2025.01.19 15:22 flipflopsanddunlops Need to upgrade. How much is it gonna cost?
I have my 02 Dakota T but it’s just not a great work truck. Planning on getting something more useful in the fall but don’t want to buy new. My dream truck is a d350 crew cab dually but I’m having a tough time finding prices. I can’t even find one currently listed in Canada, any have any idea? Or when to ask/look because I’m lost submitted by flipflopsanddunlops to ram_trucks [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 15:22 ReadThisStuff Anyone interested in trading thriftstore finds, US exclusive Barbies etc. for german chocolate other stuff available in germany?
As a european collector, it's often really hard to find dolls that aren't the same few playline dolls. I went to second handshops and flea markets and didn't find any Barbies either and a lot of dolls on eBay are only sold within the US or cost a fortune to import. A few months ago I read a post mentioning someone trading dolls for European exclusively things and I really liked the idea. Would anyone be interested?
submitted by ReadThisStuff to Barbie [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 15:22 PirateboarderLife When you grow you know, you reap what you sow. You put love in, you get love out, right on…
Some cured nugs of the Bubba Kush Bush. 💯 organic outdoor from ODG’s Garden of Love on Pirateboarder Life.
submitted by PirateboarderLife to cannabiscultivation [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 15:22 Top_Day2394 Critical Defense Immune for Dogs - Normal Cell Growth & Cancer Support - Buddy Energy Boost - Turkey Tail, Reishi, Shiitake, and Lion’s Mane Mushroom Formula with Turmeric Root Extract - 4.24 oz For USA Testers DM for Info - Thanks
submitted by Top_Day2394 to ReviewRequests [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 15:22 ecoxtrooper Which district do you live in in real life?
Looking here, I live in 14 submitted by ecoxtrooper to Hungergames [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 15:22 gayroma Bugetul SRI si dovada ca cifrele postate de mine erau corecte
Idioti de aici de pe grup au zis ca e fake news ca SRI cheltuie 800 mil de EURO pe an. Idiotilor care vorbiti fara sa va documentati ia uitati-va aici: https://www.sri.ro/assets/files/bugete/Buget_SRI_07.2024.pdf Direct de pe pagina SRI, ce scrie la BUGET? 5,548,246 mii lei adica 5.548.246.000 lei cat inseamna asta in EURO? Inseamna chiar mai mult de 800 mil de euro, inseamna vreo 1.1 miliarde de euro. Prostilor care nu stiti sa cititi si nici sa dati un simplu search pe google! Sunteti prosti si prosti gramada nu doar prosti. Postarea cu 800 mil de Euro pe an nu era fake news, era probabil bugetul pe 2023, intre timp a crescut. Date oficiale de pe site-ul SRI nu luate de pe cine stie ce surse. Apropo Borisilor cu vodka inainte sa vorbiti lasati paharul jos pe masa, reculegeti-va neuronii si cautati sa fiti macar convingatori.
Bun. Ce mi se pare suspect la acest buget (de fapt multe lucruru sunt suspecte) este ca daca aduni cifrele tot nu da totalul. Apoi, cheltuieli de capital 1 miliard de lei? cum sa ai cheltuieli de capital 1 miliard? dar ce esti bursa? ce cheltuieli pot fi acelea? Dupa aceea doar 300.000 lei bunuri si servicii? posibil avand in vedere ca atat costa pe piata echipamentele si softurile de supraveghere. 300 mil de lei. Mai vedem cheltuieli finaintate din fonduri externe womp womp 57 mil de lei adica doar vreo 20 mil de Euro. Pai da, cam atat de EU pentru ca atat merita de la EU un serviciu de securitate. O suma normala. Si totusi SRI primeste de la noi de 20 de ori mai mult decat primeste de la EU! Primariile locale apropo primesc mai multi bani de la EU decat de la guvernul Romaniei pentru proiecte locale. Talk about prioritities!
Ce e mai trist e ca bugetul e transparent (cat de cat), nu e secret de stat oricine il poate vedea si analiza. Ca nimeni nu a facut-o, partea a doua. PLIN DE PROSTI IN ROMANIA! Plin de inconstienti.
Cheltuieli de personal are 2 mil de lei! adica 400 mil Euro. Sunt 12000 de angajati la SRI ceea ce inseamna 33.300 Euro pe an per angajat 2777 euro pe luna not bad at all avand in vedere ca cei mai multi sunt simpli analisti, dupa fiasco-ul Georgescu s-a vazut cat freaca menta.
Romania are 60 de agenti secreti la suta de mii de locuitori, SUA are 11.3 agenti secreti la suta de mii de locuitori. va dati seama cati mulg de la noi, cati "agenti secreti" sunt angajati la stat degeaba. Adica SUA se descurca cu mai putini agenti secreti, noi nu. Si vorbim de SUA aici. Germania are 3.3 agenti secreti la suta de mii de locuitori. (verificati voi cifrele astea sa vedeti ca e true, tema de casa)
Aici se duc taxele voastre in timp ce voi stati pe reddit si va luati de unul sau altul prin commenturi.
Ah si foarte interesant in bugetul SRI vedem costuri cu asistenta sociala de 1 milard de lei! Asistenta sociala? a cui? Adica SRI e si departament de asistenta sociala?:)) pe cine asista?
submitted by gayroma to GenZRo [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 15:22 Keith_McNeill65 How Climate-Friendly Waterwheels are Coming Around Again | Research indicates that the efficiency of waterwheels, in terms of converting water power into electricity, can be as high as about 85% #GlobalCarbonFeeAndDividendPetition
submitted by Keith_McNeill65 to ClimateNews [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 15:22 summilux7 All-Star Fellowship
Imagine if you could replace the nine companions of the fellowship with characters from the Silmarillion, Downfall of Numenor, etc.? Who would you pick? In my mind, only characters who lived in Middle Earth after the flight of the Noldor qualify (so you can’t just pick Manwe, Tulkas, Eonwe, Earendil on Vingilot, etc.). I would pick the following:
2025.01.19 15:22 RushShot Leatherback freed from tangled net
This turtle was freed recently at Moanda, DRC. Curious how old it might be. submitted by RushShot to turtles [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 15:22 robinonorway Question
Do people watch all the National finals including semis and heats. How do u get the time? I personally would love to but just as an example... this year... Benidorm 2025 (Spain), supernova semi (Latvia), EMA 2025 (Serbia), Melodifestivalen Heat 1 (Sweden), Eurovizija.LT Heat 4 (Lithuania) all on the same evening. How do i approach this. Want to watch as much as possible and have opinions on much as possible. Any ideas ?
submitted by robinonorway to eurovision [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 15:22 NextGen443 How is everyone enjoying Reddit while TikTok is down?
submitted by NextGen443 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 15:22 Nikofreeks23 [Rap] Niko Freeks - Chicken Freestyle
submitted by Nikofreeks23 to SoundCloudHipHop [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 15:22 titchtatch Asians and conflict resolution
Asians (especially East Asians) are known to be conflict averse - instead of talking it out, saying "I'm sorry," airing out feelings, reconciliation - the Asian way is suppressing feelings, pretending nothing happened, giving each other space.
Which way do you subscribe to when you have conflicts? Does it change depending on who you're with? (e.g. conflicts with parents vs. close friends vs. spouse vs. coworkers)
What are your criticisms with each method?
submitted by titchtatch to aznidentity [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 15:22 darkoath World's Largest Perogie
Just learned that there is a 27 foot perogie in Alberta, Canada and I felt that this was important information to share with all of you.
I also believe that those of us who listened all the way through the creepypasta (you know which one!) deserve a picture of Henry standing next to it wearing a bowler hat and a knowing smile.
submitted by darkoath to lastpodcastontheleft [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 15:22 rauakbar Les DeMerle - A day in the Life
submitted by rauakbar to VideoSoulandVibration [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 15:22 The_overdrunken_one First time?
submitted by The_overdrunken_one to TeenagersButBetter [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 15:22 DickelAndNime This is what I think "The soundtrack of Chipotle?" guy looks like
Don/Donna Kelce (mid-transition)
submitted by DickelAndNime to Chipotle [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 15:22 Clean-Process-6462 How do I find people to play D&D with online?
I’ve been rping for at least a few years and I lately have been getting really interested in playing D&D, except I’m not really sure how I’d find people to do it with or if there is a simple way to connect with people who are also looking for people.
I joined a few discord servers and they all were really inactive despite having a good amount of members or tried to keep people in the server all packed in together which I really wasn’t a fan of. I looked up any other ways to find people and it led me here soo please help if you can!
Just to say my preference if that’s changes the suggestions of where to go to start, I’m looking for people on discord (or whichever talking platform I don’t mind), I would much rather have it be text based so everyone role-plays everything out through text, and I would much rather have it take place in a discord group chat or something like that.
THANK YOU for any help you might have and i’m new to D&D so correct me on anything!
submitted by Clean-Process-6462 to DnD [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 15:22 MayaJamaJerker Mic/phone over Maisie
submitted by MayaJamaJerker to MaisieLouiseSmith [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 15:22 Anon-now Ami I wrong for this?
My daughter texted me yesterday about how she wanted to come home and wanted me or her dad to pick her up. Didn't tell me why, then about 5 minutes later I received a text from her sister that is 24 years old stating the sister she is staying with left her with her kid and hasn't been back.
We took my daughter down there Friday night, and I guess her sister went to her boyfriend's that night overnight. My daughter told her last time she didn't want to watch her child because her child doesn't listen.
So, I was confused when my daughter text me asking me to pick her up but didn't give me a reason until the other sister texted me explaining everything.
I decided to message the sister(we will call her Angie) this, "just to let you know, my daughter isn't allowed back to your house. She isn't your sitter. She came down here to hang out, not to babysit your child. I thought I made that clear last time with a discussion". She respons with a nasty response, "you do not come at me sideways. I'm a grown ass woman. I will do what I want when I want. You or anyone won't stop me. My household, my rules and you won't stop that". I responded, "okay, you do you all you want. Y'all's sister will be picking my daughter up so you need to figure who is watching YOUR child. Have a good day". He response, "if anyone comes to my house the cops will come, my house, my rules". I didn't respond right away, as I wanted to collective and respectful. I responded, "look, it maybe your house but MY child is there, she doesn't want to be there anymore because she doesn't want to watch YOUR child. YOUR responsibility, not hers. You say your an adult, okay act like one and do your responsibility and take care of YOUR responsibility. You want alone time with your boyfriend, find someone other than my daughter to take care of YOUR child. So, at 6pm MY daughter is getting picked up, with or without anyone at YOUR house for YOUR daughter. Your have been told when MY daughter will be leaving. Thanks". Her response, "my daughter is old enough to be home alone by herself. She doesn't need anyone to be there. It would be nice to have someone there with her but it is fine. I don't baby my child, like you baby yours". My response, "you parent your child the way you are fit and I will parent my kids the way I see fit. If you feel your child is responsible for be home alone over night by herself that is your judgement, not mine. Have a good night".
I looked up the laws about how old can a child stay home alone. It isn't clear about overnight. But her child is 11 yrs old. I wouldn't leave my 14 and 15 yr old home alone over night. I mean my 15 yr old is special needs so I wouldn't ever do that but my 14 yr old is up in the air. Depends on things.
So, it pissed Angie off that my daughter did leave and texted her stating, "sense you left you are never aloud at my house and I can't stand you".
I told my daughter that she is mad because she has to figure shit out on her own. She knew from last time that you are not her sitter period, nothing has changed.
Am I wrong?
submitted by Anon-now to amiwrong [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 15:22 Ravio64 Não saio do lugar
Não pensei que um dia escreveria alguma coisa para esse sub. Bom, eu tô mais ou menos 4 anos estudando para vestibulares e nesse tempo sinto que não tive nenhuma evolução significativa não importa o quanto eu me esforce, já fiz mais de 5000 questões das provas antigas simulados e tudo mais e nunca melhoro em nada. Minha família me acha um fracassado e todo mundo fica zombando de mim. Não sei se deveria desistir de tudo que eu sonhei ou continuar insistindo nisso
submitted by Ravio64 to desabafos [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 15:22 2DrinkLoLo Reykjavik Disembark
I’m looking at a cruise that disembarks in Reykjavik. What is the trip like from the port to the airport? I’m looking at flights that leave at 11 AM or noon. Is it easy to get to the airport from the ship? Disembark time is 7 AM.
submitted by 2DrinkLoLo to HollandAmerica [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 15:22 darrius_kingston314q encountered a random glitch in which a swarm of butterflies surrounded my MC
submitted by darrius_kingston314q to hogwartslegacyJKR [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 15:22 pattern_altitude More affordable alternatives to Faherty for beach flannels?
Hi all -- I was recently introduced to the Faherty brand, and got a number of compliments wearing a friend's shirt. I'd love to add something like this to my collection, but cost is an issue... $150 or more for a flannel just isn't something I can swing. Anyone have suggestions for something fairly similar in style that won't break the bank?
submitted by pattern_altitude to malefashionadvice [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 15:22 kevin32 Parade
submitted by kevin32 to FluxAI [link] [comments]