2025.01.19 12:18 KraftJabaJuice JABA JUICE

JABA JUICE Have you tried Kraft Jaba Juice yet??😋....once you do!! You are a certified jaba connoisseur 💯 😍🙌👌
📦Deliveries available within Nairobi Call/Whatsapp 0740 255 739
submitted by KraftJabaJuice to BeverageIndustry [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:18 DiskoB0 Based Libyan

Based Libyan submitted by DiskoB0 to FITNAPOSTING [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:18 MostNobody7143 Courtney Knill

Courtney Knill submitted by MostNobody7143 to womenoftheright [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:18 Antique_Reporter6217 Can someone help me with the ADF please ?

I have three files in the source folder: CSV, JSON, and XML. I want to move the CSV file to the CSV folder, the JSON file to the JSON folder, and the XML file to the XML folder. How do I do it?
submitted by Antique_Reporter6217 to AZURE [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:18 Afraid-Service-818 Postoji li vlak Osijek Budimpesta?

Nitko mi se ne javlja na telefon HZ-a, na internetu ili sam presmotana naci ili je HZ stranica zaista prekaoticna...zna li netko postoji li direktan vlak Osijek - Budimpesta?
submitted by Afraid-Service-818 to askcroatia [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:18 Soft_Bed_412 draken lets off some steam as he takes a massive jab at NIP

draken lets off some steam as he takes a massive jab at NIP submitted by Soft_Bed_412 to GlobalOffensive [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:18 Jose5minsago Roustame Diodore, also known as the "Mega Rich Light-Bending Guy"

Roustame Diodore, also known as the Roustame Diodore is a multi-billionaire, speculated to be in the triple digits,[2] residing in a container in the container yard. He has an incredibly high net worth, due to inheriting an enormous sum from his grandmother and proceeding to invest it,[3] with an economic coefficient of over .96 (at least between him and Harrier Du Bois). He is traveling on the cheap, with his entire container shipped from one point to another, in order to prevent being subjected to targeted advertising for luxury items.[4] Due to his wealth allowing him effectively no problems, he believes that material goods are not as important as mental space and time.[
submitted by Jose5minsago to DiscoElysium [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:18 CarbonBaseLifeforms Ain Dubai

Ain Dubai Ain Dubai
submitted by CarbonBaseLifeforms to DubaiPics [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:18 eatingwithanxiety Mein Zimmer

Mein Zimmer Das ist mein Zimmer, ich würde gern das beste daraus machen. (und ich bin grad beim fertig werden). Aber mit dem Eck, wo die Gitarre steht, bin ich nicht sehr happy.
Und an die Mauer kann ich nichts hängen, weil sie so dünn/zerbrechlich ist und ich nichtmal ein eingerahmtes Bild aufhängen kann.
Wäre über Vorschläge und Meinungen zu meinem Zimmer dankbar. (Fotos sind mit 0.6 Zoom gemacht)
submitted by eatingwithanxiety to wohnkultur [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:18 corpixis RCN Package Deals

Check this out for RCN Package Deals. Find the best deals for you by looking at the current promo codes and coupons on that page. You'll always find the newest coupons, promo codes, and deals on that page. Choose one to apply to your order and save money.
submitted by corpixis to ZapSupport [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:18 Cool-Collar7025 are you still in contact w your family?

I'm 18 years old and im planing on taking my hijab of once i go to uni this fall far away from my family. my family isnt that religous and i was never really taught anything about islam, i was just expected to blindly follow it (i started wearing the hijab at age 10ish). ive never believed in god nor in hell and heaven and around the age of 16 is when i finaly accepted im just not muslim. i really dont want to loose my family tho especilly my mom but im sceard she will have a heart attack and drop dead if she found out i was even considering not wearing a hijab. i dont plan on telling her im not muslim (atleast not until after uni) but i really cant keep wearing a hijab it feels like a cage. i really cant see my family accepting me if i ever tell them but I can't keep lying like this. is there anyone who told their parents they didnt want to wear a hijab or that they left the religon and still have a good/decent relationship with your family?
(english is not my first languge so im sorry if its hard to understand)
submitted by Cool-Collar7025 to exmuslim [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:18 Storytime1x An die Deutschen hier, eine Frage

Ich hab ein wenig im Internet recherchiert über das Thema Gay sugardaddy. Viele meinten dort dass die „wahren“ Gay sugadaddys sich kaum auf den üblichen Internetseiten aufhalten. Eher müsste man in diese Kreise gelangen um diese Männer kennenlernen zu können. Jetzt habe ich die Frage wie man in diese Kreis gelangt oder wie man generell ohne die Internetseiten an einen sugardaddy kommt?
submitted by Storytime1x to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:18 ratocompacto urgente, a Uninter é boa? o diploma é desvalorizado ou algo assim?

quero fazer artes visuais e tava em primeiro lugar na primeira parcial, mas só tem UMA vaga e agora as pessoas sabem se passaram ou não no curso, alguém com nota muito mais alta (nota 680) (minha nota 659) acabou entrando, provavelmente porque mudou de opçao. não quero ficar mais um ano estudando pra uma licenciatura (que eu nem quero, já que queria bacharelado em artes visuais) queria saber se a Uninter (parece a melhorzinha que achei) vale a pena, tenho direito a bolsa 75% pela nota do Enem e vou ter condições de pagar
submitted by ratocompacto to faculdadeBR [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:18 DwarvenFanboy To all of us in the mines

To all of us in the mines Got this idea and had to make it somehow, good thing I have a Pixelart app
submitted by DwarvenFanboy to dwarfposting [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:18 TryDiligent5608 Puppy look very happy

submitted by TryDiligent5608 to PuppyBellies [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:18 FaithlessnessLimp364 Shinobi V

Shinobi V submitted by FaithlessnessLimp364 to LowSodiumCyberpunk [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:18 STG2010 Will Tuesday open Green or Red?

A meme coin release, average consensus that inflation may increase giving the Fed has a more challenging job, and a slew of executive orders with the belief that there is a mandate to fundementally change both the government and the economy. So Red or Green on Tuesday?
submitted by STG2010 to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:18 Ok_Perception_8079 What bases to get

Thinking of getting the wargames atlantic miniatures to proxy as guardsmen but the bases dont follow with them, have seen that bases are very cheap from temu but knows there could be some quality issues with them. Should I get the cheap ones from temu or the more expensive ones from other sites?
submitted by Ok_Perception_8079 to TheAstraMilitarum [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:18 kernelic Is there some kind of batching in 3D for static meshes?

When adding multiple MeshInstance3D cubes (even with the same shared material), the draw call counter increases with every new MeshInstance3D.
The MergeGroups node from Godot 3 is not available in Godot 4 yet, so how do I keep my levels performant when building with mesh instances? I prefer to stay in the Godot Engine without jumping to dedicated 3D tool like Blender.
submitted by kernelic to godot [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:18 Imaginary-Jacket-610 Minii bodloor

Minii bodloor Minij bodloor bol zoro uhne yagad gewel zoro luffy giin toloo amia oghoos haramsahgui tiimees suuliin dain deer zoro luffy g hamgaal j uhhne
submitted by Imaginary-Jacket-610 to OPbodol [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:18 chaerinmxo Better IPhone 16 Pro Max or Galaxy S24 Ultra for gaming?

I have to buy a new phone, because this one is on the verge of dying. Aren't the samsung specs better in general? Keep in mind I game on my phone and I don't want any lags or fps drops. I like the violet colour on the samsung but also the IOS system on the Iphone
submitted by chaerinmxo to Smartphones [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:18 bookaholicx Hosting a ho-oh raid 109701064688

submitted by bookaholicx to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:18 LiquifiedSnow New sets released 2024-12-29 - 2025-01-18

New sets released 2024-12-29 - 2025-01-18 submitted by LiquifiedSnow to RetroAchievements [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:18 tfmeier LG 86" TV replacement question

I'm coming off an LG 86 Nano (86NANO91TNA) and have the option of the following two models:

Why only LG? My home automation system has good integration with LG (and Samsung smart TVs).
The confusion behind the various manufacturer terminologies makes it hard to choose. Is QNED the next evolution of Nano? Is it worthwhile or simply a marketing play? What's the deal with the UT80 model? It looks like the QNED86 has a higher refresh rate, HDMI2.1 and a few other extras. I'm not gaming but do like to watch 4K content in the evenings. The other aspect when replacing TVs/technology in general is future proofing so HDMI2.1 might come into that.
On the other hand part of me says that if the UT8050 is at a quality of my current LG 86 Nano (86NANO91TNA) then I should be good (even though I may not be future proofing with this). So I'd like to clarify that first. Then the next question is what "upgrades" I'm getting by going to the QNED86.
Any advise here?
submitted by tfmeier to hometheater [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:18 Irissdvn groot he has a lover

groot he has a lover submitted by Irissdvn to Pareidolia [link] [comments]
