2025.01.20 16:47 SecretShodan [us-mi] [h] Batman and Spider-Man book lots! Absolute Batman lot [w] PayPal
$40 shipped for absolute Batman bundle.
Bundle includes https://imgur.com/a/zn9wdq1
Absolute Batman 1 (1st print) ding on top left corner https://imgur.com/a/HzRqhti
Absolute Batman 1 (2nd print)
Absolute Batman 2
—— $ 50 comic lot 50 Batman Spider-Man and green arrow comics for $55 Shipped!
Trying to move these to clear some space!
-Bruce Wayne the murderer issues 1-12 (full story).
-Amazing Spider-Man vol 2. 11 issue lot includes issues 37-47
-Green arrow vol 2 lot 28 issues 0, 84, 88-95,97,99,102,104,114,115, 117-121,124,126,127,130,132,133,136
submitted by SecretShodan to comicswap [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 16:47 Best-Ad-5053 OPTIMISM OP To TON USDT
submitted by Best-Ad-5053 to CryptoPetra [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 16:47 Ok_Dish_4014 How to find a portal quickly?
People have told me to use the charts, but I still haven't found a portal yet. Does anyone know how to really quickly find one?
submitted by Ok_Dish_4014 to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 16:47 BeneficialRange5309 بلاد الحرمين ،كلمات منذ 9 سنوات تقريبًا ،والضحية نفسها ،كُتب الشيخ رحمه الله!
بسم الله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وبعد حياكم الله هذا الكلام نشرته منذ 9 سنين تقريبًا ،يوضح كيف بدأ الأمر في بلاد الحرمين ،بداية من محاولتهم لمحو تُراث الشيخ بن عبد الوهاب رحمه الله ،إلى تعطيل صلاحيات هيئة الأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المُنكر ،وما تلى ذلك من سجن الدعاة وأهل العلم ،وكل من كان يُشك فيه أنه سيعترض على أفعال آل سلول! وقد وصلني من أيام كلام لأحد الإخوة ببلاد الحرمين أن كُتب الشيخ صارت مُصنفة لدى حكومة آل سلول! --------------- وهذا هو الكلام الذي نشرته منذ 9 سنين ،واستغربه البعض وقتها ،واستهجنه غيرهم!
هذه كلمات قد قلتها لأحد الإخوة من بلاد الحرمين ،وذلك قبل خمسة أشهر تقريباً من الآن قلت له يوجد اتجاه للعلمنة صارخ يا طيب ،وغرضه الأساسي محو تراث الشيخ محمد بن عبد الوهاب رحمه الله الذي يتفق مع عدوهم الآن حتى أنه خرج شيخ قال هذا هو الذي علموه لنا! فمن يبحث في سيرة الشيخ - قصدت الشيخ محمد بن عبد الوهاب رحمه الله - وكيف طبّق التوحيد واقعًا على الأرض ،لن يُنكر ما يفعله البعض الآن!
وهذا يزعجهم كثيرًا ،فهذا التراث نادوا به لعقود! ،وقد ترك علماء ودعاة كُثر كُتبًا وشروحًا على نفس المنهج العقدي للشيخ بن عبد الوهاب رحمه الله ،والمرحلة الآن لا تتحمل هذا أبداً! ،وسامحني إن قلت لك أن بعض الدعاة بدأ في هذا الفعل! ،وهو شيخ مشهور بكّاء أرى فيه نسخة - وذكرت له اسم أحدهم - تتكرر ،يجمع الناس ثم يبدأ في التلبيس والرجل يبدأ بالأمور البسيطة فيجد في اللحية عدم الفرضية وفي الموسيقى الإباحة "ولن يختلف في أكثر من هذا لآن ،لكنه سيفعل!" وهذا المنهج معروف ،وسيستمر عليه من ناحية ،ومُصدِّري القوانين من ناحية أخرى ،فتجد تعطيل صلاحيات الهيئة ،وهذا سبب للذي تراه الآن من انتشار للمفساد! --------------------------------------- الآن وبعد خمسة أشهر من هذا الكلام ،عطلوا مهام الهيئة تماماً! ،وأنشأوا هيئة للترفيه! وأُقيمت حفلات الغناء وتجمهر النساء والرجال! ،وإذا ما قام أحد من رجال الهيئة باعتراض هذه الأمور يجد الشرطة تعترضه هو! ،والمقاطع موجودة على اليوتيوب ،فالذي كان حرام بالأمس القريب ،صار حلال اليوم! ،فالعدو نَفَسه طويل! ،والأيام كاشفة! ،وما لا تصدق أنه سيحدث ،ربما أولادك يرونه واقع! ،إلا أن يشاء الله شيئاً أخر ،فيحفظ هذه البلاد الطيبة من المجرمين الموالين لكل كافر الطائعين لكل مشرك!
ويمكرون ويمكر الله والله خير الماكرين -------------------------------------------- هذه كلمات منذ ما يُقارب العقد من الزمان ،فما هو حال بلاد الحرمين الآن؟! ،وأين أغلب دعاة الدعوة النجدية الذين كانوا على الساحة؟! ،أريدك أنا تستوعب أن هذه الكلمات لم تكن مقبولة وقتها! ،وهذا له أسباب ،وبالمناسبة الداعية الذي تحدثت عنه ،خرج في أيامنا هذه ويدعو "لتأسيس مذهب فقهي جديد"!
submitted by BeneficialRange5309 to masr [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 16:47 Ok_Check_6949 What is a headcannon you BELIEVE in your heart of hearts is cannon.
Like you will fight for it some real knight of hope shit. Me personally it's that Jane (HS prior Jane) draws mustaches on her finger yk like those Tumblr girls back in the day
submitted by Ok_Check_6949 to homestuck [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 16:47 No_Media378 ISO DRAGON FRUIT GRIFFIN
The griffins in the pictures are kinda what I'm looking for. If you have anything similar please let me know. I have a Griffin to swap plus adds if need be. I also have lots of party clothes and a few set pieces. Also if you're any of the people who own these griffins pictured here I'd love to offer. Thanks so much. Please show me your griffins if you have something similar. I'm not picky with pattern or color placement just colors. I prefer eared griffins and Scorpio tails but I'm not super picky. submitted by No_Media378 to AnimalJam [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 16:47 v_mathieu Support ticket still stuck in limbo after a month—how long should I wait?
I contacted support on Dec 10 after realizing I had accidentally signed up using the same email as my old POE1 account. My 300 points from the early access support pack were credited to that old account, so I requested a transfer to my new account, where all my POE2 characters are.
On Dec 18, support responded, saying they could assist once I provided more account details. I sent the requested information on Dec 20 but haven’t heard back since. They advise against sending follow-ups since it pushes you back in the queue—but how long is too long to wait?
It’s now been 32 days, and I haven’t played since. I ran out of stash tabs and planned to buy more with those points, so I’ve just been waiting for support to resolve this. Should I follow up, or should I keep waiting?
submitted by v_mathieu to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 16:47 Murky_Ad_3967 My Mark 3
submitted by Murky_Ad_3967 to ebikes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 16:47 spacenglish Moving from quickconnect to tailscale with Syno Photos - how to do it?
I have been using my nas for home and small business purposes. I initially started using quickconnect because it got me up and running and seemed to be secure. However, after reading many of the posts here, I am considering upping my security.
For my personal use: My family is overseas and uses quickconnect + Syno Photos iOS to upload their entire photo album to a shared space. We use Drive including one folder that is shared amongst us. When local within the home, all our drive folders appear on Windows File Explorer / iOS Files app / MacOS Finder to access as an external drive.
For my small business, I want to be able to share a folder to anyone with a link, but I haven't done this yet.
I have enabled Static IP, disabled default admin account, enabled 2FA for all admins and account protection (untrusted clients - 3 attempts in 6 mins, locked for 20 mins; trusted clients- 10 attempts in 1 min, locked for 30 mins). However, Auto Block is not enabled.
I also plan to: Install Tailscale, disable key expiry on the NAS (thanks Spacerex), and then install on all my devices, and finally disable quickconnect, and extend 2FA to all accounts.
I have not figured out the following (please help!):
2025.01.20 16:47 skinnyyshooterr Me, when they pull a Celebi EX.
I just want an emblem man. submitted by skinnyyshooterr to PTCGP [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 16:47 Dykes_On_Trykes Tried growing my girlfriend's favorite flower 😭
What's wrong with them? Aren't hyacinths supposed to bloom pretty tall? Also they're supposed to be for her birthday in a month and few weeks (usually when they bloom), but they bloomed way too early 😭😭😭
submitted by Dykes_On_Trykes to actuallesbians [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 16:47 Final_Research9236 Someone already has the mask…
My wallet cries for them. submitted by Final_Research9236 to SkyGame [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 16:47 xX-GalaxSpace-Xx Dont start a carrier sniping war with a Chkalov...
submitted by xX-GalaxSpace-Xx to WoWs_Legends [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 16:47 SwampYankee-95 North Smithfield, Richmond, West Warwick, and Woonsocket voted for Trump in the presidential election and voted for Whitehouse in the Senate election.
If you’re one of the voters who split their ticket in the last election, why is that? I am genuinely curious. Split ticket voting is becoming less common these days. Picture #1: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-elections/rhode-island-president-results Picture #2: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-elections/rhode-island-senate-results submitted by SwampYankee-95 to RhodeIsland [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 16:47 Paigeous96 My vagina is back! Hallelujah
My beautiful girl is BAAAACK BITCHES.
I'm just gonna put it all out there but I loved my vagina, thought she was pretty great and rather beautiful. Bam then I got pregnant, I made the mistake of taking a mirror to her at 33 weeks when I trimmed and my god I actually cried. She was puffy and blue. Like very very blue. She didn't look or feel like my lovely lady.
I had a baby 8 weeks ago and had to be cut during delivery and got stitches. I could feel how swollen she was. My husband and I had sex earlier then recommended I know that's bad and can cause infections blah blah blah (we were lucky and it didn't) but he did say it felt different. I cried again.. Now at 8 weeks, I shaved for the first time since 33 weeks pregnant. And my vagina looked beautiful and neat and not swollen. I honestly just pranced around the house naked screaming she's back baby to my husband who was trying to watch football.
We have since had sex and my husband has agreed "she's definitely back baby".
This is more to any mummas who sre pregnant looking at the horror that is their lady bits ot fresh pp mom's it does come back.
Thank you for this totally unnecessary post I'm just so freaking happy my lovely lady is back. Women's bodies are fucking amazingggg!!!
submitted by Paigeous96 to NewParents [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 16:47 BroAlberto Progressive Christian Therapist
Hi Sister & Brothers,
I would love help spreading the word about my new psychotherapy practice. I am a committed progressive (LGBT and women affirming) Christian working in mental health for decades. I work with depression, anxiety, emotional intensity, life transition issues and issues related to faith & religion. If you know someone who is looking for a Christian therapist, please let them know about my practice (more details about my work on here):
submitted by BroAlberto to CMH [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 16:47 Cpt_Soaps Web dev Vs .Net Vs Machine Learning Vs C++ Development
Which one is the best opportunity wise and competition wise.
submitted by Cpt_Soaps to SoftwareEngineerJobs [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 16:47 rr2494 Garage should be flashy!!
Combination of German & Japanese. Volkswagen Virtus GT plus Sports 2025 Yamaha R15 V3 2021 submitted by rr2494 to CarsIndia [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 16:47 Legal-Bar7830 Ficou maluco no Fnaf World
submitted by Legal-Bar7830 to eutiveumderrame [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 16:47 ricecold22 Weather in Louisville, KY
Does anybody live or packages transporting through Louisville, KY??? What’s the weather like or does it still delayed???
submitted by ricecold22 to UPS [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 16:47 Express-Good-8484 Why you should have a menopause specialist during and after treatment, and how you can find one: my experience
Oncs are experts in cancers--lots of cancers. My onc did breast, blood cancers, all the cancers. It is a lot for him to stay current on.
I don't blame him for not staying current on menopausal treatment options, both HRT and non-HRT, for people with hormone-positive breast cancer. He literally said "I'll have to look into it" when I asked flat out: "what do your breast cancer patients do when their quality of life is untenable due to menopause symptoms?" He never did look into it, and that's fine. I needed to find someone *who didn't have to look it up.*
Please, please advocate for yourself and find a menopause specialist--a physician who DOES have extensive education, expertise, and current medical knowledge regarding HRT/non HRT options for people *with/a history of BC*.
If your onc or gyn does not know what Duavee is, that is a good sign that you need to find a physician who does, one to manage your menopause within the context of your particular cancer. If you are in North America, find one at https://menopause.org/.
Signed, a 51-year-old scientist who is 2 years NED post ER+/PR+ invasive lobular BC, 1cN0M0, dmx with flat closure, Oncotype DX 8, 24 gene panel negative. Could not tolerate tamoxifen, onc was OK with dropping it.
Not one, but two Menopause Society gyns (one with UCLA's dedicated Menopause Clinic) independently agreed that I could safely take HRT: both systemic and local (vaginal) estrogen. It would have been a different story if I had mets, breasts, a higher oncotype score, or a positive on gene panel.
I started with Duavee (which combines estrogen with a SERM), which has helped. I'm still having menopausal symptoms that affect my QOL, so my local menopause specialist is on board to drop the SERM part and prescribe the usual transdermal estrogen. I had a hysterectomy 12 years ago (with cervix removal, kept ovaries--which are now sputtering!), so endometrial/uterine/cervical cancer is not an issue--nor is a BC recurrence much of a concern, given oncotype/genetic results and, negative notes, and the fact that I no longer have boobs!
TL;DNR: find a gyn who specializes in menopause (see link above) and knows their shit about menopause management for breast cancer patients/recoverees. If there's not one near you, telehealth it! It literally saved my life.
submitted by Express-Good-8484 to breastcancer [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 16:47 BedKiller27 Is this fake ?
Found those cards, they look pretty fake to me just want to make sure.
submitted by BedKiller27 to IsMyPokemonCardFake [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 16:47 Seagle13 Tell me what you think
Starts off slow, but towards the end it kind of gives off shoegaze vibes submitted by Seagle13 to shoegaze [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 16:47 Select_Cheetah_9355 Moving abroad.
How do you feel about moving to another country? Would you ever consider it or is the change way too big and stressful to even just conceive it and start to ponder about it? What part would hold you back the most? What would possibly make you take the leap and do it? Would love be a strong enough motivator to make you face the challenge and the stress coming with it?
submitted by Select_Cheetah_9355 to aspergers_dating [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 16:47 VetusUmbra What are your favorite Berserk references?
submitted by VetusUmbra to animequestions [link] [comments] |