The producer of nath who kicked avi out cos of chahat showed up according to avinash

2025.01.18 18:20 AngelWithWings1812 The producer of nath who kicked avi out cos of chahat showed up according to avinash

Sorry avinash but this story line with chahat gets more confusing the more u open ur mouth.

  1. Chahat was obsessed with you.
  2. She was also arrogant and made everyone life on set difficult.
  3. Then infront of Hina u said working was OK.
  4. Then she had bf.
  5. The guy outside whose name u said salman used was right refused it very clearly with proof.
  6. Now u saying that producer was the producer of nath and he's backing u. But then why did u get thrown out the show.
Bruh it doesn't make sense.
submitted by AngelWithWings1812 to biggboss [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 andreyob Did not expect this DSK deck to go 7-0

Did not expect this DSK deck to go 7-0
Had to splash Floodpits Drowner because I just didn't have any other playables. Waltz of Rage won me both games I drew it in. Sheltered by Ghosts (especially on the flyer) was back-breaking for the opponents, as expected.
However, I still think I was really lucky to trophy with this deck.
Bonus: a funny game where I gained 48 life with Waltz of Rage and Sheltered by Ghosts on Norin.
submitted by andreyob to lrcast [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 Antique-Document-156 Meds saved my life

I started abilify about 2 weeks ago now, and wow, I feel like a breath of fresh air. I never tried any other ocd meds, I was raw dogging ocd for 3 years and I finally gave up because it got so bad. My dr put me on abilify right away and it has saved my life.
I just want to let you all know that there is hope for you allšŸ«¶šŸ» you will find something that helps you, AND WERE ALL GONNA KICK OCDS ASSšŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼ā£ļø
submitted by Antique-Document-156 to OCD [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 lss_web_1444 Link post title 931

Link post title 931 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 snapdown36 Looking at this for my first plane. Thoughts?

Looking at this for my first plane. Thoughts? Looking at this #4 Stanley for my first hand plane. Does anyone see any concerns with it?
submitted by snapdown36 to handtools [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 ffsmm Dudley and dementors

I recently stumbled upon an old interview where jk said people where going to find out what Dudley saw when he encountered dementors and Iā€™ve never read anything canon about it. I assume she referred to the fact that the things he saw made him reconsider they way he treats others and Harry specifically. Does anyone have any confirmation on this? What do you think he saw?
submitted by ffsmm to HarryPotterBooks [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 aguila1915 What are we wearing?

What are we wearing? Hereā€™s my fit. Or half of it anyway
submitted by aguila1915 to Texans [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 cassadillaaaaaaa Is this phrase that my mom used consistently during childhood hurting me in adulthood?

Hi all -
This is my first time posting but Iā€™ve been following this community for a few months now.
For a brief background - I started trauma therapy in July 2024 and have since discovered that my father is a narcissist and my mom is a complete enabler.
As I was cleaning this morning, I remembered this phrase my mom used to say every time my ndad got mad at her about something us kids did.
ā€œYou got me in troubleā€.
Even typing that out made me feel weird in my chest and headā€¦ Iā€™m trying understand the consequences that this phrase may have on me as an adult and as I start preparing to have children.
For more context, Iā€™ll provide an example: I was about 4 or 5 here. We were traveling home via RV from a vacation. Before we left, my mom had told me to change into a pull-up diaper in case I had to go to the bathroom. I remember thinking ā€œI donā€™t want to wear that diaper, I donā€™t need itā€. So, I didnā€™t put it on. Well naturally, while we were on the road, I started to feel like I had to go. I told my parents and they said something along the lines of ā€œgo in your diaperā€. When I told them I didnā€™t put it on, they started getting angry with me. As Iā€™m thinking about how to tell yaā€™ll this next part, Iā€™m realizing how messed up it is. Their solution to this problem: pull into a random parking lot and pee in one of the planters. I was MORTIFIED and crying and couldnā€™t do it. I ended up not going because of how embarrassing it was. Of course, my ndad is furious (because he had to even stop in the first place) and started yelling at my mom because she didnā€™t make sure I put on the diaper. My momā€™s response to me: ā€œLook what you did, you got me in troubleā€.
I realize now what a good parent wouldā€™ve done in this situation and writing this out really helped me realize how messed up this was.
Do any of you have experience with this type of behavior from a nparent or enabler parent? Do you recognize ways it affects you today?
submitted by cassadillaaaaaaa to narcissisticparents [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 czsvetok ESPRIT DE CORPS [ŠŸŃ€Š¾ŃŃ‚Š¾ : Š£ŃŠæŠµŃ…]

submitted by czsvetok to suddenlyrussians [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 Square-Ad421 A329 or A229 Pro + RTC300 Telephoto?

Quick question - what is better buy for quality picture A329 or A229 Pro + RTC300 Telephoto
submitted by Square-Ad421 to Dashcam [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 monkeycommo Can someone drop me bloody slash ash of war PS4

Can someone please drop me the bloody slash ash of war. I have one but need the other please
submitted by monkeycommo to CypherRing [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 VeryBigCloud Stuck here in Bowser Inside Story

Stuck here in Bowser Inside Story This part is broken, I blow with all of my might, I blow gently and slowly or rapidly, but nothing works, help I can't progress.
submitted by VeryBigCloud to Mario [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 Jaded_Animator_105 Wall mural I am half done with

Wall mural I am half done with Thoughts and criticism appreciated
submitted by Jaded_Animator_105 to AbstractArt [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 starrysky45 flexing so hard her toes are lifting off the floor

flexing so hard her toes are lifting off the floor submitted by starrysky45 to SarahBowmar [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 Ill-Radio-5729 I usually donā€™t care for horoscopes but this is spot on for me today

I usually donā€™t care for horoscopes but this is spot on for me today submitted by Ill-Radio-5729 to AriesTheRam [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 veganer_metzger Man darf Medis mit einem Bachelor geben?

Long Story short:
Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Studiengang fĆ¼r mich Ć¼ber den Studiengang "Digitales Rettungsmanagement" an der THWS (WĆ¼rzburg) gestolpert.
Als ich das Modulhandbuch durchgelesen habe sind mir die Module von den Bildern oben aufgefallen, besonders folgende Parts.
Applikation von Notfallmedikamenten (zentral, peripher) sowie Management Katecholamine
Einleiten von Narkosen sowie Ɯberwachung von Narkosen ohne erhƶhtes Komplikationsrisiko, Analgosedierung auf ITS
Nun stellt sich mir die Frage, wie das gemeint sein soll. Darf man mit diesem Bachelorabschluss dann oben genannte TƤtigkeiten ausfĆ¼hren? Auf welchem gesetzlichem Rahmen steht das?
Ist das a la rechtfertigender Notstand? Ist das ein Zusatz zum Notsan/RS? Oder lernen die Studis das nur nach dem Motto, so fƤllt Ihnen interdisziplinƤres Arbeiten spƤter leichter?
Zumal der Studiengang nicht rein medizinisch ist, sondern breit gefƤchert ist. Er beinhaltet noch beispielsweise BWL, Informatik u.a.
Ich weiƟ, dass hier wahrscheinlich niemand Hintergrundwissen hat, wie ich finde trotzdem eine interessante Frage
submitted by veganer_metzger to blaulicht [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 lovesweet-lunatic 20f, anyone wanna vc for a bit?

heyašŸ¤—. brief intro:
iā€™m pretty nonchalant, openminded, and down to earthā€” i donā€™t take sides lol. i have a lot of interests besides my own hobbies so donā€™t be shy. i absolutely LOVE sunsets, skiing, i draw tattoos i wanna get, enjoy psychological movies, and i used to game but havenā€™t in a while (i need to get back into it lolšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø). personality wise, iā€™ve been told iā€™m a catā€” idfk. i like to sleep.
iā€™m also introverted, tho i can still talk off someoneā€™s ear especially when iā€™m drunk LMAOā€” my curiosity can make for a lively conversationāœØ. i donā€™t have a preference in age, so ignore the tag.
dm if you think we might perhaps connect wellšŸŒø.
submitted by lovesweet-lunatic to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 utahcovid19nurse Help?? Treager lost heat mid grill.

I got my first Traeger for Christmas (22in). Last week I christened it with some St. Louis style ribs. My plan was after research was the 3-2-1 method (3hr smoke, 2hr wrap, 1hr unwrap with sauce) . Everything was going great until the last half hour. It was having some issues with temp control as it was 30*F outside. I was periodically turning up to 225 and then down to 180 to try to keep the temp up as it started struggling at 180. When I checked on it for the last 30 min I started rapidly losing heat. I cranked it high but nothing. I turned it back down to shut down and moved the meat inside and finished in the oven. Donā€™t worry the ribs were delicious, but after my brothers left I went out to test it. There were pellets in the hopper and the plate. the auger was turning. but even on high NOTHING. Today I bought a replacement heating rod and went out to work on in. I decided to test it one more time so vacuumed out the pan and cranked it to high. Its 20*F right now so I went in to warm up and read about how to replace the rod. When I went back out I found the pan roaring with good smoke and heat. Its working great. SO.... what went wrong last week?????
submitted by utahcovid19nurse to Traeger [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 cachebags Ticked 0.2.1 Major Release- A terminal based productivity hub built over Textual

My favorite part of this update revolves around the integration of Canvas LMS. Allowing students to interact with their University courses through the terminal has been a huge goal of mine with this project and I'm happy to say this is only the beginning of my plans for it.
I have also allowed for any Spotify Premium user to interact with the API by inputting their own Client ID and Secret into the app and updated my built-in code editor NEST+ to support some simple quality of life editing features like tab buffers, auto-indentation and auto-pairs.
You can read the full release here, or read the documentation for the app here for more details on the usage of these features. Thank you to everyone who's helped on the project thus far!
submitted by cachebags to Python [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 aleksandrawobly karate kitty

karate kitty submitted by aleksandrawobly to CatsBeingCats [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 OdessaBahr Nort.

Nort. submitted by OdessaBahr to ambien [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 Ecstatic_Dinner_5448 Which T14 schools provide the best opportunity

To have J.G. Wentworth level banger of a commercial during Maury?
submitted by Ecstatic_Dinner_5448 to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 Secret_Parking_3235 Old suits

At this point why doesn't insomniac just release a patch with all the suits from the first game and MM? literally so easy to do
submitted by Secret_Parking_3235 to SpidermanPS4 [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 Amazing-Drink5606 GOT IN OFF EA

idk just wanted to say imma be co of 2029 I'm dn committed.
submitted by Amazing-Drink5606 to USC [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 et_alliae Gay people

Gay people submitted by et_alliae to namesoundalikes [link] [comments]