Is there a roshidere game?

2025.01.19 18:38 Joaoy18 Is there a roshidere game?

I was passing by the community and ended up seeing some photos that looked like screenshots from an anime game. So, is there an anime game? If so, what is the name for me to install it?
submitted by Joaoy18 to TokidokiBosottoRoshia [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:38 fsgris_ [26 M] Haircut recommendations

What haircut do you think looks best on me? Lately I've been growing it out because I think it helps hide my ears.
submitted by fsgris_ to mensgrooming [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:38 MoochoMaas "Don't like Xi having American user data ? Better get a suck-up gazillionaire to buy it, so I can have all user data", FirstFelon

submitted by MoochoMaas to GQPShitposting [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:38 iamyogi17 Love this game. The bugs make it so unpredictable.

Decided today that since every game I play I am immediately melted by a hacker, or it crashes mid game, I would focus on my daily challenges. Dropped into a BR Solo game, Killed one player off the drop with my pistol so I got my Headshot with a pistol done, then killed, died in the gulag. Exit the game and surprise, I guess I forgot I finished in the top 10 of that match and also completed 3 contracts. I'm amazing, I barely even noticed I did all of that. It's all cool though, I tried a resurgence match, and it crashed right when I landed.
I would happily pay for a working game. Is there anyone listening. I want to play a functioning game, like the 2019 game, and I'm ready to pay for it.
submitted by iamyogi17 to Warzone [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:38 alana_anhedonia i think i have a thing for hapless himbos

this is Lance, he was modeling for the Baldur's Mouth Gazette before getting snatched up by the squids 💔
submitted by alana_anhedonia to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:38 SorchaSublime Sodamancy

Does anyone know of resources relating to engaging with modern elixirs magickally? On instinct I feel like energy drinks would have a ritual utility being both a stimulant and a common symbolic source of energy. Idk, what do yall think? Is this trodden ground?
submitted by SorchaSublime to chaosmagick [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:38 Psychological-Day619 Udaipur recommendations

Hi everyone!
I’ll be visiting Udaipur soon, and I’m super excited to explore the “City of Lakes.” This will be my first time in Udaipur, and I’d love your recommendations for:
Places to Visit – Iconic spots, hidden gems, or anything in between. I’m particularly interested in cultural, historical, and scenic locations.
Food to Try – Restaurants, street food, or local delicacies I shouldn’t miss. I’ve heard a lot about dal baati churma and pyaaz kachori—any specific places you’d recommend for these?
I’ll have a few days to explore, so feel free to suggest both must-see highlights and offbeat experiences. Bonus points if you have tips for timing or less-crowded spots!
Looking forward to all your suggestions. Thanks in advance! 😊
submitted by Psychological-Day619 to india_tourism [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:38 Senior-Breakfast-601 Advice for Both Idea Creators and Critics:

You can never truly know what the other person is thinking, so from now on, speak only for yourself. - Manto
For Idea Creators: When you share your ideas, you’ll hear things like, “No one will buy this” or “This won’t work.” But remember: people can only speak for themselves, not for everyone. • Airbnb, Uber, and even fidget spinners were laughed at once. • Many “bad ideas” became billion-dollar successes.
Take feedback, but don’t let others’ doubts stop you. Focus on execution—your results will do the talking.
For Critics: Before dismissing someone’s idea with “This won’t work,” remember: • You don’t know what others might find valuable. • Some of today’s biggest successes started as “stupid ideas.”
Instead of saying what the market won’t do, share constructive advice about what could make the idea better. Criticism is more useful when it builds, not tears down.
At the end of the day: Let the market decide.
submitted by Senior-Breakfast-601 to StartUpIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:38 crochetlove2003 Handmade formal dress wedding dress

Handmade formal dress wedding dress Hii I’m a fashion design major student, sharing 5 dresses I made. All dresses are uniquely handmade by me! I also take customized dresses and tailoring.
Feel free to check Etsy “aphrodite dress shop”
submitted by crochetlove2003 to AusFemaleFashion [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:38 ramainen_ainu День 106

Добрый вечер, дневник
Небольшое предисловие от редакции тебя, дневничок. Итак, почему не кринж. Я трезвый. Я заметил, что под алкоголем уровень осознавания моего кринжа увеличивается ниже нормы, а после алкоголя в течение пары дней наоборот, повышается. Так что мое естественное чувство кринжа не активировалось сегодня, пока я писал нижеследующее, а значит ничего такого тут нет.
Фунгус кое кого напоминает. С ума уже схожу, наверное.
Говорили сегодня про воспоминания. Грустные, больные, от которых дёргаешься.
Некоторые сложные вещи которые были у меня просто из памяти вымываются как будто не было. Случайно вспоминаешь (когда увидел сообщение того времени или фотку), передёргивает, а потом опять забываешь. Наверное это естественная реакция мозга, чтобы спасти кукуху. И это хорошо. Поэтому наверное лето 2024 кажется таким коротким (оно забылось целиком, и хорошо), и поэтому январь-февраль 2023 были такими долгими.
Ал-ко-голь. Сегодня я понял, что он как раз позволяет очередной кусок неприятного запихнуть в область памяти, которой как будто и нет. Хоть что-то хорошее в этом есть. Но делать это каждый день просто бессмысленно.
Забыть приятное, да, я пытался. Был такой опыт. Не знаю, зачем. Я пытался забыть и приятное - Ай! больно! Это же я!.
Как оказалось это очень и очень неприятно. Ну, забывать часть меня. До слёз. Дурацкий был эксперимент, больше повторять не буду. Провалился, кстати.
Много, очень много лет назад я вырвал, с мясом, калёным железом выжег любовь к одному человеку, чтобы остаться друзьями. Успешно.
Проскакивала ли у меня полжизни мысль о том что это было ошибкой?.. определенно.
Проскакивает ли сейчас? Нет. Точно нет. Иные эксперименты табу. Нельзя. Фу.
Но по большому счету я бы ничего не поменял. Ну, я имею в виду, казалось бы - это правильное решение было бы правильным и в других случаях? Нет, не жалею. Я бы прожил свою жизнь также. Возможно в деталях поступил бы иначе, но
Экстаз некоторых моментов стоил всей прожитой жизни
Надеюсь я никогда не буду ничего больше выжигать.
Полёт нормальный.
Спокойной ночи, дневник
submitted by ramainen_ainu to blog_ru [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:38 d3st1n3d I started having weird inputs in game (World of Warcraft) found out it was something to do with the joystick. Like I randomly dash off the edge of stuff because of this. I'm using the damper ring (I calibrated without the damper ring on because having it on really messes stuff up).

I started having weird inputs in game (World of Warcraft) found out it was something to do with the joystick. Like I randomly dash off the edge of stuff because of this. I'm using the damper ring (I calibrated without the damper ring on because having it on really messes stuff up). submitted by d3st1n3d to Azeron [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:38 VineGarfield Our kitten had kittens: clouds from a void

submitted by VineGarfield to VoidCats [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:38 jfql What was the biggest failure in your life?

submitted by jfql to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:38 Ashwind81 Hopes on a new dead by daylight game

I have an idea for dead by daylight about an interesting game idea. it's about making a game based on the lore of the existing dead by daylight like characters made originally by the dead by daylight company where you let people play the lore as both killers and survivors before entering and after entering the entity realm. There can even be Qtes when it comes to the fighting lores. personally I love the game and the lore so I just thought it we be more interesting to see like it this.
submitted by Ashwind81 to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:38 TytoAndTenebricosa The Wrinkleshroom

The Wrinkleshroom Hello! I'm new here and I've trying my hand in digital art for quite a bit now. Buuuut recently I found this subreddit and I thought to join, share my work, admire the work of others and maybe pick up a few tips and tricks.
Soooo, yeah, this is the Wrinkleshroom, a and the first mushroom I created for an eco system I am building. It looks a bit weird, very brain-like too even though it was not my intention, buuuut...I am kinda proud of it..
(Originally posted on Gog'h due to my au taking place in said fandom, just to clear potential confusion)
submitted by TytoAndTenebricosa to DigitalArt [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:38 Top_Unit6526 Andromeda Classes

If you had to give the squad mates a class, what you categorize them under? For the sake of argument let's include the new Explorer class as well
submitted by Top_Unit6526 to MECoOp [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:38 FriendsAndFood You’re a professor at a wizardry school and your first year student can speak to snakes. What do you do?

submitted by FriendsAndFood to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:38 TinySalaman Found a bedbug, moving in 2 weeks

I found an adult male (I think) in my room a few feet from my bed. Currently trying to find more signs of them. Coincidentally, I am moving soon and wondering if that makes my situation less shitty? Does anyone have advice for how to do this most effectively? Definitely leaving my bed and couch behind but need to take everything else.
Also, can I put my clothes in trash bags and zip tie them closed or do I need to buy legit sealable bags? Any advice is greatly appreciated. This is adding a lot of stress to the move.
submitted by TinySalaman to Bedbugs [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:38 _above_the_fold Marc Jacobs Small Leather Tote Bag Review + What Fits Inside

Marc Jacobs Small Leather Tote Bag Review + What Fits Inside submitted by _above_the_fold to LifestyleYoutubers [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:38 kiekokat Bobcat tails?

i'm looking for something from Etsy!
it doesn't have to be a short bob or anything, but definitely black tip :) if you guys have seen any tails for sale like this, comment the link? :3 tysm!! (doesn't matter 2 me if it's faux or taxidermy.)
submitted by kiekokat to theriangear [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:38 Zen1 Do you like colors? Not sure whether this belongs here, ATBGE, or TookTooMuch

Do you like colors? Not sure whether this belongs here, ATBGE, or TookTooMuch submitted by Zen1 to zillowgonewild [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:38 arashkoryani He's just hanging out 😞

He's just hanging out 😞 submitted by arashkoryani to fnafmeme [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:38 Left_Ad_9921 Breast Cyst

Hi all
I am having breast pain / ribs pain for the last year. Had an ultrasound straight away this time last year once I found a lump under my arm and had breast pain. They checked the area both physically and then ultrasound but everything was fine.
The pain persisted. So i went to the clinic again, and she felt for lumps again. Said its nothing and goodbye!
The pain in my chest and breast was unbearable after 7 months so I went a third time and the doc said he still couldn't find anything, and that it's costochondritis (as the pain is radiating around ribs, arm etc) I was having accupunture so it wasn't as bad, and hot/cold compresses were keeping it at bay.
Then I had a steroid shot for my shoulder pain and BAM with the pain in the breast again, and then they located a cyst on the ultrasound. I'm going for a mammo on Thursday but freaking out.
Can anyone relate/calm me down!?
submitted by Left_Ad_9921 to WomensHealth [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:38 Kurokogisa Help for soft goods

Help for soft goods I got the wave UAS Universal Act Style Ghost In The Shell Motoko Kusanagi 1/6th scale figure second hand but the soft goods are flaking badly and I would like to see if anyone of you knew someone (account or 3rd party company)( in ebay or such) that I could commission or that sells soft goods that would fit her style (preferably in Europe) thank you very much
submitted by Kurokogisa to hottoys [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:38 Excellent-Passage-36 It's back???

I have access to tiktok on my computer. What is going on? Apparently because of Trump's extension they've reenabled it?
submitted by Excellent-Passage-36 to TikTok [link] [comments]