M1 Max:570亿; M2 Max:670亿; M3 Max:920亿; M1 Ultra:1140亿; M2 Ultra:1340亿; CPU性能提升. M3、M2和M1同样都是4个性能核心和4个能效核心的架构,不过M1采用的是和A14相同的Firestorm性能核心和Icestorm能效核心,而M2采用的则是和A15一致的Avalanche性能核心和Blizzard能效核心。 根据Flightradar公开信息,波音737Max已在国内复飞。部分媒体跟进报道,但未见官方媒体对飞机安全型权威… 可以使用3D Max打开,以下是具体的操作方法。 1、打开查看软件的主窗口,在主窗口左上角点击。 2、下拉三角展开菜单中,依次选择导入,在子菜单中单击导入。 3、在窗口中选择要导入的文件,按照stl文件的路径找到它并选中,点击打开。 导入的模型所用的材质不是Max软件所支持的,显示不出材质,渲染也看不见任何材质,只有黑色模样轮廓。 还有一些常见的问题: 01. 把3dmax中渲染设置里面的抗锯齿过滤器选错了,如果选择“图版匹配/max r2” 就会出现渲染变全黑。 我发现问答都是2020年的,而且争论也是公说公有理。想问一下,【在不考虑功耗】的情况下,m1芯片性能相当… max文件是3DMax软件专用的文件格式,包含了三维模型的各项数据。除了3DMax外,其他三维制作软件也具备打开和编辑max文件的能力。这是因为这些软件都支持行业标准的三维文件格式,能够实现不同软件间的文件互通。 不同软件的特色应用 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... 钢筋箍筋长度如何计算?钢筋箍筋长度计算方法1、一般的算法是箍筋长度=(梁宽-保护层*2 +梁高-保护层*2)*2+1.9d*2+max(10d,75mm)*2 2、 如果按实计算及下料长度,那么算法是:(1)90/90的箍筋钢筋计算公式为: 首先分析一下Autodesk Material Library ,它是随 Autodesk 产品 (例如 Inventor、AutoCAD、Revit 和 3ds Max) 安装的共用资源库。 Autodesk Material Library只是材质库,可以卸载,不影响软件运行。当初在电脑清理软件时,也把它卸载了,电脑没有出现什么异常,卸载时的截图如下: 说以上这些当然不是为了聊M3 Max,而是想借此说明显卡性能的释放其实受限于软硬件平台的各种约束,甚至也受限于软件本身的优化。 比如同样是M2芯片,达芬奇导出同样的素材,在机身散热处于劣势的iPad Pro上,却可以比MacBook M2还要快。
2025.01.19 17:35 pugglewugglez [W][US-W] UXG-Max Gateway Max
Will pay via PayPal goods and services only. Please PM with offer shipped via USPS priority mail. Thanks!
submitted by pugglewugglez to homelabsales [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 17:35 BladerXDXD [H] AMC Ticket / Surprise Bundles / Snack Bundles [W] $10 ApplePay / CashApp / PayPal / Zelle
Comment before pm! Tickets do not expire! Snacks expire in 6/30/2025!
2025.01.19 17:35 lord_climax ঝালকাটি বরিশাল থেকে কেউ আছেন? আমাকে মেসেজ করুন
ঝালকাটি বরিশাল থেকে কেউ আছেন? আমাকে মেসেজ করুন
submitted by lord_climax to Dhaka [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 17:35 Quick-Window8125 [WP] “This is madness!” No, this is Sparta.
submitted by Quick-Window8125 to WritingPrompts [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 17:35 Busy-Lecture-9493 Feeling like introducting myself here and maybe getting some friends ^^
submitted by Busy-Lecture-9493 to lgbtfriends [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 17:35 not-so-juicy I tried told flirt with a guy ( it didnt work )
First and foremost I would like to clarify that it was a VERY WEAK ATTEMPT AT FLIRTING
So there's this dude I'm kind of close to. We don't know each other in person but we aren't strangers either. So he messaged me today talking about studies and stuff, just general shit and towards the end I mentioned that I kinda dont like studying that much. He then asked me if something was distracting me.
I said "Yes, you are distracting" ik ik very cringe, that's how far I can go without wanting to die of anxiety
So he got defensive like im sorry, I didn't mean to distract you. So I said dude, it was a poor attempt at flirting.
He said he wasn't trying to flirt 🧍♀️. I said my guy, I'm the one trying to flirt. Then he laughed slightly and said sorry on the vn. He said he didn't understand it, that he's just a nerd and it was his first time being flirted with.
Do I tried a bit,it wasn't necessary a fail either. And he sent me BICEP PICS 🎀 so that's a win
ANYWAYS 🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿(im not taking any risks with this cutie)
submitted by not-so-juicy to teenagers [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 17:35 chillthekirby My Updated Roy (Fire Emblem) Matchup Tier List + Thumbnail
submitted by chillthekirby to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 17:35 Sarkaar- $2200 dealer add-ons: still a good deal?
I found a new 2025 Camry LE for $27,000 but the dealer has $2200 worth of add-ons that they are not willing to remove.
So this brings the car to a little over $29,000, PLUS tax and fees which will not be disclosed until we go to the dealership in-person.
Are these dealer installed options any good?
submitted by Sarkaar- to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 17:35 Fluffy_Pair2424 Future marriage
As a young man it seems impossible to find a Catholic woman my age. I recently moved to a new city and every parish I’ve been to doesn’t have any young adult presence. I’ve looked for youth groups and the fact is people my age seem to be attending church less. So where else should you look?
submitted by Fluffy_Pair2424 to Catholicism [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 17:35 Background_Class_961 Syntec website
Hi guys I've found this and you can log in as normal if needs be. I've tried it and it ain't a scam or owt so don't worry. Ifyou log in and you'll find the files that is on Matt, woods and Sam on the website of the syntec dark side of the website
Delete if it's inappropriate or anything
submitted by Background_Class_961 to MatthiasSubmissions [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 17:35 One_Visual4 what’s the most important info needed in a dex?
I’m going into making a full handwritten national dex and i’m trying to decide what info i should put on there— so far i’m putting type, weight, height, and every location it’s found in across all games (aswell as dex # and name, duh) Id rather this not take a million years so flavor text is out of the question (unless if maybeeee i only include flavor text from its original game debut)
submitted by One_Visual4 to pokemon [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 17:35 Speakerhasspoken Uk folks!
Any website recommendations? Or any professional shops in london you would recommend I could take the parts to? I just want best value for money and good customer service (I’m a very anxious person) budget isn’t really too much of an issue!
submitted by Speakerhasspoken to Prebuilts [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 17:35 Local-Adhesiveness66 Podrška profesorima Zemunske gimnazije
Pozivam sve bivše đake Zemunske gimnazije da potpišu podršku našim profesorima kako bi istrajali u ovoj borbi. Svi koji znaju kakva je klima u školi su svesni da im nije lako. Vreme je da budemo uz njih kako bi oni bili uz nas!
submitted by Local-Adhesiveness66 to serbia [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 17:35 codexcdm Prime impersonates Megatron, Megatron impersonates Prime! Also ALL HAIL PEPPERONI!
submitted by codexcdm to transformers [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 17:35 LeglessPotato When I finally get a bag, it gets cancelled, then put back up and sold out before I can get it again 😐
This is the 3rd time and it's really starting to grind my gears. There's a place by my house that sells out almost immediately, and lately they've only been putting up one bag a night, so if I'm not sitting on the screen at the exact second it goes live, I'm not getting it. So imagine my disappointment when I've finally gotten it after weeks of trying, only to get a notification a few hours before pickup that the store doesn't have anything left, so my bag is cancelled. Then I check it again closer to pickup, and it was put back up and sold out a few minutes ago. 😐 This particular store has done this to me twice now, and then one other store. Just really frustrating.
submitted by LeglessPotato to toogoodtogo [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 17:35 Narrow-Nail-4194 CoH3 runs a LOT worse on my laptop than CoH2, how do I fix it?
My specs:
Rzyen 7 4800H
RTX 3050 Ti
game is installed on SSD.
in CoH2 with maxed out graphics I get around 70 fps in 4v4 games, CoH3 constantly goes below 30 FPS in 1v1 games on medium graphics. I heard that it's supposed to run better than the second game? Any way I can get some FPS on that? Would upgrading RAM help?
submitted by Narrow-Nail-4194 to CompanyOfHeroes [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 17:35 Dominodorito Anyone else think this is a reference to ZZ Ed 2 in Century Color?
submitted by Dominodorito to Gundam [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 17:35 GameShowWerewolf For the second year in a row... Goddamnit Lions.
submitted by GameShowWerewolf to UrinatingTree [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 17:35 Clean_Recording9473 Wallpaper span on 2 displays
Am I going nuts. I recently set up another monitor and it’s driving me nuts. I have the same wallpaper on both screens. How do I span it to both screens so it looks seamlessly. Much appreciated.
submitted by Clean_Recording9473 to MacOS [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 17:35 ThatAntid0te How can I build out something like this?
submitted by ThatAntid0te to webdev [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 17:35 Canton_independence 真正嘅包蜜今日一波就自由了,虛假包蜜依然要被包包大人敲打
submitted by Canton_independence to KanagawaWave [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 17:35 Flamen_Yong Should I be taking potshots at enemies?
Pretty much title. I tend to be shooting shots at enemies before properly engaging in a fight, knowing their supports will heal them back up pretty much instantly. On one hand I'm building up easy charge for my ult, but on the other hand so are their supports
submitted by Flamen_Yong to marvelrivals [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 17:35 Pristine_Two_2732 TIFO
Guys, today I just found out that the entirety of American Idiot is about Billie!!!!!!
submitted by Pristine_Two_2732 to greenday [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 17:35 ZigFromBushkill ISO truck camper that allows bed and tailgate to be used like patio
Not sure if it's dumb but I'm in the beginning stages of my search and I like how the Cirrus 620 can be used in an 8ft bed which gives you space to have almost like a patio. Are there any other campers on the market that would allow this? It doesn't seem like any Lance campers have this ability.
submitted by ZigFromBushkill to TruckCampers [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 17:35 ExistingBat8955 Community for those learning to go from survival mode to healing
submitted by ExistingBat8955 to newreddits [link] [comments]