Se llevan bien con sus suegras?

2025.01.19 01:57 Fernanda9090 Se llevan bien con sus suegras?

Se llevan bien con sus suegras? submitted by Fernanda9090 to PreguntasReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:57 PurchaseIndividual93 Can someone gift me this I’m out of trades 😭(I’ll send whoever floral fabulous tomorrow just trying to get mega heist)

Can someone gift me this I’m out of trades 😭(I’ll send whoever floral fabulous tomorrow just trying to get mega heist) submitted by PurchaseIndividual93 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:57 Dramatic-Access9053 Problem with saving the game

I recently bought gta trilogy the definitive edition and I run it on the ps4. I have a problem with saving the game. Every time I turn on the game at the load game menu I only see empty slots although I already have saved it. How do I fix this problem? (I hope I made this understandable English is my second language)
submitted by Dramatic-Access9053 to GTATrilogy [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:57 NathanX_Katake Ignis, Thisle, and Yao (Path To Nowhere) VS SCP-610, The Flesh That Hates (SCP Foundation)

submitted by NathanX_Katake to PathToNowhere [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:57 Necessary-Can1318 The Tower Gods smiled on me today!

The Tower Gods smiled on me today! I have only been playing for three weeks, and my previous best T1 farming run was 2450. I got Garlic Thorns yesterday and speed up the first level and the run afterwards, this happened! The perks hit perfectly and I thought I might get a relic out the deal!
Then after this run, I finally had the stones for my third UW and I pulled BH! Before I started researching on Reddit, my first pull was GT and I didn’t realize what a fortunate occurrence/decision that was! My second was SL but that has been lowkey helpful!
Love the game, will be playing for a long time and am excited for the next steps!
submitted by Necessary-Can1318 to TheTowerGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:57 WackoXD Meta Swords?

Hey guys I came back from a 8 year hiadus from Prodigy I am wondering what is the meta for armor and swords I have a dragon bane sword and some armor, I do not have premium and I need to be the best.
submitted by WackoXD to ProdigyGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:57 BlasphemousMusic Redoing my curio for tmnt, lights?

Redoing my curio for tmnt, lights? I'm clearing it out from what it used to have, there wasn't much and I'm just restarting my collection. Its small but for now it's what I got. It has a light at the top here but does anyone have suggestions for rbg lights or something neat? Cheap of course. I'm getting stabds for the figures and half way thru setting it up but I dont really like the light it came with. After taking pictures looks like I need to index it again too..
submitted by BlasphemousMusic to TMNT [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:57 client42 [WTS] Orient Star EL00-C0-B White Dial Power Reserve Display Back Automatic Watch - $295

[WTS] Orient Star EL00-C0-B White Dial Power Reserve Display Back Automatic Watch - $295 submitted by client42 to Watchexchange [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:57 CalebApplePie2020 FT Shiny Yvaltal and Shiny Xerneas LF Shiny Offers

FT Shiny Yvaltal and Shiny Xerneas LF Shiny Offers submitted by CalebApplePie2020 to PokemonHome [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:57 bomberz12345 Can foreign TikTok users (like me) still see videos made by Americans?

Now that the ban is coming, can we still watch those videos for nostalgic vibes or they will just vanish instantly after the ban.
submitted by bomberz12345 to TikTok [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:57 Gullible-Strength-53 What happened on university and dobson?

On the bus home and noticed the circle k on university and dobson is flooded with cop cars, fire trucks and ambulances. A concerning amount. Is everyone ok? What happened?
submitted by Gullible-Strength-53 to mesaaz [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:57 dad_uchiha Is there a way/method to use that will make your tempered piece keep the temper colour or make it more abrasive resistant?

Is there a way/method to use that will make your tempered piece keep the temper colour or make it more abrasive resistant? submitted by dad_uchiha to Blacksmith [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:57 TUTORVISION2022 Mathematics Tutor

The Online Math Tutor Guru! Text 559-744-3169 for math help! I teach people how to use graphing calculators as well! This includes: "Ti-83, Ti-84 and the Ti-89.* I design webpages too.
I tutor for math @ the university, college, high & middle school levels. I tutor for Arithmetic, Algebra Algebra 2, College Algebra, College Tech. Math, Precalculus, Calculus, Trigonometry, ACT, SAT, .GED Math, Finite math and some others by request.
To Pay & donate to support my tutoring services include:
PayPal: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
Cash App: $fantasticbaseball
SOFI: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
Zell: 559-744-3169
Zelle: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])

submitted by TUTORVISION2022 to matheducation [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:57 FlayAmimir Como vocês cagam? A 9ª posição é mais confortável

Como vocês cagam? A 9ª posição é mais confortável submitted by FlayAmimir to ShitpostBR [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:57 TheOneAndOnlyABSR4 Comments on a crime video saying “there’s a lot of bad people nowadays” or something like that.

If I see a news video about a crime that happened the comments will be like “so much evil nowadays” bro. There was bad people back then to. Did you just forget about the surge in serial killers during the 70s & 80s? The only reason you say that is because of the internet constantly telling you about these stories. Crime has always happened. And it bothers me when people say “there’s so much bad stuff nowadays.” When it’s just the news reporting on it more because of the internet.
submitted by TheOneAndOnlyABSR4 to PetPeeves [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:57 Interesting-Gap9190 Thinking about getting a Nissan frontier want to know your thoughts?

Currently own a 2019 Chevy spark with way too many miles on it (112k) and I’ve been scrolling around and I’ve been finding Nissan Frontiers on sale used between 12-20k I saw one in my area it was a 2017 frontier king cab only 47k miles for 15k, is this a good deal should I go for it? Or should I look at my local Nissan dealer because I believe they have a deal going on for trade ins
submitted by Interesting-Gap9190 to nissanfrontier [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:57 throoooowawayyyy123 140 wishes into crane dress and im still missing two pieces 🫠

im new to the nikki series, are all limited outfits this painful to complete?? 😭😭😭
submitted by throoooowawayyyy123 to InfinityNikki [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:57 ZealousidealOnion979 Trading gas for fruit storage

Trading gas for fruit storage submitted by ZealousidealOnion979 to BloxFruitsTradingHub [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:57 sortacute Some of my findings today

Some of my findings today submitted by sortacute to mycology [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:57 OptimalSector1895 What to do with breast milk overseas?

I have an oversupply and get to freeze two to three bottles a day and I plan to use them when I get busy with work in the summer and likely won’t be able to keep up with the pumping schedule. I will be overseas with the baby visiting families for a few weeks soon, what is the best thing I can do with the extra breast milk I will pump when overseas? Travel time will be over 30 hrs (one four hour flight, then a 13 hr flight, with a 13 hr layover in between), so I don’t think I can travel with frozen milk. Any idea?
submitted by OptimalSector1895 to ExclusivelyPumping [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:57 Willing_Fun_7615 Is this normal ?

I prick my finger 4 times a day from fasting and 2 hours each time after I eat I already pricked my self 3 times today each time my blood sugar came out to 102 is it normal to have the same number each time? I also just ate waiting 2 hours to test my next number to see if it changes I also feel nauseous and a headache
I’m also diet controlled and not on medication
submitted by Willing_Fun_7615 to GestationalDiabetes [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:57 RealitySea1523 Problemas con SynthV

Buenas, Recientemente tuve un fallo con mi computador y lo tuve que formatear, el problema va en que cuando voy a registrar a Synthv pro, me sale que la key ya se esta usando, tambien me pasa con Otomachi Una
Probe registrando otra voz, tengo a Gumi, y no tuve problemas en registrarla
Alguien, me puede ayudar con este problema, estare profundamente agradecida con esto qwq
submitted by RealitySea1523 to SynthesizerV [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:57 YancyDerringer77 Complete DinoTrux series for free online

For fans of the show that want to watch it for free, here's a link.
submitted by YancyDerringer77 to DinoTruxFandom [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:57 Solo_Yeeter101 Guys, I don’t care if you do the “u/Solo_Yeeter101 is Skullker” posts

Guys, I don’t care if you do the “u/Solo_Yeeter101 is Skullker” posts I am not actually Skullker, and I don’t mind being Skullker’s “Mini-Me” or whatever
It’s completely fine
submitted by Solo_Yeeter101 to darussianbadger [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:57 ConceptInternal8965 Government Files regarding Forced MIND CONTROL

Government Files regarding Forced MIND CONTROL submitted by ConceptInternal8965 to heliacal [link] [comments]