Jennifer Aniston had harassment from women in her workplace in the past

2025.01.18 12:31 Accomplished-Umpire7 Jennifer Aniston had harassment from women in her workplace in the past

Jennifer Aniston had harassment from women in her workplace in the past submitted by Accomplished-Umpire7 to yourhotblogs [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 Smart_Picture_2066 How to filter out these logs when running from command line?

I'm running blender from the command line with a python script: blender scene.blend --python-use-system-env -b -y --python ./
I want to see the print statement I'm making inside the worker file but I want to filter out these logs starting with "Fra:" or "Saved:".

Fra:225 Mem:1559.06M (Peak 1847.03M) | Time:00:01.22 | Mem:991.28M, Peak:1151.25M | Scene, ViewLayer | Updating Device | Writing constant memory Fra:225 Mem:1559.06M (Peak 1847.03M) | Time:00:01.22 | Mem:991.28M, Peak:1151.25M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 0/32 Fra:225 Mem:1559.06M (Peak 1847.03M) | Time:00:01.23 | Remaining:00:00.36 | Mem:991.28M, Peak:1151.25M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 1/32 Fra:225 Mem:1569.07M (Peak 1847.03M) | Time:00:01.35 | Mem:991.28M, Peak:1151.25M | Scene, ViewLayer | Sample 32/32 Fra:225 Mem:1569.07M (Peak 1847.03M) | Time:00:01.35 | Mem:991.28M, Peak:1151.25M | Scene, ViewLayer | Finished Fra:225 Mem:1569.07M (Peak 1847.03M) | Time:00:01.35 | Compositing Saved: 'output/100009/depth0225.webp' Saved: 'output/100009/transparent0225.webp' Saved: 'output/100009/parts0225.webp' Saved: 'output/100009/mask0225.webp' Saved: 'rgb.png' Time: 00:01.50 (Saving: 00:00.02) 
is there a way to do this?
submitted by Smart_Picture_2066 to blenderhelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 LowGroundbreaking572 Mein Bruder hat mir gerade gebeichtet, dass er Erpresst wird.

Trigger Warnung! Grooming/Erpressung
Mahlzeit Reddit :)
Heute war ich bei der Familie und mein kleiner Bruder (19. Hier einfacherhalber J. Genannt) hat mich (23) zurseite gezogen und mir gebeichtet, dass er vor einem halben Jahr ein Mädchen (hier A. Genannt) übers Internet kennengelernt hat und er sich irgendwo auch in sie verliebt hat.
Nun, nach Wochen und Monaten des Kennenlernens, Voicecalls und auch FaceTime verlangt die Person hinter A, dass mein Bruder ihr regelmäßig Geld schickt, da A. erst 16 ist und J. sonst zur Anzeige gezogen wird. Ich gehe zu 100% davon aus, dass auch bestimmte andere Sachen geschickt worden sind was dieses Problem deutlich schlimmer macht.
Einen Einlauf hat er von mir auf jeden Fall bekommen, aber ich hab ihm versprochen ihn zu helfen, is ja mein Bruder... solange er mich nicht angelogen hat und nach Geld fragt.
Ich kenn mich leider selber gar nicht im Recht und Gesetz aus und ich möchte nicht zu unseren Eltern gehen da J. absolut davor Angst hat. Ich weiß aber nicht wie ich ihm sonst helfen kann.
submitted by LowGroundbreaking572 to Ratschlag [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 Same_Reception_3643 How does it feels to get a girlfriend for the first time ?

submitted by Same_Reception_3643 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 goldent3abag Got my new sticker... get mad

Got my new sticker... get mad submitted by goldent3abag to Bumperstickers [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 Lanafernandez23 I’d be greatful for anything
If anyone can help even small donations i would be forever greatful🙏. I would more than love to return the favor as soon as I get on my 👣everyone needs a helping hand, and it seems I’ve fallen on my own hard times and really can’t get out of this whole I’m in and it just gets deeper I’ve used the rest of my money on rent and food and gas I just turned 20 and I’m learning my way alone in the world
submitted by Lanafernandez23 to HuntsvilleAlabama [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 Venodijaner Premium goriva, različit miris iz auspuha

Ovo je jedino što sam primijetio kao razliku između dizela za 1.4 i onog za 1.8€.
Kad auto radi u leru, miris ovog jeftinijeg je loš.
submitted by Venodijaner to croautomobili [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 Frxnogda Help me choose

Help me choose submitted by Frxnogda to gshock [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 tox_oplas-mosis Coalst to Coalst flight, to find his next "fixer upper" ? Meanwhile, these cars looked pretty fixed up.

Coalst to Coalst flight, to find his next submitted by tox_oplas-mosis to thefighterandthekid [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 Upstairs_Joke_608 anong edad mo naisip na “matanda” ka na pala talaga?

and ano napansin o narealize mo that made you think na matanda ka na
submitted by Upstairs_Joke_608 to AskPH [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 shiden_raidan JJW Moment LE HHKB

JJW Moment LE HHKB submitted by shiden_raidan to CustomKeyboards [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 Sure-Assistance-6509 Unweighted GPA

Do all colleges use the college board method for calculating unweighted GPA?
I have a weighted GPA of 4.99. But when I calculate unweighted GPA using college board method, it comes down to 3.7.
Do all colleges use this same method? For BSMD, do all colleges even covert to unweighted GPA?
My school only gives weighted GPA on the transcript. They don't calculate unweighted GPA. Please advise. Thank you!
submitted by Sure-Assistance-6509 to bsmd [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 leakhipies TJ Maxx Promo Code for January 2025

Click the link for TJ Maxx Promo Code for January 2025. Save some money by selecting one of the current promo codes or coupons on that page. That page is updated regularly with the latest coupons, promo codes, and deals. Take advantage of the discounts by selecting one to use.
submitted by leakhipies to ZapSupport [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 Samux66 "Tried the Tryndamere/Jax feminization build with quadruple slow (Iceborn + Grudge + Stridebreaker + Exhaust) against a 1M mastery points Trynda. He gave me two free kills thinking he could dive me. 😎"

submitted by Samux66 to yorickmains [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 ToryStellar All this masterball hunting… let’s see some 151 wins

All this masterball hunting… let’s see some 151 wins My Kakuna is in the ball 🥲🙂
submitted by ToryStellar to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 Different-Date-7060 DONALD PLATH

DONALD PLATH Both launch on the same platform. Is it a sign?
submitted by Different-Date-7060 to SolanaMemeCoins [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 CakeHead-Gaming Why do Tiktok / Shorts creators have subtitles?

As I've noticed with a lot of Tiktoks / shorts, the videos come with subtitles on-screen already. You would assume this is to help the hard of hearing, or those like myself who just like subtitles. However, these subtitles are just... terrible. They're never actually correct to the words the person is saying and just serve to confuse and take up room on the screen, so why are they even included? I assume it's just an algorithm thing, or perhaps just tradition, but even then, why did this tradition start?
I don't use these platforms myself, nor create on them, so I don't know if it's just a requirement, or if it's autogenerated and automatically enabled or something of the sort, but I assume it can't be as the text style is always usually different so I'd presume the text is custom / hand written.
Thank you for your time, and willingness to help a confused stranger. Have a good day. - TLDR, Why do Tiktoks have subtitles when they're always so bad..?
submitted by CakeHead-Gaming to ask [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 Huicrox Is there currently any game mode where is easier to get 5 wins in a row?

Just the title
submitted by Huicrox to FallGuysGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 Puzzleheaded1337 Tür öffnet nicht mehr

Moin, ich hab gestern Nacht meine Tür von innen zugeschlossen und heute morgen bekomme ich den Schlüssel noch ein halbe Umdrehung gedreht und dann sitzt er fest. Jemand spontan eine Idee was da genau defekt sein könnte ?
submitted by Puzzleheaded1337 to Handwerker [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 IHadToChoseAUsernam3 Hey, new scarlet witch main looking for content creators to watch.

So i recently decided to otp Scarlet witch(Atleast until emma frost is released). pretty much deciding that whatever tier she is in i wanna make her work. And since i will have a week without playing i wanna try to find a few content creators to watch to improve decitionmaking and cd usage since that seems to be the difference between good and decent scarlet witch players. Is there any content creators to watch to learn and see in practise how they play, what decitions they make and how they use thier skills?
submitted by IHadToChoseAUsernam3 to ScarletWitchMains [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 iiDutchboyy Registeel 278556924532

submitted by iiDutchboyy to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 Withoutloopsiwilldie Big John eats up everyone’s votes like the lard arse he is. Now, who’s a character who is morally grey, and divisive in the fanbase?

Big John eats up everyone’s votes like the lard arse he is. Now, who’s a character who is morally grey, and divisive in the fanbase? Runners up for 4th square:
Tara’s Sister - 2nd Place
Tara - 3rd Place
Neil’s Dad - 4th place (Unclear whether or not opinions are divided on his sexuality or his likability)
submitted by Withoutloopsiwilldie to TheInbetweeners [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 Ok_Loquat9149 Meu setup depois de muito pesquisar e garimpar!

Buenas musiconautas! Depois que decidi iniciar no hobby do vinil eu simplesmente entrei em um hiperfoco tremendo pra encontrar um aparelho pra rodar os discos. Pesquisei no marketplace do facebook, google, etc. Os aparelhos mais em conta são ruins e não tava com grana pra comprar uma vitrola moderna! Montei meu setup com um preço absurdamente baixo.
Perguntei pra uma porrada de gente se tinham algum som guardado pra vender e, depois de muito sondar, encontrei uma colega de trabalho que tinha um 3X1 MS-100 da gradiente parado em casa e simplesmente me deu o som! Cara, que maravilha.
Infelizmente ele tava com defeito e veio a busca pela manutenção, depois de muito sondar e pesquisar também, indo em lojas e através de indicações, encontrei um senhor que me cobrou míseros 50 reais pra fazer a manutenção, que era um ajuste no prato, agulha e braço! Gastei 80 reais com duas agulhas, que se mostraram péssimas. Ele acabou por adaptar uma agulha de maior qualidade e ficou excelente, não me cobrou nada por isso! Rodei o som em uma caixinha chinesa até que esta semana comprei um par de caixas da gradiente em uma loja de antiguidades.
Basicamente montei meu setup completo por menos de 350 reais!! É muito satisfatório ver esse som e sua história tocando todos esses vinis que tenho comprado por 10 - 15 reais de um vendedor que tem um pequeno sebo aqui. Já estou com uns 20 discos de música brasileira, internacional, jamaicana (que infelizmente, meu disco mais caro e raro, se quebrou hoje ao escorregar da minha mão...)
É um hobby maravilhoso, nos conecta com a história da música, nos ensina paciência e a apreciar música, diferente desse consumo rápido e entediante dos streamings. É incrível pensar que discos de 40 - 50 anos atrás estão animando minhas noites após tanto tempo parados ou esquecidos, assim como o som.
Eu sinceramente recomendo isso pra todo mundo, é um verdadeiro contato emocional com a música! Depois que começa não quer parar mais! Não podemos deixar a cultura do vinil, da boa música brasileira morrer! Viva o vinil!
submitted by Ok_Loquat9149 to Vinil [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 AlyKosta WB Deoxys: 8537 5675 3401

submitted by AlyKosta to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 Davidnkt Anyone else marketing to cybersecurity teams? Need advice on reaching them

Fellow SaaS marketers,
We've built an AI tool 'GrackerAI' specifically for cybersecurity marketing teams. Early feedback is great, but reaching this niche audience is tricky.
What we've tried:

What channels have worked for you in reaching security/tech marketing teams? Any unexpected wins?
Appreciate any insights!
submitted by Davidnkt to SaaSMarketing [link] [comments]