Super loud boom and police presence

2025.01.20 20:58 PatBuchanansDog Super loud boom and police presence

Hello, I live here in south Eugene with my Polycule. Its me (Jade xi/xir), our catpartner (Ralph she/they), and our genderfluid foxkin (Desiree they/them) and we were recording a youtube vlog for our channel and heard an extremely loud boom. This bothered us because our youtube video was a mukbang asmr video and we havent soundproofed our room yet.
It gets worse as we resumed filming 5 minutes later (with cold cheese covered ramen) and police sirens could be heard in the distance. They approached closer nearing my home only a few houses away. I actually approached an officer to briefly explain how defunding the police would be very positive, and then ask him to leave as his noise and white presence is causing a rift in my polycule. He(ugh) replied that he is currently working on an investigation in the area about gunshots. I told him that it doesnt matter and i need to get back to my partners asap and NEED some peace and quiet. He ignored me and walked away. Ugh, how rude.
Anyway, does anyone know what that loud noise was in south eugene?
submitted by PatBuchanansDog to eugenecirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 Dry-Reaction4469 Why he has such I big D ?

submitted by Dry-Reaction4469 to fuggetaboutit [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 angela4512 Heather Thomson Says 'RHONY' Cast Shake-Up Was 'Necessary for Growth': 'The Show Has Evolved'

Heather Thomson Says 'RHONY' Cast Shake-Up Was 'Necessary for Growth': 'The Show Has Evolved' submitted by angela4512 to RHONY [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 OutrageousDiscount01 Down with capitalism, up with the trees!

Capitalists fundamentally hate life and beauty.
submitted by OutrageousDiscount01 to anarchocommunism [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 Icy_Medicine_5099 PS5 me n my friend need help with Malenia!

Password “PINGAS” all caps. Help would be appreciated greatly!
submitted by Icy_Medicine_5099 to BeyondTheFog [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 MediocreLobster7826 Love it.

submitted by MediocreLobster7826 to sitcoms [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 RicoSenju tipping

tipping vague title with a picture that doesn’t correspond i know.
point is, tipping american culture blah blah blah.
pretty much, ^ thats the tdlr
but to expand on blah blah blah… first, this could be posted in uber eats but im in uber eats drivers more ( because i am a driver ) and i just been in here more, opposed to ( ubereats ) i should go see how they post over there because uber eats drivers is a small portion of what uber eats has, but something that i see posted in here alot is, blah blah blah people should tip (more).
i like practicality, i like progress, i like sound arguments ( whatever thats means ), if you actually want people to tip, especially through something like ubereats, first you have to understand
submitted by RicoSenju to UberEatsDrivers [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 SEKImod >MRW Trump announces a Mars Program

submitted by SEKImod to SpaceXMasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 Fast-Athlete8447 Half the work done on a 2 sided base on a fantastic planet. Huge community, and incredible bases around the planet.

Half the work done on a 2 sided base on a fantastic planet. Huge community, and incredible bases around the planet. The base has a in progress castle built into this island, complete with a bat cave, submarine dock, and landing space that travelers frequent.
A smaller island across the way serves the workings of an underwater base in progress.
Been fun so far, don't have the ability to glitch yet. (Not sure why I can't post vids instead so these photos aren't the best lol)
submitted by Fast-Athlete8447 to NMS_Bases [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 Ultimate_Gamer15 Where can I watch The Rookie: Feds?

I wanna watch it to so I can watch the crossovers but it doesn’t seem to be streaming anywhere, any suggestions?
submitted by Ultimate_Gamer15 to TheRookie [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 cycle_dadfast Goofing around with the boys part 2 - ARC-170 mini MOC

Saved myself $70... for now...
submitted by cycle_dadfast to legostarwars [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 PriorityOver5826 Killarney full distance triathlon (hardman)

Hi folks.
I'm wondering has anyone done the hardman full distance triathlon killarney??
I'm interested in doing it. Reason for asking is I'm respecting the distance, since it's a full distance triathlon, over those hills.
With minimal triathlon training, I finished an olympic distance triathlon In may, it was:
Swim 1.5km Bike 40km Run 10km
I winged that without much hassle.
Those distances are handy, and almost anyone with any sort of fitness could get through that, but full ironamn is a different animal, and if I'm doing this I don't want to turn up unprepared, because that race will find you out if the work hasn't been put in before it.
Has anyone here done it..??
Any advice??
How long did you train for it and what was your swim bike run times going into it ??
Thanks for all your help.
submitted by PriorityOver5826 to KillarneyPark [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 ptr10 On the cusp of buying a Panoinverse

I'm just about to buy a Panoinverse,. I'm buying second hand and looking on Chrono24 and it seems that the lowest priced watches are in Hong Kong. Now is this just a currency thing, or is it a fake watch thing, or is it something else? I just don't see how they're priced sometimes several thousand euros less than a watch based on the EU.
I've never bought from Chrono24 before, and I'm keen to snap up a deal if this is legit, but I figured I'd ask around first because I don't want to get burned.
Thanks in advance folks.
submitted by ptr10 to GlashutteOriginal [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 Dr_Ponzu Remy woke me from a nightmare and then slept on my pillow the rest of the night.

Remy woke me from a nightmare and then slept on my pillow the rest of the night. He is such an empathetic dog. He can tell when I’m sad and need snuggles. We’ve both been sad over losing our other dog (20 yr old Mojo) recently and he’s quick to push his face against mine if he senses I’m getting down. If I think he’s a bit sad, fetch turns that around. I almost never have nightmares so this may have freaked him out. He stayed on my pillow and head the whole night to make sure I was ok. He ofc sleeps in the bed although likes his space at the end of the bed. So it’s always nice when we get to snuggle while falling asleep, even if it’s with him on my head.
submitted by Dr_Ponzu to labrador [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 throwwwittawaayyy The Legendary Woodsman Pistol has gained +85 ice damage

The Legendary Woodsman Pistol has gained +85 ice damage submitted by throwwwittawaayyy to ItemShop [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 -_Sa1 Kurt the cat he is three months and twelve days old

Kurt the cat he is three months and twelve days old This is my new kitty, his name is Kurt (after Kurt Cobain) he’s 3 months and 12 days old at the time of posting this.
submitted by -_Sa1 to Nirvana [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 Waste-Examination-79 LF Petal Portrait

LF Petal Portrait submitted by Waste-Examination-79 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 No_Celebration_5139 .

. submitted by No_Celebration_5139 to OSITOGANG [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 salemak Is it bad to get a vintage watch movement completely replaced by the AD?

I have rare watch that the authorized dealer replaced the movement completely on it. It has an ETA movement and they replaced it with the same one as well as a newer crown.. thoughts on this
submitted by salemak to VintageWatches [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 External_Singer_8805 Leaked video of the National Championship game.

submitted by External_Singer_8805 to notredamefootball [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 8u11etpr00f Beginning to think this whole 'Sylas main' thing might not be for me...

Beginning to think this whole 'Sylas main' thing might not be for me... submitted by 8u11etpr00f to sylasmains [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 misshestermoffett Season of the snowroom

submitted by misshestermoffett to CozyPlaces [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 sellingdoughnut Roof for a wood frame house.

Hello. This year, if everything goes according to my plans, i would like to start building my own house.
Foundation is made of concrete with continuous footings under every wall. Walls framing will be made with 5 by 15cm lumber (2 by 6in) spaced 62.5cm OC (24in). I attached a floor plan with dimensions and a 3d view from the front entrance. I also added a sketchup link with the project.(On the Floorplan image the walls are 25cm thick to account for 5cm of exterior insulation)
My question is how would i go about making the structure for this roof ? I mention that the resulted attic will not be used at all, no storage at all just maintenance if ever needed. The roof will be covered in tin metal roofing (pretty lightweight) and will need to support a photovoltaic system on one side (aprox 500kg).
If someone can take a look at the floor plan and what i got so far in sketchup and give me some pointers i would greatly apreciate it.
Also i don't know if i made the correct ties in the ceiling joists, i made the cut so it will lay in the middle of the top plate on the supporting walls and sistered an 80cm piece of 5x15cm lumber on one side of the joist, i think the 3d model can explain better than me.
Please forgive me if i missed any important details and please feel free to ask anything.
submitted by sellingdoughnut to Homebuilding [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 shaggyplaysminceraft BRICK BY BRICK!!! RRAAAAHHHHGGHHHHAHHHHH

idrc about the stats or if its good, im jsut thankful to FINALLY catch this thing
submitted by shaggyplaysminceraft to LoomianLegacy [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 bj_the_meme_machine How should I use the Rabbit Team if I have Big Bird in my facility?

Them killing all the clerks would set off Big Bird, but they'd still be helpful for some other threatening situations like Indigo Noon. I can handle Big Bird if he's the singular threat, but having him and something else at the same time makes it hard to deal with
submitted by bj_the_meme_machine to LobotomyCorp [link] [comments]