played poker sober

2025.01.18 18:20 presentnonexistence played poker sober

Last night I played poker with new friends. I suck at poker and I was very anxious socially. I just drank my elderberry tonic water. It wasn't fun, and I lost, but still kinda proud of myself. I'm glad I got out, staying at home is easier but I'm really making an effort to go out and make new friends. Real flesh and blood friends--not just screen friends. Maybe not those friends though. Most of them got very inebriated.
Don't get me wrong, I love being inebriated with people--at least I think I do. But how much is quality interaction? I'm definitely not as much fun when I'm sober--I'm naturally introverted. DJ is giving me good insight into what is most important going forward. Thank you all for being on this journey with me.
submitted by presentnonexistence to DryJanuary [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 Sad_Acanthisitta2433 Are Ukrainian Forces allowed to get their own automatic rifle in war or atleas put a suppresor or scope or spraypaint it?

Are they allowed to do that Because as an private in the us army i dont know because i want to voulenteer after my training and my rank gets up a bit i just hate seing a pitch black ak when the terrain is brown or earthy but the scope and muzzle flash and suppresor is allowed atleast right?
submitted by Sad_Acanthisitta2433 to war [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 dopamine_dearth Coincidence?

Coincidence? Know how Candy Crush gives games or contests themed on an upcoming holiday (like collect gifts at Xmas, hearts around valentine's day, etc.)? Trump's getting in office in a couple of days, and immigration raids are already heating up. Please tell me this new theme is a coincidence and King isn't making light of this situation.
submitted by dopamine_dearth to candycrush [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 Arcjaqu Vot your favorite Far Cry! - There was a discuss earlier about voting the best.

Vot your favorite Far Cry! - There was a discuss earlier about voting the best. submitted by Arcjaqu to farcry [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 Knut_Posse Tampereella huima visio Ratinan stadionin kattamisesta

Tampereella huima visio Ratinan stadionin kattamisesta Parin päivän takainen juttu, mutta mitäs mieltä olette pitäisikö Ratinan stadion kattaa? Kuulostaa kalliilta, mutta itse suhtaudun asiaan positiivisesti jos kustannukset saataisiin edes jotenkuten maltilliselle tasolle.
submitted by Knut_Posse to Tampere [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 greywhitefluff For those who took a step back in their career, how did it pan out?

I took a step back for the first time in my career and got into a job that requires 3 years of experience while having 10+years of experience. Took this job after being made redundant and struggled a bit with job hunting. The tasks are getting increasingly administrative and it doesn’t feel good to be constantly treated like an intern by a boss who looks like she has OCD…
How did it all pan out for people who’ve been through this and did you get back to where you should be quickly?
submitted by greywhitefluff to jobs [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 Beginning-Drink-858 Show and book characters

I just finished the book series after watching the Netflix adaptation and I've been thinking about how the show will use certain characters later on. Jack Rooney (I don't remember his name in the book) was barely a character in the book, just Yun Tianming's rich friend who gave him money, right? His death is important so that Tianming can buy the Star for Chung Xin. Him and other characters are obvious, just different names. Luo Ji is Saul Durand, Chung Xin is Jin Cheng, etc. I think Zhang Beihai will be Raj Varma. Wang Maio is both Jin and Auggie Salazar, but I have a theory that Auggie will be A.A. later. Do you all have any thoughts about this, I'd love to hear them.
submitted by Beginning-Drink-858 to threebodyproblem [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 camus_crew What do ya'll think of jasmine.4.t's album produced by boygenius?

What do ya'll think of jasmine.4.t's album produced by boygenius? I love it! guy fawkes desco dissociation is a standout for me! phoebe is featured in that song too so give it a listen!
submitted by camus_crew to BoygeniusBand [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 phflupp When the Winds Blow from the North

This song is about the feeling that if only there had been more time... and the heartbreak of being unable to reach someone who's in the depths of depression. It's not possible to connect again when the loved one can't tell you what they need - then the the winds blow from the north.
Listen to When The Winds Blow From The North by Philip M Howard on #SoundCloud
submitted by phflupp to AcousticOriginals [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 Lynny360 Sims 3 Update Issues

Sims 3 Update Issues Hey fellow simmers - please help 😭 I’m not sure if this is related to the new update or not but I don’t use mods and only have a few CC in the game that I downloaded straight from the sims 3 website. I have a brand new computer and never had any issues like this before and my screen only glitches when sims 3 comes up. I repaired the game and restarted and it still does it I don’t want to have to uninstall and re-install because I don’t want to lose my game. I Will take any and all suggestions please!
submitted by Lynny360 to Sims3 [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 sorvetecolore Pra quem não tá conseguindo passar em med na ampla

UFSJ cota trans AC pode concorrer enota de corte é 715 tentem lá
submitted by sorvetecolore to enem [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 gamejutsu Nuckal with general armor and Legacy Skulkin recolors (From Ridsaw)

Nuckal with general armor and Legacy Skulkin recolors (From Ridsaw) submitted by gamejutsu to Ninjago [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 Jarvis_ezekiel_2517 iCloud backup / Mac storage issue

Hi all, I tried to understand this problem which I have, where my iCloud backup is ‘on’ for my iPhone and also my Mac. When I check in my Mac storage it has iCloud backup and also my documents (twice). What I want to do is, I don’t want my Mac storage to double in size. This is stopping me to upgrade my Mac OS due to lack of space. I know I didn’t give enough screenshots or info but if this problem seems like something any of you already solved please comment here.
submitted by Jarvis_ezekiel_2517 to mac [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 Rtransat Question about homelab setup

I have ordered a mini pc and I need some advices with proxmox and the stack I want.
I'll have 64Go de ram and a Ryzen 7 8845HS.
I want:

For k3s the setup is ok? I don't know if I need LXC or VM ?
After that I need other stuff but I have question about some LXC or VM.
I want AdGuard, VPN to access my machine from outside the network, TLS for proxmox with custom local domain. So do I need a DNS server? I don't want the one provided by adguard, I'd like to use bind9, I'll use it for AdGuard and some service in my k3s cluster to be able to have access to some apps from public access. I want to pass by the AdGuard without VPN because I want all my devices connected to my network with AdGuard.
Do you have some advices and good resources to setup this?
From what I understand, the DNS server will have IP address, I need to use this IP address in my router to use this DNS server and the DNS Server in my homelab will use google DNS, then I configure AdGuard to use the DNS server from homelab, right?
Same thing, LXC or VM?
submitted by Rtransat to Proxmox [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 NoPhilosopher7065 Dumpster man

his name is dundee but my partner and i call him dumbee, dumber, dumpster, and dumpster man mostly. any other nickname suggestions??
submitted by NoPhilosopher7065 to BeardedDragons [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 CelestialZB Dragonite 5020 6613 7870

submitted by CelestialZB to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 ConfusedJuicebox Scared to go out to eat

My friend asked me to go out to lunch with her today, and I haven’t responded yet because I’m scared of contracting norovirus from the restaurant or food. I saw a post on a subreddit last night about how people think they got norovirus just from touching Amazon packages and don’t know how they got it because they haven’t been out. It honestly just freaked me out, and I’m scared to go. I have important plans tomorrow that I can’t miss, and I feel like I’ve had so much exposure to germs already yesterday - the gym, work, grocery store, doctor’s office.
submitted by ConfusedJuicebox to emetophobiarecovery [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 Minie_0309 ¿Alguna vez sus familiares o gente cercana, les ocultaron algo turbio o han sabido de algo malo que hayan hecho?

Mi bisabuelo materno serbio mataba personas de origen búlgaro por que no les caía bien durante la guerra de los balcanes, era un verdugo en el pueblo de mi mamá, es algo que solo mi abuelo supo una vez porque vio una de sus camisas con varias salpicadas de sangre y se lo confesó a mi abuelo, él con el lema de “lealtad a la familia” lo encubrió y nunca lo mencionó hasta que él (mi bisabuelo)falleció varios años después.
submitted by Minie_0309 to NecesitoDesahogarme [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 KaleidoArachnid Sometimes I am baffled by how Spoony turned out during the era where he ran his forums

So backstory for those who don’t understand the context as during the downfall era of SpoonyOne, he briefly ran his own forum where people could directly communicate with him as at first, things were going well until he started locking the forums by making it register only to see.
But that wasn’t the only issue that people were having with the forum as he soon got to the point where anyone that dared to oppose him would get quickly ejected from the forum as SpoonyOne would not go easy on those who dared to speak ill of him.
Sorry if that came off as strange, but to put it simply, I was just having a moment of observation to look back at the rise and fall of SpoonyOne himself as some of his fans say that the forum incident was the first sign of trouble regarding his downfall as a person.
submitted by KaleidoArachnid to thespoonyexperiment [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 Then-Tradition3517 Mazda bağımlılığı

Mazda bağımlılığı Aynı araba olmasına rağmen her zaman gidip Mazda rx7 veya miata alıyorum yanlışlıkla bagimlisi oldum
submitted by Then-Tradition3517 to HotWheelsTr [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 DABDEB Santiago, Chile 11/1973 - Commute

Santiago, Chile 11/1973 - Commute submitted by DABDEB to TheWayWeWere [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 MnM4BiFemzOnly Guess who’s back

Guess who’s back I spent several thousand dollars over the past two months obtaining personal grails and haven’t posted in a while. I went on a binge the past 60 days and it’s finally over. Here are just a few.
submitted by MnM4BiFemzOnly to comicbookcollecting [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 Upper-Ad7788 35 [F4M] Successful Woman Seeking Conversation |

I am a 35 year old female who has now achieved some success in her career with a stable job and independent life. In my spare time, I like to challenge myself and keep pursuing higher goals, but I also value balance in my life. I have a positive mindset and love to explore new things, whether it's traveling, food, or reading, I'm always willing to try and enjoy them.
As a mature and independent woman, I place great value on connecting and communicating with people, especially having in-depth conversations with men who are older and more experienced than me. I am interested in men over the age of 46, believing that they have a wealth of life experience and wisdom and can bring a different perspective and thinking to their interactions. I especially enjoy hearing them share their past experiences, opinions, and thoughts on life.
If you are a man with mature charisma, intelligence and a sense of humor who would like to have in-depth conversations and exchanges, you are welcome to get in touch. I hope to find people here who have something in common and can learn and inspire each other.
I look forward to hearing from you as we share stories and insights into each other's lives.
submitted by Upper-Ad7788 to chat [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 Loffes12 Anyone else got a cat-like poodle?

Anyone else got a cat-like poodle? He loves to sleep in weird places and when he’s happy he strokes your legs with his body.
submitted by Loffes12 to poodles [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 Clark_Mison Any F want to show off and help me cum? Ses: 0509301fe6090c4660e6bac33ac54a7587ec8fb85a6bcbbb3f41aeffdc63476853

View Poll
submitted by Clark_Mison to Melinamsxou_heiss [link] [comments]