2025.01.20 13:07 Turn-Dizzy Heartbroken
So ive been really enjoying this game, so far im on campaign. I made it to neer endgame. I had a moment where i qas thinking of starting a new base. Went to my old one, got a raid by armoured uruks i couldn't fight off they broke into my base an destroyed everything.... hours upon hours of work, gone. I feel gutted. Guess i know how the dwarves feel. But worst of all a lot of my mos precious items just dissapear. The pain is real
submitted by Turn-Dizzy to returntomoria [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:07 r_Swordsmith Riguardo le presentazioni
A volte mi capita di parlare regolarmente con determinate persone (palestra, università, sempre small talk comunque) e sono capace di andare avanti mesi senza ricordare il loro nome dopo che ci siamo già presentati. A questo punto la soluzione chiaramente sarebbe ripresentarsi; ed infatti l'ho fatto diverse volte con frasi del tipo "scusami, parliamo sempre però per favore mi devi ricordare come ti chiami" e dico dentro me "aaahhh, finalmente so come si chiama non posso più fare figure di merda" e poi invece dopo un mese me lo scordo di nuovo. L'unica cosa che sono riuscito a trovare utile è instagram, una volta che inizio a seguire una persona tramite storie post ecc.. il nome non me lo dimentico più. Il problema è che non puoi contare sempre sui social, soprattutto con le persone più grandi. Avete anche voi lo stesso problema? Se volete raccontate qualche aneddoto divertente a riguardo.
submitted by r_Swordsmith to CasualIT [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:07 Warm_Preparation_673 Braucht man als Java-Entwickler heutzutage auch Frontend-Skills?
ich bin aktuell als Java-Entwickler tätig und eher backend-lastig unterwegs. Kürzlich habe ich mir einige Jobpostings auf karriere.at angeschaut, um ein Gefühl für den Markt zu bekommen. Dabei ist mir aufgefallen, dass in etwa 9 von 10 Stellen, die nach Java-Entwicklern suchen, zusätzlich gute Kenntnisse in JavaScript, React oder Angular verlangen.
Das hat mich etwas überrascht, da in meiner jetzigen Firma klar zwischen Backend und Frontend unterschieden wird. Dort sind die Rollen sauber getrennt, und ich habe mich bisher immer nur auf mein Backend-Wissen (Spring, Datenbanken, etc.) fokussiert und mich darin weitergebildet.
Was mich noch mehr verwirrt hat: In manchen Java-Jobangeboten standen Aufgaben wie „aktive Rolle im gesamten Entwicklungsprozess (vom Requirements Engineering über Architektur bis hin zu DevOps)“. Das klingt fast so, als würde man jemanden suchen, der alles können soll – von Frontend über Backend bis hin zur Infrastruktur.
Nun frage ich mich, ob ich mich für die Zukunft stärker auch auf das Frontend konzentrieren sollte. Bisher war das nie ein Thema für mich, weil ich dachte, dass man sich auf ein Gebiet spezialisiert – gerade als Backend-Entwickler. Aber vielleicht verändert sich der Markt gerade?
Wie seht ihr das? Sollte man als Java-Entwickler heute auch Frontend-Skills draufhaben, oder ist das nur eine Marktübersättigung, bei der Firmen nach „Eierlegenden Wollmilchsäuen“ suchen? Wie würdet ihr euch weiterentwickeln?
submitted by Warm_Preparation_673 to InformatikKarriere [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:07 Son_Eagle Best Podcasts/Audiobooks to listen to be a better engineer while at work?
Looking for podcasts or audiobooks to improve at system design, coding, and anything else in software development to listen to while im at work for 8hrs a day. Anything that can help me become a better programmer?
submitted by Son_Eagle to leetcode [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:07 5l3dge971 Cynthia Erivo révèle le rôle dont elle rêve dans le MCU
submitted by 5l3dge971 to LeCoinDesGeeks [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 13:07 goddessoftheriverk Moisturising??
Maybe this is silly - so I’m sorry if this is a weird question for this sub but I know some of you wonderful polerinas will have some answers for a rookie!
I’m struggling with my moisturising schedule. I do pole every Thursday, and sometimes practise on a Tuesday or Friday.
When is best to moisturise? I don’t want to be too slippery, so of course don’t moisturise on the day of, but is day before ok? I feel I am more grippy when I don’t moisturise for a couple of days before, but my poor skin wants more moisture lol! Does it really matter that much? Help !!
Please any experienced tips !
submitted by goddessoftheriverk to poledancing [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:07 rahul_pankhania Market to settle?
Long time watcher of HBAR, had a entry point of 25c that just didn't arrive and it's gotten away from me a little this past week. Would it be worth waiting for the post trump hype to settle before entering or just go for it at the next dip? (Planning to put $6000 for a LONG hold)
submitted by rahul_pankhania to Hedera [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:07 triplefirefag street sweeping today?
tried looking thru the city website to figure out the holiday schedule but can’t seem to find it. does anyone know if there will be street sweeping today?
submitted by triplefirefag to madisonwi [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:07 KommunistKitty How do you wash kitchen towels and random, filthy bits and bobs?
I am starting to realize that I have a few issues around contamination OCD and I am currently trying to figure out if I'm being stressing over nothing regarding laundry! I have three types of kitchen towels (1 set for hand drying, 1 set for counter cleaning, and 1 for floor spills/really filthy stuff). Together, they don't make nearly enough to waste a load of laundry on (I have an apartment washer preset to certain load sizes and its expensive).
I was wondering if it's actually okay to wash all my kitchen towels together with my mop covers (swiffer style) and cotton rugs, including an entry rug that gets stepped on with outdoor shoes., all in one cycle rather than individual ones. I already set them all to separate 60 celsius cycles but the rugs usually get bleached, so combining them will mean I can no longer add bleach.
Typing this out makes me realize this probably sounds like a lot of stress over nothing, but I seriously can't shake the idea of having outdoor germs all over my hand/counter towels.
How do you handle your kitchen/house laundry?
submitted by KommunistKitty to TheGirlSurvivalGuide [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:07 moyo608 New MKB Still not able to make a decision
I’ve come across so many options online, but it’s only left me more confused. I’m looking for a mechanical keyboard with switches that provide a tactile, bumpy feel while being very quiet. My primary uses are work and gaming. It should be hot-swappable, so I can change the switches later if needed, especially for more color options. A detachable cable would be a nice bonus. Multimedia keys aren’t a priority, but I wouldn’t mind having them. A volume wheel would be a great addition. My budget is flexible but not on the higher side (1.5k to 3k)
For reference, I’ve been using the COSMICBYTE Pandora TKL with blue switches.
submitted by moyo608 to mkindia [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:07 Briberyinbahamas Finally bought one, is it too big for me?
submitted by Briberyinbahamas to casio [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 13:07 Ansharah2715 I think the tower were Arinsu is that tower might be Mechikabura's tower ! and Angel looking lady in Daima episode 14's flashback her species might be same as Mechikabura and she is not an angel
submitted by Ansharah2715 to DragonBallDaima [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:07 Jadeprv suspect tout ça...
submitted by Jadeprv to rance [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 13:07 hazeltanuki hi chat :3
submitted by hazeltanuki to inanimateinsanity [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:07 controlmao Everywhere I go I see his armor 😂😂
submitted by controlmao to eatventureofficial [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 13:07 Reaction-Neither Guild Member searched
submitted by Reaction-Neither to CapybaraGoGame [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 13:07 Dear-Culture-827 M18 looking for new friends!:)
Hellooo my name is James I’m 18 years old from Canada I enjoy many things such as gaming, anime, art, music and many other things in looking for friends with common interests as me or somebody just interesting in general. I love learning the interests and hobby’s of others so please tell me your favourite things!! But I’m really just looking for somebody to talk to so if you’re bored and want to talk feel free to message me!:)
submitted by Dear-Culture-827 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:07 luisakis Color Scheme for diferente Ranks
Hi gang!
Was wondering how do you guys came up with your color scheme for diferente ranks? (veteran, sergeant, capitain, and so on...)
There is a lore explanation, or you go with just vibes?
I was looking for something that fit a pattern, but also looks good.
submitted by luisakis to Minotaurs40k [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:07 ally_j_ Verdict Gaslighting or Dismissive or Both or Not?
So I come downstairs to make my breakfast a family member said, oh you need to help your family more….because they won’t be around for that long, and I said that I don’t need to be constantly reminded that my parents aren’t gonna be around for much longer considering that….they had me geriatric.
And he said that all he wants is for me to get better now, and he says: “just get better now!” “Just eat properly and get better” “you have the healthy body in the family” “there’s nothing wrong with you, you’re not dying from cancer or anything like that….” “You’re not sick!”
Bear in mind he already knows that I went into A&E (ER) after a flare up and was offered medication that also included liquid morphine. He said: “I know but just do we need you to be well so that you can help the family out then our oldest sibling wouldn’t have to come around at all.” I obviously wish I could support the family better if I was well enough to, but adenomyosis makes it difficult…..I said that: “chronic health is out of my control and unpredictable. I’ve tried within my ability to get better “quickly” but it hasn’t been possible.” I don’t know anymore…this is also somebody that had said: “just get up and exercise and the “pain” will go.”
I don’t know is this gaslighting, dismissing or not? And does anybody find this offensive even?
submitted by ally_j_ to adenomyosis [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:07 Lau-art [FOR HIRE] Handcrafted CUSTOM HOME PORTRAITS! A unique piece of art made specially for you, your friend or a family member - more infos at the comments!
submitted by Lau-art to starvingartists [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 13:07 Madison464 Doesn't this go against the Dept of Gov Efficiency, how is it "dismantling federal bureaucracy"? And aren't Republican against raising taxes? A tariff is a tax and now he wants to tax the tax?
submitted by Madison464 to WhitePeopleTwitter [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 13:07 sparksssssssssssss SELLING BK 170 SKINS W MINTY(READ CAPTION!!!)
Full access account + changeable email, with OGE, ACV, and receipts. It has been safe for a very long time; I can provide proof of authenticity through lobby proof or a fresh skin check. I am only looking for serious clients who will not waste my time. I am accepting payment through PayPal or CRYPTO; I am open to dealing with a trusted middleman for crypto transactions. submitted by sparksssssssssssss to FortniteAccountsSale [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 13:07 Personal-Day-5562 It still amazes me that Anthony was one who made this Vine
submitted by Personal-Day-5562 to SmoshFansFreeSpace [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 13:07 guilhermezumbi Hat guy
So, with all the mods and freecam stuff, has anyone used the freecam to see if here is Josh or just a floating hat? I always wanted to see if it's really the model of Josh in the chair, but I think that is only a floating hat instead submitted by guilhermezumbi to untildawn [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 13:07 VolatileMushroom The Alien
submitted by VolatileMushroom to acrylicpainting [link] [comments] |