New Paper: 2025-01-18T09:52:45Z

2025.01.18 09:57 emptymalei New Paper: 2025-01-18T09:52:45Z

submitted by emptymalei to AIIsHot [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 Zia_Regal dangling my stilettos

submitted by Zia_Regal to highheeldangle [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 JUSTWANTTOKNO2022 Hey guys/gals

Hey guys/gals, I stream Warzone on MNK. Follow 4 Follow?
submitted by JUSTWANTTOKNO2022 to FollowForFollow [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 gazamcnulty Sudden performance drops in gamemode for PCSX2, compared to desktop mode

PS2 emulation had been basically flawless up until recently. Suddenly the performance really struggles, especially in multiplayer Burnout 3. This was never an issue before, I haven't changed any settings etc, so it could be a recent Emudeck / PCSX2 update.
What's especially odd, is that it's not a problem in desktop mode. When I play the same scenario, Burnout 3 multiplayer on the desktop, it works fine! This is unusual, because usually there should be better performance in game mode compared to desktop. Also, any PCSX2 settings in the desktop should carry over to the game mode too.
Has anyone had similar issues, or know of a fix? Please and thanks
submitted by gazamcnulty to EmuDeck [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 LolaTheZombie Every time i have to play Les at least 4 times before moving on to another music lmao
submitted by LolaTheZombie to spotify [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 Bezoia 😈 MATCHDAY AGAINST GETAFE

😈 MATCHDAY AGAINST GETAFE submitted by Bezoia to FCBarcelona [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 GrzegorzSwoboda Erpolska

Erpolska submitted by GrzegorzSwoboda to poland [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 fazmiharis Hellow.....😻

Hellow.....😻 submitted by fazmiharis to GayRateMe [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 Rafiq_Hasanov app下载app下载 大陆 【薇37378o8o5】返佣开代理注册 DeepCoin

app下载app下载 大陆 【薇37378o8o5】返佣开代理注册 DeepCoin
submitted by Rafiq_Hasanov to FsPosterSubreddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 s0ldier-si6x Strawbarry hay

Strawbarry hay submitted by s0ldier-si6x to GoldenEarring [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 VeryRedTortilla prisoner branch idea

Okay, so I really like the path of getting shackled to the wall in the Prisoner. I think it would be really cool if there was a route that could branch from that (with the voice of the cheated?). Essentially, it would find TLQ chained in the basement and the princess being in his normal position. Maybe she starts in the cabin, and still can't leave without him. Then, in the route, depending on previous choices made in the Prisoner, she will either take the blade or not. I think it could be a really fun route with the princess in TLQ's shoes. Maybe it could be called "The Slayer" or something. What are yall's thoughts?
submitted by VeryRedTortilla to slaytheprincess [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 Rafiq_Hasanov 10u返佣卡是十块钱吗 大陆 【薇信37378o805】顶级代理网址导航 DeepCoin

10u返佣卡是十块钱吗 大陆 【薇信37378o805】顶级代理网址导航 DeepCoin
submitted by Rafiq_Hasanov to FsPosterSubreddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 External_History3184 which ram should i go for?

I currently have 16GB of RAM 3200mhz cl16 ADATA, but I'm considering getting 2x16 GB 3200mhz cl16 from Viper Steel or G.Skill Aegis; they're about the same price. My MOBO is a B660 m gaming DDR4, CPU i3-12100f, and GPU RX 6600 XT. I'm gaming and also doing 3D. For gaming, it's probably not going to change much, but for 3D work, I can see its benefits.
submitted by External_History3184 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 The-Noise-Youtube This is outrageous

This is outrageous Adams over Tonali and Kerkez over Hall?
submitted by The-Noise-Youtube to NUFC [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 theairscout FB keeps telling my password is an old one when it's the right one every time I tried to log in.

As title, for the last few days, every time I tried to log in, a window tells me I tried a five years old password, which is incorrect. The password is the right one and the one I've been using for last couple of years. I even reset the password (to the same one) and then I could log in only do the same once I logged out and tried next time I want to go into FB.
Is this a glitch or a scam? I use Safari but it did the same on Firefox.
Thank you.
submitted by theairscout to facebook [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 Rafiq_Hasanov XRP 10年店《微信:halchiou》虚拟币代付 To CNY Chart

XRP 10年店《微信:halchiou》虚拟币代付 To CNY Chart
submitted by Rafiq_Hasanov to FsPosterSubreddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 PanCreper1 Heli rudder twitch

The rudder on my helicopters keeps twitching. This sint caused by my hardware. Does anyone know the root of this problem?
submitted by PanCreper1 to MicrosoftFlightSim [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 gay-little-puppet No I didn't.

No I didn't. submitted by gay-little-puppet to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 ilkikuinthadik Did this ever work?

Did this ever work? submitted by ilkikuinthadik to DBZmemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 Objective_Net5355 Should i quit intern after 1 week?

I know it sounds really bad but I just had a gut feeling that something is not right with the company. I have worked in quite a few companies and I understand how onboarding is like in the week. However, when I had my first day no one really was there to guide me or understand my work and I was told to "know everything" and was advised not to make "too many mistakes" as the stakeholders I was working with was too big and I should not mess up. Oh btw, no one seemed to be very welcoming and no one approached me to say hi. For starters, I was asked to rush a deck on just my 2/3/4/5th day of work and needed to hand it up eod but was only informed at 5pm!! my hours are standard 9-6 but it seems that my team works past these hours, but I never thought much of this. Fast forward few days later, it seemed really weird that I was given tasks nearer to 6 and it really makes me feel very anxious. On top of that, I don't really get much instructions and feedback but I have to make amendments because they are not satisfactory.. but I don't know what is wrong so I keep guessing and trying to get people to help me. Right from the get go I understood that the nature of the work is fast-paced but I really expected more guidance, but it seems like I am not getting any. Its like I am expected to know how to do something just from information in a meeting and suddenly I am handling a project on my own without any background on it. Back to the working hours, I did ask someone about it and I heard that the dept I am in does not go off early at all. like they stay really late and interns were expected to do so too. I mean tbh if I don't even get to wfh and have to come in everyday, do I really need to stay past my working hours? i feel especially tired and it even feels like a month since I started the job. but since I'm taking a gap year I have to find another job and I heard the job market is bad. my notice period is longer than 2 weeks and idk how to leave this job immediately and the repercussions of it. help guys xDXd
submitted by Objective_Net5355 to SGExams [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 Gloomy_Evidence_6914 Worried about my feelings towards my ex

So I (F28) was broken up with by my now-ex (M26) about a couple of years ago. I admittedly was in a pretty bad headspace due to long work hours, a bad roommate situation, and a precarious financial situation. During that time he was nothing but sweet, but the relationship was strained to the point where a breakup was needed. We remained friends for a while, but eventually I decided to take a clean break since I was still navigating the pain of the breakup. It was a very emotional experience for the both of us, and the first time I ever saw him cry.
Fast forward to about a month ago, I was reflecting on a previous relationship and realized that I had come very far when it came to setting boundaries for myself, being more independent, and working through a lot of my trauma. I'm now in a better situation financially, mentally, and emotionally, and realized this could not have happened without the breakup which brought the gravity of my situation to light. I reached out to my ex to thank him, not expecting a response (and even noting in that apology that there was no obligation to respond to the message if he didn't want to).
Surprisingly, he reached out and apologized to me for not giving me the space that was necessary following the breakup. I offered to meet up with him to catch up, and, surprisingly, he took me up on that offer.
We met up at a quiet bar, and chatted until closing time about my plans of attending grad school to become a therapist, and his plans of travelling for at least a year come March. He invited me to talk in his car, and we spent a good hour or so chatting about the mundane and enjoying music together. I opened up about some of my anxiety with meeting up after so long, and he was very reassuring. He asked me if I wanted to go somewhere with him, and I had offered my apartment up. Surprisingly, despite it being out of his way, he agreed to it and we made the 20-ish minute drive back to my city.
Long story short, we got takeout, watched a movie, and one thing led to another (once again, very much a surprise). He ended up leaving my apartment in the morning, but we spent the night kissing and cuddling and, despite the awkward lulls of the conversation throughout the night, things felt natural between the two of us. I offered to hang out again, which he agreed to, but, due to scheduling differences, we won't be able to meet up for another week or so, but that we will talk when he gets back from a trip with friends.
Now I'm very much in my head over what happened. He's not the type of guy to mess around, for lack of a better term, and he even made a joke about how my copy of "how to love a difficult man" was about him. Still, I can't help but guard my feelings. He was, for lack of a better term, the one who got away, and that meet-up got me caught up in some feelings that I worried aren't reciprocated. But then I keep reminding myself that he didn't HAVE to meet up with me, he didn't HAVE to invite me to his car, he didn't HAVE to take me up on my offer to watch a movie at my apartment, or make a move on me, or spend the night, etc. etc. etc.
I would love a male perspective on this situation. I think I would like to offer to rekindle the relationship, I undoubtedly still hold feelings and care towards him, but I'm worried that I may be setting myself up for hurt. Am I in over my head?? If not, what would be the best way to approach him about this idea??
submitted by Gloomy_Evidence_6914 to AskMenRelationships [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 angel19222 LOOKING FOR THIS TRADE

LOOKING FOR THIS TRADE Hi! Would anyone do this ? I can add randoms if need be:)
submitted by angel19222 to RobloxAdoptme [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 Secure-Swordfish3659 Estoy rodeados de comunistas...

Hola! Vivo en Barcelona hace 5 años... Constantemente choco ideologicamente con todos. Casi todos los catalanes que conozco piensan lo siguiente: - Esta bien que los pisos vacíos de los bancos sean ocupados. - Creen que los ricos deberían pagar muchos más impuestos. - Creen que la venta y alquileres de pisos debería estar mucho más regulado. - Gastan todo su dinero en tonterías y no tienen cultura de ahorro e inversión. - Están muy asociadas favor de proteger a cualquier tipo de inmigrante que entre a España.
Y constantemente me guardo mis pensamientos que son: - La menor cantidad de impuestos y regulaciones para absolutamente todo. - El sistema de pensiones es una estafa piramidal avalada por nuestros abuelos robándole el dinero a los jóvenes. Debería ser erradicado y que la inmensa mayoría de las personas que apoyaron este modelo paguen las consecuencias. - El gobierno sólo debería dar seguridad y justicia. - No debería haber organismos públicos, cuando mucho sanidad y educación por un sistema de vouchers para fomentar la competencia. - La propiedad privada por encima de casi todo. Si entra un ladron que le pueda disparar sin ningún problema. - Derecho a la libre portación de armas. - Más construcción de plantas nucleares.
Bueno en fin, constantemente siento que estoy rodeado de un montón de comunistas y pienso... ¿en serio tengo que convivir con toda esta gente?
submitted by Secure-Swordfish3659 to askspain [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 anchorsonboard culture effortpost

culture effortpost submitted by anchorsonboard to Polcompballanarchy [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 09:57 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Top Stories] - Shop shuts as Dragons' Den star takes over company | BBC

[Top Stories] - Shop shuts as Dragons' Den star takes over company | BBC submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]