New Hotwheels scalper in market! -

2025.01.20 10:38 Apprehensive-Yak8733 New Hotwheels scalper in market! -

New Hotwheels scalper in market! - So we all know how bad the scalping scene is out there for all us genuine collectors. In the midst of all this shitshow, we had a few islands of hope in the form of sites like Toymarche, KnD, Gbuy, etc. Funcorp used to be one of them, but sadly now they have turned into scalpers themselves.
To give you guys a context, I was trying to browse through their site, and saw this 57th anniversary set on sale. Although I have it already from KnD, I wanted another one for uncarding them. I was so happy seeing them selling it at mrp, but then this happened. As soon as I added them to cart, and proceeded to checkout, I saw the shipping amount. Freakin, Rs 1000!!!!!! Will the owner himself come to delivery my order and need money for a train ticket?
I thought of checking with just 1 item added to my cart, and the shipping dropped to 200 rs. So these mfs are charging 200 rs fo "EACH" car separately. That takes the overall price of each casting to 379. And funny think is, they mention a free shipping over 499 for some locations, and 49 rs for over 999 or under 400.
They are trying to smartly evade any allegation or potential consumer court / gst related lawsuits for selling over mrp by transferring these charges to "shipping".
Now if this isn't scalping, then what is?
Freakin tired of this shit man!
submitted by Apprehensive-Yak8733 to Hotwheelsindia [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:38 Low-Cupcake-850 Plat 4 - 86% to plat 5 ($3,200 bonus + recent gameplay so like 3,500)

I will turn over the email or ask my VIP host if I can change emails and reset it to your email. Being plat 4 and up I get a basically lifetime reload. Which it’s based off recent play but still nice. I have a VIP host who drops bonuses once a month. Or depending on your stats they give “top up” or playthrough bonuses. They range from 20-100 usually. Won’t take no less than 1k. Idk maybe I will cause fuck stakeus, my life’s in shambles cause this shit hole 😅
submitted by Low-Cupcake-850 to Stakeaccountplug [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:38 Quamme Sander Kartum på vei til Heart of Midlothian

Sander Kartum på vei til Heart of Midlothian submitted by Quamme to NorskFotball [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:38 Traditional_Pick_568 Accents in Duo

So, accents in Duo, regardless of target language, do you do them? I don't and my excuse is I'd never get anything done if I had to find the right character and accent on my app every question.
I have learnt the theory of accents (French is my target lang) and understand each purpose but I feel it's something you could incorporate when writing possibly later down track?
View Poll
submitted by Traditional_Pick_568 to duolingo [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:38 Jame210 Uhhh, I think I searched anarchy chess on wrong website.

submitted by Jame210 to AnarchyChess [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:38 Few-Bite1 intihar ve silah ruhsatı

Geçmişinde silahla intihar girişimi olan birisi tekrardan silah ruhsatı alabilir mi?
submitted by Few-Bite1 to AskTurkey [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:38 Calm-Aide-8449 Buying from korea

Can i buy a samsung from korra and use it in the netherlands without a problem?
submitted by Calm-Aide-8449 to koreatravel [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:38 dernailer what do you like and how do you feel about the nightlife in Lausanne from Sunday to Thursday?

What is missing? more live music? more rock? more mainstream music? less hiphop? more alternative music?
submitted by dernailer to Lausanne [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:38 Hea1t_48 What do you think about it? In my opinion, it doesn't taste very good.

What do you think about it? In my opinion, it doesn't taste very good. submitted by Hea1t_48 to Soda [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:38 LelouchViMajesti Anyone has an idea?

Anyone has an idea? submitted by LelouchViMajesti to identifythisfont [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:38 indianbiggggg Any girl for this weekend! Dm i want friends!😩

submitted by indianbiggggg to Hyderabadgirlshangout [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:38 Sure-Gear-5561 I miss the toxicity

It’s been 3 years since I left my toxic relationship with a narcissistic, bully, asshole etc. He would torment me, tell me I’m useless, ugly unless I dressed and did my makeup how he wanted it. I spent 2 years in that relationship and it broke me. But the sex was incredible, like genuinely mindblowing. Every time we had sex it was after an argument or a fight so that just made it so much more intense. I’ve started to sexualise the insults, the degrading etc. I feel disgusting after I masturbate to the thought of it but I can’t help it.
I met a new boy, he’s the sweetest thing on earth, like if a baby lamb was a 25 year old man. And don’t get me wrong, sex with him is great too. But a part of me wants him to be mean, to be really cruel with it. I asked him to start doing it in bed, he said he’s confused because that sounds a lot like what my ex used to say. I told him it’s okay because he isn’t him but he still is a little hesitant of doing it.
submitted by Sure-Gear-5561 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:38 Acsia_Luna It's been ages since I've posted, how's everyone been?

It's been ages since I've posted, how's everyone been? submitted by Acsia_Luna to fempark [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:38 CHERLOPES Ter foco

O que diferencia os europeus dos brasileiros…Atualmente sou casada com europeu , e percebi que a educação dele foi rígida porém valeu muito apena . Ele era de um familiar classe média , trabalhava na fazendo dos pais para sobreviver , passando uns anos ele realmente decidiu fazer faculdade com muito esforço ele se formou e começou a trabalhar no banco , ele falou que todo o dinheiro que ganhava ele guardava, isso mesmo , ele tentava gastar o mínimo possível , ele falou que na época da faculdade ele estava focado , então ele não fazia festa . Os anos foram passando e ele teve que aprender francês , inglês . Assim com toda a dedicação ele conseguiu. Entretanto também consegui obter o cargo tão sonhado de diretor do banco aqui na Europa, na época ele falou que visitava grandes empresas no Brasil para fazer alguns acordo com empresas grandes , essas empresas eram responsáveis por adquirir grandes empréstimos no banco na qual ele atuava. Passou alguns meses ele falava que precisava falar português e que não gostaria mais de ter um tradutor . Assim fez , todos os dias as 5 da manhã ele acordava e estudava 1 hora por dia de português , assim foi durante 8 meses . Ele conseguiu ser fluente em português, lembrando que ele não é nerd também não tem aquele padrão de “ inteligente que tirava altas notas “. Em fim , ele falou que quando viajava para o Brasil principalmente Rio tinha muita prostituta e outras mulheres que davam em cima dele , e ele falou que teve força o suficiente para dizer não . Pois ele estava focado no trabalho e também em juntar um dinheiro para a tão sonhada quitinetes que ele queria montar para alugar para estudantes. Assim ele fez , juntou um dinheiro fez empréstimo e conseguiu comprar um imobiliário e ele mesmo fazia as reformas e também as manutenções. Passou um tempo ele fez mais umas economias e conseguiu comprar a tão sonhada casa que que hoje ele mora , e assim fez … outros investimentos. Em fim , o que eu quero dizer a vcs é que tudo na vida passa rápido , hoje ele está com 67 anos usufruindo de tudo que lutou para ter . Uma das principais características que observei é que eles não vejam o sexo em primeiro lugar . Para alguns deles primeiro vem a estabilidade financeira , emocional e tudo mais , eles falam que os prazeres momentâneo (prostituição drogas e bebidas ) não trazem benefícios a longo prazo. E os amigos dele também compartilham das mesmas ideias. Inclusive ele tem um amigo diretor de uma farmacêutica, o homem é simples , algumas pessoas que são amigos dele são todos assim , no Brasil sério reconhecidos como milionários , mas aqui na Europa eles são bem simples , mesmo tendo condições de ter Ferrari e outras coisas superficiais eles preferem garantia melhor , ter uma vida regrada com benefícios ao longo prazo . Um dos amigos tem uma BMW 2003 , isso mesmo um carro simples na qual ele faz questão de não trocar , esse carro ele comprou a vista , entretanto quando eu fui visitar a casa desse amigo eu fiquei deslumbrada, uma casa daquelas de filme americano, muito linda , o homem tem uma humildade quase impossível de acreditar. Tudo exatamente tudo e muito bem pensando antes de investir . Posso dizer a vcs que é um outro mundo , posso dizer com toda sinceridade que dinheiro gasto com prostituição e uma das piores coisas que o ser humano possa fazer , pois é um dinheiro que não volta mais , e isso mais tarde quando chegar aos 50 , 60,70 anos vcs vão lembrar . Aliás visto que alguns idosos que nem casa conseguiram ter por conta dos vícios . Falo pra vcs , tenham foco e aprendem a dizer não as coisas supérflua que a longo prazo não vão servir de nada . Estejam preparados assim como o meu esposo e amigos , quando chegaram aos 60 estão muito bem e que podem usufruir de todos os benefícios conquistado ao longo da vida .
submitted by CHERLOPES to farialimabets [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:38 GanjaBhalu 28M, need your views on my Career. Thanks.

submitted by GanjaBhalu to vedicastrology [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:38 Lion_El_Jonsonn Game freezing

I want to check if its me or SC yesterday I was attacked by some pvp and was defending myself in my f8c i was winning the fight until the game froze for like 7 seconds when i resumed I died from misiles striking me instantly? Does this freezing happen to others or it my pc?
submitted by Lion_El_Jonsonn to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:38 CauliflowerEast4223 PC Crashes with Static Noise

I'm experiencing crashes on my PC when playing high end games like marvel rivals.
I'm able to play for some time (maybe 10-30 mins), then suddenly my PC will freeze entirely and a loud static noise will come out of the speakers for about 0.2 seconds.
The PC will remain frozen with all applications still visible, just not interactable. I will then manually force the machine to shut down. Sometimes the PC will automatiacllcally reset. This has happened quite a few times now.
I have noticed that my PC is quite hot with the GPU running at 80-86 degrees while I'm playing.
My specs are as follows GPU - NVIDIA rtx 2080 CPU - Intel i5 13400k Ram - 32 GB DDR5 SSD x3 PSU - EVGA supernova 750w Mobi - gigabyte b760
Some additional notes - recently repasted my GPU and cleaned out dust of my pc due to how loud it was running when gaming. It not loud anymore - upgraded my CPU, mobo and ram 6 months ago
submitted by CauliflowerEast4223 to computerhelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:37 aryan921998 Are you struggle to make transition into data domain.

Hello everyone i have seen many people struggling to get into data domain. And instead of lot of free resources no one knows who much they want to learn how to learn and what are the best practices to follow. To guide them i am conducting a free master class to help and guide you all. Let me know if you are interested dm me.
submitted by aryan921998 to ahmedabad [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:37 Green-Elderberry527 Weird postpartum symptoms

Female, 34, 12 weeks postpartum, c section delivery, combo feeding (breast and formula feeding), blood pressure always around 120/80.
Taking: Omega 3, probiotics, iron, postnatal multi vitamin, moringa
Symptoms: - Random twitching in head, like a vein or muscle is twitching - 'fizzy'/pins and needles sensation in head, frequently (not related to breastfeeding, i.e letdown sensation) - Pain near belly button - What feels like a trapped nerve in calf (comes and goes- had since pregnancy) - Feel dizzy, light headed, as if I'll faint - Heart beats suddenly fast - Sometimes pain in the chest, under the breast - Random hot sensations on my legs (as if someone put something hot on my skin, lasts for minutes, then goes) - Some tips of my fingers are becoming numb - Pins and needles sensation in random places in my body (lasts for a few seconds)
Any advice/insight would be appreciated, these weird sensations are worrying me and driving me mad!
submitted by Green-Elderberry527 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:37 tacosandtoes Vanessa Hudgens

Vanessa Hudgens submitted by tacosandtoes to CelebrityLegsandFeet [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:37 UnluckySkin9923 Taking some time off

Taking some time off Maybe this is a good time to try out brighter shores?
submitted by UnluckySkin9923 to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:37 xrtrger8rhe158rg48 「あったかい」 厳しい寒さから一転…1年で最も寒さが厳しい「大寒」が3月中旬並みの気温に 鳥取県鳥取市

「あったかい」 厳しい寒さから一転…1年で最も寒さが厳しい「大寒」が3月中旬並みの気温に 鳥取県鳥取市 submitted by xrtrger8rhe158rg48 to newsokunomoral [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:37 cu_reious help me find this !

help me find this ! so I’ve been using / borrowing a jacket from a friend lately — and I am in LOVE, I have been trying to find this jacket for 3 days straight, it’s driving me crazy!
It’s like a windbreaker. Navy Blue. Real comfy, the fabric feels almost like clothing.
It has zipper pockets, one on the chest area. And 2 pockets on the sides.
The stripes go ALL the way down the sleeves.
It looks just like the adidas woven firebird track jacket, but there’s no chest pocket, and it doesn’t look like the fabric is the same.
help much appreciatedb
submitted by cu_reious to adidas [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:37 Thomas-B-Anderson PrusaXL instead of X1C?

I don't wanna buy the X1C anymore, I decided I want an open source printer. I think the PrusaXL is a good alternative. What do you think?
submitted by Thomas-B-Anderson to BambuLab [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 10:37 elena-beebole Capterra switching ppc bidding to automatic

A few months ago Capterra switched their bidding from manual to automatic (whats even worse, there is no way to change it on your own, or at least, I don't see that option). We have seen our conversion rates drop quite dramatically since the change came into effect. Anyone else having the same issue? What are your thoughts on the fact we don't have a choice on how we want to bid?
submitted by elena-beebole to PPC [link] [comments]