2025.01.19 13:20 Rafiq_Hasanov 1000块玩【信:37378o8o5】返佣2024 Aug http://bex.ink永续合约 中国 HotCoin
1000块玩【信:37378o8o5】返佣2024 Aug http://bex.ink永续合约 中国 HotCoin
submitted by Rafiq_Hasanov to FsPosterSubreddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 13:20 True__slav1998 My take on Alan Wake
submitted by True__slav1998 to GTAoutfits [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 13:20 Rafiq_Hasanov app下载【微信37378o8o5】合约暴涨群免翻墙注册 http://bex.ink?手机app使用方法教程(买币、交易 大陆 HotCoin 热币
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submitted by Rafiq_Hasanov to FsPosterSubreddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 13:20 Owls_Shirepath Überfordert mit Kind, das schlägt
Werdet ihr auch von euren Kindern geschlagen und angeschrien?
Mein Kind (w, 2J) ist ein sehr energisches Kind. Es ist sehr aktiv, agil, wild und besonders willensstark. Mit der Willensstärke kommen wir manchmal mehr oder weniger ganz okay zurecht und die Situationen können gut gelöst werden. Dann aber gibt es Situationen, bei denen wir aus dem Nichts heraus geschlagen, getreten und gekratzt werden. Mitten im Spielen z. B. bekommt mein Mann einfach einen harten Gegenstand über den Kopf gezogen. Einmal deutlich "nein" gesagt, setzt der 2. Schlag stärker an. Beim 3. Mal ist das Spielen vorbei und es wird zusammengeräumt. Natürlich ist unser Kind dann wütend. Begleitend bekommen wir sie dann auch irgendwann wieder ruhig bzw. Konnten sie ablenken. Reden? Klappt nicht. Kurze prägnante Sätze? Keine Chance. Augenkontakt? Bei Gesprächen nie. Es flüchtet aus den Situationen. Trösten? Seit Geburt an sehr schwer. Es hat es immer auf dem Arm gehasst. Kuscheln? Seltenst. Nur von sich aus, was ja eigl. auch nicht verkehrt ist. Unser Maus geht bereits seit sie 1 ist in die Kita. Anfänglich hat alles wunderbar funktioniert. Abholen war aber schon immer etwas (ich nenne es mal) dramatischer. Es gab zudem auch ein Kitawechsel nach der Sommerpause, jedoch mit 2 Bezugserzieher und einem anderen Kind gemeinsam. Die neue Kita wurde erst neu eröffnet und alle müssen sich finden, neue Kinder kommen, viele Eingewöhnungen, dadurch natürlich auch stressiger. Die Kitatage sind für die kleinen natürlich pure Arbeit. So gestaltet sich auch das Abholen: schlagen, schreien, nicht gehen wollen, noch unbedingt alles spielen. Keine Chance. Unsere Kleine lässt sich von allen anfassen, bespaßen, anziehen, ja sogar knuddeln. Aber wenn wir da sind haben wir verloren. Einmal durfte ich absolut nichts machen. Sie schrie, als würde sie von mir misshandelt werden. Es kam die Praktikantin und sie durfte sie anziehen. Ich habe auf dem Nachhauseweg nur geheult... Meinem Mann trifft es da ja noch schlimmer. Er darf bei ihr überhaupt kaum etwas. Einschlafbegleitung mache ausschließlich ich. Bei ihm eskaliert die Situation sofort, da er sie nicht anfassen darf, sie solange nach mir schreit bis ich komme. Wenn ich mal nicht da bin, dann nur mit Resignation. Mittlerweile ist sie auch mit den Großeltern so vertraut, dass sie auch dort mit diesem Verhalten anfängt.
Ich mein, die Autonomiephase ist ja sehr herausfordernd, aber hier bin ich mit meinem Latein am Ende. Dieses (für uns) grundlose aggressive Geschlage geht uns echt hart auf den Zünder. Mittlerweile sind wir gar nicht mehr entspannt und sind schon von Kleinigkeiten getriggert und genervt. Teils haben wir schon die Erwartung und es geht an die Substanz. Vor allem tut es mir furchtbar leid und weh, wenn wir dann wieder schimpfen und laut werden, wenn wir keinen Ausweg finden.
Wie ist es bei euch? Habt ihr auch Kinder, die euch bewusst schlagen? Wie geht ihr damit um?
submitted by Owls_Shirepath to Eltern [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 13:20 Rafiq_Hasanov 10u返佣卡是十【薇37378O805】合约暴涨群注册下载 http://bex.ink块钱吗 大陆 币安
10u返佣卡是十【薇37378O805】合约暴涨群注册下载 http://bex.ink块钱吗 大陆 币安
submitted by Rafiq_Hasanov to FsPosterSubreddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 13:20 mercury888 anyone remember this old sbs tv kids show (non cartoon) - about a kid from america and he moved to australia.. somewhere in the country side. Cant for the life of me remember the name
he also wore these puffy vests that were pretty in at the time 99-01 era
submitted by mercury888 to AustralianNostalgia [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 13:20 Kirk1944 [Bug] RAM shortage. 32 GB RAM
I mostly play PVE and not sure whether people enconter these problems online. However, currently entering any mid-big map for me is a dread that the game gonna crash due to RAM shortage. Sometimes I can counter via RAM cleaning in-game feature (whcih works for me only when I press and unpress RAM cleaner ticks). Though, RAM usage could still spike mid game and will cause game crashing.
I try not to run any software along with TARKOV to avoid additional RAM usage. I have 32 GB RAM already and though buying another 32 but I was wondering whether you know some additional soft which could help cleaning the RAM.
submitted by Kirk1944 to EscapefromTarkov [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 13:20 Kissanmetku Weather boosted Shadow Ho-oh 474397312275
submitted by Kissanmetku to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 13:20 JamonBoo Got fooled 🤦🏻♂️😂
Back on the grind I go! lol submitted by JamonBoo to Huntercallofthewild [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 13:20 Withered_Rose Disable @everyone and @here pings, but allow specific @role pings?
Is there anyway to disable @ everyone and @ here pings for specific roles, but at the same time allow said roles to use specific @ role pings?
submitted by Withered_Rose to discordapp [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 13:20 uttercentrist So many online orders or delivery orders at restaurants just sit there, and look to become cold and soggy. What is the appeal?
submitted by uttercentrist to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 13:20 No_Age_4267 My (45m) wife (45f) is texting with the man she had an affair with. Is it wrong that i am a simp who is willingly allowing my wife to step all over me
submitted by No_Age_4267 to AmITheAngel [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 13:20 h-musicfr One of my favorite playlist for my road trips
Here's Ambient, chill & downtempo trip", a tasty mix regulary updated with chill downtempo, electronica, hypnotic and ambient electronic music. Deep vibes for driving.
submitted by h-musicfr to wanderlust [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 13:20 Imaginativested Oof Madone, he looks terrible!
submitted by Imaginativested to CirclejerkSopranos [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 13:20 SugarReel0114 Do you prefer watching episodes in parts/with breaks or without them, and does it affect your viewing experience?
For example, each episode being divided into 4 parts with preview of next part and next episode appearing at the end, or prefer to watch it all in 1 go without the previews.
View Poll
submitted by SugarReel0114 to GirlsLove [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 13:20 Big_Structure_8195 unsure on what to do
so for some back story when i was younger i had to get 4 teeth removed, 2 on top and 2 on bottom, then braces. my canines were in my gums as my mouth was very crowded. I’m now looking into this stuff though and im confused as to why i wasn’t offered a palet expander then braces so my teeth could fit without my face and jaw being impacted? I’m now wanting to go to the orthodontist about this but unsure what id really ask for. I feel my smile lines are prominent because my jaw isn’t right causing my lower face area to look sunken
submitted by Big_Structure_8195 to orthodontics [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 13:20 Global_Public_5452 DM me to jerk off to her
submitted by Global_Public_5452 to KendallJenner69 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 13:20 -PotatoPol- Salcedo Market
submitted by -PotatoPol- to ITookAPicturePH [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 13:20 Why_So-Serious 2024 Panini Prestige - Good Looking Cards?
They’re head turners imo. Love their look. I know they’re future junk wax but it’s a nice design imo. Has a NT base feel to it. submitted by Why_So-Serious to FootballCardz [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 13:20 Moist-Persimmon6244 (SPOILERS of 5 seasons) What is your ranking of Six Feet Under seasons?
My personal ranking is 5>3>4>2>1 I absolutely love all the seasons, but this would be my approximate order.
I love season 1 with all my heart, but I love the others so much that I can't put it above any of them. My favorite episodes are 13 and 9.
I like season 2 more than season 1. They are similar seasons, but I like season 2 more, especially the plot of Nate's illness. I love episode 5 and especially episode 13, it's brutal and wonderful.
Season 3 starts off slower than usual, but then gives us some spectacular moments. The plot of Lisa's disappearance gives me chills and I think the last 4 episodes of the season are perfect.
I like season 4 a little less than season 3, but I don't understand why it gets so much hate. It has some of the most memorable moments of the series: Nate burying Lisa, Claire singing with her friends, David's trauma, Hoyt's confession, and Nathaniel and David's dialogue. Falling into Place and Untitled are masterpieces. Although the plot of Lisa's brother-in-law came out of nowhere.
Season 5 is a masterpiece and my absolute favorite. The ending seems to me to be the most powerful scene I've ever seen in my life. Nate's death and the way all the characters grieve is brutal. Ecotone, All Alone, Static and Everyone's Waiting are 10/10 for me, they are my favorites of the entire series, but I also highlight great episodes like The Rainbow of Her Reasons and Sining for Our Lives.
What is your ranking of seasons? And your favorite episodes?
submitted by Moist-Persimmon6244 to SixFeetUnder [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 13:20 Faxicity Feelings for a new friend who is in a relationship
So she started working in a different department about 6 months ago. We first met at a work event where drinks were involved, everyone had a great time and at the end of the night we shared an uber back to her place as she lives close to me and I wanted to make sure she got home safe. We hugged goodbye and I was glad to have made a new friend.
After that she talked about her boyfriend who she has been with for over 1 year and he sounds like a great guy so I was happy she had such a happy relationship. She has also started to invite me out for drinks a whole lot so I have started to meet a lot of her friends/family but still not the boyfriend, but I have noticed that she touches me all the time and will rest her head on my shoulder when we are standing close together which has been nice but I didn't think anything of it other than she just felt comfortable around me.
A female coworker who we also talk to a lot at work asked me one day if I noticed how flirty she is, and as a guy I just always assume shes just being friendly, yet she assures me shes flirting. Ever since then I have been wondering if there could be more to this.
I am feeling a little conflicted about whether or not I should continue to hang out with her as she has been so much fun to hangout with, but now that I have strong feelings for her I dont think its fair on her or her boyfriend. Coworker thinks she could be keeping me on the wing for a backup if she were to break up him.
The hard part is I will still see her at work and if I start turning her down all the time, she will know something is up. Should I let her know how im feeling and why we shouldn't hangout anymore, or should I just continue being friends with hopes of getting over her even though its going to be difficult?
submitted by Faxicity to Advice [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 13:20 Ok-Bet-394 Eu sou babaca por mesmo eu virando travesti não me considerar mulher?
Bom dia pessoal do sub, tenho 24 anos de idade e infelizmente sou um rapaz/homem.
Eu tenho disforia de gênero desde os 5 anos (em 2005) e nessa época eu odiava ser um menino e queria ser uma menina, com 14 anos (em 2014) a minha disforia amenizou (mas no fundo eu odiava ser um garoto e queria ser uma garota) e com 24 anos (no ano passado, 2024), a minha disforia voltou com força suprema e eu realmente odeio ser rapaz/homem com todas as minhas forças e eu queria muito ser moça/mulher.
Eu odeio cabelo curto, bigode, barba, pelos corporais, roupas masculinas, sapatos masculinos, ter corpo quadrado/reto com pênis/testículos e meu nome masculino de nascença (torço pra ser meu deadname).
Eu adoraria ter cabelo comprido e corpo com seios e curvas, usar roupas femininas, sapatos femininos, bijuterias e comésticos e não ter pênis e nem testículos. Além de ter um nome feminino ou unissex.
Não uso banheiro masculino de jeito nenhum e uso banheiros unissexs ou PCDs, mesmo virando travesti, não usarei banheiro feminino e muito menos o banheiro masculino.
Sobre minha sexualidade, sou ginessexual, pois sinto atração por meninas/moças/mulheres apenas.
Sonho em ser uma travesti, eu não iria consegui me considerar mulher apesar de sempre ter sido meu sonho ser uma, mas eu sei que sendo uma travesti, finalmente deixarei de ser um homem que eu sempre odiei ser e que eu nunca quis ser.
Qual a opinião de vocês?
submitted by Ok-Bet-394 to EuSouOBabaca [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 13:20 thomashatze Cynthia Senek, Brazilian Actress (starred in Netflix 3%)
submitted by thomashatze to CelebrityArmpits2 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 13:20 DunyainDreamer New Video - Subjected to Wage Slavery
Hello all, this is the second video I've published to my new channel. Discussing the heavy burden of our servitude and the path out of it. Hopefully, for some of you, this softens the blow of the work week ahead..
- Enduring Existence https://youtu.be/4Dn6CySkQPY?si=mICR921m7DkvvbfE
submitted by DunyainDreamer to antinatalism [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 13:20 DiligentIssue3360 Meme of the day
submitted by DiligentIssue3360 to meme [link] [comments] |