How people with voice disabilities play MMORPGs?

2025.01.20 22:22 White_Hole92 How people with voice disabilities play MMORPGs?

Why is everything about Discord and Voice Chat? I have a voice disorder, and I can't speak.
That said, why the majority of the MMORPG community are not inclusive and at some point lose patience and force us to use discord voice to create interaction?
Maybe I am not looking in the right place. If so, can you please give me tips to be more included, even without voice?
submitted by White_Hole92 to MMORPG [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:22 hrny_grmny I need mommy 😩

I need mommy 😩 submitted by hrny_grmny to TaylorSwift_Worship [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:22 imsorrymissellie ISO eyeshadow dupes for two old palette colors!

Hi! I’m looking for two dupes.
One for the Too Faced Natural Love eyeshadow in Coffee date
And the other for the Too Faced Semi Sweet eyeshadow in Coco Chilli 🙏❤️
submitted by imsorrymissellie to Makeup [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:22 SABOCHAMAAAAAA Is judo the answer

Hello everyone I’m 15 and have been doing BJJ for the past 4 Years, despite the marketing BJJ has not been effective for self defense from my experiences, every time I’ve gotten into a physical altercation I fail to take them down and end up helpless.
I’ve also been doing judo for the past month or so at my MMA gym and I’ve been loving it, even though I suck judo just seems far more practical for self defense, should I switch full time to judo?
submitted by SABOCHAMAAAAAA to judo [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:22 Back_Stabbath77 What am I doing wrong?

I have a blink doorbell that I received as a Christmas gift I originally had some issue getting it setup but eventually was able to and it worked fine. I also received a blink wired camera that I could never get setup. Then I broke down and bought a blink sync module for everything. Tried setting it up initially and had lots of problems. I finally managed to get everything setup though. Then suddenly my doorbell cam stops working. I followed all the steps to get it reconnected but couldn't get it working. The only other option was to delete/remove it so I did. Now I can't get it working again. Can someone assist?
submitted by Back_Stabbath77 to blinkcameras [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:22 FarmerJackJokes THE CONSECRATION CEREMONY. Visual Bible A to Z

THE CONSECRATION CEREMONY. Visual Bible A to Z submitted by FarmerJackJokes to YouTube_startups [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:22 Exotic_Accountant How do you manage multiple matches

Hi, M40s and I've recently joined online dating again after 3 years. Previously I would only chat to one woman at a time but now as I've got many matches I'm chatting to 3-4 women at a time.
Any tips for arranging dates etc with it becoming to complicated to jungle them all?
submitted by Exotic_Accountant to OnlineDating [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:22 Far_Kaleidoscope_102 Can docking stations depreciate battery life?

In the title really. I’ve been binging on the PS5 quite a lot lately, the portal just sat in the docking station. Will having it on full battery for long periods of time affect the lifespan?
I’ve got it set to charge for 3 hours after the ps5 is on standby, but between me and my sons it’s pretty much charging my portal 15+ hours in a 24hr period.
submitted by Far_Kaleidoscope_102 to PlaystationPortal [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:22 RoblesPictures Lil Tracy & Big Head - Live @ House Of Blues (San Diego, CA)

Lil Tracy & Big Head - Live @ House Of Blues (San Diego, CA) submitted by RoblesPictures to liltracy [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:22 patriziartz Perché quando le persone si fidanzano poi spariscono?

Premessa: F25. fidanzata da quasi 7 anni ormai, quindi siamo in quella fase della relazione in cui c’è una sorta di equilibrio (io ho il mio lavoro e le mie amiche lui il suo e i suoi amici, ognuno ha i suoi hobby e quando possibile passiamo del tempo insieme - anche se a mio dire lui preferisce uscire in compagnia che con me ma questa è un’altra storia -)
Da qualche tempo a questa parte noto che le amiche che si fidanzano poi tendono a scomparire gradualmente.
Ho queste due amiche che chiameremo Lara e Sofia. Loro non si conoscono a vicenda, le ho conosciute in occasioni diverse e ci esco separatamente.
Con Lara ho un rapporto stretto, è quasi una sorella per me. Prima che si fidanzasse uscivamo spesso insieme, anche in occasioni create appositamente per conoscere nuove persone (la città in cui viviamo non presenta troppe occasioni per fare amicizia quindi ci si deve un po’ ingegnare). Prima che possiate pensare male, chiesi anche al mio ragazzo di venire con noi ma non ha mai voluto perché gli eventi sociali non gli garbano molto. Quando Lara era single andavamo ad un sacco di eventi, uscivamo spessissimo. Ad uno di questi ha conosciuto il suo attuale ragazzo e da lì in poi (anche per il fatto che entrambe lavoriamo full time) la maggior parte dei weekend stava con lui. Cosa normalissima ovviamente, però ci sono rimasta un po’ male.
Lo stesso è accaduto con Sofia, con la differenza che la sua relazione è molto più smielata quindi anche se usciamo insieme comunque si parla di lui o include lui nelle uscite.
Io sono mega felice per loro ovviamente, ma al tempo stesso ci sono rimasta male perché io, pur essendo fidanzata, ho trovato del tempo da passare con loro. (Ho sempre messo in primo piano gli amici a fronte di esperienze passate che mi hanno insegnato proprio che se ti fidanzi non devi sparire).
Però mi chiedo: sbaglio qualcosa io o è normale che tutte le persone che si fidanzano poi passano meno tempo con gli amici?
submitted by patriziartz to Relazioni [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:22 OtherwiseMortgage933 Vale la pena estudiar Psicología en la UDLA?

Hola, estoy en un proceso de cambio de carrera ya que no me gustaba lo que estaba estudiando, pero ahora me entró el pánico de no quedar en psicología por lo cual opto por probar suerte en universidades por admisión regular y quede en la UDLA y tengo opiniones divididas sobre esta universidad ya que varios en Reddit por ejemplo dicen que es una institución horrible pero nunca vi un comentario relacionado a cómo es en psicología y hay gente que dice que no es tan mala y que es cosa de prejuicio de la gente, por lo tanto necesito su consejo sobre si de verdad vale la pena estudiar ahí psicología.
submitted by OtherwiseMortgage933 to EducacionChile [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:22 Street-Aspect7352 Updates to my Clippers team

Updates to my Clippers team link to the previous post for the full team
submitted by Street-Aspect7352 to TeamBuilder25 [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:22 ZealousidealTouch672 First DWC,60x60,QB240w, jamaican pearl

First DWC,60x60,QB240w, jamaican pearl Hi so thid is my First DWC Grow. We should bw around flowering week 4 the LEDs working at 70% - 950 -1100 ppfd at highest Buds. PH 5,6 <>6.4 EC 2 -2.2 Yesterday i defoliate first time during flowering stage.
I tried some mainlining and did some lst training during the at least seven weeks of veg you can see i ficled up a bit but "shoganai" - i dont care at least i learned some new stuff.and she isstill looking ok i think.
I thought i lollipopped enough already like 2 week ago but i noticed a lot of small buds coming up so i brought more light to them and will defoliate in 10 days again ...
Sooo what do you think? Look These girls healthy or can you maybe see some issuses?kike should i maybe turn the led up?i got jo co2 so yeah....
Im abuot to ad some pk13/14 to the Plagron A+B im using may you got some advice about how you use it? what you think about the taste and budvolume - diffrences by adding boosters iverall?
Would be very interesting thanks for the help in advice.
submitted by ZealousidealTouch672 to DWC [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:22 RedPandaForge Saying hello!

Hey fellow blacksmiths!
So, I've been a long time lurker under a different account, but I wanted to establish this account to be strictly smithing and maybe even one day affiliated with my own shop.
After several conversations with fellow smiths and some friends, I've been encouraged to "start over" and kind of put myself out there. I know I've got a lot to learn and I would be glad to learn from all of you. I don't know yet if I'll bother with YT content or not. For now, I'll share what I make here and maybe update my blog.
So, "hello!" to all of you, and especially a big thanks to those that have encouraged me with this.
submitted by RedPandaForge to Blacksmith [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:22 Formal-Current739 No se porque mis amigos están actuando de esta manera contra mi

Resulta que en unos meses el instituto en el que estamos ha organizado un viaje a un sitio, nos hospedaremos en una especie de hotel y solo hay habitaciones de 4, 5 y 6 personas, somos un grupo de 12 amigos y ya la mayoría o han hecho un grupo para las habitaciones entre ellos u otros se han metido en otro grupo con otros amigos suyos, pues bueno, todo esto acaba en que hay 4 amigos que están en grupo, y los amigos que estamos sobrantes por asi decirlo somos 2, por lo tanto daría justo para un grupo de 6 que se puede hacer perfectamente, a nosotros 2 que estamos fuera nos encantaría entrar en el grupo para poder pasar las noches con ellos, sin embargo estos dicen que prefieren quedarse como 4 antes de meternos a nosotros 2, incluso una persona ha llegado a mencionar que el cree que sería mas cómodo para todos para hacer cosas como ducharse (que lo puedo entender, aunque no creo que sea para tanto) y para que sea más cómodo al dormir, lo cuál no entiendo en absoluto, sinceramente estoy muy confuso, ya que nos conocemos desde hace unos 4 años y nunca había visto un comportamiento así por su parte, yo de ninguna manera permitiría que 2 de mis amigos se quedaran solos y tuvieran que dormir con gente en la que apenas tienen confianza. Sinceramente me encuentro super perdido y confuso, no se si ya no les caigo bien o han visto algo malo en mi, agradecería cualquier comentario que me pueda decir que cree que ha pasado y como puedo sobrellevarlo, ya que como he dicho me encuentro muy confuso y perdido, Gracias
submitted by Formal-Current739 to esConversacion [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:22 Fred_Yemen Map of planned Canuckistans to be set aside for the Canadian population, the remainder will be settled by Americans

Map of planned Canuckistans to be set aside for the Canadian population, the remainder will be settled by Americans submitted by Fred_Yemen to mapporncirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:22 Glittering-Cap-2225 Rain Sounds

Rain Sounds submitted by Glittering-Cap-2225 to RaIn [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:22 Careful-Feature7019 Anyone knows which sword this it?

Anyone knows which sword this it? submitted by Careful-Feature7019 to SWORDS [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:22 Low-Salary-7997 Call of duty WW2

Anyone down to help me with the tourted path Easter egg on PlayStation? Tried doing it solo it just hurts my brain to do.
submitted by Low-Salary-7997 to CODZombies [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:22 torreypines35 Buddha

Why do Buddha, Gus, and others always get to have airtime? They are taking away time from other callers who never get to have their calls taken. NOT…. GOOD
submitted by torreypines35 to danpatrick [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:22 Free_Association_251 Is this a reference to Fairy Tail?

Is this a reference to Fairy Tail? submitted by Free_Association_251 to AnimeMeme [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:22 bekkusu RAM Overclock, help!

RAM Overclock, help! Could someone please help me with overclocking my RAM? I'm having some difficulties. My DIE is showing the wrong information in software, and I've discovered through testing that tRFC is stable around 480.
My PC specs are: AsRock B550M-HDV, Ryzen 5 5500, 2x16GB Kingston Fury Beast 3200.
submitted by bekkusu to overclocking [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:22 Neat-Luck6860 Private Driver El Chalten to El Calafate?

Does anyone know of any private driving companies? Or can carpool with us? We are in need of a driver from El Chalten for Wednesday 22-January
submitted by Neat-Luck6860 to Patagonia [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:22 Gee11 Odd email from "stretto" re: 2nd distribution "fail". Legit ?

Odd email from I got this email supposedly from Stretto. The email looks OK. In the body there's a "reference code". I haven't touched/clicked it of course. The real reason I suspect this is a scam is because: as far as I know, I already had my 2nd claim posted to my account?
Figure I'd ask here in case this is being sent around. But also has anyone else RECEIVED their 2nd distribution and subsequently got something additional, due to a recalc or adjustment?
submitted by Gee11 to CelsiusNetwork [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:22 rturnerX Almost makes me want to cry seeing all these power stops that surround me yet no one else around raiding 😭

Almost makes me want to cry seeing all these power stops that surround me yet no one else around raiding 😭 submitted by rturnerX to pokemongo [link] [comments]