Need help decoding this and idk what code they're using

2025.01.20 12:10 Psychitc_Toast Need help decoding this and idk what code they're using

(P.S English is not my first language) So someone sent me this message and I can't seem to figure out what they're trying to say... They sent me two messages
First one is this
.... .. ..... .. . . . ..... ..
Then the second went as this
. ... . . . .... .. .. ..
submitted by Psychitc_Toast to Decoders [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 12:10 OtherwiseTackle5219 1957 Buick Century Caballero Estate Wagon

1957 Buick Century Caballero Estate Wagon submitted by OtherwiseTackle5219 to classiccars [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 12:10 Winter_Ambassador_96 It's 3am and I miss him

I miss him. We were in a 4 year situationship and we broke up in July. I broke up with him, not because I wanted our relationship to end but because I was in so much pain and he was ignoring me. Honestly we're not good for each other, he's an avoidant and I'm an anxious. The beginning of our relationship wasn't bad, we would text he would called me cute names send me pictures call me all the time. Told me he loves me and missed me all the time. When we say each other it was great. That went on for a couple of months then it died out. He would ignore me for days which would trigger me and i would leave him because of that. He was always working, whether it was at a job or at his house he was always busy. We lived with each other for a couple of months of our relationship and it wasn't the best, I only lived there because my home life was bad. His family has their own issues especially his uncle. He's very controlling. He works for his uncle too. He was sweet though, he would kinda try. I think he did love me just didn't really respect me. I got kicked out because he told his uncle he needed space from me and his uncle took it upon himself to kick me out with a lie. A lie that really hurt my feelings. Then a week later he i made him food and he told me about this lie. Told me he still wanted to be with me and loved me. Then, another week passes and he breaks up with me. Almost 6 months we were together. I did so much for him and his family. I worked for them for free becasuse I lived there, I would clean his room and their home, i would mediate family conversations, if I did have money I would give them money. Anything I could do, I did. And they kicked me out with a lie. My home life still not the best, a month later I was walking around town for hours because my mom and her bf were having a huge fight. I ended up calling his family and his family took me in. So I lived with them again, during this time I was supposed to be with him or I'd be kicked out. However we still we together, sneaking around and lying. It wasn't great and i told him I wanted it to stop. My living situation was at steak and honestly it was breaking my heart. Even though I wanted it to stop, if we started i wouldn't say no, I wouldn't stop him. I wanted to feel like he wanted me like he loved me. It was hectic we got in trouble twice but we lied, said we were doing anything but cuddling. He caught us kissing once and that was a whole conversations too. Then one day, something felt off and I asked him if he still wanted me like he said and he told me no. He didnt. It broke my heart, yet a few days later we were back to doing things. It made no sense to me, made me feel like I was just easy and convenient. Which... I guess I was. I would talk to him and tell him how I felt and it's like it meant nothing. 4 months, then I move into my own place. Were talking like were in a relationship and having sex. But we're not together. It broke me, I would tell him I don't want to be friends with benefits that's i was in love with him and wanted to be with him and if that's not what he wanted then we needed to stop. It didn't. I didn't stop either. I'm an idiot I know. We were still not together doing together things. Honestly living alone was hard, I've got mental issues and I overthink a lot. I tried to be mature and reasonable with him. I just wanted to love him openly in front of whoever but we just kept hiding our relationship. It was so confusing. He would say he wanted to work on it too. And ig in a way we did. I dont know. He would try but I think we were afaird of talking to his uncle. His uncle would sit us down and try to "help" our relationship. That's when he told me he just wanted sex and not a relationship. But it made no sense because other times he would tell me he wanted a relationship... it was back and forth and i hated it. I would always want to talk which is a problem i know but I just wanted to be on the same page. I wanted clarity on what we were. I would see him a lot and go to his place a lot. Yet when I was home alone I just wanted him to talk to me. It's a problem I know. I tried to work on it, tried to be okay with not hearing from him for a few days. I got somewhat better. Honestly 2022 is kinda a blur, we would work a lot and hide our relationship. His uncle and I had issues too, and sometimes they would get bad to the point i didnt want to be around him. That year we ended up talking about being in an open relationship because he wanted an open relationship. I told him we could as long as he didn't be witb someone romantically or emotionally just sexually. He agreed. He tried sleeping with his ex though, he'd been talking to her for a while and honestly it hurt me. They were kinda flirting and it would hurt my feelings that he could text her but ignore me. But idiot me, I said as long as yall aren't trying to be together that it's fine. So around his bday, july, she came to town to and they hung out but didn't have sex. He told me it was because of me and that it was just awkward. I felt relieved but also still hurt? Why was it awkward? Well I don't know. Time goes by, and were still in an open relationship. Things aren't bad but I'm still kinda causing issues by wanting to talk about our relationship. Then also by not liking his home life or my work life. I wasn't living there anymore but still working for them and barley getting paid. And he was still working all of the time with little to no days off and there was just drama. His uncle and I would argue about this, sometimes the conversations were okay sometimes they weren't. Honestly his uncle caused a few issues in our relationship too. It was just chaotic really. On October 2022 we kinda "broke up" again, i left him because he was ignoring me, for a week he ignored me. Then his sister got into an accident in November and his uncle called me and then had me call him. I was there for him the best way i could be as he was out of town. I tried my best to check in on him, give him openings to talk if be wanted too, and i sent him puns to make him laugh or just smile. Then in December before he got back, his uncle and i got into an argument about mine and his relationship. Telling me I needed to talk to him, as if I haven't been trying but he doesn't know that. I mentioned i thought people were putting things in his head because frankly I wouldn't put it passed him. Then asked me what i would do if he found a gf because were not together and i said that id probably leave and stay out of it and he called me childish and immature. Man, i know i couldnt handle it so that why id just leave and let him be happy but fuck that right. The his wife comes in and asked why I want to go back to him if he's just gonna hurt me. Honestly i said i didnt want to lose everyone but really i just wanted to be there for him and help him because that household was kinda toxic. Plus i love and care about him to my own demise. Well the argument got bad and I went outside because i didnt want to deal with that anymore. I went back inside to change and he tried to talk to me and i said that i was angry and didnt want to talk anymore. But he just walked anyways, told me i was causing a "2 year battle" in his house. And that were not acting like adults. I said i agreed none of us were acting like adults then i just ended up walking home. Sadly i was drinking, as his uncle made jello shots and wanted me to have some. Which i didnt mind doing but then we got into the argument. So when I got home, I lost it i was so angry and hurt by everything and everyone. I called my therapist and she took me to the hospital. So i started 2023 in a hospital. Told myself i wouldnt go back. But remember, I'm an idiot. My ex texted my once in January, then just started ignoring me again. I told him to have a good life and I'd be there if he ever needed and all of this other stuff. Then his uncle called to check in. Idk it was chaotic, i wasnt really talking to my mom and she was the only person in town other then them that i knew. Then in February, someone was sick and they asked me for help, i helped. Then boom, i was back with them. In march I told him either he was going to be with me or he wasn't that I was tired of this back and forth and i couldn't do it anymore. But nope, still doing together things without being together. I felt so used and so stuck but I wanted him. At this point i was toxic in wanting him maybe before this i don't know. Then I find out he's texting another ex, one that he loves and wants to be with. It broke my heart, but he tells me nothing is going on, that they're just friends. Right, she calls you handsome and other names and you do the same to her, tell each other I love you and miss you and wanting to see each other but right. Just friends. Guess you stays. This idiot. Things seem to be getting somewhat better we start going out on dates, he starts hanging out with other members of his family and bringing me along, we try to communicate better. Only issue I really have, his uncle. It sucks becasue i don't hate this man, he does try to do good things for people and help people out, just there are a lot of times it's only done if it benefits him and there's some hidden agenda. Well let's skip to 2024, beginning of the year, my cat passes away. Absolutely destroyed me, it was the one and only night my ex stayed the night at my house. I always went to his, even though I've asked him to spend more time at my house he just wouldn't. And also, the whole time I've had my house, when I'm in a bad mood or not doing well mentally they would send me home, because they didn't want to deal with me like that. They only wanted sunshine and rainbows out of me. It was so triggering, I felt like a problem like no one cared or loved me when I was upset in anyway. I had no one because my ex wouldn't even come over to comfort me. Like I said, he spent 1 night at my house in the 3 years I had it and that's when my cat passed away. It was horrid. Well whatever, things were going okay we would do little cute things like play pool before my dnd, we were trying to communicate better and things were kinda okay. He got me a hairbrush. Then I cut my hand open, it was pretty bad but I think I handled it well. And then too, I had to be at his house to get any kind of care otherwise I'd just be home alone stuggling. It was...hard... then he went on a trip out of town and i noticed his activity on snap. He was texting his ex again, were had been arguing about her on and off for a while. When he came back from his trip, I looked through his phone. It was the first time I did this because I wanted to trust him. The entire 4 years we were together he was texting her, didnt mention me to her. That's how I knew they were sending cute names and love and trying to see each other. Just in like Oct of 2023 he was trying to see her. It broke me. I lost my shit on him, and you know what he told me he was willing to lost me if it means he can keep her. For years I've been telling him he could talk to her if it's like a friend and for years he said that's what it was. Lies. All lies. We argued for days about this at my house, he would come over so we could talk about this. Did I leave him then? No. No I didn't. Again. Idiot. And you know what, she tried seeing him, and he took a screenshot sent it to me because he was trying to be open and honest with me. I bout lost it again. And his reply? I wanted to see if you would come with me to see her. Dude. Did I leave then? No. She didn't like the fact he screenshoted and just told him nvm, and did talk to him for a fe days. Man, he was hurt by that. He was hurt by the fact she didn't want to see him because he didn't immediately say yes. I asked him in the truck if he was broken hearted by this and he told me yes. Again, I'm breaking here. But nope we still tried, up until his uncle and I got into a heated argument, someone recorded me being upset about something showed his uncle. His uncle then sits us all down to talk about if we have a problem with him then we should sit and talk about it instead of telling everyone. As he tells everyone. I wasn't even bring rude, I was just frustrated. But slowly but surly he let's me know i was being recorded and tbats why we had a group talk. Then it just lead to more things, like I don't trust them but I've already said this. Still he got mad at me for that. How I felt I was doing so much and not really getting treated fairly, I was working for them and barley getting paid. I would clean for them, anything if I could I did. And I had my ex take me home because the argument was getting no where and he wasn't listening to me. For days he left me alone in that house and I was in a bad depression. He kinda texted me but not really, I was trying to deal with the situation with his uncle because I still wanted to help them and be there for them. We went to his parents house to eat food, then boom like 2 more days of not seeing me. I told him i needed to see him, that I wasn't doing well and I needed him to be there, that ive told him before I didn't want to be alone and in pain. He came over, for like 2 hours. When he came over it was dark, my house was kinda messy, I think I was stinky. We went to go get food, then he tells me when I'm done eating he's going to leave. Lost any appetite I had. I didn't want him to go, i didn't want to be alone. He left, I cried to him please don't go but he left anyways. Then I lost it again, told him to just stay home, he can wait like everyone else for me to be this happy person again since that's all they want to deal with. Got angry and asked why my cat had to pass for him to stay at mine. He tried calling me but I just went into my shower and cried. Did I leave then? No. Two days go by, I missed seeing him on his birthday and I felt like trash. The next day I said I gave up, he was ignoring me, I'm in pain, I'm alone, i can't do this anything. "Fine bye". Broken. I didnt want to leave him. I didn't want to end things, I was just so hurt and alone and breaking that I reacted. I begged him not to go, to please fight for me that i was sorry, that i love him and want him. And I was just hurt. No. He was done. I spiraled into a deeper depression, went to the hospital. Got out and almost got sucked in again. Worked one day for them then cut contact. Yet, I still miss him. Want him. Love him. We talked for a little over video games and even had a streak on snapchat. But I couldn't handle it. I don't know why I said all of this. Its 5am now and I should be alseep. I type all of this and still i wanna say he wasn't that bad. I was the problem. I don't know what's wrong with me, I don't know how to get over him. I think he's talking to other girls already, I'm sure the family talks about how I'm crazy and toxic. Yet, I still miss him... miss like an idiot.
submitted by Winter_Ambassador_96 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

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Hey everyone,
I'm a 9th grader and I'm really struggling with math this year. I find it incredibly difficult to focus during class and I don't understand most of the concepts. I've tried studying on my own, but I get easily distracted and don't know where to even begin.
I'm feeling really discouraged and I'm worried about failing. I'm not sure what to do at this point.
Has anyone else been in a similar situation? Do you have any advice on how to improve my focus, understand the material better, or find extra help?
Any tips or encouragement would be greatly appreciated!
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So nag basa ko sa reddit sa philippines bah. About ni sa mga politiko na ni ara sa sinulog.
Sa mga discussion didto, gina tira ta nila kay DDS daw ang mga cebuano. Og kusog daw ang regionalism nato.
Eversince ala pako ka botar jud, kay always ko nasa abroad. Og ala jud ko ga care kung kinsa ang ma elect sa atong gobyerno.
Eversince paman super corrupt na jud ang atong governent. Maka DDS or Kakampink pana.
So nag wonder lang ko why ang hate? Labi na ang mga taga luzon sa ato.a?
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