5 + 5 = 4 ?

我的是天选5,不知道怎么搞的右上角就有这个了,只要一开机就显示。 万分之五是千分之0.5,也就是0.05%,但是一般不这样写,不过你也可以这样写,有一种新的表达就是千分之0.5,所以是0.5‰。 千分号就是在百分号的基础上再加一个根据好似的圆圈,如图:‰ 这个就是千分号。 Jan、Feb、Mar、Apr、May、Jun 是一些缩写的月份名称,分别对应一年中的1月、2月、3月、4月、5月和6月。它们来自于英语的月份名称缩写: 它们来自于英语的月份名称缩写: 5、May无缩写 五月; 6、Jun. June 六月; 7、Jul. July 七月; 8、Aug. August 八月; 9、Sep. September九月; 10、Oct. October 十月; 11、Nov. November 十一月; 12、Dec. December 十二月。 英文缩写词,是用一个单词或词组的简写形式来代表一个完整的形式,它不同于首字母缩写词。 5、管径的表达方式应符合下列规定: 一般情况下,铸铁管和球墨铸铁管、镀锌钢管、焊接钢管都是用dn来表示的,称为管道的公称直径。 DN20(4分管 ) 4分是指外径吗? - 2024年5月份:共有31天,其中工作日为21天,休息日为10天。 - 2024年6月份:共有30天,其中工作日为19天,休息日为11天。 - 2024年7月份:共有31天,其中工作日为23天,休息日为8天。 - 2024年8月份:共有31天,其中工作日为22天,休息日为9天。 撰写5分钟发言稿时,考虑到平均播音员速度为一分钟260字,领导讲话略慢,因此五分钟的演讲稿大约在1200字左右。 按照国际标准A4纸,每页大约616字,除去标准符号,五分钟的演讲稿需要2页半到3页,具体字数依内容详简而定。 2010-09-01 6分、1寸、1.5寸、2寸、3寸普通钢管国标厚度 2012-06-15 通常所说的2寸管3寸管的具体尺寸是多少,外径和内径分别是多少 2012-07-03 不锈钢卫生管4分6分1寸1.5寸2.5寸3寸的是多大规格的 2015-11-27 求4分6分1寸 寸2 寸5 2寸 2.5寸 3寸 4寸外经圆... 因为它的标准大小是7×5英寸,而一英寸约等谨者于2.54厘米,我们可通过计算得出这个结果。 七寸照片横版、竖版 七寸证件照在300dpi分辨率下的像素尺寸如下: 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ...

2025.01.19 02:19 101PercentCotton 5 + 5 = 4 ?

submitted by 101PercentCotton to EtsySellers [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 DadThrowsBolts Let’s be careful with how much we criticize the Jacob Barber interview.

Let’s be clear, the interview was a letdown. But this was largely due to a lot of overhyping by Elizondo, Greer, Coulthartt and others. And unlike the Grusch story, Coulthartt simply didn’t do a great job with this one. But kudos to Jacob Barber for coming forward with his story. His story is important. It was simply overhyped. It’s important that whistleblowers continue coming forward, so let’s encourage them to continue doing so rather than making them regret it.
submitted by DadThrowsBolts to UFOs [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 jhaohh Uma nuvem supercélula hoje a tarde perto de Sorocaba/SP

Uma nuvem supercélula hoje a tarde perto de Sorocaba/SP submitted by jhaohh to brasil [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 Electronic-Toe-6322 Can you corrupt the Nightfall?

Just as the title says, except whenever I talk to Dwell, I don't see it in the menu. The scroll wheel on the right side doesn't work. I play on PS5 so im not sure if it's a bug or if there's an unlock requirement.
submitted by Electronic-Toe-6322 to remnantgame [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 xenomorphstinymouth Really enjoying photo mode

Really enjoying photo mode I usually get bored with games after finishing the storyline, but there's just so much to do and so many gorgeous places in this game. Odyssey has quickly become my favorite game.
submitted by xenomorphstinymouth to AssassinsCreedOdyssey [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 StaycNight New to Gaming Laptops

New to gaming laptops, budget is $1600.00. What laptop should I get? I want to use it for gaming first, music production, and some work.
submitted by StaycNight to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 SheogorathMyBeloved They changed the wording of the delete button on the website?

They changed the wording of the delete button on the website? Almost missed it when I swiped 30 times and none of the messages were giving exactly what I wanted them to give lmao
submitted by SheogorathMyBeloved to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 Swimming-Forever323 Has anyone visited Indonesia? Exploring potential economic ties between Indonesia and Somalia

For those who have visited Indonesia, what has your experience been like?
I have come across many Indonesians in Saudi and i've found them very well-behaved. My question is.... why don't we have stronger ties with Indonesia? There are many ways we can collaborate in the agriculture, manufacturing, tourism sector etc. What do you think?
Some interesting facts: - Indonesia's population is 275 million, making it the 4th most populous country in the world. - Largest Muslim-majority country in the world. - Indonesia consist of more than 17,000 islands, making it the world’s largest archipelago. - Indonesia is the 16th largest economy nominal GDP is estimated at over $1 trillion - Indonesia and Somalis both wear sarongs (Macawiis)
submitted by Swimming-Forever323 to Somalia [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 Remote_Rule_2654 Transform tough jobs into effortless tasks!

submitted by Remote_Rule_2654 to BuzzProducts [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 wallowingpen Struggling Newbie needs clarification on how things work.

Hi everyone,
This is my first time navigating the arranged marriage process, and I could use some advice.
I’m a 28F, and my parents recently introduced me to a 36M. At first, I was hesitant because this whole process is new to me. But I decided to give it a chance, and to my surprise, our first meeting went really well. He seemed genuinely kind and put me at ease. The conversation felt natural and not at all forced, and I actually had fun. His parents also seem like lovely people.
For context, I don’t have any issues with the age gap between us. I’m more focused on how well we connect and how the process unfolds.
After our meeting, we both decided to take it slow, speak a few more times, and then decide if we want to move forward. He seems interested but he doesn’t call every day and isn’t much of a texter, but he speaks really well and is engaging in person. He texts a few times a week and talk maybe once a week. The lack of frequent communication though, sometimes makes me doubt if he’s truly interested.
I’ve had romantic relationships in the past, and since they are my only point of comparison for the process, this feels a bit different. I’m worried about getting too emotionally involved if he’s not as invested as I am, and I don’t want to hurt myself.
For those of you who’ve been through this process or have any insights: - How can I navigate this uncertainty? - What should I expect from someone in this situation? - Any advice on how to act and proceed without overthinking?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by wallowingpen to Arrangedmarriage [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 TheOtherCoenBrother My Deathwatch team

My Deathwatch team 2 Black Templars, 1 Iron Hand, 1 Raven Guard, and a Blackshield.
submitted by TheOtherCoenBrother to fashionmarine [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 krzy44 collection so far, ask away!

collection so far, ask away! let me know if u have any questions! just wanted to share my progress so far. i gotta stop fr but next week im going back for a lv lovers dupe that i pre ordered 👍 gotta catch ‘em all! but anyways il try to answer all questions, if any
submitted by krzy44 to fragranceclones [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 buff_ducky My freshly finished painting of Tauriel’s daggers (size accurate)

Canvas size is 10”x30”. All that’s left is to varnish!
With a half finished WIP of Legolas’ blades too :) (Banana for scale)
submitted by buff_ducky to lotr [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 mamagocrazy Cum play

Hey say 💋
submitted by mamagocrazy to IndyOnlyfans [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 MissGetAClue Anyone have any furniture with this tag? I’m desperate

Anyone have any furniture with this tag? I’m desperate I’ve figured out it’s from a summer event but I didn’t have the game then so I’m wondering if anyone can help me out? I’ll send y’all on a code in the comments if anyone can help🩷
submitted by MissGetAClue to HelloKittyIsland [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 ifunner_chefe VOCÊS. Fãs de animes. Qual o motivo de vocês gostarem deles

VOCÊS. Fãs de animes. Qual o motivo de vocês gostarem deles submitted by ifunner_chefe to animebrasil [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 booby69696969 Can someone help identify and provide information about this watch?

submitted by booby69696969 to VintageWatches [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 CanxietyWasTaken I think we need to stop complaining about the miscast

Ik it's a miscast but as pointed out by many in this subreddit it's becoming a frequent topic about every other post. This also just becomes more fuel for the other subreddits.
submitted by CanxietyWasTaken to TheLastOfUs2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 phoenix_afrodit3 WashU or UIC for Chemistry PhD/Pharm. Sci. PhD

Hey everyone! So as the title says, I'm just doing my best to learn more about both schools' PhD programs to give me a better idea of which one to choose. I haven't gotten accepted to either yet, but just thought it wouldn't hurt to think about this now. I'm interested in medicinal chemistry research and drug design/discovery. I also, whenever I can, would love to be a bit more interdisciplinary and learn some biology/biochemistry techniques when given the chance. They're my top two programs (UIC's Pharm Sci PhD program and WashU's Chem PhD program...thought I'd add this to specify that I applied to UIC's Pharm Sci program and not the Chem program). This post is really for people to talk about their experiences in these programs if any, things they like, things they dislike, etc. Thanks so much in advance!!
submitted by phoenix_afrodit3 to gradadmissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 lambo227 Hard truth: This franchise has made zero progress the last four years

Hard truth: This franchise has made zero progress the last four years submitted by lambo227 to falcons [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 Floflo972 I've seen quite a few people theorize that Jinsuke opens the door... Honestly, it would save him from his current situation, but it would also kind of break the character's writing.

I've seen quite a few people theorize that Jinsuke opens the door... Honestly, it would save him from his current situation, but it would also kind of break the character's writing. By this I mean that Jinsuke is the god-forsaken man, a person who got here just through talent and effort, a bit like Hattori. To give him the door to celestial awakening now would be rather disappointing.
He would have to overcome the wall that is Ishun just with the strength of his humanity.
submitted by Floflo972 to Tenkaichi [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 Carpanteux Question for y'all I need help plz

So yeah I'm thinking about getting a new bike because it's on sale and its a super duper deal BUT it's a XXL and Im 6'2". Chart says 6'3" and over but I'm thinking it can't that bad, plus I have a dirtbike background so I'm kinda used to big and heavy girls. Opinion?
submitted by Carpanteux to mountainbiking [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 Frequent_Thought9539 Poll: How many Feds are Exiting Government

View Poll
submitted by Frequent_Thought9539 to fednews [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 Ok-Twist-956 7 month old allergic to eggs?

7 month old allergic to eggs? I gave my 7 month old a few bites of my eggs this morning. He had a little rash on his face before I gave them, but tonight his face looks like this and now I’m worried 😭 what do you guys think?
submitted by Ok-Twist-956 to FoodAllergies [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 SleptasEna First rebind with His Dark materials

First rebind with His Dark materials This was my first time doing a rebind so I used a paper back I've had forever and transformed it to a pretty hardback. Designed on canva and used htv foil on faux leather. Learned a lot and definatly melted a couple spots on the faux leather but overall I think it turned out well!
submitted by SleptasEna to bookbinding [link] [comments]
