Rem supremacy 🗣️🔥

2025.01.20 14:39 the_forever_wild Rem supremacy 🗣️🔥

Rem supremacy 🗣️🔥 submitted by the_forever_wild to ReZero [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:39 meisme300 Ghosting

How do yall feel about ghosting?
submitted by meisme300 to BrotherlyExchange [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:39 d_perry-71 Lately there has been more and more valid reasons to post negative feedback

Seller who can't ship for a week as they needed to "order a box."
Seller who hasn't shipped yet as the Post Office closes at 5pm and the value of the item isn't worth it to them to take time off from work to ship. I was told this when inquired on the 6th day asking about the tracking number.
Seller who didn't have a camera, so they borrowed photos of a similar item that was in greatly better condition than the one they were selling.
Seller sent item in a recycled cereal box (yes, the actual box that holds the cereal, not the outer case which holds all the cereal boxes), which broke open in transit, item missing. My package arrived at my local PO in a bag with the damaged in transit stamp attached.
Seller sold iPad that arrived locked. Apple was no help as the iPad serial number was reported lost and paid off by insurance.
submitted by d_perry-71 to Ebay [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:39 American-Dreaming Liberal Propaganda in the Age of Post-Truth

Liberal Propaganda in the Age of Post-Truth submitted by American-Dreaming to media [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:39 EdwinCalvin Test Bank For Contemporary Nursing Issues, Trends, & Management 9th Edition by Barbara Cherry, Susan R. Jacob Chapter 1-28

Get this from our WEBSITE study resources in the sidebar or DM
submitted by EdwinCalvin to browsegradesDotNet [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:39 TinyScientist4022 Deoxys defense 713361009445

submitted by TinyScientist4022 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:39 ripped-soul A little match making subreddit

Hi guys! Created a match-making subreddit for all of us romantics out here in Sri Lanka. Join and find your match SLMatchMaking
submitted by ripped-soul to srilanka [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:39 OrgyDiaz Kill Switch vs Seamless Tunnel

Can someone explain to me what are the difference between the two?
For context, I want a consistent VPN connection on my iPhone. However, when I turn on Seamless Tunnel, my connection drops when I lock my iPhone.
submitted by OrgyDiaz to OpenVPN [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:39 Mo-42 Lego where?

submitted by Mo-42 to oddlyspecific [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:39 Orms682_05 Umm... why is she staring so MENACINGLY

submitted by Orms682_05 to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:39 Nate_923 The path to the SB runs through the NFC Beast!

The path to the SB runs through the NFC Beast! submitted by Nate_923 to NFCEastMemeWar [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:39 LOLLYPIES Some erorr while trying to run dark souls

Some erorr while trying to run dark souls I got dark souls 1 off steamrip and I'm trying to run it and I'm getting this error. Is there a fix?
submitted by LOLLYPIES to PiratedGames [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:39 Fragrant-Shock-4315 ‘Quiet quitting’: Entrepreneurs leave Canada over capital gains tax hike

submitted by Fragrant-Shock-4315 to Economics [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:39 Glum-Discount-1740 Is this real?

Is this real? can someone confirm that this is real? Thank you 🫶
submitted by Glum-Discount-1740 to TaylorSwiftAutographs [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:39 outcoldman I have made ShellHistory companion app available on iOS and iPadOS (60% off right now)

ShellHistory for iOS and iPadOS is available now. I have published the first version of ShellHistory for macOS about 3 years ago, and since then it got a lot of users, most of the times stays in top 100-200 of the Development apps on Mac App Store, and right now has 4.9 out of 49 raitings in US Store.
The reason why I made an iOS version, so you can browse your history from iOS devices, and actually fully work with the notes created on macOS. The notes editing features are fully functional on iOS apps.
I take a slightly different approach on notes. They are view-first, and edit on request. As most of the times those notes are being read more often than written.
App is build 99% with SwiftUI. I also switched for some type of data to SwiftData. And havily use SwiftCharts.
submitted by outcoldman to iosapps [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:39 Zee2A This robot worm digs for geothermal energy in your backyard

This robot worm digs for geothermal energy in your backyard submitted by Zee2A to STEW_ScTecEngWorld [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:39 H0pelessly_dev0ted Tara ignores the cold on Miniskirt Monday ...

Tara Coffee first, save the world later
submitted by H0pelessly_dev0ted to Replikatown [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:39 Successful_Buy2432 Did I need to disclose this for C&F?

I’ve already gotten into my top choice school, but I’m freaking out because I’m worried I needed to disclose something that I didn’t on C&F, and I’m stressed that I won’t be allowed to pass the bar after spending hundreds of thousands on a legal education😭
I worked a library desk job as a student assistant in my first year of college before we all got sent home due to COVID. In my second year, I worked there for the first semester - the hours were low, though, and there wasn’t much to do, so I (I know this was my fault) kept coming in late. I (and a few others who worked there) then got an email from my supervisor saying that we were coming in late and our timesheets were not accurate. I never responded to the email, but I fixed the problem right after and the next semester, continued to have a positive relationship with my supervisor (went through my old emails/texts and saw that he and I had a friendly, professional relationship even after the incident and I continued working there for a few months). Where it gets hazy is, in the later part of that semester, COVID got really bad on my campus, and I sorta just stopped showing up for my shifts as a result. I never quit, or anything, and never received ANY notice of termination or behavioral consequences… and I also never got any communication from my supervisor after that month. I tried to reach back out the following year to see if I could continue working there, but my supervisor never responded. So, I assumed it was a mutual parting of ways, especially given the stressful nature of COVID on campus.
Because I never received any formal notice of firing, I never reported this on my law school apps. But now I’m freaking out because what if the system has me marked as terminated somewhere, and I didn’t report it? Is it even possible to be fired without being told that you are fired? Am I just being paranoid? Help!!
submitted by Successful_Buy2432 to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:39 T-rexction12 Accidentally left in -10F

Acebeam Pockelite Working great but I would love to know if people have experienced batteries dying due to cold weather.
submitted by T-rexction12 to flashlight [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:39 Jesuslovesyouforev3r What knowledge, skills or talents are useful in the afterlife?

submitted by Jesuslovesyouforev3r to latterdaysaints [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:39 Eunoiabunny Dock apps are not turning into dark icons

I was on ios17 and update to ios18.2 week i tries dark mode setup but doc aap are still in light mode
submitted by Eunoiabunny to iphonehelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:39 BoricuaBarryAllen Calm luh tier list after episode 5, feel free to ask me anything about it.

Calm luh tier list after episode 5, feel free to ask me anything about it. submitted by BoricuaBarryAllen to DisventureCamp [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:39 ziggie97 Sounds believable

Sounds believable submitted by ziggie97 to Texans [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:39 StrengthObjective659 Elterngeld optimieren

Hallo ich und meine Frau erwarten zum 05.02. zwei Jungs, zum optimieren des Elterngeldes hat meine Frau die Steuerklasse zum August in 3 gewechselt und ich bin in 5. So jetzt ist kommen die Kids bald und ich würde natürlich gerne in 3 und meine Frau in 5 da sie 2 Jahre Zuhause bleibt. Das habe ich unserem Steuerberater gesagt und der meinte wir sollen nicht wieder wechseln da es Probleme geben könnte und das Finanzamt Fragen stellen würde was auch immer er damit meinte. Meine Frage ist kann ich einfach wieder die Steuerklassen Wechsel und vor allem wann sollte ich das tun ?
submitted by StrengthObjective659 to Steuern [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 14:39 Classic_Tie_5998 펫보험추천 비교 한단계 업그레이드 되었습니다. 그냥 이걸로 하세요 ㅣ 펫보험 문제점, 펫보험 장단점

펫보험추천 비교 한단계 업그레이드 되었습니다. 그냥 이걸로 하세요 ㅣ 펫보험 문제점, 펫보험 장단점 submitted by Classic_Tie_5998 to YoutubeChannelSharing [link] [comments]