 Vivid_Traffic_2302 26 [m4m] Texas / online dom looking for my forever sub bf

26 [m4m] Texas / online dom looking for my forever sub bf Hi!
I'm a 26 yr old dom top from Texas. I enjoy hiking, traveling, gaming, and working out. I'm looking for someone that leans submissive. I'm also only looking for someone that's open to long term. Of course online at first is fine. I'm largely into gamers and it also will give us something to do together besides only chatting! Personally I mainly play mmos, rpgs, some fps. What about you? : )
submitted by Vivid_Traffic_2302 to gaydating [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 06:56 No_Rice8282 I couldn’t be happier with how my outfit for renfaire turned out!

I couldn’t be happier with how my outfit for renfaire turned out! submitted by No_Rice8282 to renfaire [link] [comments]
