2025.01.19 23:01 hollowlegcomics The Ballad of King Egbert Dale Part 1
My entry for Project Odyssey, made with a lot of Kling, which I think does the best with creature mechanics.
submitted by hollowlegcomics to KLING [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 23:01 Due-Cut3047 Is this note actually special?
Sorry iv seen a post for this before but couldnt find it. Is this note actually rare?
Also got my first king Charles. Funny he faces the other way.
submitted by Due-Cut3047 to AustralianCoins [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 23:01 SinistaDemon What Does "NRK" Stand For
I see BPS Jungles & Rollin 20's Bloods use this term I always wonder what NRK Stand For
submitted by SinistaDemon to CaliBanging [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 23:01 ttrumanbblack glastonbury?
i was looking at the rumours for headliners and read on the sun that the 1975 were confirmed headliners? does anyone know is that's true or anything about it?
submitted by ttrumanbblack to the1975 [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 23:01 ManedWolfPaw Ho-oh weather boost, party boost 4176 9904 5643 or 4485 7699 2576
submitted by ManedWolfPaw to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 23:01 Mcmuffin_03 I have finished the game
I have finished the last mission against the GDR, now what do you recommend I do?
submitted by Mcmuffin_03 to AvatarFrontierPandora [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 23:01 Educational_Hat_3653 28/PC/ Looking to add people to play some Rivals, Space Marine 2 etc.
Hey all!
My and a few friends are looking to meet some people to play games with. We play Overwatch, B06, Marvel Rivals, Space Marine and other larger MP games.
We are always looking to expand our small group (small as in under 10 people, not 30+ people crammed in a server) and try out new games.
We are pretty outgoing too. So we won’t leave you hanging in convos either 😎. Send me a DM if you’d like see what we’re about!
submitted by Educational_Hat_3653 to GamerPals [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 23:01 Square-Guidance-4548 Charging LED does not turn off
Hello everyone, I have a problem with my LCD steamdeck. I anticipate that I have all console updates installed and have never used anything to change battery settings. My charging LED remains permanently white, even when the
submitted by Square-Guidance-4548 to SteamDeck [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 23:01 Harryy-II-uK H: Mods W: 3x thru hikers
submitted by Harryy-II-uK to Market76 [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 23:01 CheesecakeSphere133 Medications that decrease effectiveness of the Nexplanon at preventing pregnancy.
There was a pill on the floor at the gym which i touched by accident. I disposed of the pill in a bin immediately. I think the pill was one of those capsules and had a beige coloured powder inside. I don’t think it had any writing on it and so I didn’t know what it was. I’m a bit worried that somehow there was traces of the beige medication on the outside of the capsule i’m worried that somehow some of it has accidentally gone into my body through accidentally touching my mouth and ingesting it and also if it got into a cut on my hand when picking it up. Would this reduce the effectiveness of the Nexplanon at preventing pregnancy? In my opinion the pill looks like some sort of supplement but i’m not sure.
submitted by CheesecakeSphere133 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 23:01 Wonderful_Fee_6426 What is the best faction in your opinion?
For me aserai 🔥🐐
submitted by Wonderful_Fee_6426 to mountandblade [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 23:01 Superb-Ad5930 Does Connecticut have a Panhandle?
I'm working on a book project about states with panhandles. I'm receiving conflicting information about Connecticut and if it has a panhandle. I figured I'd come straight to the source and ask the Connecticut subreddit. Does Connecticut have a panhandle? If so is there anything to it? My book is about folklore, myths, ghost stories, etc. so a small patch of uninhabitable land probably won't merit a book.
submitted by Superb-Ad5930 to Connecticut [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 23:01 Gromozansky Belinda Carlisle - Leave a Light On (Extended Version)
submitted by Gromozansky to 80smusic [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 23:01 halfcourthank Norman Labratories speakers found in grandmas storage.
They sound incredible and are going to be part of a full system setup soon. Anyone know anything about these guys? I can’t find much info.
submitted by halfcourthank to audiophile [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 23:01 No-Original-4918 2025 Lyriq Premium 1 Lease
After some back and forth I got down to $569 a month all in, with zero down. 24 months/ 10,000 miles lease on a 2025 Lyriq Premium 1. I feel like this is pretty good and I should just sign it up. Yes?
submitted by No-Original-4918 to CadillacLyriq [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 23:01 bensmom_coolmom Baking question!
Hi! I'm new to making our own foods. I found a great cookbook that focuses on almond flour for baking. A lot of recipes require grape seed oil & agave nectar. I've questions about both. 1. Could I use avocado oil as a 1:1 replacement for the grapeseed oil? 2. Could I use honey from a local farm as a 1:1 replacement for the agave? Thank you all for any help!
submitted by bensmom_coolmom to moderatelygranolamoms [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 23:01 Fulvietta Nursing 2725 C.I. 2
Nursing student in Sem4! To Nursing Students now in their 5th semester. Was 2725 first quiz similar to 2715 (based heavily on the Evolve Elsevier content)? What should we focus our revision on? This semester’s due dates are a bit overwhelming ugh need to learn to prioritize.
Any advice is much appreciated!
submitted by Fulvietta to Dalhousie [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 23:01 mrtecta yoruichi (insomniaboin) [bleach]
submitted by mrtecta to DarkSkinnedAnimeBabes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 23:01 chummmster Is anyone actually mad at Rod for performing at Trumps inauguration? Only people stuck online and on reddit actually think it hurts him in any way. Learn that people have different opinions and that's okay. I'm happy for Rod, should help get him exposure on a national stage. Now back to my relaxing
submitted by chummmster to rodwave [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 23:01 Hungry_Cable2569 gonna be here a while
https://preview.redd.it/7e37to7871ee1.jpg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c559ad8def0894f06288e8dff753d0594203c6bd submitted by Hungry_Cable2569 to MySummerCar [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 23:01 Civil-Mushroom856 Vaping?
I generally really just leave my vape in the car or if it’s too hot & not a drop-in/walk, turn it off and take it in minus one regular where I go outside (they vape even inside & expressed they don’t mind unprompted).
I’m curious on what everyone else does. Because for cigs usually the consensus is no & the argument is always the smell. But vapes don’t (usually) have a lingering smell so I’m curious if everyone feels the same.
My thing (as an owner, I don’t do it as a sitter) just don’t do it around the pets & I don’t care.
submitted by Civil-Mushroom856 to RoverPetSitting [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 23:01 Waxweasel666 Curious about a couple of things about OMHM buildings. Anyone have insights?
Hey, I’ve been wondering about some of these buildings that I see when I’m walking around for a while now. Some of them look so nice and new and clean, while others looks awful and depressing. And some even appear to be so dilapidated that they’re sitting there vacant. So I was wondering when someone applies to the omhm, what dictates whether they end up being allocated a nice-ish place or one in a completely run-down building? Or is it just pure chance?
Any the other thing I was wondering was about the arrondissements that the omhm operates. For example, if one was interested in living in St Henri, you can only apply for the whole Sud-Ouest arrondissement. So you could be allocated something all the way out by Parc Angrignon effectively. Or Villeray for example - you have to apply for the whole borough, which means possibly being allocated something in St Michel or Parc Ex. Just as examples. Is there any way to actually apply for a place in certain specific neighbourhoods, rather than to an entire arrondissement of multiple, very different neighbourhoods, and ending up living in an area you really don’t want to?
submitted by Waxweasel666 to montrealhousing [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 23:01 MorgvngHQ Macchinisti a me
Salve a tutti sono un ragazzo di 19 anni a cui é stata data la possibilità di entrare a far parte dei Macchinisti per i treni, solo non so se accettare... Più che altro per sapere il tempo libero relativo, ma soprattutto perché ho bisogno di tutte le informazioni possibili riguardo al lavoro visto che su YT non si trova nulla
Quindi qualcuno riesce a dirmi un po' com'è la gestione di tempo libero e orari? Cosa si fa è come funziona? Vale la pena alla mia età? Altro da sapere?
Grazie a tutti
submitted by MorgvngHQ to ItaliaCareerAdvice [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 23:01 HoodKarl0 Getting FF7Rebirth Platinum Trophy experience
I challenge myself to get the platinum trophy before the pc release. As someone who doesn't like to play games at hard difficulty, this is insane for me but I keep trying. I started with minigames first, they are mostly fine for me. My most fav is chocobo race and my least fav is 3d brawler. After I completed all the minigames, I farm some ap from bees to almost max lvl materia. Next I did combat simulator and my god it's difficult. I watched some guides and learned some monsters' moves, some tricks you can do. Yuffie brutal form is goat, I beat all Brutal Challenges because of that parmesan cheese. For Legendary Bout, this is where I started to understand the characters' kits more. I didn't realize Cloud prime mode is incredible or Moogle can aggro enemies for Cait Sith. After Cloud vs the warriors, the rest was easy until the last 2. I was stuck for 2 days but I made it, thank you prime mode, aeroga, Voltshatter, Counterfire, limit siphon, stop, and manawall. With Götterdämmerung and genji gloves, Bosses in hard mode are mostly easy. I had a hard time with Gi Nattak, Rufus, red dragon, and Sephiroth. I'll say red dragon is the worst one, that instant kill move is disgusting. I counter that with reraise all characters. After I got the Platinum Trophy, I'm very happy and relieved it's done. Am I gonna do it again on PC? No thanks lol, but I have to say I enjoy combat even more after learning from all of the insanity I went through. Thank you for the experience, Square Enix. submitted by HoodKarl0 to FF7Rebirth [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 23:01 hsnakas ServiceNow Job Market
Hello all,
Looks like my company is conducting layoffs and I anticipate to be a casualty within the next weeks(s). How is the job market right now for scrum masteproduct owners? I have a CSA and am coming from a F500 partner and have a clearance. A little bit worried since I’ve been hearing it’s quite difficult out there.
submitted by hsnakas to servicenow [link] [comments]