Fathom – The Left and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: The path to righteous hatred

2025.01.19 03:54 MatterandTime Fathom – The Left and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: The path to righteous hatred

Fathom – The Left and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: The path to righteous hatred submitted by MatterandTime to Palestinian_Violence [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:54 Left_Experience_9857 Title

submitted by Left_Experience_9857 to NFCNorthMemeWar [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:54 crmpicco Gerald Briscoe has been sharing his “shed treasures” on Twitter

What a collection of merch he has. I’d argue it needs to be in the WWE museum.
submitted by crmpicco to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:54 Kristin_1997 Root canal one week ago

I got a root canal one week ago cause I was having horrible sensitivity and ear pain. The sensitivity is gone but the ear pain is still around.. if the root canal is taking out the nerves why would I feel pain still? I’m very concerned. Any insight would be appreciated. Thank you!
submitted by Kristin_1997 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:54 Drumsnstuff2 Ipad pro M4 vs Air M2

Has anyone done a side by side of the document scanning feature of the 2 ipads, is the true tone flash and AI in the ipad pro actually better than the air?
submitted by Drumsnstuff2 to ipad [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:54 self-fix Rioters, including any bystanders present at the courthouse scene, to be sentenced to a minimum of 3 years in prison

Rioters, including any bystanders present at the courthouse scene, to be sentenced to a minimum of 3 years in prison submitted by self-fix to korea [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:54 geenin [PS5] W: marionette soldier Birdhelm H: Karma, mule, ask

submitted by geenin to PatchesEmporium [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:54 Brodyj03 Possible bad PCV or just Winter?

Possible bad PCV or just Winter? Hey everyone,
Anyone with a SXTH catch can see increased fill and wateriness in the winter? I know they fill up faster because of the condensation that comes with heating and cooling. But I just want to make sure I don’t need to replace the PCV valve.
Thanks for any help!!
submitted by Brodyj03 to VelosterN [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:54 RaginAce23 Team Circle takes the win at the first Astro Bot PlayStation SpeedRun Tournament.

submitted by RaginAce23 to Astrobot [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:54 Lunar_Eclipse_Moon NOOOOOO

NOOOOOO submitted by Lunar_Eclipse_Moon to TikTok [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:54 GameNinja03 "Ahaha! Dance with me!"

submitted by GameNinja03 to RobloxAvatars [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:54 Kazekid Sharpe gets into the scoring column with the and-1 attack

Sharpe gets into the scoring column with the and-1 attack submitted by Kazekid to ripcity [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:54 Read-it2025 Nail extraction after care

Had big toe nail extracted Dr. said wait 24 hours to soak. Just wanted some tips or advice for after care.
submitted by Read-it2025 to Ingrown_Toenails [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:54 sylvieb_ trading all 16 mr whiskerpips for anyone wanting to make a mega!

trading all 16 mr whiskerpips for anyone wanting to make a mega! i just fr cannot be bothered got so many priority neons sooo—any offers?
submitted by sylvieb_ to AdoptMeTrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:54 AvarageFurr This amazing Battington Springtrap cosplay

This amazing Battington Springtrap cosplay Cosplay by this user on insta: https://www.instagram.com/cardboardking87?igsh=MXJtMGswZ2VoeTBuYw==
submitted by AvarageFurr to fivenightsatfreddys [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:54 Broad-Speaker-6351 Not the first time this has happened but it's wild that I get to Gold 2 again and immediately fucked and sent back to G3 at least let me reach Gold 1 for the first time FFS

Not the first time this has happened but it's wild that I get to Gold 2 again and immediately fucked and sent back to G3 at least let me reach Gold 1 for the first time FFS submitted by Broad-Speaker-6351 to UFLTheGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:54 ItzDarc Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Orchestra World Tour - Cleveland, OH - 1/18/2025

submitted by ItzDarc to FF7Rebirth [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:54 Just_Mess_4498 How Rare Is It To Max Out A Synergy, Just Got 10 Enforcers And Was Wondering How Often Does This Happen. Also this is my first post, hallo 👋.

How Rare Is It To Max Out A Synergy, Just Got 10 Enforcers And Was Wondering How Often Does This Happen. Also this is my first post, hallo 👋. submitted by Just_Mess_4498 to TeamfightTactics [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:54 Acceptable-Cost-9607 Bye bye Lions. No cheesy fight song for you.

Bye bye Lions. No cheesy fight song for you. submitted by Acceptable-Cost-9607 to NFCNorthMemeWar [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:54 LegalComplaint Posted 31 days ago, you sluts!

Hence why I couldn’t predict the fall of our BILs in the NFC South.
submitted by LegalComplaint to NFCNorthMemeWar [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:54 iamthesenate117 Me every time I time I talk to one of the Shin

Me every time I time I talk to one of the Shin submitted by iamthesenate117 to cremposting [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:54 One-Sandwich2149 I really have 2 questions but I didn't want to make 2 separate posts

  1. How can I change my username and have it reflected in my posts and comments? I just plain don't like the generic username I was assigned, but I can't seem to figure out how to change it, if that's even possible. I don't remember being given an option to choose a username when I signed up
  2. How do I cover spoilers in my posts? I see people who have them blocked out, and you can click to see the original text underneath. I would love to be able to do that as well, as I always hated when things were spoiled for me and don't want to do it to others
Thanks in advance!
submitted by One-Sandwich2149 to reddithelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:54 Rabbit557 AITAH for deciding to move out of state with my two kids and trying to start over?

Hey everyone.I had another account on reddit and I do follow this page.I decided to used my backup account to post about something that actually bothered.Sorry for typing a long story and hopefully you understand.I am not making this up since it really did happened to me.Here we go!
I(f25) am a single mom of two kids(f8 and f6)living with my parents(m72 and f55).We all lived in a 4 bedroom apartment and it was good living there.My kids father(m27)is a truck driver and he comes from a family that is...quite off.I had met his family when I was pregnant with my oldest and his family act nice but the energy in the family wasn't right.My pops had met him and he(my pops)stated that he don't like him at all.He had say negative about him being a user and his family are nothing but trouble.Me(16/17 at the time)being a teenager in love with him and not listening to my pops.
My kids father and I had broken up three days after I had our second child.He broke up with me because he couldn't handle the stress and he wasn't being himself.Two or three weeks later,I had seen the post from another media stating that he had came out of the closet and got a boyfriend.I haven't heard from him in a year,but I had been showing the girls pictures of their dad and telling good things about him.His family never contacted me about the kids nor asked me how the kids are doing.A year later,he had decided to be in the picture but was focusing on boyfriends.
Here's the mess that caused me to make me wanted to move into another state.Some of the details are a bit too much which I wanted to keep out in the story:
Fast forward to last year in July,my kids' father and his family were having a family event for his cousin's mom who got cancer.He given his sister(one of the family members that I do trust) permission to come get the girls for the weekend and they did left with their aunt.The following morning,I was sleeping in for my night shift and my ex had called my phone.I had woken up and respond hello with a sleepy voice.He was screaming and hollering about something that I didn't catch on what he had say.I told him to slow down and having him to repeat what he had say.
He had told me that someone had sexually assaulting our oldest daughter and wanted to know who did it.I was confused about what he say and asked him what went down.He had stated that his mom was giving of our daughters a bath and she was wiping her area...which she had no business to give her a bath since my daughters are old enough to wash themselves(remember they were 7 and 6 when it happened).She found a discharge that wasn't normal and they assumed that she was sexually assaulted.He say that the kids will be home from church this afternoon and wanted to be on speaker hearing me questioning the kids.
The kids had got home from church and I had asked them privately(while their dad on speaker) about anyone touching them.Both of my kids had confirmed that no body haven't touch them in the wrong way.I had a talk with them about sexual abuse and telling people "no" for touching in the wrong way.I end up setting up an appointment in the local clinic that's opens 7 days a week in my town so she(my oldest)could get tested for a rape kit.
The next day,I have taken her to the appointment and found out that the clinic didn't have a rape kit at all.They end up sending her to the ER to get it done and my oldest was crying about going to the ER.My pops had taken me and my daughter to the ER at 11am since we left the clinic at 10:55am.She was able to go into the back and we waited for the doctor.The nurse was a bit rude asking about what was going on.I had explained the situation and she asked my daughter about what happened.My daughter was being honest about her answer.The police did got involved and asking me questions about who my daughter was with.The policeman had left with the details of what I have given him.I had told the nurse that I have to call my boss that I will be running late but she misunderstood what I had say.The nurse thought that I was in a rush and feeling some type of way.The doctor had finally seen her and his face was showing me that he didn't want to check her since he's a male doctor and she's a little girl.He went on to check her and stated she got infection on there.He end up giving her the cream and discharge her at 2:45pm.
My mistake here was that I had called my kids' father about it and he end up calling his mom and sister to come get the kids(without me knowing).He didn't wait to speak with me once I had told him what had happened.I did stayed home for two extra hours(my shift was from 1pm to 6pm)and told my boss I'm on way.Showed up for work at 4pm and told my boss that I had a personal problem to deal with.I was there for a hour and my pops had showed up at my job.He had told me that my kids' father had his family members(his mom and one of his sisters)to come get them to see a doctor in their city.I had went to the office to tell my boss.My boss and his boss had noticed that I was feeling worried.They even asked me if I was ok and I had mentioned that I have to leave now.I had met my pops in the lobby and ask him for his backup inhaler(he never use it).He let me used it when my boss had came around the corner to see what was going on.Left work to met up with my older brother(m mid50) and my cousin(m mid20-early 30).My cousin was the one who had told my pops about the family members of my kids' father.
They had told me what happened and I explained to them what happened.They had to stop me at the part where my kids' father's mom had found out about the infection and asked why she didn't take her to the hospital on the same day she found it.Also,asked why she didn't contact me to meet her at the hospital instead of sending her home for me to deal with it.That question end up staying on my mind for a long time.After we had talk about it,I went home and trying to calm myself down.The sister(the same one who picked up my kids)had showed up with their mom(long story about the mom)and their two cousins.I end up calling my cousin and brother to come over to the apartment.I had stepped outside to speak with them.
The deadbeat mom(my exes mom wasn't in the picture until they were in their 20s)was in my face screaming about taking me to court for this and that.Plus,she called my mom a name that wasn't necessary at all.My mom had went outside and nearly about to beat the shit out of his mom.But my pops and I had to hold her back since we don't want to get put out of our only home.The police did show up along with the rest of my siblings,nieces and nephews.The two police officers had came into the apartment asking what happened and I explained every detail about it.
One of the officers had told me that kids can get a discharge from anything that's not sexual from baths to certain things that kids will do.Even the doctor say the samething.He explained that the grandma(my ex's mom)that she didn't have time to take her.I was pissed off at his family.I did noticed outside of the window that his aunt(the one who raised him and his two other siblings)was on the phone but I didn't know who.My siblings,in laws and neices were checking on me and my parents while the kids were being greeted by them.
Later in that night,the CPS lady had showed up at the door with the same officer from earlier and asking plenty of questions.After questioning me and the kids,she had discussed the safe plan with me...which had them to stay with someone for a while.I was heart broken and scared to let my kids go.I had to do what she say and give them their clothes.The officer and CPS lady noticed that I loved the kids and cared about them as any mother suppose to do.They Eben noticed how heartbroken I was when they have to stay with someone else.After my kids had left,the apartment was quiet and I wasn't able to eat for a week.Showed up for court two days later with my older brother and they had given me 30 days to get myself together in order to have my kids back.My kids' father had his sister(the same one from earlier)and his two cousins to represent him since he's on the road but the court won't allowed them to do so...which resulted him in not showing up for court.Found out that my kids were staying with the same aunt.And the same sister(along with the mom)had told a lied that my pops was the one who sexually harassing my kids...which wasn't true at all.
A week later,the CPS lady had called me to have myself relocated to my other brother's house with my kids since the aunt was having an attitude with her about wanted to go back to work instead of being with the kids for 30 days.I end up moving into my brother's house for rest of the month while helping my parents with the apartment.I had taken the kids to the place were they were being questioned for what had happened and etc.Two days before the 30 days were completed,the CPS lady had checked into the apartment and give me the ok to move back home with my kids.We moved back home and my pops were able to see the kids again.
I had cut my kids' father off for going back to tell his family but his aunt had got on me about it.End up talking to him again for her sake.I did cut his aunt off since my kids had told me what she had done to my kids and said about me.
I had end up planning on moving to another state(Massachusetts)in the middle of 2025 since I wanted to start over,give my kids better education,my own place,better income and wanted to get away from his family.I had spoken with my aunt(my mom's sister)about moving to another state and she understands why I wanted to move away.Another mistake is that I had discussed with him about moving away to another state but didn't tell him the actual reason why I am moving.My kids' father had begged me to not move to Massachusetts and didn't want to travel somewhere that will take his life on the way.
Today,my kids' father's aunt had showed up to my job and asking about how the kids were doing and etc...until she had questioned about my parenting style.My kids' father had told his aunt about our youngest's being a class clown when I had spoken to him about it with my youngest's teacher.She also get into her feelings about me not contacting her but understands that I didn't want to talk with her.I had to excuse myself to get something off the stoves and she left the place with her fresh food.
I am completely pissed off as I am typing this from my phone.I really do thank your time for reading this.Sorry for the typeos on here as well.WIBTAH?
submitted by Rabbit557 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:54 tokkipan 250110 WE_NMIXX Twitter Update with Sullyoon

250110 WE_NMIXX Twitter Update with Sullyoon submitted by tokkipan to NMIXX [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:54 Certain_Phrase4158 Done

Done Welp it’s official 😭😡
submitted by Certain_Phrase4158 to tiktokgossip [link] [comments]
