Problem mit dem Internet

方法二:通过控制面板打开Internet选项 1 /4 第一步在win10系统桌面上,鼠标右键此电脑,选择属性,进去之后,在地址栏上,点击控制面板,如下图所示: 打开Edge浏览器后,点击右上角头像边上的“…”按钮。 因为需要使用IE浏览器打开的兼容网站现在并不多,接下来需要做如下的设置改变。将【允许在 Internet Explorer 模式下重新加载网站】后的值选择更改为【允许】。完成下面的更改后,需要重启下edge浏览器。点击下方的【重启】来重启edge浏览器。 方案②:电脑设置——网络和internet——WLAN(更改适配器选项)——属性——internet协议版本IPV4——更改为自动获取IP地址——确认之后重启电脑; 网络设置 ipv4 自动获取IP地址 如何检查IP分配是否正常:在Windows设置->网络和Internet->状态-> 更改连接属性,检查下IP分配是否正常。 如何在路由器设置自动分配IP:以TP-Link为例,在路由器设置中,打开DHCP服务器,在里面设置后IP范围和DNS地址就可以了。 Microsoft Edge是Windows10的默认浏览器。如果使用Microsoft Edge作为主要浏览器,则可以卸载(删除)Internet Explorer。 一、打开控制面板,两种方法,1.在任务栏(电脑最下面一栏)找到搜索图标(放大镜的图标),在搜索栏输入控制面板打开;2. WIN + X 找到控制面板选项打开。二、在控制面板中找到“网络和Internet”点击,找到“Internet选项”点击即可。 现在很多电脑都用Win10甚至Win11了,很多人刚用这些系统的时候,找不到IE浏览器了(Internet Explorer),哎,我们这些苦逼的知产人,啥时候才能摆脱这些“经典”(laJi)的软件和网站啊! 如何阻止Internet Explorer重定向到Microsoft Edge. 既然你知道了为什么Internet Explorer不断重定向和打开Edge,让我们来复习一下防止这种情况发生的技巧。 重命名BHO文件夹. Internet Explorer(IE)使用存储在Windows PC上的浏览器帮助程序对象(BHO)策略将你重定向到Microsoft Edge。 找到电脑右下角的【无线网络连接】标志,右键点击此标志,之后点击【打开网络和共享中心】;

2025.01.18 19:38 AdNo6664 Problem mit dem Internet

Guten Tag, ich habe folgendes Problem, ich habe eine 250k Leitung von der Telekom. Allerdings habe ich seit bestimmt 4–5 Tagen täglich 10–13 Disconnects die ca. 5–6 Minuten dauern. Von der Geschwindigkeit kommt alles an. Am Donnerstag war ein Techniker von der Telekom bei mir und meinte, dass eine neue Leitung gelegt werden muss, da mein Tarif (250k) zu stark für die veraltete Leitung sei. An sich wäre dies ja kein Problem, da die Termine ja relativ zeitnah sind, aber leider muss der Vermieter seine Genehmigung geben, damit hier etwas passiert. Da ich mich leider mit dem nicht so bestens verstehe und ich befürchte, dass die Leitung durch die 2 Wohnungen unter mir auch hindurch gelegt werden muss, gehe ich davon aus, dass er weder seine Zustimmung gibt, noch das mein Nachbar dies möchte. Daher stellt sich mir die Frage, ob hier jemand eventuell weiter weiß? Ich habe den Router natürlich schon paar mal neu gestartet, über die Telekom app die Ports freigeschaltet und es hat leider nichts geholfen. Ich kann mir auch irgendwie schlecht vorstellen, dass es zwingend notwendig ist, dass eine neue Leitung gelegt werden muss, da es ja die Jahre zu vor auch reibungslos geklappt hat (bis auf ein paar Dc's hier und da). Ich würde mich über Hilfe freuen.
submitted by AdNo6664 to PCGamingDE [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:38 Demonskull223 Losercity Slobberknocker.

Losercity Slobberknocker. submitted by Demonskull223 to Losercity [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:38 emiaco Join The Drifties Bedrock Realm!

We are a chill, friendly server looking for new members to play and have fun! We are 16+, vanilla, survival, and its a long term realm. Message me for the information!
submitted by emiaco to MinecraftRealmClub [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:38 YaBoiPizzaSauce2 Another update another Ranking, I swear this will be the last time a new style over throws the last one I promise unless Kaiser is godly

Another update another Ranking, I swear this will be the last time a new style over throws the last one I promise unless Kaiser is godly submitted by YaBoiPizzaSauce2 to BlueLockRivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:38 Lopsided-Ad-3869 Stitching Courses for Nurses?

Hello! I have 5 months left before I graduate as a registered nurse. I am dedicated to becoming a wound care nurse eventually. I can't find an answer online so I thought maybe this group could help.
I was talking with the program dean the other day and asked her if nurses can learn about sutures and how to stitch even though it's typically not in the RN scope (from what I understand), if someone like me wants to specialize in wound care but does not want to become an NP. She told me it's possible. Does anyone know how I would go about learning this, and rules and regulations/scope of practice? I live in Washington State.
submitted by Lopsided-Ad-3869 to nursing [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:38 KillerWL8531 I cant beat WoF, any tips or am I just bad

I cant beat WoF, any tips or am I just bad submitted by KillerWL8531 to Terraria [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:38 Medical-Floor6367 If in Sioux Falls South Dakota

If in Sioux Falls South Dakota Check out Booth 202
submitted by Medical-Floor6367 to HotWheels [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:38 FashionGirl123456789 And I bought my house for two nickels and a handful of sand

And I bought my house for two nickels and a handful of sand submitted by FashionGirl123456789 to EatTheRich [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:38 Uzairdeepdive007 Simple auto-reset to do list app?

I'm looking for an to do list app that is pretty simple and something that can reset after a specific time i choose (or simply each day so i have fresh to do list every morning). Would love your suggestions!
submitted by Uzairdeepdive007 to productivity [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:38 GameProfessional 🌐 24/7 Video Game | PSVITA 2000 Main Unit Final Fantasy X/X-2 1558 From Japan

🌐 24/7 Video Game | PSVITA 2000 Main Unit Final Fantasy X/X-2 1558 From Japan submitted by GameProfessional to 247videogame [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:38 anktpatil What's your guilty pleasure movie?

What's your guilty pleasure movie? Mine is this absolute masterpiece.
submitted by anktpatil to bollywood [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:38 AdventurousAd2050 Is Anyone “Pink Slipping It” Averaging Down with their Broker? OTC crap.

I have an average of $126, I could average down fairly quickly at the previous sp of $.14 cents. Is it worth it? I don’t want to lose my investment - but dumping more money into this dumpster fire is heart-wrenching.
submitted by AdventurousAd2050 to BIOR [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:38 SuperSmashMyBros69 Is my attic insulation disturbed or unsafe?

Just peeked into my attic since the i first bought my house 4 years ago. I thought I might have heard an animal or something last night. This insulation isn’t anything like i’ve seen before (i’m new to this) and i’m just wondering if I’m going to have a problem.
House is a bungalow 1963 built.
submitted by SuperSmashMyBros69 to FirstTimeHomeBuyer [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:38 Greeny1225 I have an i5-10500, i have one slot to spare for a gpu, what budget gpu should i get?

I'm trying to build a backup pc just incase mine breaks, i have an optiplex 3080 small form factor and dell made the smooth brain decision to put the PCIe slot by the PSU and not one slot up, so i only have one slot for gpu. Which gpu should i get?
submitted by Greeny1225 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:38 GameProfessional 🏆 Game Professional |PSVITA 2000 Main Unit Final Fantasy X/X-2 1558 From Japan

🏆 Game Professional |PSVITA 2000 Main Unit Final Fantasy X/X-2 1558 From Japan submitted by GameProfessional to GameProfessional [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:38 AlphaCentauri___ Did someone threaten to bomb/shoot us??

Did someone threaten to bomb/shoot us?? Ah damn yall. What in the world. Whoever did it, remember the time I gave you that sandwich? I was nice to you
submitted by AlphaCentauri___ to AmazonFC [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:38 el_smurfo Anyone "share" your grinder?

I use a hand grinder now for espresso and my wife uses a cheap burr grinder for her overnight cold brew in a French press. I have a DF54 on order and wonder if it would be too annoying and difficult to have to change the grind size back and forth from espresso to French press size every day? We dont have a ton of room to keep the existing burr grinder without losing something else on the counter
submitted by el_smurfo to espresso [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:38 Gontzal81 Kombucha Lemon Fantasy. Flax & Kale. Kombucha

Kombucha Lemon Fantasy. Flax & Kale. Kombucha It has a very similar flavour to a lemon "kas", but with the sparkling touch of kombucha, lighter in this case. The lime prevails over the lemon and is a success.
submitted by Gontzal81 to In_the_name_of_Beers [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:38 Inevitable-Angle-793 Thomas Partey has played right back in 6 games this season. Arsenal have conceded in all 6 games, dropping 11 points out of 18 and winning just 1 match, which was against Southampton at home.

Thomas Partey has played right back in 6 games this season. Arsenal have conceded in all 6 games, dropping 11 points out of 18 and winning just 1 match, which was against Southampton at home. submitted by Inevitable-Angle-793 to ArtetaOut [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:38 MaraTempo WB Windy defense Deoxys 629078323072

submitted by MaraTempo to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:38 Intelligent-Tough-26 Trying buldak curry ramen 🍜 for the first time 😋

Trying buldak curry ramen 🍜 for the first time 😋 submitted by Intelligent-Tough-26 to InstantRamen [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:38 GameProfessional ⬆️ Up Game Shop | PSVITA 2000 Main Unit Final Fantasy X/X-2 1558 From Japan

⬆️ Up Game Shop | PSVITA 2000 Main Unit Final Fantasy X/X-2 1558 From Japan submitted by GameProfessional to UpGameShop [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:38 DistributionRight414 Vintage wrestling

submitted by DistributionRight414 to madfigt [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:38 jan7283 Dear JAGEX

Dear JAGEX submitted by jan7283 to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:38 GameProfessional 🛍️ eBay Video Games | PSVITA 2000 Main Unit Final Fantasy X/X-2 1558 From Japan

🛍️ eBay Video Games | PSVITA 2000 Main Unit Final Fantasy X/X-2 1558 From Japan submitted by GameProfessional to eBayVideoGames [link] [comments]