A foggy Brevet Populaire to ease into the new year

2025.01.20 12:11 zonderweg A foggy Brevet Populaire to ease into the new year

A foggy Brevet Populaire to ease into the new year submitted by zonderweg to randonneuring [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 12:11 Educational-Pay4110 Polaganje za komisioniranje robe?

Pozdrav, imam pitanje jedno, ako neko zna, da li ja samostalno mogu da polažem za elektricni paletar (staker), ili se to ide preko firme, ovde gde radim firma organizuje za taj test/ polaganje, ali ljudima ne daju potvrdu da su i polozili,jer navodno to firma placa i to ostaje u firmi, dakle da li ja mogu samostalno da platim to polaganje....unapred hvala
submitted by Educational-Pay4110 to serbia [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 12:11 reddit_lss_2 Post recovery test from profile for 20/1/2025 12:10:10

submitted by reddit_lss_2 to where_to_post_test [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 12:11 luckystrike1117 Help me find this book

Just saw a IG post about a book but I accidentally scrolled and can't find it. It's about a world where opposite genders can't interact but he catches her when she falls in front of everyone. I think it was a white cover and started with an O or a D? Help pls 😭
submitted by luckystrike1117 to suggestmeabook [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 12:11 mynameisjack1541 .

. submitted by mynameisjack1541 to nokotan [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 12:11 Actual_Celery_950 Aicinājums

Labdien! Esmu "Māszinības" programmas students, aicinu Rīgas iedzīvotājus aizpildīt manu aptauju par pilno narkozi, jeb vispārēju anestēzīju. Aptauja ir pilnībā anonīma un aizņems ~5 minūtes. Paldies! Aptaujas saite: https://forms.gle/dpe4rvWqexCeB1XUA
submitted by Actual_Celery_950 to Riga [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 12:11 Own_Tangelo_292see AMEX Netherlands credit card

If you apply now you get a great deal with my referral link: https://americanexpress.com/nl-nl/referral/platinum?ref=wESTEBuDWA&CPID=100364541
It's a great credit card for you travellers! Enjoy!
submitted by Own_Tangelo_292see to Netherlands [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 12:11 ProfessionalUnit3809 Cute

Cute submitted by ProfessionalUnit3809 to Dragonballsuper [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 12:11 Remarkable_Ant_1360 guys please help (profile review)

my profile - 8/8/8 , 2+ work experience at amazon gnef nmat - 209 ( i know its low) but is there a chance tapmi might take this xat -75 percentile gmat focus edition-555 please any sort of help or suggestions for other colleges as well are welcome
submitted by Remarkable_Ant_1360 to CATpreparation [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 12:11 lawheartpirates The strategy I used to buy my wife an iPhone 16

Hi everyone! I’m not sure if you’ve heard, but the І0SТ network is currently being tested. I’ve been participating in this for some time now, and honestly, the results have been amazing. In just one week, I managed to earn 1,100 bucks. To put this into perspective, my monthly salary at work is only 2,500 dollars. Thanks to this, I was finally able to gift my wife the iPhone 16 for her birthday. I’m incredibly grateful to the Reddit user who introduced me to this method. If you’re not familiar with how it works, here’s a detailed guide:
Register on a suitable exchange
Buy I0ST with USDТ
Go to Wallet -> Spot -> І0SТ -> Deposit
Copy the l0SТ МЕМО
Select Withdraw and fill in the fields as follows:
Address: іоst_аwаrd
Network: I0ST
Меmо: Paste the copied mеmо. It’s crucial to enter it each time!
Amount: It’s recommended to start with a small аmоunt to ensure no errors
Send and wait about minutes 10
Receive your ɑmоunt back with an additional 0.5 % (Daily limit: 20)
It’s not as complicated as it seems, and the bonus is definitely worth it. I’m sharing this because I know how hard it can be to start your journey. If you don't understand something, you can write to me, I'll try to help you. If this helps you, I’d appreciate a small tip as a thank-you. Thanks for your attention, and good luck!
submitted by lawheartpirates to Daytrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 12:11 Miserable_Analyst_66 Interview invite r2 darden

Has anyone from India received a r2 interview invite for darden?
submitted by Miserable_Analyst_66 to MBA [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 12:11 hassan_theitguy MDTs Engagement Platform

submitted by hassan_theitguy to TrinbagoTech [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 12:11 JimStrike My recently bought 156 1.8TS

My recently bought 156 1.8TS Hello everyone. I have had this 156 for about a month now and thought you guys might like it. It is an 2001 1.8ts with a euro 2 motor swapped in. Chipped from around 144 to 152hp and 167nm to 181nm. Redline increased from 6800 to 7300. Really fun to drive. It has eibach lowering springs and Koni dampers. It has driven around 200.000km's and the only rust spots I managed to find in the garage are in the water drain in the back right and the bumper supports. I plan weld in some new steel and get the body rust free. I already bought bigger brakes and plan to install them in the future. And the timing belt and camshaft phase changer need to be changed soon to. I managed to find a new phase changer from Finland and will be installing that with the timing belt. Hopefully many trouble free kilometers!
submitted by JimStrike to AlfaRomeo [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 12:11 Critical_Winner_1299 Homemade pico de gallo + Lime chips

Homemade pico de gallo + Lime chips submitted by Critical_Winner_1299 to tomatoes [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 12:11 TurdBoiDuckGang My cat named Prowler. 💜 💚

My cat named Prowler. 💜 💚 submitted by TurdBoiDuckGang to cats [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 12:11 No_Reach_1870 Window banners and stickers on fk8

Window banners and stickers on fk8 Photoshopped some window banners and stickers yay or nay. Part of me says it goes with the red accents and the other probably wiser part of me says putting a $10 sticker on a 45k car is just silly.
submitted by No_Reach_1870 to Civic_Type_R [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 12:11 twins049 Is this normal why does it take so long

Is this normal why does it take so long It has been like that for the past 5 days
submitted by twins049 to AllChinabuy [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 12:11 Antique_Change2805 Ukraine wirbt um Rückkehr von 20 Millionen Landleuten im Ausland

Ukraine wirbt um Rückkehr von 20 Millionen Landleuten im Ausland submitted by Antique_Change2805 to DePi [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 12:11 shorty___666 Which one of you good little piggies is going to reimburse me for my holiday coming up 🤭

Which one of you good little piggies is going to reimburse me for my holiday coming up 🤭 submitted by shorty___666 to findommes [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 12:11 peoplemagazine Chappell Roan Says She’d Be 'Way Bigger' If She ‘Wore a Muzzle': 'I'd Be More Successful'

submitted by peoplemagazine to chappellroan [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 12:11 RobotiSC Episode 3 Commemorative Illustration by 2nd KA @ankomochi214

Episode 3 Commemorative Illustration by 2nd KA @ankomochi214 submitted by RobotiSC to Zenshu [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 12:11 Original-Bottle-7001 Man Pleads Guilty to Southport Dance Class Murders

The man who carried out the Southport Dance Class Murders in July last year has pleaded guilty to the killings of three young girls and several other charges.
submitted by Original-Bottle-7001 to tscnewschannel [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 12:11 Warm_Sugar8888 Boycott

Boycott submitted by Warm_Sugar8888 to TexasDemocrat [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 12:11 documitra-us Did you know your documents might be rejected if they aren’t Apostilled?

Starting December 30th 2024, any document issued outside India must be Apostilled before submitting an OCI application. Now, what exactly is Apostille? Apostille is authentication by the issuing authority, like the Secretary of State. It’s not notarization. It verifies your document is genuine and valid for use in foreign countries. Without it, your application could face delays or rejection. This requirement is currently applicable in India and the USA. So, before you submit your OCI application, make sure your documents are Apostilled.
submitted by documitra-us to OCIcardfrroservices [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 12:11 nikkita_8888 Micat

I got 77 percentile in CAT. Is there any chance if I will gey call from MICAT with a score of 16
submitted by nikkita_8888 to CATPrep [link] [comments]
