2025.01.18 23:06 DragLegKing Do I need more copies of Holmes?
I’ve got 3 copies and wondering if they should be made into a 10 star to power up my other characters or if I need them later on submitted by DragLegKing to IdleHeroes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 23:06 NewTimeTraveler1 I think I have a new driver
Usually no problem. Sometimes side porch, sometimes front porch. But Friday it was delivered in a gated back yard on my patio on the sunporch steps. Weird. Todays delivery said unable to deliver, ran into an issue, update delivery instructions. Thats never happened bef
submitted by NewTimeTraveler1 to amazondeliverysucks [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 23:06 DarknessEnlightened Dance
submitted by DarknessEnlightened to fortheloveofrwby [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 23:06 Leeleeswitch15 trade i need to complete my pokedex
is anyone willing to trade with me i need iron thorns miraidon eiscue iron moth bagon passmin kingdra torchic combusken blaziken Monferno infernape piplup prinplup sobble drizzlie inteleon iron boulder
submitted by Leeleeswitch15 to PokemonScarletTrade [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 23:06 VirtuousVulva Am I the only one who likes Izotopes Neoverb plug in?
I see lots of shit getting talked about it, but I find the variety of reverbs to have a quite unique character.
submitted by VirtuousVulva to edmproduction [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 23:06 44Pioneer Yo apex, wtf is this
In the clip, this lifeline is just granted a headshot for absolutely no reason. I slowed it down, this is the retical when I died. Like what??? submitted by 44Pioneer to apexlegends [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 23:06 Aleksa__123 Niski muškarci, da li biste otišli iz Srbije?
Imam 20 godina i visok sam između 168 i 169 i po (u zavisnosti od doba dana). Moj problem je i u tome što su mi roditelji srednjeg rasta, a i sâm sam bio normalne visine sve do ulaska u pubertet kada sam naglo izrastao i bio najviši u odeljenju (5. razred), da bih već u 8. razredu potpuno prestao sa rastom. Da su mi lečili prevremeni pubertet, danas bih bio normalne visine.
Takođe, ubeđivali su me da ima vremena da porastem i da muškarci rastu do 4. godine srednje, pa i kasnije. Čak su me i krivili da ne rastem zato što previše vremena provodim kod kuće, nedovoljno izlazim na sunce i ne bavim se sportom.
Da stvar bude gora, u to vreme sam prolazio kroz snažnu krizu identiteta i veoma sam sumnjao u sebe. Psihijatar mi je rekao da će to rešiti Bergerovi talasi koji se pojavljuju u mozgu oko 18. godine i označavaju zrelost i racionalnost. Uveren sam da me nije ni saslušao do kraja jer je govorio mnogo više od mene, a odvajao je jako malo vremena po pacijentu. Majka, koja me je vodila kod lekara, mi je govorila da ne smem da se "raspravljam" sa doktorom i da moram da ga slušam kako bi mi bilo bolje. Takođe mi je govorila da ne razmišljam tako kako razmisljam jer mi je doktor rekao da nisam u pravu. Ni sa drugim psihijatrom nisam imao više sreće – ona mi je govorila kako sam previše požurio i kako treba da pustim da vreme reši neke stvari. Pošto sam kod nje išao i pre toga, bila je ljuta na mene što sam otišao i kod drugog psihijatra. Takođe me je uputila na procenu kod psihologa, koja je bila veoma neljubazna prema meni. Moja majka je gotovo likovala jer me je konačno neko izgrdio zbog toga što tako "pogrešno" razmišljam. Sve to je dovelo do toga da se godinama potpuno pasivizujem i da još manje verujem sebi.
Pre par meseci sam konačno otišao da uradim rendgen leve šake kako bih utvrdio koštanu zrelost i proverio ima li ikakve šanse da porastem. Bio sam i kod endokrinologa i obojica su bili složni da nema šanse da porastem sa 20 godina jer su se linije rasta zatvorile. Osećao sam se užasno jer se ništa od onoga što sam godinama iščekivao nije ostvarilo – ni visina, ni Bergerovi talasi (saznao sam i to da Bergerovi talasi nemaju veze sa onim što mi je rekao psihijatar), ni seksualna orijentacija (roditelji su mi govorili da umišljam da sam gej i da uopšte nemam "takvo ponašanje"). Na istom sam mestu na kome sam bio i 5 godina ranije kada sam završavao osnovnu školu, samo sam izgubio jako mnogo vremena. Bilo je to kao buđenje posle dugog sna.
Prošlo je 7 meseci od tada, a ja uopšte ne znam sta da radim. Pauzirao sam već dve godine fakultet, u srednjoj sam imao loše ocene jer nisam imao snage da učim, ne znam kako da oprostim majci to što mi nisu lečili prevremeni pubertet i to što mi je godinama nabacivala osećanje krivice zbog toga što sam u depresiji. Sad želim da u potpunosti prekinem odnos sa majkom i odem u neku zemlju gde ljudi nisu ovoliko visoki kao u Srbiji. Posle ovoliko godina želim samo da pobegnem od svih koji su me povredili negde gde mislim da će mi biti lakše. Ni do čega od ovoga ne bi došlo da nisam verovao drugima više nego što sam verovao sebi.
Razmišljam o odlasku u Argentinu, Čile, Andaluziju ili južnu Italiju (Sardinija i Sicilija).
Opet, sa druge strane, sve to predstavlja ogromni napor. Idem u nepoznato i pitanje je kuda će me to odvesti. Možda je racionalnije da odem u Beograd i da prekinem svaki kontakt sa svima iz svog grada (uključujući i majku), te da pokušam da počnem život ispočetka. Razmišljam i o promeni imena i prezimena.
Kakva su iskustva drugih niskih muškaraca?
Ima li neko neki savet za mene?
submitted by Aleksa__123 to AskSerbia [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 23:06 mrmrhi Pixel 9 ordering fiasco, first my order became “out of stock”, now they tell me to re-order because it’s “stuck”???
I ordered my Pixel 9 on December 31st, and was told the delays were due to the holidays at first. I understood that, and after looking online it seems like Mint has a long processing time. Well, after seven business days of “processing” I tried contacting support, which was a bunch of the same “thanks for your patience sorry for the inconvenience” non-answers. I reached out to Alex on here, who gave me the only actual information in over two weeks, that the color I ordered was “out of stock”. So I check online, and it is still promoted as in stock. Fine, I ask him to change the color of the phone in the order to Black. He says he cant, but luckily my color is back in stock! How convenient! I tell him “If it’s back in stock, should I not just wait for my order to process?” To which he tells me that my order has become “stuck”, and will not process with the distributor, and I will need to cancel the order, wait 7-10 MORE BUSINESS DAYS for my refund, and replace the order. When I asked about what “stuck” means, he ghosted me entirely. This is a forewarning for anyone looking to order through Mint, they do not distribute their own phones and rely entirely on third parties to hopefully fulfill your request it seems. Having to wait over two weeks just to be told “We messed up, do it again” is frankly insane to me, and they will not budge no matter what. submitted by mrmrhi to mintmobile [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 23:06 Amongus_Dude It’s been I think mom than a year since I have been in r/pikmin. YAY! Looks like I’m never going back. And question, should I make smudger my pfp for the rest of the month?
submitted by Amongus_Dude to breadbugclub [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 23:06 Synthwizard8268 Korg Prologue 16 or Prophet 6 module
Hey guys i own an ob6 module , controlling with korg triton , and am really loving my new synth life , now looking at another and trying to choose between prologue 16 and P6 module
Prologue tempting because of the full synth-non module element , and the korg keybeds rock m i enjoy the sounds ive heard in youtube videos and its a bit cheaper in price than the p6 module
The p6 module also tempts me as it has more and simultaneous lfo locations , and also im so stoked with the ob6 and the quality of sequential stuff, its luring me in. But would it be just a lesser ob6 ? I was thinking they may be too similar, and the prologue would be provide more range of different sounds. Also i tried a rev2 and absolutely hated it , not just neutral on the sounds, strongly disliked it for the money they were asking , oscillators sounded rubbish , i think im an all VCO guy
Anyways any comments or suggestions welcome , give me your wissssdddooommm
submitted by Synthwizard8268 to synthesizers [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 23:06 LakeMcKesson Can ESPN stop cutting off the audio because of player swearing?
This is getting beyond excessive now. It's the playoffs and players are going to curse.
Don't mic up the field like this if you don't want our virgin ears to hear bad words
submitted by LakeMcKesson to NFLv2 [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 23:06 Technical-Ad-8413 Transaction & Service fee?
Why are there such high fee's ?? 17$ usd fee's for one item?? why so high
submitted by Technical-Ad-8413 to WemimiOfficial [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 23:06 OkTemporary5712 Change your favorite movie title to a porno title. What is it?
submitted by OkTemporary5712 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 23:06 Roger06150 21yo guy from France looking for friends! 🇫🇷 & 🇬🇧
Hey! 21 years old guy from France here! Haven't had much luck here for the moment, but decided to try again! Here's a little bit of what I am into, not gonna explain it too deeply to avoid writing a whole novel, but would be more than happy to talk more about any of that in DMs!
- Gunpla: I started not too long ago, but absolutely loved it so far! Currently build 3 of them, and looking to get more soon!
- Writing: I used to write a lot a while ago, but kinda stopped. Either it was little stories, some kind of poems, etc..
- Reading: I used to absolutely love reading too! Dropped it a while ago because even though I loved it, it felt a bit sad to have no one to talk about the books I read, but I'm looking to start again soon! If you have any book that you really loved, I'd love to hear about it/them!
- Video Games: I own way too much, mostly playing on PC, but also got consoles! My favorite kind is MMO! But can play pretty much anything. My fav' MMO is FF14, but I played and loved a lot of them! I'm currently playing Guild Wars 2 & Balatro mostly!
- F1: My favorite team is RedBull! (I was a fan before the Max Verstappen era 😂)
- And of course, the usual: Music, shows/movies, used to be a fan of wrestling too, and more stuff like that!
If you are interested, my DMs are open! See you maybe! :)
submitted by Roger06150 to friendship [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 23:06 One-Klutzy Y’know what I hate
I always am told to believe myself but I can never get my self to because I don’t feel like cause I feel like no one deserves me, and I don’t belong anywhere and even though my family does care about me but I feel like I don’t deserve my family, and the only thing I can do is to maladaptive daydream about feeling better about myself and so I can feel like I belong somewhere but then I realize it’s not real and I’m always going to be stuck with a dissatisfied mindset, and feeling like I’m worth nothing and I’m replaceable, the only thing I can do is respect other people in 9th grade and at my home cause I feel like they deserve it and I don’t all I can do is function properly and get good grades to make my parents proud
submitted by One-Klutzy to TeenagersButBetter [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 23:06 KDUBW92 Let's go avs
Awsome game right now, new goalies are proving their worth, hope Makar is ok, go avs, LETS GO!!!
submitted by KDUBW92 to ColoradoAvalanche [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 23:06 cbbBot [Post Game Thread] North Texas defeats UTSA, 72-57
Team | 1H | 2H | Total |
North Texas | 40 | 32 | 72 |
UTSA | 18 | 39 | 57 |
2025.01.18 23:06 GaryWray SPACE FREAK ROAMING A DISTANT PLANET / Painting by Gary Wray (me) 2005
submitted by GaryWray to SciFiArt [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 23:06 charliejh10 Starting competition
Gonna start my first pro weekend next weekend wondering what is better to start in challenger or contender?? Budget is around 30 pounds. Any advice greatly appreciated.
submitted by charliejh10 to Sorare [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 23:06 Djokom [PC][Unknown] WW2 tower defense flash game
Platform(s): PC
Genre: Side-on, I think isometric 2d or 2d, strategic tower defense
Estimated year of release: before 2015
Graphics/art style: A bit like Warfare 1917 but a bit less pixelated. Also looked grained and sandy
Notable characters: You had levels with only trucks and infantry, but also where you could call in helicopters or planes. Even only battleship levels. The bases had cannons and where like castles.
Notable gameplay mechanics: You began in the grass areas and moved on to the desert water levels in between. You could buy trucks with infantry or tanks and sent them out to the battlefield. Just like Age of War but in the WW2 era.
Other details: You could upgrade your cannons on your base I think.
I hope you guys can help me out :)
submitted by Djokom to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 23:06 Midnight_Criminal Not sure if resealed. Doesn't look like the other two I have sealed. Thoughts.
Do these look resealed? submitted by Midnight_Criminal to PokemonInvesting [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 23:06 LegendaryStudiosLLC I hope Hybis fights or gets a new form. Brah just too funny. I NEED him in the game
So many great Daima characters we should get fr. I won’t name them for spoiler purposes but iykyk submitted by LegendaryStudiosLLC to DragonballLegends [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 23:06 WishIWasBronze What bridges to other blockchains does Algorand have?
submitted by WishIWasBronze to AlgorandOfficial [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 23:06 AOMINGWWR Can USS Missouri or Iowa kill The Megalodon
Just asking
submitted by AOMINGWWR to FromTheDepths [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 23:06 Cokezerowh0re Tofu green curry🫶
submitted by Cokezerowh0re to goodrestrictionfood [link] [comments] |