started a commonplace journal and feeling silly

2025.01.19 20:41 SeePolythenePam started a commonplace journal and feeling silly

started a commonplace journal and feeling silly submitted by SeePolythenePam to Journaling [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:41 Btard_80508 Compound bows draw weights for intermediates

I am currently getting back into archery and switching from recurve to compound. I have a 30# recurve and would also like to get a compound lower to shot more targets. All I see are 60 and 70# especially on eBay. A bow I am currently interested in is the PSE Stinger Max. It has multiple weight adjustments down to 15. My question is, can you get any bow down to 20-30 pounds with just switching out cams? Do most companies make cams for all bows to be lowered for beginners that you would eventually grow with it? Any suggestions on bows for low poundage would be appreciated
submitted by Btard_80508 to Archery [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:41 sozer-ali Karşıyaka Ariston Servis Hizmetleri

submitted by sozer-ali to trservisler [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:41 ResortInevitable7627 2003 Jeep Liberty won't start after changing the alternator

so, when I put on the 4x4 the other day all my lights went dim when turning, so we just figured it was the alternator. We changed it, it wouldn't turn on, "ok, maybe the alternator is bad, let's put the old one back on". We did, and it won't turn on Help please?
submitted by ResortInevitable7627 to JeepLiberty [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:41 Only_Dragonfly_627 Pooja Bhatt

Pooja Bhatt submitted by Only_Dragonfly_627 to ClassicDesiCelebs [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:41 Academic_Shine2239 mew glossier birthday candle for a 35 usd glossier gift card

i purchased a glossier birthday candle for myself but then realised that i would be away on a trip by the time it got there, so i tried to cancel it, but cs said that my order had already been processed but they could edit the address in my order, so if anyone would like it, i can add their address in the order in exchange of a 35 usd glossier gift card 🫶🏼
submitted by Academic_Shine2239 to glossier [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:41 alysslut- I masturbated to my cleavage

A few months ago, my boobs grew by 1.5 cup sizes. I was feeling a bit frisky so I put on a yoga top. The yoga top was quite tight so it squished my boobs together and I had really well defined cleavage for the first time in my life.
It was pretty hot looking down at myself so I started masturbating. I was also kinda curious how it looked so I took a video of my cleavage + myself masturbating to it. The view was honestly pretty hot and I orgasmed pretty quickly.
An hour later I was feeling kinda frisky again. This time I played back the video of myself masturbating to myself. And I'm not gonna lie it was actually pretty hot to see a hot girl fingering herself and squeezing her boobs while getting off looking at herself. And then I realized that the girl in the video was me which made it even hotter. Then I realized that I was hot enough to make myself masturbate to myself, which made it twice as hot. Then I orgasmed pretty quickly again after that.
TLDR: I was masturbating to a video of myself masturbating to myself and the idea of it got me so turned on that I orgasmed pretty quickly.
Also I know people are gonna ask for pics, so, here you go.
Why am I typing this out? Because I decided autosexuality is pretty hot and I'm going to embrace it.
submitted by alysslut- to askAGP [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:41 NotSoGentleBen Oh yeah!

Oh yeah! Chili dogs! Hebrew National dogs, Stagg chili, Tllamook cheddar, white onions, and some French’s yella mustard. With a Dr. Pepper. OM nom nom!
submitted by NotSoGentleBen to hotdogs [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:41 AssleepPuma Ok I need a new username for FN

How about ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)▄︻┻═┳一 or ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⌐╦╦═─
If you have any ideas please comment
submitted by AssleepPuma to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:41 Willie-Alb Returning player

I understand that the game has changed a lot in the past couple years, but how in the world does everyone have multiple evolutions? From what I can tell it takes FOREVER to even get one, and every single person I play against has multiple, and half the time I just lose because I physically don’t have a way to play against it.
submitted by Willie-Alb to ClashRoyale [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:41 p143245 Show recommendations post 2008

Another post made me realize I really need to sit down and listen to some excellent shows post 2008. What's your go-to? It doesn't have to be the GOAT, but just some enjoyable ones for someone who's lost touch and used to see tons of shows. Could even be specific sets too.
submitted by p143245 to Umphreys [link] [comments]


submitted by _amit75 to BattlegroundMobileIN [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:41 Own_Procedure1142 ho oh raid on me 023409401015

submitted by Own_Procedure1142 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:41 Secret-Low-2410 Que hago con el auto después de un accidente?

Que hago con el auto después de un accidente? Hola. Tuve una situación en la que un camión rozó mi auto, dañó una rueda, el retrovisor, la puerta y guardabarro. Todo esto de parece solo de chapa, el auto siguió andando bien. Ya están las denuncias en los seguros, la pregunta es, cómo procedo ahora con el auto? Quiero que quede lo mejor posible, como nuevo. Si lo dejo con un chapista quedaría bien? Tengo que preguntarle o decirle algo al chapista para que quede perfecto? Viendo las puerta creo que es mejor cambiarla que tratar de reponerla
submitted by Secret-Low-2410 to ArAutos [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:41 Muted_Dinner_1021 Någon som provat dessa böjbara takskenor i aluminium från Amazon?

Länk till dem på
Jag ska sätta i taket hemma hos syrran runt sängen så hon får en mer privat zon. De andra skenorna som finns med fasta längder plus en böj har varit för korta eller på tok för långa, samt att det verkar bli typ 3 ggr priset minst. Jag såg dessa och blir både fascinerad men ändå lite skeptisk, fanns inga recensioner heller och tänkte i alla fall höra här först innan vi beställer.
submitted by Muted_Dinner_1021 to sweden [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:41 memphis4001 H: 1 Rejuvenators W: 2 Rangers

submitted by memphis4001 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:41 Purpsf Hu-oh weather boost 1735 7689 8176 New York

submitted by Purpsf to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:41 No_Scientist9241 Paranormal thought crimes and extremely stubborn negative entities

Simply thinking about this specific person brefily summons negative entities that attatch to me and corrupt my health and mind. They’re extremely hard to get rid of too. Crystals only work temporarily and banishing frequencies and boundaries don’t work. It’s like only he can fix the issue. It was better for three days before his awful energy cord messed itself up again. I’ve had like 20 negative entities from him attatch to me and I don’t even know him personally. There’s no way he’s this evil of a person to have like hundreds of these things attacking random people for only thinking about him.
Literal paranormal thought crime with the most stubborn negative entities on earth. I don’t know what to do they’re extremely easy to summon and extremely difficult to get rid of. They feel like a literal weight on my shoulders when they first attach. Boundaries don’t work they don’t care for that. Spirit guide doesn’t do shit in this case.
It’s leafyishere if that helps. Psychics are useless. Only person paranormal thought crime is real for in my case. Trump? Completely fine. CIA? Also fine. Random controversial cc and boom spritual warfare for no reason. I hate this.
submitted by No_Scientist9241 to starseeds [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:41 spaciestoner ╰─ - ̗̀✎ Bedtimes!

submitted by spaciestoner to ageregressors [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:41 Europa231 [WTS][WTT][SIS] HP Spectre x360 laptop, Magpul grips, muzzle devices

Hello GAFS, I have some things for sale and trade:
HP Spectre X360 convertible 15”, has an i7 8565u cpu, 16gb RAM, Nvidia GeForce MX150 and a 4K touch screen. Laptop works great. Never really used it since I mostly use my desktop. It did have an issue with the trackpad causing the cursor to reset oddly before. However after messing around with it after installing every update possible. It no longer seems to have that issue. Will include a Corsair Harpoon mouse: $300 OBO
Grip bundle: Magpul Picatinny AFG-2, Magpul MOE and a Magpul MOE SL: $35.00
Flash hider / Muzzle break combo: Foxtrot Mike 1/2x28 muzzle break 0 rounds through this, and PSA Sabre 1/2x28 3 prong flash hider only about 200 rounds through this: $45.00
Things I am looking to trade for: - Scout style weapon lights (18650) - Magnifiers and red dots - LWRCI proprietary rail attachments. - and maybe some other things I don’t know. Shoot your shot, I’ll hear any offer.
Comment and then PM me, all items will ship out within the next day or two.
submitted by Europa231 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:41 Chad_Jeepie_Tea Field of view angle?

Field of view angle? Here's the real question, can my neighbor's bird buddy see me on my couch (from where I snapped the photo)? I'd say I'm close to 45° at about 30ft
The amazing photos I'm seeing shared here with the watermark look like there's no chance, unless the software crops the image by a ton. Figured it was worth asking the experts.
submitted by Chad_Jeepie_Tea to BirdBuddy [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:41 CJfrmDaDirtyFiji I’m 22 and I need some advice..

Hey guys. Im 22 I have no kids, no girlfriend. I have no student loans. The only loan I have is my car note. Which is not a lot. I’m debating on what i should do for the rest of my life as a career. I have a class B CDL already and I’ve looked into being a heavy equipment tech, Diesel, or auto tech. I’m a small guy I’m around 5’6 and weigh 150 pounds. I just want some opinions on if it would be a good decision or a bad decision. From what other techs said heavy equipment is very labor intensive compared to diesel and auto. I start automotive school in August with the goal of being a school bus mechanic eventually. but the union is taking people in June for heavy equipment technician apprenticeships. Id Finish auto school at age 25 with some debt but not a lot with placement into a job and all my own tools. Or I’d finish the apprenticeship at 27. At I believe 45 an hour In the union. The pay for all tech jobs seems to be great all around. The only difference I noticed is auto being flat rate which sucks. I realize being any type of tech is going to fuck my body up in the long run. I just want to be able to work as long as I can and be physically capable of doing the job. I lift weights but sometimes shit just catches up to you no matter how good you take care of your body. If I can get any kind of advice I would appreciate it.
submitted by CJfrmDaDirtyFiji to Diesel [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:41 Nymphalyn Project Map

Project Map submitted by Nymphalyn to projectzomboid [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:41 nastynewman 12 days to go…

12 days to go… Doing the dry January thing. Just picked up packs of these with the hope that they’ll get me through the finish line. Excited to the chouffe.
submitted by nastynewman to beerporn [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:41 Turbulent_Property_4 The Big Bang Theory, il destino di un personaggio è ancora un mistero per i fan

Un personaggio apparso in tre episodi della seconda stagione ha lasciato i fan con molti dubbi: il suo addio non è mai stato spiegato nella serie
A cinque anni dalla fine, The Big Bang Theory suscita ancora dibattiti tra i fan, come Friends, The Office e How I Met Your Mother. Grazie allo streaming e alla syndication, la serie continua a conquistare nuovo pubblico, ma resta un mistero che tormenta gli appassionati.
Prosegui la lettura
submitted by Turbulent_Property_4 to malatidiserie [link] [comments]