Star Wars the mandalorian adventures

2025.01.18 23:01 Ghost_Face24 Star Wars the mandalorian adventures

I just got a used copy of “the mandalorian adventures” but the guide deck I’m suppose to follow is out of order. Does anyone know the correct order for the cards that I can follow? Thanks
submitted by Ghost_Face24 to boardgame [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 23:01 Big_Awareness_2811 Becoming a Jira expert for your org and finding best project management practices within Jira

Hi everyone, I’m opening up a floor for all the Jira users, are you interested to have a training for Jira for free? I am an experienced Jira administrator and project manager. I would like you to drop the areas that you want me to cover in the training.
submitted by Big_Awareness_2811 to jira [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 23:01 Responsible-Tower706 Can someone tell me why is better than ?

Thanks for giving pros and counts ?
And which api is better ?
Thanks !
submitted by Responsible-Tower706 to boltnewbuilders [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 23:01 ThatFavoriteUncle Dual Core - Hostage Down [Hip-hop / Nerdcore rap]

submitted by ThatFavoriteUncle to Music [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 23:01 Imaybeabitstupid9824 Medic and his guinea pig (BLU Spy’s Head 💀🙏)

Medic and his guinea pig (BLU Spy’s Head 💀🙏) I did something different with the shading, I think it’s nice!
Also Scout and Pyro are gonna play baseball, wonder WHO the ball will be?
submitted by Imaybeabitstupid9824 to tf2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 23:01 itsmehonest Any chance the final scoreboard can show armour/shield given, BRB's, CYAs, Damage buffs etc.?

a bunch of supports of course give shields, armour, quicker revivals, damage buffs etc. which never show on the scoreboard, only to the player giving them (sometimes not even that!)
It'd be nice to show the team so they can actually see just how much the supports are, well, supporting the team, especially with supports like Rocket who have way less damage than other supports but makes up for it in BRB revivals, CYA assists etc, same with Mantis and her damage buffs
submitted by itsmehonest to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 23:01 ms_b0b Todays haul

Todays haul Pretty happy with the used and discount bins at the local record shop today.
Rolling Stones Let it Bleed is my favorite stones album.
Miles Davis - Kind of Blue - I’ve been meaning to pick this up for a while.
Gerry mulligan Quartet Love Gerry Mulligan - this record is noisy and has been traded around a bit. Stamp on the back for The Wilson Jazz and Book Library and Tradewinds music shop in TX.
King Curtis - Country Soul. What I have from King Curtis I have loved (Rush Hour) so I thought I’d give this one a try.
Cannonball Adderly quintet Mercy Mercy Mercy. For 3 dollars the Record looks to be in good shape.
submitted by ms_b0b to vinyl [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 23:01 420corgi Rapper Weed (Fig Farms)

Rapper Weed (Fig Farms) submitted by 420corgi to BayAreaEnts [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 23:01 smartybrome HTML5 et CSS3 : La Formation Complète

submitted by smartybrome to udemyfreebies [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 23:01 nevernever111 GE fridge LED light keeps blowing

submitted by nevernever111 to ApplianceAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 23:01 montygeek Sayonara Sky Muster

I've ditched Sky Muster after a little over 4 years. They were good at the beginning and a lifeline over lockdowns but the service became progressively worse, especially over the holidays when everyone rural is on TikTok, Netflix, Disney and whatever other streaming app is grabbing eyeballs. Unusable to the point that flaky mobile data was better. Enough is enough. The alternative service from low-earth orbit is literally out of this world and kicks ass. At $80 for 50GB a month you can even take it camping.
submitted by montygeek to nbn [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 23:01 smartybrome React.JS Crash Course: The Complete Course for Beginners

submitted by smartybrome to udemyfreebies [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 23:01 Striking-Yam-1535 New Podcast Ep

Did anyone watch her new podcast episode?🤣 She’s so dumb - why did she turn the whole thing into a woman’s right chat. (coming from a woman..) She tries insanely way too hard to be inspiring.
submitted by Striking-Yam-1535 to meilemaria [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 23:01 MistakeMaleficent577 Help

Help So i have now gathered a good amount of suggested towers and I'm wondering if there is now a good loadout I can build from these. I'm a bit overwhelmed and I'd like any amount of suggestions in level 100 btw.
submitted by MistakeMaleficent577 to TDS_Roblox [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 23:01 bonkerillos Atlas

Nabuo ko rin yung collection of maps ko! Finally!
submitted by bonkerillos to filipuns [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 23:01 smartybrome Python pour la POO: Programmation Orientée Objet en Python

submitted by smartybrome to udemyfreebies [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 23:01 Tearsofthekingdonn WTB HUGE CLOVER DRAGON FOR 260M GEMS!

submitted by Tearsofthekingdonn to PetSimulator99 [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 23:01 smartybrome Bootstrap 5: Créer et Lancer des Sites Web Réactifs

submitted by smartybrome to udemyfreebies [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 23:01 DFOadmin Avalanche’s Cale Makar becomes fastest active defenseman to hit 100 goals

submitted by DFOadmin to DailyFaceoff [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 23:01 myselfreal Ho una missione per voi

Vi incarico di trovare una rom per wii italiana di "Padrino Blackhand edition". io ci ho provato per giorni e non ho trovato nulla ma se ci riuscite avvertitemi, mi salvereste la vita e lesistenza
submitted by myselfreal to aiuto [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 23:01 th3bor3d Print issue with Polylite PLA on Mk3.9S

Print issue with Polylite PLA on Mk3.9S Hi, I rebuilt my Mk3s+ to a 3.9S not long ago and for the 2+ years as a Mk3s+ never really had issues with materials or looks with multiple brands but just started printing with the 3.9S with Polymaker polylite black PLA and it looks awful. It was normally just load model, slice and print with the Mk3s+ and never really messed with setting but never had this kind of issue before with PLA until the 3.9S. Not sure if anyone can give me any tips on what the heck happened with the frame I printed and why it looks like this and what I can do to improve it. It also had a slight layer shift at the top but hopefully these photos are clear enough. lol
submitted by th3bor3d to prusa3d [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 23:01 srfygbriug I Feel Like Kwon Get's Too Much Sympathy

Like yeah it sucks he died and all, but as a fellow senior, if I was gonna try and stab someone, I would not hold a knife with a reverse grip, and spin into the air.
Jokes aside though, people are acting like Kreese was using Kwon as a vessel for his consciousness and Kwon is a saint. He was disliked by the entire dojo, he was a dick to Miyagi-Do just because he could, had a huge ego, thinking that Robby beating him was luck, even though he got his hair pulled back by another man, etc.
Of course, he could've been redeemed, but at the state he died in, I wouldn't have much sympathy from him unless we learn more about his past.
submitted by srfygbriug to cobrakai [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 23:01 jokers_wild_card Name that beer!

Name that beer! My last one was apparently too easy. So dug deep to find something more challenging (I hope). 11.5% and 2018 release. Good luck!
submitted by jokers_wild_card to beerporn [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 23:01 ritalinado Sou babaca por querer largar meu namorado?

Sempre nos damos muito bem. Gostamos de muitas cosias em comum, temos muita sintonia na hora do sexo, nunca falta carinho e conversa. Mas ele começou a fumar tem alguns meses (eu já havia notado o cheiro, mas ele mentiu pra mim dizendo que o colega de trabalho que o trazia fumava dentro do carro). E eu ODEIO qualquer tipo de fumo, é uma coisa que eu realmente nunca vou suportar na vida, e o pior é que ele sempre soube disso. E eu só fui saber porque peguei ele fumando na rua. Ele jamais teria me contado. Brigamos e ele prometeu que ia parar, mas foi tão burro que só mudou alguns hábitos, trocando o horário do banho de antes de dormir pra antes de eu chegar. Também reparei que trocou o horário de lavar roupa para a noite, mas o ser tava com cheiro residual no bigode. Não questionei, estou fazendo a linha enganado da história. Sinceramente, eu não quero ficar com alguém que fuma, por mais que eu ame a pessoa. É um tipo de hábito que me bloqueia total pra pessoa. Pode ser um vício dele, sei que eu deveria forçá-lo a buscar ajuda (já pedi para ele ir a um psiquiatra pois, segundo ele, o cigarro é a única coisa que o acalma), mas isso é um preconceito tão enraizado em mim que só consigo ser 8 ou 80. Ou ele para de imediato, ou peço pra terminar. Não sei o que fazer.
submitted by ritalinado to EuSouOBabaca [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 23:01 DaveMcW NASA releases 417 megapixel image of Andromeda Galaxy

NASA releases 417 megapixel image of Andromeda Galaxy submitted by DaveMcW to space [link] [comments]