Quiet places for online proctored exam

2025.01.20 07:40 No-Cash-9218 Quiet places for online proctored exam

Does anyone know where to find quiet places or study rooms for an online proctored exam on campus? Undergraduates cannot book single study rooms in Shields Library.😭
submitted by No-Cash-9218 to UCDavis [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 Powerful_Anime_1 Jeon Hye-jin Returns to Small Screen as a “Working Mom” Following Farewell to the Late Lee Sun-kyun

Jeon Hye-jin Returns to Small Screen as a “Working Mom” Following Farewell to the Late Lee Sun-kyun submitted by Powerful_Anime_1 to kbizoom [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 DragonR1d3r007 Played PvP for the first time in forever, did surprisingly well, thought I'd share. (Still lost lol)

Played PvP for the first time in forever, did surprisingly well, thought I'd share. (Still lost lol) https://preview.redd.it/40i96kxgr3ee1.png?width=1912&format=png&auto=webp&s=af99291714ae83328f30ad0205c8b9224b741bf9
I don't know if this is considered bad taste in this group, not my intention at all, just proud of how well I did for basically a perma-Frontier Defense player XD. I consider myself to be a horrible player but this was like the second of four games where I was top of the leaderboard consistently, now I shall suck forever-more as my luck is run out I bet XD.
(Also if I should be blocking out names let me know I can do so if needed this was a very quick screen grab).
submitted by DragonR1d3r007 to titanfall [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 KingOfRedLionss Event completed

Event completed Just finished the event in my first 5 matches with this deck!
submitted by KingOfRedLionss to PokemonPocket [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 negativewalrus69 Finished my SG build!

Finished my SG build! submitted by negativewalrus69 to Luthier [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:39 Astralical Vean que enormes tetas se carga la mamasita de Danik

Vean que enormes tetas se carga la mamasita de Danik submitted by Astralical to DanikMichells_ [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:39 SigiNwanne FDIC accused of omitting more crypto ‘pause letters’ in Coinbase-backed suit

submitted by SigiNwanne to ethtrader [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:39 FuzzyJump42 [poem] Struggle-Hristo botev

In sadness youth passes, in sorrows and pains, Angrily boils the blood in the veins; Darkened view - the mind cannot see, Is it good or evil that is to be... Memories weigh on the soul like iron, Memories' rancorous broodings will not stop. In the chest no love, not drop of faith, Nor a hope that from a deathly sleep, A decent man can yet be awakened! The decent among us are treated like madmen, While the fool everyone honours: 'He's rich' they say, yet do not ask, How many men he has burnt to achieve that task! How many orphans he's robbed from thriving And lied to God at the altar. With prayers and oaths and word lying. And to this public messiah, And priest and church both faithfully serve; To him the rabid teacher doesnt bow, And with the journalist sagely avows That fear of the Lord is only one root of every wisdom... said The pack of wolves in sheep's clothing, To lay the foundation stone firm and deep On holy lies, and human mind Forever In heavy chains to bind! Solomon once, that tyrant of vice, Long since packed off to wherever, With his proverbs amongst the saints, Told stupidity among the stupid, Which after him the people sing: ''Fear the Lord and honour the king.'' Sanctified nonsense! Age in, age out Reason and conscience are trying to fight it, Rebels have died in pain and doubt. But tell me, what could they have done to fight it!? The world is used to dragging this burden, To evil and tyranny as its sole guerdon. It kisses the false iron fist, Lying lips listens with belief; Be quiet and pray when you are beaten, Let your flesh by beasts be eaten, Let the snakes drink up your blood, And trust only in God. "God, have mercy on me, a sinner!" Repeat it, pray and firmly believe; God never punishes whom he hates... That's how the world runs! Lies and slavery On this cursed earth rule! And as a pledge from father to son, Day and night, forever handed down. But in this realm, sanguine, sinful This realm of knavery, vice and disgrace, Land of sorrow- evil never ending! The struggle boils hot and with a quick step It approaches its appointed end… We will cry out "Bread or an end by lead"
As a native speaker studying his literature, the translation of it I've founded online left a lot to be desired so this is my attempt at a better translation. Lots is lost from poetry as it's translated, but I still hope I've done an okay job. Original is "Борба" from the 4th edition of his newspaper "Дума на българските емигранти" ("Word of the Bulgarian emigrants")
submitted by FuzzyJump42 to Poetry [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:39 Quzubaba 18 km uzunluğundaki, maliyetinin finansmanı hazır olan metrobüsün yükünü azaltacak tüyap-sefaköy metrosuna cumhurbaşkanlığı yatırım programında bu yıl da yer verilmedi

18 km uzunluğundaki, maliyetinin finansmanı hazır olan metrobüsün yükünü azaltacak tüyap-sefaköy metrosuna cumhurbaşkanlığı yatırım programında bu yıl da yer verilmedi submitted by Quzubaba to Turkey [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:39 ToneZei81 Movies and TV Shows News Week 3 2025 | A Working Man, In The Lost Lands e Reacher Season 3.

Movies and TV Shows News Week 3 2025 | A Working Man, In The Lost Lands e Reacher Season 3. submitted by ToneZei81 to Promote_Your_Channel [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:39 Stunning-Hand6627 Does anyone else find composers that are used as woke material kinda uninteresting compared to more major guys

While I respect some female composers or african american ones who contributed to classical music. You kinda feel forced to enjoy them by some of the classical music radio guys and advertisers. Its like “Heres Florence Price, she mustve suffered a lot cause she was a black female conposer” but that doesn’t really do that to me. Cause when you look at like composers from the early 19th century, they probably suffered much worse. Like Beethoven was deaf and ill for half his life. Chopin had tuberculosis for almost his whole life. Schubert and Donizetti both died from syphilis too young. Also their biographies are just vastly more interesting. I appreciate Price’s achievements but I dont find her musically interesting like I do like Rossini/Donizetti/ Bellini or Schumann, or Liszt. Im open to your take on all this. Im not trying to be prejudice but its just a thought thats lingered in my head. Again im open to your thoughts on this?
submitted by Stunning-Hand6627 to classicalmusic [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:39 Pie_Extension Bad experience with Gemini function calling

I've been using gpt-4o-mini on a little experiment project i am building and function calling works flawlessly, the challenge i have is the context window and so i decided to try out gemini 2.0 flash coz of the 1M.
However, it seems to be really terrible at following instructions or knowing when exactly to call the function despite the instructions given to it. In fact i tried all the gemini models and was still getting bad results. I gave it a tool called check_knowledgebase and basically gave it the instructions to chat with the user first and then search the knowledgebase queries relating to topic X. But even just sending it "hello" it calls the tool immediately.
Any pointers, or do i need to be on the paid plan to get it working right?
submitted by Pie_Extension to Bard [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:39 theboyzyounghoon Which better for GSIS

Sorry if I’m posting in the wrong topic. I tried to ask in the living_in_korea group, but it’s only for people currently living there and this question is not fit in koreatravel. As the title suggests, which is better for GSIS, Yonsei or SNU? I’m considering factors such as student capacity, curriculum, the OIAs/staff, environment, and anything else I should take into account. Both campuses offer full English programs (except for Korean Studies, which I won’t be taking). I also don’t have an issue with funding and I’m prohibited from taking campus scholarships.
submitted by theboyzyounghoon to korea [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:39 Terrible_Plan_4919 What are they talking about?

For context they’re just friends/coworkers!!
submitted by Terrible_Plan_4919 to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:39 DaemonScorp200 Venom's Road roller

Venom's Road roller submitted by DaemonScorp200 to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:39 Action-Williams 🐸 [PSX] W: karma H: ANYTHING your dark maidenless soul covets 🐸

🎲 Try your luck....BUT BE FAST

🆙 Upvote to keep it afloat! submitted by Action-Williams to PatchesEmporium [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:39 Rafiq_Hasanov ETH代付代2024 Aug[微信:halchiou]Bitcoin代付购代买代充代转

ETH代付代2024 Aug[微信:halchiou]Bitcoin代付购代买代充代转
submitted by Rafiq_Hasanov to FsPosterSubreddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:39 Rafiq_Hasanov BCH/微信支付 10年店【信halchiou】比特币代付 Exchangers

BCH/微信支付 10年店【信halchiou】比特币代付 Exchangers
submitted by Rafiq_Hasanov to FsPosterSubreddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:39 Brave_Link1668 I narrated to my friend a dream that I had last night—where I had this Q-tip inside my ear and I felt immense pleasure, wriggling it; but when I pulled it out, I had my eardrum come out along with it.

Shocked, he mouthed something—an attempt to mock me perhaps.
submitted by Brave_Link1668 to TwoSentenceHorror [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:39 Rafiq_Hasanov Bitcoin代付今年【薇halchiou】visa代付代买代充代转

submitted by Rafiq_Hasanov to FsPosterSubreddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:39 Rafiq_Hasanov 以老店[V:halchiou]比特币代付太坊代买代充代转

submitted by Rafiq_Hasanov to FsPosterSubreddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:39 neckofthedog Merece o Oscar

Merece o Oscar submitted by neckofthedog to brasil [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:39 designandbuildkenya SECRETS REVEALED! Just how much does it cost to build a 4 bedroom house in Kenya?

SECRETS REVEALED! Just how much does it cost to build a 4 bedroom house in Kenya? submitted by designandbuildkenya to realestatejournal [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:39 EconomyDapper9803 Addiction to pornography - Seeking advice and prayers

I’ve been struggling with addiction to pornography for years, and it’s been a heavy burden on my heart. Recently, I’ve been trying to quit, but the struggle has been overwhelming, and lately I’ve encountered a major relapse
I know this is something that goes against God’s plan for us, and I truly desire to break free and live a life that honors Him. I’m reaching out to this community because I know many of you have wisdom and experience that might help.
Do you have any advice or resources for overcoming this struggle? How can I stay strong in moments of temptation?
I would also deeply appreciate your prayers for strength, healing, and perseverance. Thank you for taking the time to read this and for any support you can offer.
submitted by EconomyDapper9803 to Catholicism [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:39 CasualLavaring Who should I give my tomegathericon and mysterious card to?

I noticed I've been carrying these items around in the Lost Age and they're taking up space in my inventory. It says it changes class, who would most benefit from a class change? I'm fairly late in the game, I just got to Contigo
submitted by CasualLavaring to GoldenSun [link] [comments]
