Is there a visual map of what should hurt after you do a specific exercise?

2025.01.19 13:10 polacy_do_pracy Is there a visual map of what should hurt after you do a specific exercise?

I did something and now both me forearms hurt in the elbow area. I wonder if it's expected or not and that made me think there ought to be a map like that.
submitted by polacy_do_pracy to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:10 Baron_CZ Question about milk bread

Question about milk bread I followed the recipe exactly, tried few things abd it always resulted in bread like interior insted of that cotton candy interior like results. How can I achieve that?
Recipe Tangzhong: -35g bread flour -175g water Milk Bread: -340g bread flour -3g salt -50g sugar -5g active dry yeast -40g egg white (around 1 egg) [optional: keep the yolk for your eggwash] -140g whole milk, lukewarm -155g tangzhong -40g unsalted butter, softened
submitted by Baron_CZ to Baking [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:10 SvetAndroida Trump má vlastní kryptoměnu. Jeho meme coin už má hodnotu 5,5 miliardy dolarů

Trump má vlastní kryptoměnu. Jeho meme coin už má hodnotu 5,5 miliardy dolarů Donald Trump vydal vlastní meme coin $TRUMP\ \ Během několika hodin dosáhl tržní kapitalizace 5,5 miliardy dolarů\ \ V plánu je vydání miliardy tokenů\ \ \ Do světa kryptoměn přibyla jedna nová. Je jí takzvaný meme coin s názvem $TRUMP. A jeho autorem není nikdo jiný než nastupující staronový americký prezident Donald Trump. Vydání oznámil 18. ledna na síti X (dříve Twitter) a strhl tím naprosté šílenství.\ \ Digitální token dosáhl během několika hodin tržní kapitalizace téměř 5,5 miliardy dolarů (asi 135 miliard korun). Přitom zatím bylo vydáno asi 200 milionů "kusů" a do 3 let je plánováno poslat do oběhu 1 miliardu TRUMPŮ.\ \ \\ \ \ Meme coin vydala společnost CIC Digital LLC, která dlouhodobě vyrábí a prodává různé předměty spojené s Donaldem Trumpem - třeba jeho parfém nebo boty. Sám Trump tvrdí, že jde o symbolickou oslavu jeho vítězství a kryptoměna je přímo inspirována jeho sloganem "Boj, bojuj, bojuj".\ \ Tokeny si může koupit kdok... celý článek si můžete přečíst na
submitted by SvetAndroida to androidCZSK [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:10 Lopsided-Goose-2979 Ho-oh: 579132731860

Ho-oh: 579132731860 submitted by Lopsided-Goose-2979 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:10 FastCorgi6487 Ho - oh wb, add 121393972842

submitted by FastCorgi6487 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:10 Accomplished-Net8515 Flesh Shaper is Complete

Flesh Shaper is Complete Took about 3hrs total and I’m very pleased. It’s my first time using blood effects as well.
submitted by Accomplished-Net8515 to kroot [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:10 Ok_Courage3251 Please help my gf grow her business page! ♥️

@glowsmilesstudio My gf has a teeth whitening business in Melbourne, Australia. She’s so passionate and I love to her dedication but it’s so heart breaking to see her not gaining traction, please show some support with a simple follow, please! We would both appreciate it a lot.
submitted by Ok_Courage3251 to instagramfollowers [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:10 Dolivares42 Can't make Brush folders ( is my 2017 version too old?)

submitted by Dolivares42 to photoshop [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:10 Strawberry_Sun214 I can't believe I made it a year sober.

I never thought I'd be here. There was a point a few years ago where I felt I had given up and given in to needing alcohol every day. But by the grace and strength of God, I made it. I can't believe it! I'm posting here because almost no one in my life even knows I had this problem, didn't do AA or anything, and I'd like to celebrate lol. One day at a time!
submitted by Strawberry_Sun214 to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:10 No-Session4157 Hiring

Potreban Junior React developer s minimalno jednom godinom iskustva.Pozicija je remote. Rad se odvija s tehnologijama Solid.js, TypeScript i SCSS. S obzirom na to da je Solid.js vrlo sličan Reactu, kandidati s iskustvom u Reactu mogu brzo savladati rad u Solid.js.
Napomena: Pozicija je otvorena isključivo za juniore.U prijavi je poželjno navesti očekivanu platu. Svoje prijave mozete poslati na email: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
submitted by No-Session4157 to programiranje [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:10 brawh7 help me figure out if i can build this budget pc

ok so i have hp elitedesk 800 g1 tower case with 4th gen i7 cpu and 32gb ddr3 i want to install new psu and gpu but i dont know if they would fit what im trying to get is: rx 580 8gb and 600w power supply Dimension:140*150*86MM(-15)can anyone tell if they would fit on my case or not
submitted by brawh7 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:10 KITTYCat0930 Cut

Cut submitted by KITTYCat0930 to paintnbdamned [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:10 Holiday_Ad_9976 WB Ho-Oh starting xx:15 - add 981840637795

WB Ho-Oh starting xx:15 - add 981840637795 submitted by Holiday_Ad_9976 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:10 Short_Goal_8620 Passt die PC-Zusammenstellung so?

Passt die PC-Zusammenstellung so? Moin zusammen, ich könnte Hilfe beim zusammenstellen eines PCs gebrauchen:
Gaming PC (das nächste GTA sollte laufen ;-) Das System soll leise sein Sollte ca. 5 Jahre halten ich brauche kein BlingBling
Ich habe folgendes zusammengestellt. Brauchbar?
Achja, über Tipps wo ich das System kaufen und direkt zusammenbauen lassen kann wären auch toll.
submitted by Short_Goal_8620 to PCBaumeister [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:10 Grouchy_Location_418 TIL that oka cinema ki vachina shares kuda thagutai anta, i.e. Deficits

So, I learned a new term today call "Deficits" in Box office lingo.
when a movie earns a certain amount from Ticket sales it is called "Gross".
When you deduct tax from that Gross it becomes "Nett".
When you deduct the exhibitor costs, that is the theater cuts, It will become "Share".
Share will be divided among distributors, producers and other parties if involved as earnings.
Now here, when a movie comes to end of it's run, theaters generally change it and move on to other films.
But in seasons like Sankranti there will be aggrements to allocate fixed screens to movies, If people stops watching the said film even before this period lapse, Then producer and distributor will fall in to deficit to make the film run.
The costs of screening the film will be deducted from the film's share, like if a film does a 160cr gross and a share of 80cr, Even if the film's gross increase by a few crores, since the cost of exhibition is more than the income, the deficit is cut out from the share to pay the exhibitors and share gets decreased every passing day.
If the producer decides to extend the run for 5-10 more days, The final share will become 70cr-75cr from the previous 80cr to cover the costs of the extended run.
Truly a big change in the share may come up if egos and prestige consumes common sense.
submitted by Grouchy_Location_418 to tollywood [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:10 CartographerNo2923 torta di Vigolo

torta di Vigolo Da dove arriva la torta di Vigolo
La torta di Vigolo rappresenta un simbolo importante nella tradizione culinaria locale. Negli anni '40, le donne dei paesi limitrofi portavano i loro ingredienti per cucinare nei forni comuni. Questo scambio di ricette e tradizioni ha dato vita a piatti unici, come la torta di Vigolo, che è stata tramandata nel tempo. La signora, custode di questa tradizione, donò la ricetta dell'antico forno, sottolineando l'importanza del legame tra comunità e cucina.### Ricetta della Torta di Vigolo al Nocino con il Bimby
Ingredienti Per la base: - 200 g di farina senza glutine (mix per dolci) - 100 g di burro freddo - 100 g di zucchero - 1 uovo - 1 pizzico di sale - Scorza di limone grattugiata (opzionale) - 30 ml di nocino
Per la crema al cioccolato: - 200 g di cioccolato fondente (controllare che sia senza glutine) - 250 ml di panna fresca - 3 uova - 50 g di zucchero - 1 cucchiaio di fecola di patate - 30 ml di nocino
  1. Preparare la base:
    • Mettere nel boccale il burro a pezzi, lo zucchero, l'uovo, la scorza di limone e il sale. Impastare 30 sec. vel. 5.
    • Aggiungere la farina senza glutine e il nocino. Impastare 1 min. vel. 5, fino a ottenere un composto omogeneo.
    • Avvolgere l'impasto nella pellicola e far riposare in frigorifero per 30 minuti.
  2. Preparare la crema al cioccolato:
    • Sciogliere il cioccolato nel boccale: 5 min. 50°C vel. 1.
    • Aggiungere le uova e lo zucchero. Mescolare 30 sec. vel. 4.
    • Aggiungere la panna, la fecola di patate e il nocino. Mescolare 30 sec. vel. 4.
  3. Assemblare la torta:
    • Preriscaldare il forno a 180°C.
    • Stendere la base di frolla senza glutine in una tortiera imburrata e infarinata con farina senza glutine, bucherellando il fondo con una forchetta.
    • Versare la crema al cioccolato sopra la base di frolla.
    • Cuocere in forno per circa 30-35 minuti, fino a quando la crema risulta soda.
  4. Raffreddare e servire:
    • Lasciare raffreddare completamente prima di rimuovere dalla tortiera.
    • Servire a temperatura ambiente, spolverata con zucchero a velo, se desiderato.
Buon appetito!
submitted by CartographerNo2923 to viveresano [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:10 No_Lie_3007 357808116153 Shadow Ho-Oh

submitted by No_Lie_3007 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:10 MIGAMEN_95 Overwatch Transhuman Arm. Kime hizmet ettiklerini çok iyi biliyorsunuz. Sizi de korumalarını istemez miydiniz? O halde bizimle birlikte kalın.

Overwatch Transhuman Arm. Kime hizmet ettiklerini çok iyi biliyorsunuz. Sizi de korumalarını istemez miydiniz? O halde bizimle birlikte kalın. submitted by MIGAMEN_95 to Notorite [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:10 Stevennnnin IsItBullshit: that sickness could be good for us

Heard this just an hour ago from my turkish and moslim barber, apparently its good for islam or something and also for our bodies because it cleans the body?? I was a former muslim and now atheist, and i know that there was some bullshit about how you cant complain if you're born handicapped or smth cus god intends it or wjatever.
submitted by Stevennnnin to IsItBullshit [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:10 Adokshajan 100 min BIT

Hey friends, Couple of Qs 1. If I exit the metro to return within the BIT time period(say 50th min), will the ticket still be valid for another ride? Or is it strictly one time one mode(1 time metro, 1 time bus etc)? 2. Don't want to assume, but the 100 min at the time of final tap out, right? TIA
submitted by Adokshajan to rome [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:10 ebbycalvinlaloosh Hudson’s Bay Point Blanket circa 1973.

Hudson’s Bay Point Blanket circa 1973. This true heirloom from my late mother-in-law is massive and somehow contains the warmth of the Sun in its fibers. My wife’s mom bought this blanket when she was young & single in Montreal. It was a beloved purchase then, and she knew then it was an important item. It has traveled across the continent multiple times since then. It’s big enough to cover both of us from opposite ends of our couch and is warm enough to have been too much even during the cold blast we’re getting on the eastern seaboard. It’s only kryptonite is moths. I can’t speak to the quality today of Hudson’s Bay, but this thing feels indestructible.
submitted by ebbycalvinlaloosh to BuyItForLife [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:10 OddDig7809 Spinning a wine glass upside down without spilling anything

Spinning a wine glass upside down without spilling anything submitted by OddDig7809 to BeAmazed [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:10 Final_Height-4 ✨🥚✨Free Reading Sunday-Must Read Full Post✨🥚✨ Lectura de Limpieza de Huevo Gratis - Por Favor Leer Abajo ✨🥚✨

✨🥚✨Free Reading Sunday-Must Read Full Post✨🥚✨ Lectura de Limpieza de Huevo Gratis - Por Favor Leer Abajo ✨🥚✨ *PLEASE READ THE FULL POST TO QUALIFY *
Free Reading Sunday - Must Read Rules As the title suggests, I am offering a limited number of spots for a single-symbol egg cleanse reading. This reading is equivalent to my $14 paid service, not the quick readings I provide in the posts you see here. The first three people who upvote and comment on this post will qualify for the reading. Please note that if I have given you a reading on past Free Sundays, you will not qualify this time.
In your comment, please include the following: * Your initials (any letter is acceptable) * Your question about your cleanse * A 🧂 emoji You will not be eligible if you do not include all of these elements.
Once you have completed these steps, I will send you a DM, and you will respond with pictures of your egg cleanse. I will select the clearest picture for the reading. Those who do not follow the instructions will not qualify.
Please note that this free egg cleanse reading is provided in exchange for a review on my Reddit profile. All participants MUST leave a review on my profile's corresponding Free Sunday Reading Post, regardless of whether your experience was good or bad. Failure to do so will result in being blocked.
If you are interested in a paid reading, my prices are shown in the second picture.
✨🕯️🥚🧂✨ Let’s get to work! ✨🕯️🥚🧂✨
🥚✨Lectura de Limpieza de Huevo Gratis - Por Favor Leer Abajo ✨🥚
Como sugiere el título, estoy ofreciendo lectura de limpieza de huevos de un solo símbolo a las tres primeras personas que voten y comenten en esta publicación.
En su comentario, por favor incluya lo siguiente: - Sus iniciales (cualquier letra es aceptable) - Tu pregunta sobre tu limpieza - Un emoji 🧂 No serás elegible si no incluyes todos estos elementos.
Una vez que hayas completado estos pasos, te enviaré un mensaje directo y responderás con fotos de tu limpieza de huevos. Seleccionaré la imagen más clara para la lectura. Aquellos que no sigan las instrucciones no calificarán.
Tenga en cuenta que esta lectura gratuita de limpieza de huevos se proporciona a cambio de una reseña en mi perfil de Reddit. Todos los participantes DEBEN dejar una reseña en la publicación de lectura dominical gratuita correspondiente de mi perfil, independientemente de si su experiencia fue buena o mala. Si no lo hace, será bloqueado.
Si está interesado en una lectura pagada, mis precios se muestran en la segunda imagen.
✨🕯️🥚🧂✨¡Vamos a trabajar!✨🕯️🥚🧂✨
submitted by Final_Height-4 to Limpias [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:10 Secure-Language-5615 21F4A looking for my soulmate. African to anywhere

21F4A looking for my soulmate. African to anywhere
Hi I'm a black woman from zambia, I’m bisexual and proud to live authentically. I’m someone who finds joy in the little things, like experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen, getting lost in a great movie, or taking long walks to clear my mind and stay grounded.
I’m also an entrepreneur, running a small clothing business that’s not just my work but a reflection of my creativity and passion for fashion. Building something from the ground up has taught me a lot about hard work and determination, qualities I truly admire in others.
When it comes to relationships, I’m looking for someone who shares similar values. My ideal partner is hardworking, independent, and kind, with a big heart and even bigger dreams. Someone who isn’t afraid to chase their goals while appreciating the beauty in life’s simple moments. If that resonates with you, I’d love to connect and learn more about your journey!
submitted by Secure-Language-5615 to interracialdating [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:10 corpixis Trustedhousesitters Clearance

Go to this page for Trustedhousesitters Clearance. If you're looking for the newest coupons and promo codes, that page is the place to go. They always have the latest offers available.
submitted by corpixis to ZapSupport [link] [comments]