is my friend dropping hints:( HELP

2025.01.19 06:11 Goth_Elff is my friend dropping hints:( HELP

So I have a friend named Katie who I have known for the past 5 years mostly long distance. The past 3 months we've been spending more time together. In her words, "probably bi, but has always just gone for men and is mostly attracted to them". Basically she said that she might like girls in theory only. Despite this I feeeeeel like I've detected some not straight energy from her, but I may be totally off base.
I'll mainly just speak about last night because it has me in a confused state rn.
Katie had a birthday party last night. She invited me to go out dancing and make some arts-and-crafts with her friend group. I gladly accepted and went over in the evening. Started off very normal but I noticed she was giving me a lot more direct attention than others, but I kind of chalked it up to her just trying to integrate me into her friend group/make me more comfortable. The first sign to me through the night was showing her a clip of one of gaming moments that I was proud of and she made a very direct comment of "thats really hot tbh" and it was super out of character for her usually.
OK so thats not much, and I didnt give it much weight. We all went out and danced and it was a really fun time. I asked before I came over if I could maybe spend the night because there was a snowstorm last night that was forecasted. She said yes of course and I made it clear that im cool to sleep on the couch. When we got back she insisted that I just sleep in her bed with her. At that point im nervous because I have a crush on her and she's very aware im a lesbian. BUT I still am just thinking this is straight girl behavior, not a big deal. Then she suggests that we both take showers, and I swear to god she initially said "lets take a shower" but I didn't hear very well and it seemed like maybe she walked it back to "lets take showers, you go first". OK I JUST MISHEAR THINGS but jfc my heart was racing from that.
I started to get really confused when she asked if I mind that she sleeps in just underwear, after giving me a tanktop and shorts to sleep in. I said no I dont mind at all, and we both laid down. I had every intention of being a pure noodle and just staying on my side of the bed but her FUCKING FOOT WANDERED OVER TO MINE and now my heart's going fucking crazy. The footsies turned into spooning at one point, but I got overwhelmed by doubt and wondering if I took maybe *too* much of a hint. I detached and went back to my side and fell asleep, I woke up to her re-initiating touch and she was now basically spooning ME. The reason why I'm terribly confused is because it felt like she was giving touch and hints but not wanting to go much further than that with it. Im the kind of person that needs direct intent, the last thing I want to do is make someone uncomfortable.
So the night kinda went like that, a weird back and forth of touch until we got up in the morning and it was business as usual. Idk, I hate situations like this and my worst fear is ruining a friendship, and idk if this is just standard straight girl-friends type behavior. Help:(
submitted by Goth_Elff to actuallesbians [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 Soya-Kun Magical Girl Sirin (by awe)

Magical Girl Sirin (by awe) submitted by Soya-Kun to honkaiimpact3 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 Warm_Strategy_4729 Takia Thomas

Takia Thomas submitted by Warm_Strategy_4729 to Fit_babes [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 AlternativeCarpet494 Mass data pulls for stocks

Hey is there any code bases or libraries that would allow for a large set of data to be pulled kind of like the stock graph for a long period of time for a specific stock? I wanted to try to automate a trading strategy and train it off old data.
submitted by AlternativeCarpet494 to alpacamarkets [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 Noyakki Fitness Creators Australia

Hey there, we are looking for UGC creators in Aus for an upcoming supplement brand. This is an ongoing paid opportunity.
submitted by Noyakki to UGCcreators [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 DaigoUmehaha Marvel snap has been banned in the US

Marvel snap has been banned in the US submitted by DaigoUmehaha to Asmongold [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 SuchAssignmentStinks Harvest Moon Another Wonderful Life Transvangerse Outfit

Harvest Moon Another Wonderful Life Transvangerse Outfit submitted by SuchAssignmentStinks to harvestmoon [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 Amazing_Artichoke841 Who did this?

Damn, at least flush! 😂
submitted by Amazing_Artichoke841 to outerworlds [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 No_Mark7724 N.,.,,,..,I gr0up on t3I3, send sample to join LZEFP3BD

submitted by No_Mark7724 to Melinamsxou_heiss [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 zerkreaper1405 Champion's Exit

Champion's Exit submitted by zerkreaper1405 to ufc [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 OkStruggle904 Hi... The rules... Will be... Oh f., I don't know yet... To be continued some other time🎩🤪

submitted by OkStruggle904 to familiez [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 Limp-Tumbleweed5587 Algún veterinario que me aconseje?! PORFAVORRR

Mi chihuahua anciano (8 años aprox) tuvo una infección hace como mes y medio en la parte de abajo del ojo, que al parecer fue por una infección en sus dientes que se le paso hacia esa zona :C (ya le traté eso de sus dientes y simplemente le volvió :'c), volviendo a lo de su absceso, se le hizo una bola gigante y le drenó sola con medicamento, tenía tos también, y moco, entre la medicina me dieron "OFTALDIC"
El problema es que le volvió y ahora lo veo desanimado y me preocupa, la veterinaria ya había cerrado cuando la contacté el día de hoy, entonces no tengo de otra más que esperar hasta mañana y me siento muy desesperada
quisiera saber si me aconsejan que me arriesgue a ponerle ahorita de esas gotas antes de que le crezca más el absceso??? la vez pasada inicio del mismo tamaño que ahora y al día siguiente despertó mucho peor
Muchas gracias de antemano!!
submitted by Limp-Tumbleweed5587 to mexico [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 ankhonmeintere Found this majestic stray chilling like royalty...

Found this majestic stray chilling like royalty... submitted by ankhonmeintere to IndianPets [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 Own_Working_9772 Looking for a story called C.A.M.P I think

It's about a kid named Ronald that turns out to be a very powerful psychic that joins a group called C.A.M.Pto take on a filing group that is he from Russia
submitted by Own_Working_9772 to looking_for_campstory [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 2521gyrm 22 Dota/Wildrift Buddies

lf kasama maglaro ng ranked for the ^ ff games :)
emerald rank for WR and crusader for dotes, I mostly play support for both.
submitted by 2521gyrm to PHGamerPals [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 ungoth New Zealand, so many grubs in the garden bed we just dug up. Are these a pest? Really struggling to identify.

New Zealand, so many grubs in the garden bed we just dug up. Are these a pest? Really struggling to identify. They have little tiny faces and a butt, but no visible legs. Want to know if they are a problem before we plant our herb garden.
submitted by ungoth to bugidentification [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 dillpickle3298 Real

Real submitted by dillpickle3298 to femboymemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 Medium_Analyst_2711 Wwe 2k23 steel steps mod

Hello, I am new to modding and hoping someone here can tell me how to use the steps mod in wwe 2k23. I heard this mod allows you to do moves on the steps.
I already have caketools installed but I don't know how to mod.
Can anyone please tell me how???
submitted by Medium_Analyst_2711 to WWEGames [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 Own-Engineering6448 I burst out laughing at how the horse pranked the cat and acted like nothing happened

submitted by Own-Engineering6448 to Awww [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 shaboozeybot Midweek Mini - Robots with Human Brains and Skin!

Midweek Mini - Robots with Human Brains and Skin! submitted by shaboozeybot to ChilluminatiPod [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 Nothorius_Wuerejo Familia hipócrita

Tal como lo dice el título, si mi familia son unos hipócritas, para no hacer muy largo el cuento, soy un adolescente, y hago lo que haría cualquier adolescente en esta etapa de la vida, pero la verdad, en mi familia ya no me siento cómodo, ¿porque? Se preguntarán. Bueno es por qué mis padres están separados y la verdad mi padre es una persona muy explosiva y controladora, nos quiere y todo, pero esa forma de ser aveces no es algo que me guste de él, y por eso mi mamá se fue de nuestra casa, más el abuso físico que sufría, más el que mi papá es una persona que no quería mucho a mi mamá, más que mis abuelos no la defendían o se limpiaban las manos en ciertas cosas cuando era algo relacionado con ella y mi papá, la cuestión es que, enserio que no los aguanto, solo son peleas y peleas, más por que iba a estar en una pelea de exhibición (boxeo), pero habían ciertas cosas que no le parecieron a él y no me dejó y no me deja a la fecha estar en ellas, así como el que busca excusarse de por qué se fue mi mamá, y haciéndola como la culpable, en resumen del por qué les digo esto, es por que tengo pensado, en cuanto cumpla la mayoría de edad irme a vivir a otro lugar, lejos de ellos, por qué la verdad ya no me siento cómodo, y si no fuera por que me diría mi papá que le de mi celular i/o cosas, me hubiera ido desde hace un tiempo, más en cambio buscaré un trabajo o invertir en un negocio para irme de aquí.
-ATT: Wuerejo
submitted by Nothorius_Wuerejo to NecesitoDesahogarme [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 mweesnaw Me as a woman whenever they talk about women’s anatomy

Me as a woman whenever they talk about women’s anatomy submitted by mweesnaw to TheBasementYard [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 bharlesbang Facehugger Tattoo (by me), done at Iron Electric Tattoo, CA

Planned on doing just the line-work but my client was a beast and sat through the entire session! Done in 6 1/2 hours~
submitted by bharlesbang to tattoos [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 AltruisticPops Tomorrow is the day that (hopefully) marks the end of cases like this

I think Gensler's iron fist policy as SEC boss has been the most repressive in crypto's history. Dude is about to leave but he just picked on on another victim before closing the door, more specifically Nova Labs (which have been pushing technological boundaries with decentralized networks). His reasoning is: they offered “Hotspots” to mine Helium (HNT) (the companie's currency) and ran a “Discovery Mapping” program that let users trade private data for crypto, both allegedly qualifying as investment contracts
This repressive policy of limiting these kind of tech instead of supporting it is his legacy.
Let’s not forget that under his leadership, the SEC changed the whole "securities" thing beyond recognition. Ripple was a perfect example of how abusive his stance was (lawsuit lasted over 3 years starting on December 2020), even when the courts didn't fully agree with his interpretations.
His consistent anti-crypto rhetoric, labeling almost all tokens as securities, was less about investor protection (as he claimed) and more about controlling the industry as an overlord.
The lawsuit against Nova Labs is a perfect example. I believe the timing is telling, just days before stepping down, he unleashes one more lawsuit to cement his legacy as crypto’s biggest douche.
I’m bullish
Once Gensler is out, the SEC has a massive opportunity to pivot. No more witch hunting on crypto with this new administration.
Trump’s administration will prioritize fostering economic growth and innovation, which includes supporting crypto rather than hating on it. I’m optimistic that post-Gensler, the SEC will drop cases like this Nova Labs debacle and focus on
The day is tomorrow, January 20th and he won't be missed.
submitted by AltruisticPops to ethtrader [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 Capital-Ad-2099 Shura gauntlet

So I manage to make it to inner father and have been practicing his reflection and boy is this gonna take a minute oof I just want the outfit
submitted by Capital-Ad-2099 to Sekiro [link] [comments]