2025.01.19 08:53 Evie_la_chat Is there a ML compatible controller or joystick I can use?
Hi everyone,
Recently I’ve been struggling with the touch joystick which controls my movement. This is so random but my thumb gets sweaty and creates friction with the screen so I can’t move properly I literally put my hand under the ac or just keep washing my hands so it’s dry and glides well. It usually starts fine but gets sweaty in game…. It might just be a summer thing…… Anyway due to this dilemma I’m thinking of getting a joystick or a gaming controller but not sure if this is commonly used or which ones are ML compatible. Also I’m aware that controllers can impact my accuracy and play so just seeing if anyone has any suggestions😌
submitted by Evie_la_chat to MobileLegendsGame [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 08:53 NoLifeguard9808 Anyone around bandra?
Its anyone available to blow my dick around bandra.?
submitted by NoLifeguard9808 to mumbaicpls [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 08:53 New_Window_5361 Need to jerk with someone to an irl, can send jerk trib/ cum trib too, dm me here
/ submitted by New_Window_5361 to Melinamsxou_heiss [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 08:53 Illustrious-Chef7211 Travel Agents for a 3 Country European Vacation
Hey, I need help planing a trip for 7 people to travel to 3 European counties and figured a travel agent would be best but i’m young & have no clue what to do or how/where to find one so please help me!
submitted by Illustrious-Chef7211 to traveleurope [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 08:53 somephilosophershit Is taking a shower daily harmful for our hair/skin
My question is particularly for women. A year or so ago, I started taking a shower daily because of the summer heat. It has become a habit now, perhaps a bad one, because if I do not shower, I feel a bit dizzy and my hair roots kind of hurt? I feel a strong urge to get some water on my head. I was wondering if it's harmful for my hair?
submitted by somephilosophershit to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 08:53 roteb1t Understanding Fastify Through React.js Analogies
Hello, as a developer transitioning between frameworks and libraries, drawing analogies can make learning new tools more intuitive. Recently, while working on a Fastify project, I realized that many Fastify concepts align with familiar React concepts. Obviously these are just concepts analogies, we are still talking about two different worlds, backend and frontend web development.
Here’s a quick breakdown that might resonate with fellow React developers exploring Fastify:
🔵 Fastify Plugin ≈ React Component/Custom Hook
A Fastify plugin encapsulates reusable server logic and can be registered to extend your server’s functionality. Similarly, React components and custom hooks encapsulate reusable UI or state management logic, making your application modular and maintainable.
🔵Fastify Hook ≈ React useEffect
Fastify hooks, such as onRequest or onResponse, trigger at specific stages of a request's lifecycle, much like React’s useEffect handles side effects during a component's lifecycle.
🔵 Fastify Decorator ≈ React Context
Fastify decorators let you extend the server or request object with reusable properties or methods, similar to how React Context provides shared values or functionality to multiple components.
🔵 Fastify Schema ≈ React PropTypes or TypeScript Interfaces
Fastify schemas validate and define the structure of incoming data, ensuring type safety and consistency, much like how React PropTypes or TypeScript interfaces enforce type constraints and predictability in your components.
submitted by roteb1t to Fastify [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 08:53 netgold1 for anyone who attended alone (preferably women) how was the experience & do you recommend it?
submitted by netgold1 to coldplayindia [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 08:53 Pleasant_Meet_4965 Horny Bwc Bully looking for cucks Feed me your Gf,Wife or mom (NL) while I jerk off and humilate or Feargasm you!! Discord:Pajk04
submitted by Pleasant_Meet_4965 to Melinamsxou_heiss [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 08:53 Ecstatic_Mark7235 ELI5: Why do countries at war still need money? Can't they just seize everything?
submitted by Ecstatic_Mark7235 to explainlikeimfive [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 08:53 MysteriousRun7284 Sunday will be doing readings !
Hello! I am just dropping by to show I have some availability on Sunday 1/19!
All mediumship readings are $40. & there is only one spirit per readings. I also do tarot and candle magic and other spells as well & price can be discussed through private chat on Reddit if interested!
Please, no, passed on souls that have juuust past because they can be very confused, distraught, and angry. And they aren’t very open to conversation in that state, until they cross. A proper timeline of giving spirit, would be like a month/ month and half to adjust and adapt on their own, with assistance of other angels and souls.
submitted by MysteriousRun7284 to MediumReadings [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 08:53 tlozbotwamiibos she do be kinda vibin' doe d tiktok got banned don't text ‹3 !tip !wishlist
https://twitch.tv/mcd00dle submitted by tlozbotwamiibos to Gina_Darling [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 08:53 President_Abra What is empathy...
submitted by President_Abra to LateStageImperialism [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 08:53 MMK232 Vandall - Can't Explain (Original Mix) [2006]
submitted by MMK232 to hardtrance [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 08:53 xtothewhy Elias Pettersson needs muscle. Like ten pounds of it.
He's throwing checks that aren't effective over all but could be. He wants to press, but doesn't have the weight class. He needs to grow muscles to be the player he seems to want to be on the ice.
submitted by xtothewhy to canucks [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 08:53 TheAntsAreBack Engine boost indicator?
Is there any indicator on the UI that shows that the engine boost function is recharged and ready? I can't see anything to that effect and end up just hitting boost until it kicks in again. Cheers.
submitted by TheAntsAreBack to EliteDangerous [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 08:53 korttu Portaback help
Ok so my plan is to use pulse modulated waves to transmit but portaback h2 transmit apps are not anything like that or is there a way to do that? Replay doesent let me run scripts and its the only one that has option for script to run in loop. But my question here really is i need full duplex tranceiver so should i buy another portaback h2 to act receiver and other as transmitter or should i buy pluto sdr or lime sdr to get full duplex? And also i need the tranceiver to be portable without need of pc or laptop so it would have to run with battery just oike portabacks can
submitted by korttu to hackrf [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 08:53 LJ_overtakes Be jokio disrespekto bet..
Ar aš vienintelis lietuvis kuris nekenčia Lietuvos? Nenoriu pradėti kokių ginčų tiktais šiaip klausiu.
submitted by LJ_overtakes to lithuania [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 08:53 HEADBANGA666 Cannot log into the Epic Games Store (Lutris, Heroic and browser)
submitted by HEADBANGA666 to linux_gaming [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 08:53 Suldro [9] Shiny Orthworm was in the outbreak for less than a minute and didn’t have any sandwiches on
submitted by Suldro to ShinyPokemon [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 08:53 MasterpieceMental422 what are cards and escort for?
Hiii! Sorry for the totally noob question. I'm new to this game and I'm just wondering what the purpose of the cards and the escort thing in the game?
In obey me, the cards are for the dance battles so you can advance in the story.. so I understand the need for the gacha since you need to have great cards to win the dance battles..
But I'm still unclear what the cards' purpose in this game are.. I mean, don't get me wrong, I would totally pull regardless since I'm a simp, but I just want to know their actual purpose..
submitted by MasterpieceMental422 to ikemenvillains [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 08:53 Both-Ad-4975 [F15] looking for older friends :3
i am a 15 year old girl with blue eyes ,blond hair is 5,3 likes anime ,sleeps alot and plays fortnite, cod and roblox :33
submitted by Both-Ad-4975 to teenagers [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 08:53 Affectionate_Toe9082 My inner self watching the anime be like
I want both to be happy, I’m cooked submitted by Affectionate_Toe9082 to BlueBox [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 08:53 KataSzekely96 Mindenmentes Alapozó!
!Mindenmentes! Alapozó/bb krém/cc krém! Sziasztok! :) Tudnátok javasolni alkohol, parfüm, és minden rossztól mentes alapozót a hiperérzékeny bőrömre? Érdekelne még BB és CC krém is ugyanezekkel a paraméterekkel. Lehetőség szerint az ára ne legyen túl borsos, tehát max 10.000 ft-ig. Fontos lenne, hogy vékonyan de mégis szépen fedjen. A képen láthatóról kinek mi a véleménye? Nagyon Köszönöm Hölgyek! 🥰 submitted by KataSzekely96 to szepsegtippek [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 08:53 Gusdamnit Screen looks weird
I’m out of this Gameboy pocket I put in a buy Chip and I back lit the screen with a purple light but approximately a couple years after I did the mod the screen started to do this. Can anybody tell me what’s going on? Is the screen bad or is it just the polarization film? These are my two guesses if anyone knows better please let me know.’ submitted by Gusdamnit to Gameboy [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 08:53 thatoneguyyouknowhim od blitz -4
submitted by thatoneguyyouknowhim to Fighters [link] [comments]