Scam or Real?

scam Scam = a dishonest or fraudulent business activity. For example, if someone sells a product to you and takes your money but then does not provide the product to you, that's a scam. Spam = unwanted messages that cause annoyance (or which are designed to promote certain products / services) especially when the messages are sent to a large number of people or they are sent repeatedly to the ... HiNative是一个问与答的平台,您可以在这里向各国的母语者提问关于文化,语言等问题。 scamA lie "The deal was a scam." = "The deal was a lie."的定义 英语 (美国) 法语 (法国) 德语 意大利语 日语 韩语 波兰语 葡萄牙语 (巴西) 葡萄牙语 (葡萄牙) 俄语 中文 (简体) 西班牙语 (墨西哥) 中文 (繁体,台湾) 土耳其语 越南语 what legit means? is it a slang?@yongxichen it means real, real deal, cool the formal one is legit/ legitimate, which means valid, real. and legal for example : they are working hard to keep everything legit it is a legitimate company. as a slang, nowadays it is used to emphasise a truth: I legit thought I was going to drown. you legit scared the hell out of me I checked the guy you were ... scamThey’re basically the same meaning, scams are people committing/doing fraud. A scam is run by people, and usually means a process. “That phone number is a company running a scam.” “This company scams people.” “That guy is running a scam.” A fraud is committed/done by people, and usually means the person. (person is/was a fraud or person is/was committing fraud) “That man is ...

2025.01.19 06:16 IronTorque Scam or Real?

submitted by IronTorque to onlinegambling [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:16 LuvThaiGLWomen Freen is smoking hot 🔥

Freen is smoking hot 🔥 I love this look. ❤️
submitted by LuvThaiGLWomen to GirlsLove [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:16 MakerGrey [Seattle] Left Duck has a whiteish green bill while right ducks have regular duck yellow bills. What is up with Left Duck's bill?

[Seattle] Left Duck has a whiteish green bill while right ducks have regular duck yellow bills. What is up with Left Duck's bill? submitted by MakerGrey to birding [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:16 Donutinaaaa i got locked out of tiktok - except i live in australia???

i got locked out of tiktok - except i live in australia??? submitted by Donutinaaaa to TikTok [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:16 Warm_Dot5488 MD/PhD, want to have research lab but avoid fellowship

Current MD/PhD in 3rd year. Considering neurology but do not want to be in post-grad training any longer than 4 years. I think the most important thing to me is to get started on my research career and get a lab off the ground. However, I don't like the idea of having to do fellowship since I've already been in school for so long, especially since that will mean an even longer time until I can start getting my lab work off the ground. Furthermore, as of right now, I'm not interested in a specific subspecialty, although I realize that can change as I move further in the process. I've been lurking here and seeing posts about the hot market has also got me feeling a bit excited to just get out and be done.
I pretty much have my entire 4th year off to do a 1-year post-doc and plan to continue research during residency, including a 6 month dedicated period.
Everyone says you need a fellowship for academia but would that still be true if my main focus is research? I'm wondering how hard it would be to get a job as a general neurologist MD/PhD, especially in more rural areas. Another option I am considering is if I could get an academic faculty position where I do mainly research but supplement that with contract or locum work in the community to maximize income. or maybe get hired as an academic PhD only but work in the community setting as a part-time general neurologist. There are admin considerations obviously but I'm wondering if there are those who have done this, especially in more rural/underserved areas.
submitted by Warm_Dot5488 to neurology [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:16 Calm-Preparation2563 My Previous MMA picks went TERRIBLE

My Previous MMA picks went TERRIBLE Hopefully this risk pay off tho🤦🏽‍♂️😭 all based off stats ( I DONT WATCH SPORTS )
submitted by Calm-Preparation2563 to PrizePicks [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:16 ConfectionAny3953 I’m classified as gifted but I have no motivation

Ever since grade 6 when my parents decided to give me an IQ test I was considered gifted I don’t remember the score of my first one. I think it was. (115-127) it was pulled out of all of my classes with my friends and put with socially awkward people who I didn’t have much in common with I’m now in grade 9 my most recent test, six months ago I scored 138 iq but for the past three years and only getting 60s and most of my classes except science I’ve never got below 95 in science my parents always talk about how I’m wasted potential but I just can’t find it in myself to try. I don’t see a point in any of this.
submitted by ConfectionAny3953 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:16 sugar4dapill Do not see my tokens

I transferred ETH from my coinbase Wallet but I do not see the tokens in metamask. I saw in the block explorer and the status says success. How do I get the tokens on my metamask?
submitted by sugar4dapill to Metamask [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:16 Left-Night-1125 Daily Angel [0096] Chris

Daily Angel [0096] Chris submitted by Left-Night-1125 to CrossAngeAnime [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:16 TheRealBurritoBear Ho-Oh raid join on 060547015080

submitted by TheRealBurritoBear to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:16 BasteBricks Black Cat 🤓👍

submitted by BasteBricks to klemmbausteine [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:16 BeginningCup6980 Clayworks red stoneware clay

Clayworks red stoneware clay Has anybody used this clay, and if so could I see a fired clay body result? Either bisque or high temp fire. Thanks!!
submitted by BeginningCup6980 to Pottery [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:16 Miserable_Spray6539 Why do I always need to clear my throat from mucus at the middle of the night ?

Hi guys
Everynight, since 2 years, i wake up in the middle of the night because there is mucus in the back of my throat. When I try to clear it, i also feel something in my ears. I am not a smoker. During the day, i don’t need to clear my throat, it’s always during the night, or when i wake up.
Have you ever got this problem ? What is causing that ? Thanks
submitted by Miserable_Spray6539 to answers [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:16 Lazy_Supermarket9961 I want a LCB, Who is good? Gabriel or Schlotter?

I want a LCB, Who is good? Gabriel or Schlotter? submitted by Lazy_Supermarket9961 to FUTMobile [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:16 NoChampionship3417 When you buy "on sale"

When you buy I bought some Qaed Al Fursan "on sale" for a few dollars off and it shows up in a in a bigger box than normal.
Original is on the right.
Upon opening the bottle looked different and it smells nowhere near as strong.
I bought it to gift it to the homies because it smelled good. But these were 3$ cheaper per bottle and would arrive sooner. And locally they were 40$
Be careful bros. If the box doesn't have the holographic sticker, then it's a fake.
submitted by NoChampionship3417 to fragranceclones [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:16 OkCommittee940 Diogo

submitted by OkCommittee940 to freefire [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:16 010beebee peter stone

what's the general consensus on him? i really enjoyed his character at the end, i think it made him a really worthy replacement for barba who is my favorite ada so far. also, was he in love with liv? it seemed like it at the end but idk!
submitted by 010beebee to SVU [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:16 Professionally_dumbb W or nah?

I think a girlfriend and a side piece is enough anything more is considered cheating also look at this cool picture I took
submitted by Professionally_dumbb to IndianTeenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:16 InspectionBest8542 her old reposts

her old reposts So a couple weeks ago i wasted way too much time going through cora’s reposts and got too bored in august of 2023 and planned to post this after i had gone through the rest. I have been avoiding that cuz i don’t wanna waste my time anymore then i already did lmfao but now that tt is gone for u americans i thought i would share these
submitted by InspectionBest8542 to notcoratilleysnark [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:16 Otherwise_Report3819 Lena and Carla

Lena and Carla submitted by Otherwise_Report3819 to ButcherBabies [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:16 Repulsive-Address547 Please help!! Why I’m I getting less ETH compared to the value of my trump tokens. Please any suggestions? I’m trying cash out. Thanks.

Please help!! Why I’m I getting less ETH compared to the value of my trump tokens. Please any suggestions? I’m trying cash out. Thanks. submitted by Repulsive-Address547 to WallStreetBetsCrypto [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:16 SpiritedLunch4857 Till when are the early round decisions sent out? What is the last date before switch to main round

submitted by SpiritedLunch4857 to HKUniversity [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:16 Rafiq_Hasanov BTC代今年[V:halchiou]Bitcoin代付充代转

submitted by Rafiq_Hasanov to FsPosterSubreddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:16 Zephy1998 Streak 236: ein interessanter Arbeitstag

Heute war ein echt interessanter und trauriger Arbeitstag. Zwei von meinen Kollegen haben gekündigt. Das ist nur erwähnenswert, weil ich sie gemocht habe. Der eine hat in der Früh unserer Chefin Bescheid gegeben. Dann hat mir meine andere Kollegin gesagt, dass sie heute noch kündigen würde. Letzten Samstag meinte sie, dass sie noch zwei Monate arbeiten würde, ehe sie kündigt. Die Chefin war in der Früh ziemlich gemein zu mir, bevor sie von ihrer Kündigung erfuhr. In dem Moment, als ich von ihr mehrfach angemeckert wurde, dachte ich mir: „Vielleicht kündige ich auch heute noch”.
Das Lustige daran ist, dass sie im Laufe des Tages netter geworden ist. Nachdem ihr meine andere Kollegin Bescheid gab, dass sie kündigen wird, war sehr nett zu uns allen. Wenn sie immer einigermaßen nett wäre, hätte sie heute wahrscheinlich zwei Kündigungen nicht bekommen. In der Früh war sie äußerst gemein. Man will in diesem Arbeitsumfeld nicht arbeiten müssen. Außer den Kollegen, die heute gekündigt haben, und einem anderen Mädchen, sind alle immer so schlecht drauf. Die Arbeit an sich ist anstrengend und macht keinen Spaß, aber wenn man nette Kollegen hat, mit denen man sich unterhalten kann, vergeht die Zeit sehr schnell und die Arbeit kann ein bisschen Spaß machen. Wenn alle immer schlecht gelaunt und unfreundlich sind, sollte es kein Wunder sein, dass ständig gekündigt wird. Jedenfalls denke ich immer noch darüber nach, ob ich bald kündige. Der Job ist recht anstrengend, aber dafür arbeite ich nur einmal die Woche. Um ehrlich zu sein, bin ich gerade zu beschäftigt und faul, um nach etwas Anderem zu suchen. Sobald ich meine nächste Prüfung abgelegt habe, werde ich mir ernsthaft Gedanken darüber machen. Danke fürs Lesen.
submitted by Zephy1998 to WriteStreakGerman [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:16 Rafiq_Hasanov HuoBi 【微信37378〇805】顶级代理官方 火币 清退中国大陆用户?中国大陆用户还能玩吗? 大陆

HuoBi 【微信37378〇805】顶级代理官方 火币 清退中国大陆用户?中国大陆用户还能玩吗? 大陆
submitted by Rafiq_Hasanov to FsPosterSubreddit [link] [comments]