2025.01.18 12:52 Acrobatic_Spring Bandeau
submitted by Acrobatic_Spring to Floral_Bikinis [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 12:52 dduddupinggu Where'd the beat go?!
submitted by dduddupinggu to SoundTripPh [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 12:52 maybenotarobot429 Building a switch puzzle
Hi all! I hope I am in the right spot.
I am building a puzzle that is a grid of 16 switches. They all start at position A and if you flip the four correct switches and only the four correct switches to position B, it lights up a light bulb. I remember enough of fooling around with electronics kits as a kid in junior high school science class to wire this up.
What I need is a suggestion for the switches to use. It doesn't really matter whether they are toggle switches, rockers, or slide switches. But they need to be just two positions (A/B, not A/B/off). This is not a professional endeavor so inexpensive is good, but preferably not something that will break upon first years. Plus nothing too tiny. Ideally I would use something like a regular light switch, but those are relatively expensive.
Yes, I did search on Amazon and a couple other places, but Amazon's search results are so polluted with sponsored stuff now that I am not sure what is anything approaching a good match to what I need.
Does anyone have a good suggestion for a specific product or a specific brand? Or a website that sells this kind of stuff, but to hobbyists, not industrial corporations. 20 years ago I would have just walked into a Radio Shack but...
submitted by maybenotarobot429 to AskElectronics [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 12:52 Unusual_Jellyfish224 How to determine whether a job opportunity is way over my head?
I've been offered a job that is essentially my dream job, but I'm afraid that the learning curve would be too much to overcome. I've apparently aced the interviews, but lack the technical skills (finance, advanced Excel). It's a pretty senior role so there won't be extensive training available either.
Should I just gracefully decline?
submitted by Unusual_Jellyfish224 to careerguidance [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 12:52 zurbaev [PSX] H: 699 Marika's Runes (80k each) per player; W: karma
Place your red or golden signs near the Church of Elleh site of grace. Make sure that you have 'Cross-Region Play' setting set to 'Perform Matchmaking' and your multiplayer password set to TDOSS (all caps).
Since it's a time consuming giveaway, please wait if I don't summon you right away.
P.S.: please don't DM me after this giveway marked as completed, thank you.
submitted by zurbaev to PatchesEmporium [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 12:52 Competitive_Hawk1424 you look lonely.... I can fix that
submitted by Competitive_Hawk1424 to MurderDronesOfficial [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 12:52 takokolowe shiftee, transferee, planning to enroll next s.y
do you have any idea if paano po kaya ang process if nakapag start na po ako ng first year first sem pero meron po akong failing grade. im planning to shift po sana sa ibang course (currently rad, plan lumipat bsn) pero next s.y na po sana. mag kakaron po ba ng problem regarding my situation?
and meron po ba kayo idea ano po magandang school around cavite for nursing?
submitted by takokolowe to studentsph [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 12:52 Interesting-Catch111 Church recruiter
I was reading another person's story about the Bible study woman on a different sub, and I may have met the same exact person. Not sure though, and it was a woman about 27 years old talking to me at a coffee shop asking me questions and seeming really innocent and friendly. She told me that she was having some get together with a group of friends, and it was to hang out at this friend's apartment and do crafts while eating and talking about their faith. She didn't give me any specific names of the church or organization, or an address for this friend's event, but would I like to come and did I want to give her my number. I gave it to her but in hindsight wish I had faked it and given her a fake one, and she followed up that evening with a nice to meet you etc. She told me if I wanted to come she could pick me up from the nearest metro station but never gave me the address should I want to get there myself or anything specific. I never ended up going because I didn't get a good feeling about it. Was this trafficking or some church cult? And is this person still approaching people and ever been caught? I'm so afraid I'll run into her again.
submitted by Interesting-Catch111 to RBI [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 12:52 isabelsstauff Segregation i ledande positioner på arbetsmarknaden – vanligt eller ovanligt?
Jag arbetar på ett företag med minst 200 anställda från multikulturella bakgrunder. Till en början kändes det rättvist, eftersom jag själv är utländsk och flyttade till Sverige för sju år sedan. Sedan jag kom hit har mitt främsta mål varit att lära mig svenska så bra som om jag vore född här. Även om det fortfarande finns en liten brytning i mitt uttal, får jag ofta höra att jag verkligen har gjort stora framsteg och utvecklat min svenska till en nästan perfekt nivå. Det är såklart inte helt perfekt än – jag kan fortfarande blanda ihop ett och en ibland. Men detta är fortfarande en stor sak för mig, och jag arbetar kontinuerligt på att förbättra mig.
Jag är utbildad i mitt hemland (i Sydamerika ) och har tidigare arbetat i militären i tre år som enhetschef för folkhälsan vid en flygplats inom luftfarten. Det är tydligt att min erfarenhet skiljer sig mycket från det arbete jag gör här, och företagets arbetssätt är också ganska annorlunda.
Från första början har jag förstått att om man vill integrera sig i ett nytt samhälle krävs tre viktiga saker, där språket är en av dem. Jag är ambitiös och försöker alltid göra mitt bästa – och lite till för att nå mina mål. Tack vare det har jag lyckats få en högre position än den jag började med.
Men ibland undrar jag varför alla högsta positioner på företaget innehas av svenskar. Det finns inte en enda utländsk person på ledande nivå. Är detta vanligt på andra företag också, eller är det en subtil form av segregation av utrikesfödda på arbetsmarknaden?
submitted by isabelsstauff to sweden [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 12:52 win_a Why don't samsung focus on sync their default font on all of their apps.
I love oneui new default font, but this won't sync in all of their apps like whatsapp and Instagram and it feels like half cooked thing. I wish they focus on this too.
submitted by win_a to samsung [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 12:52 julius-blablabla New units kit (from sui event)
I got this from the Discord so bear withe
1 Operators' Kit 1.) Yu - Primal Protector Talent 1 When blocked an enemy, gains Sanctuary. Blocked enemy will be inflicted with Arts DoT & Burn Impairment DoT Talent 2 When there are a certain amount unit on the field, heals himself with certain percentage of Max HP & Elemental HP per seconds
Skill 1 Passive: Increase Taunt, Max HP, & DEF Deals Burn Impairment everytime he got attacked to the enemies
Skill 2 (Swordmaster range) Immedietly teleport all the ground nemies to his position & deals Arts damage. Increases Block Count, Max HP, ATK. Attack deals Arts Damage
Skill 3 Increases Max HP, ATK, DEF. Talent 2 will now affected to all Operator on the battlefield. Spawn a fire wall in front of him that go through the battlefield. Every damage passes the fire wall will now deals Burn Impairment (Virtuosa S2 thingy). Enemy's damage passes the fire wall, there's a chance of it being nullified
2.) Blaze the Igniting Spark - Primal Caster Talent 1 When there are enemy on the field that get inflicted by Burn Burst, immedietly deals certain percentage of her ATK as Elemental damage & heals herself Talent 2 When defeated, revives herself & gains alot of Barrier. When she's down, can't attack, healed. Regen her own HP & when fully revived, stuns surrounding enemies for a few seconds
Skill 1 Immedietly choose Ally inside her range with the highest Max HP. Gives them an Aura that deals Arts DoT & Burns Impairment for a few seconds
Skill 2 Increase Attack Range, Attack Interval, Attack Count, & ATK Losses HP everytime she attacks & leaves a Burn Tiles. When enemy passes through them, reduce movement speed & deals Arts Damage
Skill 3 Increases Attack Range, ATK. Reduces Attack Interval greatly. Attack now deals AoE. When enemies in Burn Burst, deals extra Elemental Damage Loses HP/Sec, Ammo-Based & when there are enemies that got inflicted by Burn Burst, recover her Ammo (She can't deals Burn herself lmao)
submitted by julius-blablabla to arknights [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 12:52 Virtual-Permission69 How bad is nicotine for tapering
I was a huge user of nicotine pouches. If anyone knows they come in 3 or 6mg usually and I would shove multiple pouches at a time throughout the day while taking my prescribed benzo dose. Eventually I hit a wall and became a nervous wreck even while going back up on dose. I didn’t think that nicotine and even caffeine would have that much of an effect but it got to the point where putting in just one pouch would make me have anxiety. Not the kind where other people can see you having an attack but the personal kind where you just become scared and worried about everything. Then it would subside after an hour or so. The problem is even though I take much less, I was taking such insane amounts that even now is still above average and I’ve cut out 90% of nicotine.
But now I get twitching which is new when I use. I’m not even tapering because I want to stabilize but I can’t and now I’m just procrastinating and worried I will repeat what happened again. I have feeling of sunburned shoulders when doing anything physical. My neck locks up if I carry something, and I’m still trying to take less nicotine but it’s so closely combined with my use of my clonazepam that I don’t know how to taper together and get off one or both separately or together.
I feel like no one has these symptoms and I’m all alone. My system is so screwed up that even reinstating didn’t get rid of a lot of my issues now that never happened. I’m at the point where I don’t think it’s the benzos and the doctors are right and it’s fibromyalgia. I still have to taper either way but scared I will hit the wall because I still feel it from the last time but it’s been months. I want to get better half the time and the other half of time I want to give up and just die. I have twitching now and can’t even work. I’m a cashier and everything and everyone annoys me, I have to taper but I can’t start
submitted by Virtual-Permission69 to benzorecovery [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 12:52 Philipp_Artography Emily
submitted by Philipp_Artography to TFP_Foto_Deutschland [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 12:52 Available_Seesaw_238 Daguerrotype of an unidentified woman. Photographed by Thomas Martin Easterly in St Louis, Missouri, 1850s
submitted by Available_Seesaw_238 to StLouis [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 12:52 Shulk2089 IF YALL DONT WAKE TH UP ITS PLAYOFF GAME GAY ❤️💛
submitted by Shulk2089 to Commanders [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 12:52 HairySpeech6383 Actinide chalcogen complex. Is my thinking correct for this question?
See the first picture for the question and my structure drawn. My initial thoughts: Likely to have the trans linear O=U=O unit. Molecular formula (UO5S2H6) gives the molecular weight = 388 gmol-1. MW of H2O = 18. 0. Weight contribution of H2O = 0.14 x 388 = 54.32. Then 54.32/18 = 3 so 3 coordinated H2O molecules. So that takes up all the O atoms so the Sulfur atoms must be attached to the [CH-CH]2- fragment. Does the [CH-CH]2- fragment or the sulphurs coordinate to the U centre? U can have maximum oxidation state of 6+. So if 2xO2- = 4-. Then 2- from fragment, and neutral waters then that gives 6+. So sulphurs cannot coordinate (although sulphurs on their own are neutral??) Could it be S-CH-CH-S where the sulfurs form a disulphide bridge? submitted by HairySpeech6383 to InorganicChemistry [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 12:52 xAeternusx Back-up of Dashingdon
Someone made a back-up of all WIPs that are on Dashingdon. So on your browser search for "Dashingdon backup" or "backup of dashongdon"
submitted by xAeternusx to hostedgames [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 12:52 WeirdCod812 Selling for $30 comes with access too ps account too
General Information 🆔 Account Level: 608 🏆 Lifetime Wins: 33 Current Season Information 🎫 Battlepass Level: 17 💳 Purchased Battlepass: ❌ 🔢 Season Level: 17 Refund Information 💸 Refunds Used: 0 🔄 Refunds Remaining: 3 Gift Information 🎁 Gifts Sent: 0 📦 Gifts Received: 0 🎁 Allowed to Receive Gifts: False 💰 V-Bucks: 480 🔄 Last Match Date: 01/12/2025 21<:35:1271212363831316622>48 (4 Days Ago) Founder's Edition(s) Standard Founder’s Pack Deluxe Founder’s Pack submitted by WeirdCod812 to FortniteAccountsSale [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 12:52 Wonejo86 .
submitted by Wonejo86 to BeelcitosMemes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 12:52 Asleep-Detail-8471 Need a brutal Feargasm for her. Kik: TrustDiscovery49
submitted by Asleep-Detail-8471 to Melinamsxou_heiss [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 12:52 guilehange The Darklands
Heyaa! So, today while I was re-watching Trollhunters, I got to that episode where Jim accidentally slays the changeling in the dentist's office and it got me wondering: what happens with the baby in the Darklands after the changeling is "taken care off" and filled their purpose?
Cuz we know from the Janus Order and from Strickler's plan of changelings controlling the world that there's a bunch of changelings all over the place, but when Chompsky gets to the nursery in the Darklands, there aren't nearly as many babies there as there should be.
Any ideas or thoughts about this?
submitted by guilehange to TrollHunters [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 12:52 jojokazaki Chum over Ewsha & Vinash
If Chum is evicted before Ewsha I think I’m going to be more upset than any of the other results. Ewsha needs to be evicted at the 6th position for my own mental sanity and welfare lol.
submitted by jojokazaki to biggboss [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 12:52 midwest_central Residue from Lead U Channel
Hi everyone! Novice question here. I bulk ordered a spool of lead came for the borders of my projects, but it’s leaving a gray dusty oxide residue on my fingers every time I touch it. Seems unhealthy. What recommendations do you have to eliminate the dust/residue on final projects? Some kind of sealer or polish? Thank you!
submitted by midwest_central to StainedGlass [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 12:52 Darkang45 Comment as if the Resident Evil 4 universe is real
submitted by Darkang45 to residentevil4 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 12:52 Any_Moment4106 Something I didn't like about season 2
Richter felt like a side character again. He did have some great moments in the last few episodes but it felt like Maria has become the main character this season. I think she is getting Richter's evil arc if there is 3rd season. I'm worried that Richter will be written out completely if it gets renewed for another season since Juste is also a Belmont and he has become a mentor for the new lead Maria.
submitted by Any_Moment4106 to castlevania [link] [comments]