What are the Hybrid Powers/Abilities of your World

2025.01.19 18:52 FreviliousLow96 What are the Hybrid Powers/Abilities of your World

Like when the hybrid child of a "super-powered" species, or a Hybridization in a power system(could be magic, could be many others) appears.
What do the Hybridized abilities looks or what do they do in your setting.
submitted by FreviliousLow96 to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 bheca-bee Has anyone tried “easing” into 5 by taking 2.5 closer together?

2.5 is not working as well for me now, after 7 months. I’ve tried 5 in the past (3 times, when I had trouble with my insurance getting 2.5) and it was completely dismal. Total fatigue, unable to eat, felt faint. Due to having a family and a full time job, I can’t take a week or more off to lie around.
I was thinking about taking 2.5 today and then again Thursday or Friday. My pharmacist said I needed to wait at least 48 hours between doses—so yes, I have read the Zepbound instructions which tell you how to switch your day and I have asked a medical professional about this.
Has anyone tried to increase slowly over the week instead of all at once? Any other tips/tricks?
submitted by bheca-bee to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 chasemynose Deoxys now. 883317070044 or 6416 5497 7795 or 073463279251

submitted by chasemynose to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 Crafty-Assignment890 [26F] Just a nerdy gal looking to chat! [united kingdom]

[26F] Just a nerdy gal looking to chat! [united kingdom] submitted by Crafty-Assignment890 to NerdDating [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 May-Flower-839 🚨⚠️Temu username/games & clicks per day⚠️🚨

🚨⚠️Temu username/games & clicks per day⚠️🚨 submitted by May-Flower-839 to TemuThings [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 Any_Neighborhood_967 🤣these mercari sellers

🤣these mercari sellers Could get this for like $400
submitted by Any_Neighborhood_967 to MangaCollectors [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 Still-Load8156 My Treasure

My Treasure submitted by Still-Load8156 to masseffect [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 Pitiful-Cap-3761 React big calendar in next15

React big calendar buttons not working in next15. Only works if refresh the page. After navigating to other page and return back to calendar it's not working.
submitted by Pitiful-Cap-3761 to reactjs [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 voetto Tarjosin ystäville lohikeittoa

Tarjosin ystäville lohikeittoa submitted by voetto to ruoka [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 Ziggurat1000 We Are... the Fantastic Four! [OC]

We Are... the Fantastic Four! [OC] submitted by Ziggurat1000 to FantasticFour [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 ChefWondean How would you rank these green themed comic book characters from strongest to weakest?

How would you rank these green themed comic book characters from strongest to weakest? submitted by ChefWondean to powerscales [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 Doomtaker459 Fastball Special Be Like:

submitted by Doomtaker459 to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 Still_Lion_9991 How to get ahold of HR in USA

I am an employee in the US still within my 90 days. My manager consistently gives us less than 24 hours notice of our schedules every single week. I have spoken with her manager and her managers manager about this and numerous other issues and nothing has been done about it. I would like to speak with HR but they will not give us the contact info. Can someone please direct me on how to proceed?
submitted by Still_Lion_9991 to MINISO [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 Karli7853695489 Tiktoks back !

submitted by Karli7853695489 to adorabe_SNARKwFRIENDS [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 scarecrowbar Made this to show my friends what TikTok was

Made this to show my friends what TikTok was submitted by scarecrowbar to TikTokCringe [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 SmallAd4201 does anyone have a link for this bape puffer?

does anyone have a link for this bape puffer? submitted by SmallAd4201 to DHgateRepSquad [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 elchampinon Snakebite v MvG is the most common matchup in PDC history

Snakebite v MvG is the most common matchup in PDC history submitted by elchampinon to Darts [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 Big_Red_Navy I can’t be the only one that hates this

I can’t be the only one that hates this, your playing an online game with randoms, everything is going good I guess, no one willing to buy the doors, the guy with the most points is spamming the door buy button until someone else buys it for him, and now your on round like 22, that same guy finally goes down, you decide to use a phoenix up to rez him, then as soon as he is revived, he leaves the game. Or he leaves the game before you can even revive him. Or heck the second anyone goes down, they leave the game, like what happened to me where one by one they all left the game after going down, leaving me to abominations and a football team of manglers all to myself. I am getting tired of people just going “oh if I went down, there’s no point in continuing playing,” like you have 30,000 points, just rebuy it and keep going. Has anyone else been experiencing this a lot lately
submitted by Big_Red_Navy to CODZombies [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 Fearless-Antelope107 d-dave, i don’t feel so good…

d-dave, i don’t feel so good… submitted by Fearless-Antelope107 to homestuck [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 AlternativeAnalysis7 SUNNY

SUNNY submitted by AlternativeAnalysis7 to NYCTreeshEmpire77 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 Possible-Calendar276 Only serious response’s (q?)

I turned 18 not too long ago and my buddy Sam is getting out of jail in 4 months (may 20th) cause that’s his birthday and I plan on buying him a plane ticket down here anyways,
Me and him plan to travel the world on dirt bikes with 2 backpacks and I was wondering if anyone could give me tips or things I should take along with me to help or is just a MUST have to bring along.
We have Portable showers, medical supplies etc, were prepared but I just want to ask you guys if there’s anything I could be missing.
We have plans on getting gas, food, places to stay as well.
submitted by Possible-Calendar276 to questions [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 Lord_Sangon Soul Suck partner

Looking for a high level partner to level with via soul suck (250k per cast). Let me know if interested.
US Server PSN: Lord_Sangon Password: sangon
submitted by Lord_Sangon to demonssouls [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 oPx9 What are yall listening to?

What are yall listening to? submitted by oPx9 to IslamabadSocial [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 Kayla_Ateara Gleicher Nachname schon vor der Ehe. Ausweise ändern lassen?

Guten Abend zusammen. Ich hätte mal ne Frage zu einem Gedankenspiel den ich hatte. Und zwar haben mein Partner und ich den komplett gleichen Nachnamen (nicht verwandt und verschwägert) und hatte überlegt, wenn wir vielleicht mal irgendwann heiraten wollen würde ja jeder seinen Namen offensichtlich behalten. Doppelname wäre vom Standesamt aus nicht erlaubt was glaub ich verständlich ist 😅. Meine Frage, müsste man dann dennoch Ausweise wie Perso, Krankenkarte oder Führerschein ändern lassen? Denn im Grunde ändert sich ja nix außer, dass ich überall angeben muss, dass ich geheiratet habe. Vlt hat ja jemand Erfahrung damit. Lieben Dank für jede Antwort 🥰
submitted by Kayla_Ateara to LegaladviceGerman [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 Specialist-Error-926 How old is this kitten?

How old is this kitten? Found kitten on the streets, had him for a couple weeks the vet said he’s 11 weeks old but I feel like he’s older. He’s already got some adult teeth
submitted by Specialist-Error-926 to Siamesecats [link] [comments]
