Pushing it, but I think it still counts.

2025.01.20 14:40 FrankliniusRex Pushing it, but I think it still counts.

Pushing it, but I think it still counts. submitted by FrankliniusRex to cassettefuturism [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:40 Venomousnestofsacred Dopo del feedback ho riascoltato ?!. Sono l'unico che si è quasi commosso per Cammina Solo e che pensa che sia uno dei testi più belli del Capa pre-prisoner 709?

Dopo del feedback ho riascoltato ?!. Sono l'unico che si è quasi commosso per Cammina Solo e che pensa che sia uno dei testi più belli del Capa pre-prisoner 709? submitted by Venomousnestofsacred to caparezza [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:40 Psychological_Wash66 Negrapan 21

Negrapan 21 Hi Its possible this film still works ? I got 10 films with a bronica that i bought 1978 expire date 🤷‍♂️ Tks
submitted by Psychological_Wash66 to AnalogCommunity [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:40 SkaldCrypto My black library submission for 2025

My black library submission for 2025 An excerpt:
“ At the edge of a world, dark and grim,
In the choking smog, bleak and dim,
Stood a manufactorum, rusted and old,
Where the air was thick, and the oil ran cold.
And deep in the heart of this ruinous land,
Where the tech-priests toil, and the servitors stand,
Came a sound, a deep, metallic wheeze,
The voice of an ancient, the whisper of disease.
He spoke in a voice both grating and fierce: “I am the Mortarion” he said with a sneer, “I speak for the Grandfather, but few left to hear. These forges once hummed, pure and grand, But you’ve stripped them bare with your careless hand!”
The Belisarius scoffed, adorned in gold, With cogitator whirrs, and circuits cold. “Your relics are quaint, but progress is grand! I build for the Imperium! I rule this land!””
submitted by SkaldCrypto to Grimdank [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:40 Druid_Gathering BITW

Hi. New here. All apologies if this has come up often. I’m also fairly new to crypto investing and just discovered the regulatory hurdles BITW is going through to convert to an ETF. Seems it sells at a premium now, but when it gets approval from the SEC to become an ETF it will sell much closer to its NAV. So can anybody make a case for buying it now as an ETP or just wait till March or so when it converts? Thanks in advance.
submitted by Druid_Gathering to CryptoMarkets [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:40 Anastasia-GG What are the Advantages of Places for Birthday Parties?

submitted by Anastasia-GG to partyplanning [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:40 Babacoro04 Womier M68 HE vs MADE 68

HOLA!!! Estoy montando un set-up completo y necesito decidirme entre dos teclados, ¿podriais ayudarme?
submitted by Babacoro04 to tecladosmecanicos [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:40 Ok-Consequence4735 Pizza sauce

Hey those who've got the bags of sauce, how many come in a box?
submitted by Ok-Consequence4735 to PapaJohns [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:40 ChickenBiedeliedle I can’t stop hoping

Last Thursday I went through an unexpected breakup. The week before we sort of took a break because he wanted to do he could think, after dropping the bomb that he had doubt. It was very rough not being able to talk through it with him and come to him with my feelings because he wanted little contact. Leading up to seeing him I sort of already felt the outcome but I could have never ever prepared for how much it would hurt. I’ve gained so much from our relationship and we were truly best friends. Now after the 3 year relationship is over all I can do is respect his decision.. even if I really don’t want to. But since I can’t talk through it with him so suddenly and my best friend is basically just.. gone, I have a rant. Sorry for it being so long but I just need to let it out somewhere and I feel like this is a place with people that would understand.
I really want to share this with him but I know I shouldn’t so here I am.
Here it is:
Even though it’s over, I still find myself hoping that he’ll change his mind. That he’ll be around his friends and they’ll ask about me. That they’ll look surprised when he tells them we broke up and say they never saw it coming, that they thought we were perfect for each other.
I hope it makes him think. I hope it makes him miss me. That he realizes his mental state dulled his feelings for me, that he remembers how good we were together and how much I mean to him.
I keep hoping he’ll feel the urge to fight for me. That he’ll be honest with himself and with me. That he’ll see he’d rather go through hard times with me than have it easier but be alone.
I also keep feeling the urge to call him and tell him it’s okay to take a break. That I’ll give him space and work on myself for a month or however long he needs. That it’s okay for him to come back, even if he’s told other people it’s over. I want to tell him not to feel trapped by his decision or by what others might think—that if he feels like trying again, the door will still be open, even if we go months with barely any contact.
I even hope others tell him this—that if he ever feels like trying again, it’s okay to do so.
But at the same time, I can’t wait for this feeling to go away. I can’t wait to fully let myself believe that it really is over, that it might never come back. But right now, I’m not ready to believe that. Every time I even try, my chest feels so heavy, and my breath starts to shake.
I know I shouldn’t hold on to all this hope, but I’m not ready to loose it just yet..
submitted by ChickenBiedeliedle to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:40 FailPuzzleheaded3559 Have / LF

Have / LF submitted by FailPuzzleheaded3559 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:40 Lauratimar0617 Anyukák, tolerancia, miértek?

Kedves Anyukák, Legfőképp kisgyermekesek. Tudom, bàntó es bicskanyitogató lesz a posztom, de vállalom, mert érdekel a hátter és az okok.
Anyukák, akik állandóan sajnáltatjátok magatokat: És szerintetek a ti” èletetek” a legnehezebb. Nektek van a legrosszabb helyzetetek, ti sosem pihentek, alszotok…minden rátok hárul, meg se szólaljanak a gyerektelenek, mert ők nem érthetik mi is az az IGAZI fáradtság. Amikor 12-4 órákat dolgozunk, es azt hallgatjuk… hogy majd MEGTUDOD te is ,ha lesz gyereked. Te nem tudhatod milyen kimerültnek lenni. igen, majd megtudjuk. Én is így gondolom.
Nektek sosem jut eszetekbe, hogy a gyerek előtt is voltatok fáradtak, mivel ti mentetek hetvegen, karácsonykor, ha beteg a másik gyereke ,túlórában… mindig a gyerekesek helyett.?
Ilyenkor amikor anya lesz valaki, elfelejti, hogy gyerek elott is volt élet, és másoknak ugyanúgy pörög az élete gyerek nélkül, csak éppen más megpróbáltatásokkal küzdünk és más miatt kínlódunk,vagyunk fáradtak? Adott esetben csak a régi saját életetekből kiindulva. Ti is léteztetek gyerek előtt.
Komolyan nem értem, egyes anyukák miért érzik felhatalmazva magukat arra, hogy legyintsenek mások életére, nehézségeire. Hiszen CSAKIS ők lehetnek fáradtak gyerekkel…csak ők alszanak keveset ,és csakis nekik van milliónyi teendőjük.
Úgyis nekem fognak esni az anyukák, ezzel előre tisztában vagyok.
De próbálnám megérteni, valaki magyarázza el nekem kérlek. Amellett, hogy nehézsegeitek vannak, a megváltozott hormonokkal küzdötök, rátok szakadt a sok hazimunka, gyerek dolgai, nincs időtök saját magatokra es a férjetekre… Úgy érzitek senki sem ért titeket, es sztem nem kaptok elegendő elismerést a kulvilagtol… párotoktól,hogy igenis nagy meló, amit véghezvisztek. Ez hiányzik nektek valójában.
Miért nem tudtok néha empatikusak lenni a gyermektelen embertársaitokkal? Vagy úgy ámblokk bárkivel?
Miért érzitek privilégiumnak azt, hogy nektek gyereketek van. ?Másnak is van és lesz majd a jövőben.
Miért kell nektek előreturakodni a babakocsival a boltban, gyógyszertárban, piacon, atm-nél?
Más is siet a munkába, es lóg a bele a heti 60 óra meló mellett. Más is kimerült, és másnak más miatt lógnak kötélen az idegei. Ti miért nem tudjatok azt tolerálni, hogy mások más élethelyzetben vannak, mint TI most èppen? Amíg ti gyereket neveltek pörög tovább a világ, és az emberek a mindennapokkal küzdenek gyerekkel vagy anélkül is.
Törlöm majd a posztot, de hátha kapok pár olyan hozzászólást, ami nem támadó és erthetően elmagyarázza ennek a hátterét.
submitted by Lauratimar0617 to hungary_pszichologia [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:40 two-wheeled-chaos Asparagus Crowns

Looking forward to starting a dedicated asparagus bed in the spring. However, first I need to source some crowns. Any leads on where in the Metro to find some? Also open to any recommendations for varieties that work well in our region. Worth noting that the location I have available has slightly more shade than optimal, so a more shade-tolerant plant suggestion would be welcome. Thanks so much!
submitted by two-wheeled-chaos to Minnesota_Gardening [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:40 Ririlefada D'une certaine manière c'est logique...

D'une certaine manière c'est logique... submitted by Ririlefada to graffitipourris [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:40 Extension_Plenty_898 Any help?

Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/DaZZZ7w2vOY IGN Gillian
submitted by Extension_Plenty_898 to MonopolyGoGiving [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:40 Cheese_Addict62 birdies [fan-made]

birdies [fan-made] submitted by Cheese_Addict62 to battlecats [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:40 kingjayb0ne Selling Coins

Selling Coins Sold off my team
10usd per Million
Unless your buying bulk
Then it's 8usd per million
PayPal or Cashapp
submitted by kingjayb0ne to Football_Head_Coach [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:40 CrackedGold Looking for this wallpaper

Looking for this wallpaper submitted by CrackedGold to Witcher3 [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:40 Imaginary-Author-302 Boomba 10% off with NIKU97440

NIKU97440 for 10% off
submitted by Imaginary-Author-302 to promocode [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:40 RafVicAlv Commission (by me)

submitted by RafVicAlv to furry [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:40 Cropper- With Switch 2, a new 3D Mario game will probably be announced. What would you prefer?

With Switch 2, a new 3D Mario game will probably be announced. What would you prefer? submitted by Cropper- to Mario [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:40 Potential-Net-9195 Fairgrounds: Race 1

submitted by Potential-Net-9195 to horseracing [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:40 techstar2000 Alienware Aurora R16: i9-14900KF, RTX 4090, 32GB DDR5, 2TB SSD for $2609.99 using Sign-Up Code

Alienware Aurora R16: i9-14900KF, RTX 4090, 32GB DDR5, 2TB SSD for $2609.99 using Sign-Up Code submitted by techstar2000 to PCDeals [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:40 Successful-Art-3391 Enemy disappears?

One second they are there and just suddenly disappear. Nobody killed them, not 5 tanks at once. What causes that? Most frustrating!
submitted by Successful-Art-3391 to ArmoredWarfare [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:40 littlemissdaisymay Emirates online check in and seat changes

Just wanna ask if I can still change my seat after I check in online?
submitted by littlemissdaisymay to dubai [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:40 farhadJuve Turin Giants Podcast 278: Post-Milan Win Talk

Turin Giants Podcast 278: Post-Milan Win Talk submitted by farhadJuve to Juve [link] [comments]
