2025.01.19 02:13 Happy-Rent7605 PART 1 LRS

PART 1 LRS submitted by Happy-Rent7605 to DokkanBattleReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:13 Last_Attention_8893 K.G and L.W as they are or refined to one album?

if you would, which songs would you keep and cut from these two to join them into a single album? curious to see. i think this would be one of their best with the song choices
submitted by Last_Attention_8893 to KGATLW [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:13 mynameisshitibicht Scout's Honor checkpoint F strange things

1: I watch you hun
If you beat the huns that are after you, go to the fence in the marketplace, theres a glitched hun that spams a dialogue but the way he spams the dialogue makes him say "I watch you, I watch you, I watch you".
2: 4 Spray paints around the subway
When youre about to enter the subway there are 3 spray paints beside the blue fence near you and a spray paint beside the subway, what does this mean, what do you use them for? There are no burners to cross out in checkpoint F...
submitted by mynameisshitibicht to TheWarriorsGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:13 Typical-Macaron-6422 [recruiting] &-invision | #2J8GCJPV8 | town hall 13 | level 4 clan | war | social | competitive | active |

We are looking for town hall 13’s that aren’t rushed and have above 2600 trophies, we are a really active clan. We do wars every single day unless posted otherwise in the clan chat. You must be active every day at least and do attacks in clan capital during raid weekend, or challenges during clan games and any other event. We are a growing clan that plans to be a great and active one in the future with plenty of members.
submitted by Typical-Macaron-6422 to ClashOfClansRecruit [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:13 Symm0818 Needing help, selling content

Message me so we can work something out. Just trying to eat and see my kiddo.
submitted by Symm0818 to INeedMoneyNow [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:13 titsahoy2025 Got one more tile checked off last time, any more tonight?

Got one more tile checked off last time, any more tonight? submitted by titsahoy2025 to nudebingo [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:13 Whiteboycampolo How the card will look tonight IMO

How the card will look tonight IMO submitted by Whiteboycampolo to ufc [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:13 claybythebay9 Don’t over OR under react to the NewsNation segment

Of course it wasn’t earth shattering evidence. It was simply compelling testimony from a credible whistleblower and a crummy video of a possible alien craft. Pretty cool, but definitely overhyped and underwhelming for 2025. After the revelations that have come to light over the last few years, this is more of the same, but still important. Seeing posts claiming that this set back the movement, or caused folks to lose interest in the subject entirely, is laughable and just an indication of one who lacks control of their emotions.
submitted by claybythebay9 to UFOs [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:13 a_secret_boss Leaves Coffee

I like the set up compared to Glitch Coffee. The table is facing the bar
submitted by a_secret_boss to Coffee_Shop [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:13 MostFunIsIllegal Bean to tree to bean to bar

A weird inside joke led to grow a tree just for the sake of making chocolate for my fiancé. I have 3 pods, one looks iffy, one looks okay, I haven't opened the other. I really just want to do this once and not dump a ton of money into it, but make a decent Valentines day surprise. What all do I need to do? any recommendations for videos or tutorials and what all do I NEED to buy vs can use other kitchen gadgets for? Thanks so much for the help.
submitted by MostFunIsIllegal to chocolatemaking [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:13 humblymybrain "Murder of 36 Years Confessed." What do you think about death bed confessions to serious crimes? Source: Casper Daily Tribune (Casper, Wyo.), 18 Jan. 1925.

submitted by humblymybrain to YoreNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:13 Ikaricyber What type of staples should I add to help counteract hero’s better?

What type of staples should I add to help counteract hero’s better? submitted by Ikaricyber to DuelLinks [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:13 vinstaysin [Silly Question] do you name your watch(es)?

So I had an interesting thought, I tend to name my stuff. My car, my violin, any significant item of mine gets a name. Not sure why, just a fun little thing I do.
I was looking at my watch, and I realized it needed a name! Do any of you name your watches?
submitted by vinstaysin to Watches [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:13 Dismal_Source392 [rolex ] deepsea challenge

[rolex ] deepsea challenge What do people think about the one on the left? Of course it is a really intense design and many people probably wouldn’t wear that watch if it were publicly available. Is there anyone that would? Is there anyone that would wear the one on the right? With its gigantic Size.
These watches are on display at my local Rolex AD. I go in there every so often as one should in order to remind them of your existence and interest in the watch you are waiting for.
Regardless, if I would wear either of those watches or not, it is really cool to look at them and I enjoyseeing them in person every time I go in.
submitted by Dismal_Source392 to Watches [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:13 hr1383 Operations Manager Remote Portugal @Sword
submitted by hr1383 to aijobster [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:13 InvaderKush It’s nice to see the hot air balloons around the city again.

submitted by InvaderKush to LasCruces [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:13 hr1383 Senior Operations & Strategy Specialist Remote Portugal @Sword
submitted by hr1383 to aijobster [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:13 GoddessSawyerr1 Desperate for a glimpse of my feet

Desperate for a glimpse of my feet submitted by GoddessSawyerr1 to findommes [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:13 Awesomeo-5000 The Crash Bug needs to be fixed immediately

I just got a 15 minute ban because the game crashed 10 seconds into a competitive game. I am aware you can mitigate the odds by restarting the game every hour but that is not acceptable. This has happened since the game launched and I am strongly considering quitting.
submitted by Awesomeo-5000 to rivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:13 ConservativeTexan713 Military Reserves ? I am currently a Firefighter in the Civilian World.

I am looking for some advice and guidance, was hoping yall could help me here..
I am a 23 year old from Texas, I am a Full Time Firefighter and EMT-B Certified. I have been seriously looking into the Air Force Reserves (I have not contacted a AFR recruiter at all).
Why ? For travel, new experiences/oppurtunities, Brotherhood/Camaraderie, Benefits, 2 Careers, and I have the urge to serve my country as well. Also having a Military background in the Fire Service in the Civilian World will be very beneficial for me as I've been told by many. I love being a Firefighter this is what I want to do, but also I want to do many other things too with this 1 life we only have.
I have 0 to little responsibilities and still stay at home. I been told recently as well AFR offer great Firefighting programs if i were to go that route (im not entirely sure) ? Is it better to do something different and not Firefighter related in the Reserves ?
Is the Air Force Reserves or any other Reserve branches worth Pursuing ? Is this a good idea or plan although i am already set with a Full Time Firefighter Civilian Job. Is juice worth the squeeze, are the benefits worth it ? Or is it just not a smart move to go to because the Reserves are not worth it ?
At the moment I'm currently in school to almost finishing my AAS then on to Bachelor's Degree if possible while being a Full Time Firefighter.
Any information will be appreciative. Thank you for your time and advice if you can help!
submitted by ConservativeTexan713 to navyreserve [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:13 nomurov my relationship with brown/coloured paper/canvas through the years

my relationship with brown/coloured papecanvas through the years first ones on sequence are the oldest (2015/15), latest ones are the most recent (2020/24) - mainly coloured pencils and gouache, most recent dabbling with acrylics
context | on the beginning of my art journey i had a lot of trouble working with regular white/light backgrounds, and after a little while, i found that brown paper worked wonders on understanding and working with colours, which was nice and helped me to transition to others renditions. hope you remember to try out different materials/techniques, specially when you’re a little stuck :)
submitted by nomurov to drawing [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:13 Vader441 Damage is done, leave me alone

submitted by Vader441 to sixwordstories [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:13 k4siod my grandparents

my grandparents i think this belongs here
submitted by k4siod to TheWayWeWere [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:13 NoCommunication3179 MCA Enjoy HAHAHAHAHA
submitted by NoCommunication3179 to MayConfessionAko [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:13 LadderParticular3427 pc boot up screen tear

hey guys, so whenever i boot up my pc, it would start screen tearing from the bottom until it reaches up to the top then it goes on a complete black screen, anyone might know the reason why ? i’ve tried removing the gpu and updating drivers to no avail :(
submitted by LadderParticular3427 to pchelp [link] [comments]