2025.01.19 08:10 RagingTaco334 Not sure what black magic they pull with the kernel but it's probably the most consistently performant distro I've ever used
Even just desktop usage is so much snappier compared to anything else I've used. It's literally a night and day difference.
One thing to note is that I am running a full AMD build so that's probably why. It's just wild to me since I've used so many distros over the years and this is the one that feels the best by a long shot. The only thing that's come close was installing Cachy's kernel through a COPR repo on Fedora LMAO.
Amazing job Cachy team!
submitted by RagingTaco334 to cachyos [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 08:10 Curious-Zone-1901 Hangisi
submitted by Curious-Zone-1901 to HotWheelsTr [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 08:10 Effective_Point_4152 Do we get mandelbrick from hotzones?
I have only played 2 hotzones till now. In the first match our squad won by eliminating the opponents in all the rounds. In the second match our squad got the mandelbrick and one of the teammate put it in the decoder. In the last 20 seconds or so i got the option to copy it. so my questions is do we get mandelbrick if we successfully decode it once? or is it just a gameplay mechanic? Cos after the game end i checked and didnt have an extra brick. btw we won the second match too if thats relevant
submitted by Effective_Point_4152 to DeltaForceGlobal [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 08:10 wondering_what_ Is my frangipani tree sick?
Northern beaches of sydney. Mature (20+ yrs old) Frangipani tree. Showing these spots or legions. Any advice from the bright minds on this thread? Thanks in advance. submitted by wondering_what_ to GardeningAustralia [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 08:10 Such-Individual7712 Hiding Money in a S corp- would there be monthly statements and would those typically come from a bank or Retirement Company ?
Question for you all and I’m going to use x for items to be discreet .. A married couple for over 14 years is getting divorced. The man has a Profit Sharing S - corp with siblings and mother. The wife all those years didn’t even follow along so didn’t know allot. They sold something very expensive and each share holder deposited close to 1 mil. No idea how much was in the account when we married. So a couple questions.. but I also need to say.. the couple purchased a home for almost 1 mil$… drew it off the S - corp $. Had a “note” wrote up on repayment. Shady stuff going on (no one told the wife anything about a loan owed back- they made the note shady by adding a bank name- but then the wording it has the S-corp as the collateral. So built a home with our loan money ( now keep in mind it was our money we put in there) but took a loan h. Not dated nor has the actual seal stamp where supposedly notarized / but also the distributions dates ( loan advance dates) do not add up to the dates we really took the monies out. So my questions : on our taxes ( we both are on them) is the amount on our taxes only our part of what’s in the S corp that we put in or took out or what we made off what was in there for that year? How can I find out total funds in the S corp? Am I saying that right? Is the money all in one account? And is that normally just in a bank account? Say like Wells Fargo? Example Am I obligated legally to pay back this money into the S corp? I am not interested in getting a financial forensic accountant - I just have made it this far on my own ( him and his family think they’ve out smarted me and hidden the money)… But he failed to put any of this on his Financials and did not disclose any of thy is business pass thru monies. He actually said “no” to all Interrogatories asking about accts. He pays minimal child support - and on our taxes last year he claimed he made $250,000 from distributions and claimed it as income! Please help me out people- I won’t stop till I get answers 😌. If I’m on the income taxes with this commingling of money- don’t I have a right to legally ask the bank or whoever holds this?
submitted by Such-Individual7712 to smallbusiness [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 08:10 lespleiades 231225 Yujin
submitted by lespleiades to yujin [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 08:10 outroeclipse Molly
Didn’t know Molly is not a well received character on Reddit. I guess I’m in the minority here when I reveal that I love Molly for most of the series and think she’s such a well thought out and true to life character. She’s flawed, of course. I do wish they would’ve gave a redemption arc on her homophobia among other things. But her patience with Issa and unconditional love for her girl is something I love about their friendship. I’d go as far to say that I’m more annoyed at Issa between the two of them lol. Love them both but Molly is my favorite character so I’m a bit surprised.
submitted by outroeclipse to InsecureHBO [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 08:10 Diligent-Macaroon535 TIK TOK BAN
My apologies for not being active for the past couple of days being dealing with a stomach bug anyways Tik Tok is banned and is no longer active someone check on liz and ask her how does it feel to finally get karma she can’t make money anymore I can’t imagine her trying to figure out how to get a job a real job where she has to work and deal with people
submitted by Diligent-Macaroon535 to FreeWishbone [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 08:10 Sand_Da_Man “When did your gambling addiction start?”
so fun. submitted by Sand_Da_Man to smashyroad [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 08:10 Popular-Daikon5498 Send Talbott to Georgia now to learn how to wrestle. We'll get it back next time.
submitted by Popular-Daikon5498 to MMAbetting [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 08:10 DiligentDinner5758 To those who were also diagnosed with arthritis, how did you know?
I have IBD for years now, I do not know if these symptoms correlate
But I have muscle pain, my upper spine just hurts so much no matter what I do, I have vertigo and cervical spinal pain going right into my brain iykwim
Just feel stiff moving around
Just tearing up due to the pain, I don't know what to do
submitted by DiligentDinner5758 to IBD [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 08:10 Zestyclose_Skirt7930 should i print this as well please its urgent
2025.01.19 08:10 All_yours42days fifa points
just bought fifa points but waited for 20 mins and no update what to do?
submitted by All_yours42days to EAFC [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 08:10 ColdAnarchy [Hiphop] Lil Xan - Betrayed - (Song Flip 120bpm) Prod.WizardOfAus
submitted by ColdAnarchy to soundcloud [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 08:10 JayBeePH85 Question about pagibig app
I have a question about the monthly receipt/overview seen on the app and i hope maybe someone has the same or other experience/explanation. My question is about "outstanding balance**" for example if the outstanding balance is P10.000 and i pay P2.000 then the next month the outstanding balance should be P8.000 right? Or doesn't it work like that? submitted by JayBeePH85 to PropertiesPH [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 08:10 Maxcactus I knew one day I’d have to watch powerful men burn the world down – I just didn’t expect them to be such losers
submitted by Maxcactus to MarchAgainstNazis [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 08:10 idonotlikemilk Has captain america said anything about the TikTok ban?
My friends and i are arguing over whether he’s against it or not. I think he probably is because he’d view it as unfair to the majority of americans who want to keep it but my friend thinks he’d be for it because in his words “captain america was only ever made to be propaganda” smh. Also what do you think the old captain america would think? Im interested.
submitted by idonotlikemilk to Earth199999 [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 08:10 koala_go_burr Storage facilities workers stole my stuff
Been upset for awhile since I first noticed they went through all my boxes. Every single box was opened but nothing was missing at the time. It’s not until a month later when I’m moved in and looking for my stuff that I realize a whole box is missing. My own box of actual value, the Xbox with all my electronics. My switch docks and one of my switches. Several key boards and all my charging cords. Vanished. Haven’t had to file the initial police report but now that a whole box is missing I’m coming for blood. Can’t trust storage facilities workers. Don’t ever trust storage facilities workers. Ever.
submitted by koala_go_burr to Vent [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 08:10 Zzero_yt Um so who do you think in the cast are top or bottoms
Again I thought it’s would be funny also we are only doing the characters who are 18+ for obvious reasons
submitted by Zzero_yt to ProjectEdensGarden [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 08:10 hitchinvertigo Spațiu vital (Lebensraum) vs. Suveranismul economic și agricol al lui Georgescu
1. Pământul și resursele naționale – „Lebensraum” vs. „Hrană, Apă, Energie” Nazism (Lebensraum): Hitler credea că Germania trebuie să își asigure hrană și resurse prin expansiunea teritorială și exploatarea agriculturii în Est.
„Trebuie să asigurăm hrana națiunii noastre prin cucerirea unui spațiu vital în Est, acolo unde germanii își pot construi o viață sănătoasă, conectată la pământ.” (Mein Kampf)Georgescu: Consideră că suveranitatea națională depinde de controlul asupra resurselor interne, fără influență externă.
„Hrana, apa și energia sunt fundamentele suveranității. România trebuie să își controleze resursele și să evite vânzarea pământului către străini.” (H.A.E.)🔴 Paralela: Hitler și Georgescu văd agricultura și controlul resurselor ca esențiale pentru supraviețuirea națiunii. În timp ce Hitler propunea cucerirea teritoriilor, Georgescu promovează protecționismul total asupra terenurilor agricole.
„Statul trebuie să aibă puterea de a direcționa economia în interesul națiunii germane.” (Programul NSDAP, 1920)Georgescu: Insistă pe controlul statului asupra economiei și promovarea producătorilor autohtoni.
„România are nevoie de o economie suverană, unde producătorii locali sunt sprijiniți prin măsuri protecționiste și redistribuirea resurselor.” (H.A.E.)🔴 Paralela: Ambele programe promovează intervenția puternică a statului în economie și sprijinirea exclusivă a naționalilor. Georgescu evită rasismul explicit al nazismului, dar conceptul economic este similar.
„Statul german trebuie să fie un organism viu în care fiecare individ servește binele comun.” (Joseph Goebbels, 1935)Georgescu: Susține formarea unor comunități economice bazate pe tradiție și auto-suficiență.
„Renașterea comunităților suverane va reda demnitatea românilor. Trebuie să ne întoarcem la valorile noastre.” (H.A.E.)🔴 Paralela: Deși Georgescu nu menționează superioritatea rasială, ideea de unitate organică națională este asemănătoare cu Volksgemeinschaft. Ambele promovează coeziunea națională în detrimentul globalizării sau influențelor externe.
„Noi trebuie să curățăm economia germană de influențele străine.” (Mein Kampf)Georgescu: Critică puternic corporațiile internaționale și promovarea „capitalului străin”.
„Trebuie să eliminăm influența corporațiilor internaționale și să readucem economia în mâinile românilor.” (H.A.E.)🔴 Paralela: Ambele programe identifică un „dușman economic” – evreii în cazul nazismului, corporațiile străine în cazul lui Georgescu. În ambele cazuri, soluția propusă este eliminarea influenței acestor entități asupra economiei.
„Economia trebuie organizată în așa fel încât fiecare muncitor german să beneficieze de roadele muncii sale.” (NSDAP Economic Plan, 1936)Georgescu: Propune controlul economic de stat prin cooperative, redistribuirea resurselor și eliminarea pieței speculative.
„Bogăția trebuie să revină românilor. Economia speculativă trebuie înlocuită cu o economie productivă bazată pe munca reală.” (H.A.E.)🔴 Paralela: Ambele sisteme au o viziune distributistă asupra economiei, susținând un model în care statul supraveghează distribuția bogăției și elimină „exploatatorii” (industriași străini pentru Georgescu, evreii pentru Hitler).
„Oricine nu este cu noi este împotriva noastră.” (Adolf Hitler, 1933)Georgescu: Deși nu propune eliminarea fizică a opoziției, susține un model politic în care „interesele naționale” trebuie să primeze.
„România trebuie să aibă o guvernare formată din patrioți incoruptibili, dedicați exclusiv interesului național.” (H.A.E.)🔴 Paralela: Ambele programe promovează un guvern puternic și centralizat, fără loc pentru opoziție ideologică. Georgescu evită violența deschisă, dar retorica sa implică un stat unitar fără compromisuri cu alte viziuni politice.
2025.01.19 08:10 Positive_Owl_2024 Ryan Jesse - You’re Tellin’ Me (Official Music Video, one year ago)
submitted by Positive_Owl_2024 to positiverock [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 08:10 mccoy88f 🚀 Introducing OMG TV and OMG+ TV Addons for Stremio - Customizable Streaming Made Easy! 📺✨
Hi Reddit/Stremio community!
I’m excited to share my projects with you: OMG TV Addon and OMG+ TV Addon for Stremio! 🎉
Latest Update: Version 2.0 - January 18, 2025
These addons are designed to enhance your streaming experience by offering two modes of use and advanced features for a smooth and customizable setup.
What the Addons Offer:
2025.01.19 08:10 No-Zombie7423 Continuation
Do you guys think the writers of The OA will eventually continue the series in the near future? I read somewhere that the creators had plans for several more seasons but the show didn’t make enough money to support the complexity of the show. But I mean cmon surely by now there are enough viewers for them to continue, right?
submitted by No-Zombie7423 to TheOA [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 08:10 Ambitious-Echo-6867 how is reddit different from twitter
Goddess siya here, so i have been on twitter for almost 2 years. now i wanna do findom on reddit too, but how the fuck do you operate from here its fucking confusing.
submitted by Ambitious-Echo-6867 to paypigsupportgroup [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 08:10 abrahamjose911 Anyone want 26th J block??i have 2 of them at MRP
submitted by abrahamjose911 to Coldplaytickets [link] [comments]