I have no words.

@nicolas Yeah, easyinstall is just an outdated interface to setuptools. Pip is awesome, and virtualenv offers the kind of control that you don't get in many other languages without WAY more hackish tactics; perl being the only comparable exception. I am in the same boat as the OP. Using a Windows command prompt, from directory: C:\Python34\Scripts> pip install wheel i++ is known as post increment whereas ++i is called pre increment.. i++. i++ is post increment because it increments i's value by 1 after the operation is over. From my experience the fastest way is to take each row for which there is no newer row in the table. Another advantage is that the syntax used is very simple, and that the meaning of the query is rather easy to grasp (take all rows such that no newer row exists for the username being considered). How do I actually run a file on localhost? I know it is working, but how do I run a file on it, and how do I verify that the file is in fact running on localhost? Server newbie here, additional I think his answer is clear, as you can see the script is put in the head tag thus allowing it to be executed before the body content.. or let's say preload its functions or whatever.. sometimes a person ask questions because he don't know at all, but it's never the case where someone would spoon feed you, nor anyone in this community would, you have to look up stuff yourself a little bit more. Alright, so I did everything I could possibly find online, and nothing worked. So I went to the Intel website, and I downloaded the HAXM installer that they provide (instead of using the one downloaded through Android Studio). Setup. The first thing we'll need is to identify a condition that will act as our criterion for selecting rows. We'll start with the OP's case column_name == some_value, and include some other common use case user.name & user.email have nothing to do with the server communication - they are used only when committing. If you use HTTP to access your repo, then add another remote with your new username in the URL: Running: npm install from inside your app directory (i.e. where package.json is located) will install the dependencies for your app, rather than install it as a module, as described here.

2025.01.19 18:52 Hnfinite_Eridge289 I have no words.

I have no words. I am not a monarchist.
submitted by Hnfinite_Eridge289 to cobblercity [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 Steelzybtw How do i withdrawal money?

How do i withdrawal money?
submitted by Steelzybtw to WemimiOfficial [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 KanameZero2 Need a writing ai aid

i'm looking for a writing AI aid that is kind of like grammarly and is not chat GPT where i can propmt it on what to look for with a prompt and make my own change to it without it rewriting my work without my premission, can anyone help me?
submitted by KanameZero2 to WritingWithAI [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 Stunning_Juice_8821 Dog Found in Ballard

Dog Found in Ballard I’m still here at Big Mikes Truck and Dump! Please let me know if this is yours!
submitted by Stunning_Juice_8821 to Seattle [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 kertislagg Predator: Hunt - remade an old painting of mine inspired by the 2001 AvP 2 game

Predator: Hunt - remade an old painting of mine inspired by the 2001 AvP 2 game submitted by kertislagg to LV426 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 PuzzleheadedSnow5589 Family member with possible BPD

My father has been mentally ill my whole life. I've tried to get him to seek help, but he refuses to. He's knows he's not okay, but wants to do it on his own. I've been doing research myself for while and recently came across Borderline Personality Disorder. My dad has every single symptom. Is there anything that I can do legally as his adult daughter to make him get help? just want him feel normal, but continues to torture himself by not seeking psychiatric help.
submitted by PuzzleheadedSnow5589 to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 stevelivingroom Perspective, top 7…

1- That game was really rough. Brutal. Awful. There were some great parts but overall it was ugly. From turnovers to not being able to stop their offense.
2- I’m sad, depressed, disappointed and more.
3- I feel bad for all Lions fans and the lost revenue that another home game and Super Bowl appearance would’ve brought.
4- But every time my team loses it reminds me of what’s truly important. And it sure isn’t a sports team. It’s family, blood and/or chosen. It’s being alive and grateful for the lives we have.
5- The people on this site last night being vicious to the coaches and players are ridiculous. Like any of you could do any better. The NFL is the top of football in the world. Bad games happen, even in the playoffs. It sucks but it happens. Calling for people to get fired or cut is stupid.
6- I still love this team, from Shelia on down to every player I’ve seen play. I will follow the Lions through this journey and hope we get to the top one of these years. We always need to bring in new and better talent. It’s the nature of the game. But the overreactions last night were embarrassing. Find your own perspective.
submitted by stevelivingroom to detroitlions [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 Pityuuuu002 This game is AMAZING

This game is AMAZING I've never played a visual novel game before, but this thing is more exciting, well-written, than some action adventure game
submitted by Pityuuuu002 to 3DS [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 Artie-B-Rockin Fat Mary's Sunday diner

submitted by Artie-B-Rockin to TheFarSide [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 Cautious-Point-8109 Evan Peters is great!

Evan Peters is great! submitted by Cautious-Point-8109 to EvanPetersDisc [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 Half-eatenBagel Plan C and R Key on Tainted Lazarus

Currently on a Tainted Lazarus run and am currently in the Void and have been holding on to the R Key to kill Delirium and then run it back to Kill Mother. I found plan C in super secret room and my question is, if I use Plan C to kill Delirium and then before I die, Flip and use R Key, will I die when I flip back at the start of the "new" run? Or does R Key make the game forget about Plan C being used?
submitted by Half-eatenBagel to thebindingofisaac [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 7vikBhai Need a Study Buddy/Accountability Partner, I am Scoring 160-180 in AB mocks would appreciate leads from people in a similar range of marks Thanks!

I think it can help with consistency and accountability.
submitted by 7vikBhai to IPMATtards [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 Tchapopo incredibly 😔

people could be so winning in the medium long term but no he prefers to lose money by jeeting, friends don't be afraid don't follow the jeeters they use your fears to win peanuts, be convinced snoofi will be in the top just have diamond hands
submitted by Tchapopo to snoofi [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 regitnoil Why does Amtrak still insist on using the old Raton/Glorieta line for the Southwest Chief, vs using BNSF's Southern Transcon?

I'm just curious, as the Raton/Glorieta route now only has the Southwest Chief using it once a day in each direction, since BNSF abandoned it in favor of doing a full double track of the Transcon via the Belen Cutoff. The SWC is obviously a big money loser as most of Amtrak's trains are, but I thought I remembered hearing that BNSF at one point offered to cooperate and help Amtrak reroute the train on the Southern Transcon via Amarillo, Wichita, etc.
submitted by regitnoil to trains [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 Ok_Evidence6213 Can anyone help me understand if this might be a scam? Someone messaged me on my Facebook page, offering to run advertisements on my page every day without asking for any access to it. Should I reply to them?

Can anyone help me understand if this might be a scam? Someone messaged me on my Facebook page, offering to run advertisements on my page every day without asking for any access to it. Should I reply to them? submitted by Ok_Evidence6213 to facebook [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 omartje Do you remember ?

Do you remember ? submitted by omartje to V3_Cast [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 nonegenuine On the Hunt for Indie/3rd Party Adventure Reviews

Hey y'all, I'm on the hunt for inspiration and adventures to run, preferably independent or 3rd party modules. I know a handful of the bigger ones, but I'm interested in shopping around a bit. Does anyone have 5e or onednd adventure reviewers they like, either bloggers, youtubers, or podcasters? I'd love to dig in and see what's out there and find a handful of reviewers I align with.
submitted by nonegenuine to DMAcademy [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 abbysucks Gamecube, N64, and PS2 emulation

Hi all. I followed the Retrocorps video guide on setting up my RP5, and have had some issues with getting games on specific systems to run properly. In particular, Gamecube, N64 and PS2 games will load, but they run very poor. Audio is garbled, framerate is very, very low, there's input lag... Etc.
I'll admit to being more or less tech-illiterate so I apologize if I'm asking a redundant question. If anyone has a link to a step-by-step resolution for the issue(s) I'm having, it'd be appreciated. Thanks!
submitted by abbysucks to retroid [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 exont Does anyone here think an MCAT study stream would be beneficial?

I’ve been thinking about starting an MCAT study stream on Twitch that I’ll run in a set schedule to allow me to both learn from people watching and help others at the same time; basically acting as a pool of knowledge we can exchange. It would mainly include me going through Anki decks like Miledown and Pankow but I’d be doing extensive research and making sure I try and explain every card as well. Of course, I’m still on content review, so I will be making mistakes, but having people there to correct me or clear up confusion seems like it would help a lot. Does anyone else think this could actually be useful?
submitted by exont to Mcat [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 GLORIOUS1012 Yummy

Yummy submitted by GLORIOUS1012 to OliviaRodrigoHD [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 Jozie99 What job positions should I search for that are entry level and will grant me opportunities to get a higher salary over the years and get moved to higher positions?

I am looking to start a career in the insurance industry and I know that it is vast with different positions and opportunities. Im not happy at my current job and feel like I could be doing more with my life.
I see that a lot of people wind up in the insurance industry and that's not what they initially intended to do.
Is the general consensus starting out as a claims adjuster trainee? Do companies hire people without much insurance experience?
submitted by Jozie99 to InsuranceProfessional [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 Embarrassed_Bit9759 looking for games with employees

hey i am looking for a game that you do a job, and work your way up to get employees,
games such as tcg card shop, euro truck simulator have these systems in place just to put it out there. i do not know any other games with these systems. if anyone could help that would be great.
thank you kind regards
submitted by Embarrassed_Bit9759 to ShouldIbuythisgame [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 jbriggs3327 Getting back into collecting and selling…. So besides collecting my team (colts) what do you guys buy yo flip, and know when to do it??? Theres so many options these days

submitted by jbriggs3327 to footballcards [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 tuv_tuvver_tuvington W/L

W/L submitted by tuv_tuvver_tuvington to Soundmap [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:52 JamieHBrown Building a $1,000,000 Business for a Stranger in 56 Mins

Building a $1,000,000 Business for a Stranger in 56 Mins Pure gold video by Alex Hormozi.
submitted by JamieHBrown to JamieHBrown [link] [comments]
