2025.01.18 23:10 Siraadj Since i use this my prints are looking ridiculously fine and I'm happy about it!!
The best purchase i did in a long time! submitted by Siraadj to BambuLabA1 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 23:10 Mindless-Anxiety-134 For homura?
submitted by Mindless-Anxiety-134 to AnimeAdventuresRBLX [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 23:10 GradeyDickBotAccount Which Carti Song Made you Cry The Most?
submitted by GradeyDickBotAccount to playboicarti [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 23:10 Meandering_Moira Refuting some common pro-AI arguments
"AI isn't stealing, it's just like someone learning from other artists!"
I'm dubious on using AI for art being equivalent to theft, I can see it both ways, but do NOT compare it to learning from other artists. Learning from other artists is a process which involves appreciating the work you're learning from, and letting their influence help color your own, original creation. It's a lengthy thing and most artists would enjoy their work being used as a source of inspiration/learning for a new artist. When you write a prompt for an AI, you have not learned shit, nor appreciated what your 'work' has taken inspiration from.
"But photography!"
This one is so annoying. People on here tend to just say "photography" as if it's some genius response to any concerns about AI art, and no matter how braindead of a response it is the poster will certainly get patted on the back with upvotes. I'm gonna try to put this one to rest.
Photography is a specific form of art. It captures the real world around you, and a photographer can manipulate quite a bit of things to get the shot they want. It's appreciated in part because of its beauty, but also because people enjoy seeing real images of things they themselves may never get to in person.
When someone takes a photo, you can tell they took a photo and didn't draw/paint the image (usually). With AI art, it can look like a real photo, it can look like a painting, a drawing, a cartoon, ANYTHING. And it can do so with an amount of effort that is unprecedentedly minimal. Unlike photography, it can make whatever it wants with virtually no creative process whatsoever. It is NOT the same as photography, and I would love to hear anyone tell me how it is.
"But what about people who use AI as just a tool in a larger creative process?"
Exception to the rule, most don't.
submitted by Meandering_Moira to aiwars [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 23:10 Loud-Chipmunk-3683 Checking... Please wait
Hello I've tried everything ever other reddit post has said from pre formating the drive to using a 2.0 drive instead of a 3.0 or booting in safe mode etc and get the same issues, it never pops up with an error code just sits on that message. Could someone help me figure this problem out?
submitted by Loud-Chipmunk-3683 to PS3 [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 23:10 AgentLarge9212 Is this pc good enough to run fast for competitive games I’m really bad when it comes to knowing specs
Graphics NVIDIA RTX 4070 SUPER: Processor Intel Core i7: Memory 64GB DDR5 5600MT/s: Storage 2TB SSD. Sorry if I left out crucial information idk what to put. submitted by AgentLarge9212 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 23:10 dogememore 🔍 SquidPlay Gameplay Explained: Two Modes, One Goal!
submitted by dogememore to SmartChainGems [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 23:10 Extension-Ad-9371 Whats the go to guide for going from idea to market?
Any books or Reddit posts for this?
submitted by Extension-Ad-9371 to inventors [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 23:10 freakazood Confession is open. Session in comments
submitted by freakazood to Melinamsxou_heiss [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 23:10 AdBrief4620 Did Dumbledore ever use the philosophers stone? I think maybe once…
Dumbledore admits to have been obsessed with becoming master of death in his youth. This is one of the reasons he bonded so fiercely with Gellert Grindewald, it was a shared admiration and shared interests in hallows.
As Slughorn, Harry and others admit, perhaps it is natural for such a bright young wizard to have ambition and not necessarily something to be so ashamed of. Even dumbledore, who, is deeply ashamed of his innate lust for power, admits a big part of his obsession with the hallows is to use the stone to bring his parents back.
So by the time we get to adult dumbledore he is very much at peace with dying and death even tells us ‘Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and above all those who live without love’. I could list so many instances where he explains how death is nothing terrible. (Though he does still get tempted by the ring but that’s a bit different).
So with this context in mind, you’d think Dumbledore would not use the philosophers stone. Out of principle and potentially simply because he doesn’t care to extend his life. For a start he wants to see his sister and parents again and apologise. This is not through a lack of access. Though we don’t know Flamel’s policy on giving elixir (I imagine he has be strict) if he was to give some elixer to someone, who better than his partner, friend and force for good Albus?
I think Dumbledore MAY have used the stone twice:
1) Dumbledore is very energetic and fit for a 100+ year old man.
We see him run, kick people over, swim in freezing water, lift Harry to hit feet from a prone position and fight lightening fast. I know Dumbledore says he’s slowed down but damn, that’s pretty impressive.
Yes wizards live longer but similar aged witches and wizards are not so spry (Mildred, Slughorn, Doge). I struggle to believe it is just from some quirky hobby of his, like maybe he goes swimming or plays squash 😂 I suspect there is at least some magical enhancement at play. Either potions orrrrrr….the stone.
Dumbledore was a strategist. He knew he was the most powerful and intelligent wizard. He knows that he and Harry are the best chance to save the wizarding world. I wonder whether he took some elixir so he would be strong enough to continue the fight into what he knew would become the second war. Or tbh maybe he even did this for the 1st war. It wouldn’t be a selfish use. It would be similar to the elder wand, how he used it only to save others from it. This was a good justification for the elixir.
2) Using the stone to save Harry
This is where it’s a bit murky. We know the stone extends life and that Voldemort was going to use the stone to build a new body, possibly an immortal body. However, does this mean the elixir heals you too? A bit like unicorn blood? Ageing is a fine line between an innate process and a disease. Surely if you are old part of that is damage and problems? It’s possible that the elixir is some sort of generic strengthening/healing draft.
Anyway, the force of Harry’s mother counter curse attacking Quirrel almost drains Harry dry. Dumbledore says it almost kills Harry and at one point he thought it had. Harry spends several days unconscious recovering.
What could Dumbledore do? ‘Renervaté’? Run to Pomfrey? Call Fawkes? I don’t think Fawkes would help as it’s not a wound, but worth a go I guess. The stone might help. Depending how fast you can make elixir from it, maybe he could use it to save Harry? It’s pretty convenient and ironic. If it can stop someone dying of ageing, completely spent, maybe it can save someone whose life force/magic is completely spent in that moment? Especially if it’s just a matter of putting the stone in a glass of water or something?
submitted by AdBrief4620 to HarryPotterBooks [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 23:10 Distinct_Sir_9086 What does it mean when a girl was nice to you but suddenly turns cold?
Pretty much as the title says. It’s not something that’s happening to me right now but I’ve heard of it happen a lot to other guys. This is more aimed towards the women/girls of this sub, so what does it mean?
submitted by Distinct_Sir_9086 to Life [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 23:10 BirdsAndThaBeez eBay Glitch?
I wanted this card and set a max bid of $20 and it ends up selling just over $10. How did I not end up winning this auction? submitted by BirdsAndThaBeez to footballcards [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 23:10 Scp-1472-01 Which should I replace first?
Aside from the 4-COST, I have a ton of Havoc echos I can use to replace my 3 and 1 COSTS. Which do I prioritize first? submitted by Scp-1472-01 to CamellyaMains [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 23:10 RiceLee890 Do you need to go through multiple grits for a sharp edge?
If I have a knife with a sharp edge, and I use it until it can no longer cut paper, do I need to start sharpening from scratch (progression from low grit -> finer grit)?
Or can I skip the lower grits and just use the stone I finished the edge on—for example, a 600-grit stone.
Most sharpening videos I’ve seen have included some dudes going from like 200 grit diamond all the way to like 1000 grit and beyond. It seemed like they were taking off a lot of life from the edge. Are there any benefits to this long ass progression if I’m just looking for a long lasting working edge?
submitted by RiceLee890 to sharpening [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 23:10 TurtleMcLoveLace Bailing on Plans
I'm just starting into not drinking again, I've tried a few times in the past. The farthest I've made is maybe two months, but it was summer and just overall more enjoyable to go out into the world. I have two plans tonight, one is a game night at a friends and it isn't strictly drinking related, I'm sure there will be people not drinking. The one after is a karaoke night, drinking will definitely be the main attraction.
I'm sitting here feeling awful but I want to stay home. I don't think I would be comfortable at the second event, but I have social anxiety in general, which is one of the reasons I drink. I don't feel like putting myself in an anxious state, I really want to make this stick this time. People keep telling me I need to not be alone, because I work from home and live alone, so I do get lonely. But right now I'm just exhausted and doing anything social makes me want to drink just to get out the house. I put a lot of pressure on myself to "perform" because I do tend to make people laugh quite a lot. I went to my parents last night sober for the first time in a long time, and I was just a bit sedated like. Quiet, I didn't have much to talk about and didn't feel like forcing myself to be "on." And it was fine, but I feel like I need to be that way when I'm with my friends, and it's both birthday parties, I don't want to be a bummer. I bailed on one of the girls on New Years, which freaked a lot of people out, my parents included. But I just feel so damn tired. I want to lay around and watch TV and just focus on making it through this first month. Going on walks with my dog, slowly ramping back up into working out.
All in all, I've committed to both of these plans when I was in a better mood, and now I have less than an hour to get ready and get out the house and I haven't contacted anyone and I'm just stressing. Can anyone give me some advice? Should I be forcing myself to get out there?Am I making things worse for myself by secluding myself?
submitted by TurtleMcLoveLace to stopdrinking [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 23:10 dazzzzzzle Great Kyle video on dealing with Musk and the cucked state of the media
submitted by dazzzzzzle to Destiny [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 23:10 AbaloneNarrow Where should my focus be?
submitted by AbaloneNarrow to luckydefense [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 23:10 Pure_Watch_3442 What the heck?
I was able to fix this by restarting my device, but the heck is this? What alien language have I unlocked? 😂
submitted by Pure_Watch_3442 to MinecraftPE [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 23:10 Due_Background6953 Star Citizen meets Starfield. I give you the Idris-K
So Inthesaaand and I set out to tackle this ship (the Idris) after my last build post. I included an image of that ship and said I'd like to build it! Inthesaaand saw the image, asked what it was, and said he wanted to give it a shot as well! He banged it out with a stellar build! Please go check it out! He did an awesome job! https://www.reddit.com/StarfieldShips/comments/1hzcaw4/comment/m6yz27e/?context=3
I saw it and got hyped to start my build! It was cool because his build helped to inform me of some design discussions. After a long build journey full of ups and downs, I finally finished! Is it perfect? By no means, no. Some areas could be much better. I tried to be methodical about the build. I spent a lot of time working out a lot of aspects of it, trying to be efficient with this, but after two weeks of work, you hit a point where ya wanna finish it. (haha) There is room for improvement. For starters, there are no "Landing Gears" or "Thusters." (lol) I got so caught up in capturing the source material that those details became an afterthought, and I chose to revisit those areas later. I'll most likely repost with those updates. In any case, I hope you all enjoy the build!
submitted by Due_Background6953 to StarfieldShips [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 23:10 Shin_Ollie At my school kids are practically forced to go to the bathroom during class.
For one they don't allow people to leave 15 minutes after it starts and 15 minutes before it ends. We have a 3 minute passing period which is 2 minutes shaved off of last year. And you wanna know something? They lock the GODDAMN BATHROOM DOORS DURING PASSING PERIOD. Go during lunch? Well it's strict af, people love to smoke and you can go one at a time. So no we really can't go during lunch and kids are forced to miss class.
submitted by Shin_Ollie to school [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 23:10 Chris0607 Southwest Germany
submitted by Chris0607 to pics [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 23:10 thee_crabler Need larger WH, plumber said vent pipe is too small and will only replace with same size, 50 gallon. Why can't the vent pipe replaced with the correct size needed? Options?
submitted by thee_crabler to Plumbing [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 23:10 Klutzy-Ad7775 Is that the forbidden five everyone has been talking about?
submitted by Klutzy-Ad7775 to Ninjago [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 23:10 Sunbather- Gay metalheads, 🏳️🌈… who is the hottest frontman in metal?
submitted by Sunbather- to MetalForTheMasses [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 23:10 HammerdGuy71 Help Buying Parts
I am planning on building a pico MMU unit. I have assembled a list of parts that are not from AliExpress (My parents don't trust how cheap aliexpress is). I am currently looking for BMG Drive Gear (with grub screw). Does anyone know where I can find these not on AliExpress? I am in US btw.
submitted by HammerdGuy71 to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]