CQS my Check

2025.01.19 12:59 PuzzleheadedBox3978 CQS my Check

submitted by PuzzleheadedBox3978 to cqs [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 DeliciousShopping598 Testing

submitted by DeliciousShopping598 to cqs [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 Electronic-Sell-4332 CQS

submitted by Electronic-Sell-4332 to cqs [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 apocalypse31a5 Some random pics without any Edit or Filters

Used Default Camera App to take pictures without any edits or anything
submitted by apocalypse31a5 to NothingTech [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 muhenweddit c0 xilonen or c0 chev

What would be better for a Raiden team, Xilonen or Chevreuse?
submitted by muhenweddit to RaidenMains [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 Lola-Ciros Which 'The Matrix' is correct for you?

I personally like the one with "fuck no" instead of "hell no", any opinions? "Fuck no" is the one I heard first, so the "hell no" one sounds completely wrong for me.
submitted by Lola-Ciros to MotherMother [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 One_Performance_7007 So She Came

New music from Æ
submitted by One_Performance_7007 to IndieMusicFeedback [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 TurbulentWasabi7552 STEM in summer school

Are the STEM courses in summer school hard since they meet so frequently? Can you take two and stay on top of the learning or is that unrealistic? TIA
submitted by TurbulentWasabi7552 to LoyolaChicago [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 Kasuu_mi Capturing Corphish (Covenant Colphne via: kanisawayuuki)

Capturing Corphish (Covenant Colphne via: kanisawayuuki) submitted by Kasuu_mi to GirlsFrontline2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 prokovach New British Shorthair - Adaptation

I got a new british shorthair cat, she is 4 months old and she is very scared, i put camera in the living room, she's been hiding under the bed ever since i got her 8 days ago. She is eating and drinking water when i am not around, she is using the kitty litter like it should. But i can't even come close to her. I need some advice. Thanks! I tried with food, toys, laser, everything, i gave her space to adapt, no sudden movement or noice, i was in the other room most of the times with the door open, to adapt to me, but 0 progress.
submitted by prokovach to britishshorthair [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 Pink_Cherubi Blue dog conquers Sinnoh, Unova, and Kalos!

Blue dog conquers Sinnoh, Unova, and Kalos! Just finished up gens 4 and 6 and thought I’d post an update! Pictured are my ribbon master, my battle teams for gen 4/6, and some glamor shots of my RM.
I’m pleasantly surprised that the gen 4 battle tower ribbons were pretty easy difficulty-wise. Garchomp is a total beast in gen 4!
The tower was insanely tedious though. The battles took an eternity and dedicated NPC OH-KO strategies are just horrible.
Despite that, now that I’m struggling at the battle tree, I’m kinda starting to miss gen 4 lol
submitted by Pink_Cherubi to pokemonribbons [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 Fit_Ride8860 Preciso de ajuda com urgência com minha Axalote.

Bom dia minha axalote adoeceu a quase uma semana e não consigo orientação que possa ajudar onde eu comprei. Ela conectou a aparecer algumas manchas brancas, perdeu a vontade de comer e onde tem as branqueas, o pelo caiu por completo. Um dos olhos dela está esbranquiçado. Me ajudem não quero perdê-la, já estamos com ele a uns 8 meses.
submitted by Fit_Ride8860 to Manaus [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 isnisse Hvad kalder men en joint køb med moms?

En vatpind.
submitted by isnisse to Fadervittigheder [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 benedict_fish Blue - Yung Kai (Cover)

Blue - Yung Kai (Cover) submitted by benedict_fish to PHCovers [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 NovelPresentation886 Check CQS my

submitted by NovelPresentation886 to cqs [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 FirePaladinHS Alright time to have a talk !

submitted by FirePaladinHS to wildhearthstone [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 One-Willow-6766 Testing

submitted by One-Willow-6766 to cqs [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 KlutzyEmphasis2101 do i just transfer them? feels like a waste if i do

do i just transfer them? feels like a waste if i do but in the same time my storage is kinda full and as i know, it require many stardust to trade legendary pokemon so whats the best thing i can do?
submitted by KlutzyEmphasis2101 to pokemongo [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 Objective_Target_415 Check CQS my

submitted by Objective_Target_415 to cqs [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 Boris_normal Хрен

Хрен submitted by Boris_normal to sssdfg [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 Slow-Tumbleweed-8323 Check CQS my

submitted by Slow-Tumbleweed-8323 to cqs [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 Silver_Mixture_6764 Cyrillic- House Of Radiation

5 hours later, Alpha woke up in a hospital. Confused, he got up, and walked around the place. After a bit, he saw someone at the receptionist table. They had black clothes, and a house for a head. Confused, Alpha approached them, “Uh… hi there… where am I?”. The person turned to them, and said, “Oh hey, you’re awake. I caught You while you were falling. My name is Beta. You’re Alpha, right?”. Alpha nods, ”Yeah… How did you know?”. Beta answered, “Well you were the only one missing, so now it is complete.”. Alpha looked at Beta confused, “What do you mean by that-“. Suddenly, a powerful burst of gamma ray energy ripped through the wall, and Beta quickly pushes Alpha out of the way before dodging the burst. Alpha quickly ran for it as a figure in a hazmat suit walked through the hole in the wall. She looked around, then Beta quickly charges at her, and kicks her away. ????? quickly held out her robotic arm, and shot powerful gamma rays at Beta. Beta dodged her attacks, and summoned a prison over her head. ????? quickly ran, but being too slow, she quickly pressed a button on her robotic arm, and a tear appeared, which disappeared quickly, and she was gone as the prison crashed into the ground. Meanwhile Alpha was watching, very scared. Beta walked over to Alpha, “Hey, are you okay?”. Alpha nodded, “Yeah… who the hell was that?”. Beta then explained, “That was Gamma. She is apart of a group called Omega. I am apart of a team called Psi. Basically we are enemies, who want control over that one elevator you were just on. Think of our world like a building. Each story is it’s own planet. Right now this is the story I own and protect. Gamma’s story is just above mine, and yours is below this one.”. Alpha quickly said, “Wait, I have my own?!”. Beta nods, “Yep. You have to protect your story from others, but considering you are new to this entire thing, I will protect your story for right now.”. Alpha sighed, rubbing his head, “Jeez… this is a lot for me right now…”. Beta smiled, “Just rest for the day, and we will train tomorrow.”. Alpha nods, and Beta summons a house which Alpha goes into for the night.
submitted by Silver_Mixture_6764 to RobloxAvatars [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 northwhitespecs Mindanao Maximalism

Mindanao Maximalism submitted by northwhitespecs to ITookAPicturePH [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 Public-Marionberry33 So God isn’t Almighty?

So God isn’t Almighty? submitted by Public-Marionberry33 to skeptic [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 azizgamerlal Meirl

Meirl submitted by azizgamerlal to meirl [link] [comments]
