Two boosted Ho-oh 294857526347

2025.01.19 17:40 Glum-Pie-2574 Two boosted Ho-oh 294857526347

Two boosted Ho-oh 294857526347 submitted by Glum-Pie-2574 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 Unlucky-Operation800 Beleza mas cadê a Milena?

Beleza mas cadê a Milena? submitted by Unlucky-Operation800 to porramauricio [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 Opposite_Example_336 50% off [Amazon] -Hair Blow Dryer Brush Hot-Air - Blow Dryer Brush Fast Drying, Volumizing, Straightening, Slightly Waving, Curling Hot Air Brush for Long Hair (2.8“ Brush, 3/4" Curling Iron, Massage Hairbrush)- $29.99

submitted by Opposite_Example_336 to DealsBargain [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 SuspiciousSource9506 Rules for installing Cyberware on a(n) FBC?

I've recently got my hands on the Interface Red Volume 3 and... I LOVE Full Body Conversions. I'm a big fan pushing the metal to it's limits and literally riding the humanity edge.
Though I need some rules clarification I couldn't find.
Building an FBC is something that can be done fully by a Tech, but the process of being put in one is a LONG medtech process. However, once someone is installed in an FBC, what is the process of putting in new tech? Do they now need a Medtech to install cyberware, or is it something a Tech can do entirely by themselves? Can you install Cyberware on yourself? Would you need to have the FBC be vacant to be worked on?
Thanks for the help.
submitted by SuspiciousSource9506 to cyberpunkred [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 Rob3D2018 Help! Xfer $$ to external acct

I have a savings acct with NFCU. Nothing else with them. I want to transfer 300 dollars to my ENT FCU.
System wont let me. Why?
submitted by Rob3D2018 to NavyFederal [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 iamourmyself How to get invited to these royal parties??

Have you guys been to any? If yes please share your experience on how you got there + what actually happens?)
submitted by iamourmyself to JaipurRoyalFacade [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 Spottedspyplayz Spirited Away Marching Band Show

May not be the correct sub but anyways... Not really my original composition but its based in my school's show from last year (2024) with some DCI flairs added. Enjoy!
submitted by Spottedspyplayz to drumcorps [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 I_st0le_y0ur_balls Rate my team

Rate my team submitted by I_st0le_y0ur_balls to PokemonInfiniteFusion [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 Vampirediariesgeek 🤦‍♀️

🤦‍♀️ submitted by Vampirediariesgeek to michaelduvallsnark [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 PercentageStraight52 Matter as a word is weird

“What’s the matter” is a weird statement that could mean multiple things “matter” is a weird word when you think of how it’s used like you could say “is something the matter” and it’s still a readable statement and you could say “all things are made of matter” and again a true statement has been said. I just sat here high saying these statements separately and individually trying to hear how each sounds and idk man it’s just like when you think about it how does it make sense to us like anyone learning English would be spazzing
submitted by PercentageStraight52 to HighThought [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 Upstairs_Cattle8907 2003 zx3

2003 zx3 submitted by Upstairs_Cattle8907 to FordFocus [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 Limhere What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Limhere to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 CertainBookkeeper833 Capstone vs 1794

I just started looking for a new truck and yesterday I got in a 2023 capstone and absolutely fell in love with it. While shopping online I also really like the look of the 1794 editions and I was hoping someone could enlighten me on the differences between the two. The 1794 seems to be cheaper everywhere I look and I wanted to know the reason for this.
submitted by CertainBookkeeper833 to ToyotaTundra [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 itzl0r Fachgespräch FISI

Hallo zusammen, hab am Mittwoch meine mündliche Prüfung und bereite mich aktuell auf Präsentation und Fachgespräch vor. Dass man den Prüfern "Fallen" stellen und sich mit dem eigenen Projekt auskennen soll weiß ich, aber wie bereitet man sich auf mögliche Fachfragen vor? Vielleicht hatte ja jemand vor kurzem erst den Termin (vielleicht sogar bei der IHK München?) und hat persönliche Erfahrungswerte. Von super spezifischen random Linuxfragen, die null mit dem Projekt zu tun hatten, bis hin zu "was ist der Unterschied zwischen SSD und HDD?" hab ich schon verschiedene Stories gehört und bin demnach dezent verunsichert.
submitted by itzl0r to fachinformatiker [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 Particular_Party8369 Har har Mahadev

Har har Mahadev submitted by Particular_Party8369 to journalistkeshavojha [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 Apart-Practice4766 Such a boring finale 🥱

Snooze fest 💤
submitted by Apart-Practice4766 to biggboss [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 __tolga Vauban Minelayer augment idea

Flechette Orb: Red: Health
Tether Coil: Blue: Energy
Vector Pad: Yellow: Ammo
Overdriver: Purple: Overshields
Flechette Orb: Each orb, after X number of kills/assists will drop a health orb. Fits it being an "orb" like a health orb, fits the color red, works in a similar sense to Synth Deconstruct.
Tether Coil: When a tethered enemy dies, each "coil" fills with an amount of energy, and tethers to nearest untethered Warframe to restore their energy. Basically turning Tether Coil into a charging station.
Vector Pad: To fit the theme of "boost" and "speed", an increase to certain stats whenever an ally touches Vector Pad would be fitting. In a sense, it would "boost" your ammunition. Your current magazine is boosted with a % of fire rate, projectile speed until empty or reloaded and reload speed for your next reload. You get a "faster magazine". Vector Pad stays around for 25 seconds so it can be refilled.
Overdriver: When an ally is under the effects of Overdriver, it restores their shields, similar to Brief Respite BUT works even while overshields are active. 100% of ability cost, low value at the cost of ability to get shields even when overshields are active.
As maximum number of balls are 4, this augment imo would hardly be overkill. It would boost Vauban as a "support" outside of CC. It would also fit the theme of each orb, flechette orb as a red orb of death now is also a red orb of life (like a health orb is), tether coil now tethers to allies and acts as a "coil" that restores energy, vector pad speeds up your bullets, overdriver boosts not just your attack but also your defenses. These augmented effects would fit their color, would be different than their base ability but also would still fit their theme, give all orbs a unique bonus and augment Vauban into doing more than CC and damage and would boost his survivability and ability to buff allies.
submitted by __tolga to Warframe [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 adulting4kids One Sentence Story Prompts By Genre

Western: - "The tumbleweed rolled lazily across the deserted main street, signaling the arrival of a lone stranger."
. Fantasy: - "The enchanted book whispered secrets to anyone brave enough to open its ancient cover."
Science Fiction: - "The android woke up in a world where humans had become the minority, struggling to survive."
. Mystery: - "The antique locket discovered in the attic held a clue to a decades-old disappearance."
. Romance: - "A chance encounter during a thunderstorm led to an unexpected romance that defied all odds."
. Horror: - "Footsteps echoed through the empty corridors of the haunted mansion, though nobody was there."
Historical Fiction: - "The intricately carved heirloom revealed a hidden compartment concealing a revolutionary secret."
. Thriller: - "The classified dossier left on the park bench contained information that could change the world."
. Adventure: - "The ancient artifact unearthed in a remote jungle triggered a perilous quest for its origins."
. Dystopian: - "In a society divided by genetic modifications, one person held the key to equality for all."
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 EverydayEnthusiast GE dishwasher not heating up - need help repeating previous solution

Dishwasher Not Heating Up - Need help identifying previously used solution
Hi all,
We have a GE dishwasher (model GDT645SMNES) that's less than 5 years old. The heating element failed a few years ago and when a technician came out, he was in and out in 15 minutes. I wasn't there, so this is a secondhand explanation from my partner.
Essentially, the tech said something akin to the dishwasher disables the heating element on its own and something just needs reset, possibly because it senses we're not using a drying agent.
He removed the toe kick panel and reset something under the unit. They problem is I don't know exactly what he did and can't seem to find any reference to this process when I search; everything brings up videos on replacing the heating element itself or replacing the flood switch.
Does anyone have any experience to lend on this? I'm pretty handy but have no experience with dishwashers. I'd like to replicate the fix this tech did last time before resorting to replacing parts or calling in another pro. Any help is appreciated!
submitted by EverydayEnthusiast to appliancerepair [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 tattoogrrl28 My Salt and Pepper Shaker Collection

My Salt and Pepper Shaker Collection I started this collection with just one or two that I picked up at thrift stores or flea markets and I thought it would be a fun collection cause you can find them for relatively cheap and they’re pretty small. It’s been about four years and you can find some crazy ones. I’ve included some of my very favorites.
submitted by tattoogrrl28 to CoolCollections [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 Level_Breadfruit_624 Telasofas

Telasofas submitted by Level_Breadfruit_624 to BeelcitosMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 Jdonavan Finally some space in the veg tent

Finally some space in the veg tent With the biggest girls finally in flower and the clones moved back to the clone tent I can move around again.
submitted by Jdonavan to CannabisGrowers [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 Gusteauxs Baker Tilly IT Auditing

Anyone have any experience working in the IT Audit service line at Baker Tilly specifically? What is the atmosphere like, working hours, WLB, etc.?
submitted by Gusteauxs to Accounting [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 TRITONK175 Series X often requires a disc to be taken out and reinserted to play it.

Pretty much what the title says. I got the console last April, it started doing this just before Christmas and now does it at least once almost every day. Should I be worried???
submitted by TRITONK175 to XboxSupport [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 Admirable_Tip8462 Marcello deve essere sqartato

submitted by Admirable_Tip8462 to attaccopoggo [link] [comments]