Fruitcake - Say What

SAY definition: 1. to pronounce words or sounds, to express a thought, opinion, or suggestion, or to state a fact…. Learn more. You use say in expressions such as I would just like to say to introduce what you are actually saying, or to indicate that you are expressing an opinion or admitting a fact. If you state that you can't say something or you wouldn't say something, you are indicating in a polite or indirect way that it is not the case. say – односкладова фраза, не завжди із зазначенням того, кому це сказано; tell – міні-історія, розповідь, з чітким зазначенням того, кому ви це розповіли; 'say' When you say something, you use your voice to produce words. The past tense and -ed participle of say is said /sed/. You use say when you are quoting directly the words that someone has spoken. Дієслово SAY — сказати що-то, вимовити що-то. Після цього дієслова використовується пряме доповнення (що?), а потім тільки може використовуватися непряме (кому?) через частку to (say-said-said). Приклади речень для дієслів say, said, said She says "hello" to everyone she meets. Вона каже "привіт" кожному, з ким зустрічається. You say something or say something to somebody. Say is often used when you are giving somebody’s exact words: ‘Sit down,’ she said. Anne said, ‘I’m tired.’ Anne said (that) she was tired. What did he say to you? You cannot use ‘say about’, but say something about is correct: I want to say something/ a few words/ a little about ... Чи знаєте ви різницю між популярними дієсловами say, tell, speak і talk? Коли їх краще використовувати та які поширені вирази з цими словами існують? ⭐️ The meaning of SAY is to express in words : state. How to use say in a sentence. say перевод: говорить, сказать , сообщать, высказывать мнение , показывать, говорить(ся) , как будто говорить…. Узнать больше.

2025.01.20 22:23 asselfoley Fruitcake - Say What

Fruitcake - Say What submitted by asselfoley to LetsGroove [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:23 agaricusnovus What is the Spanish-language version of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood?

What is the Spanish-language version of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood?

Specifically, I’m looking for a show with these qualities:
- Appropriate for ages 2-5
- Not animated
- A calm host who talks in a natural voice, so not overly smiley or exaggerated intonation
- Content about everyday life with real-world settings
- Direct and honest communication style
- Simple production style
- Minimal jump-cuts between different cameras, and instead long takes from a single camera
submitted by agaricusnovus to NewParents [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:23 William-Re Looking for LONG series

Hey there so I just finished Beneath the Dragoneye Moons and am looking for a new series to start.

  1. I prefer no endless wasted pages on stats - I realised I just skip them at some point. Stats are nice as a foundation but don’t need to be the center of attention. If the book has no stats at all that’s fine as well.
  2. The series should be long. At least 5k + pages would be great (is there any way to search for the length of a series? I tried it with royal road but most delete their chapters after they are released on KU)
  3. Please no harem
  4. Oh and I do like a fast paced progression. I don’t want to still be low level/low ascension tier after 10 books
Some things I read in no specific order: DotF, Binding Words, HHFwM, Cradle, The world, Spellmonger Series, wandering Inn, Ten Realms, the titan, The Good guys, Edens Gate, The Completionist chronicles, New Era Online, Dungeon World, Emerilia, Fayroll, Virdian Gate, Divine Dungeon, Awaken Online, Play to Live, Chaos Seeds, New Era,
A general question: since I am not really Stat focussed and am more here for the gaming like story / the cultivation aspects, are there other genres I need to look at?
Thank you so much!!!
submitted by William-Re to litrpg [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:23 SnooTangerines5710 Blue Water Inn V2.0 Map | 30x40

Blue Water Inn V2.0 Map | 30x40 submitted by SnooTangerines5710 to CurseofStrahd [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:23 arroshine Slovan Bratislava vs. Stuttgart – Football européen en direct sur Next4K !

Le Slovan Bratislava affronte Stuttgart dans une bataille intense. Stuttgart espère s’imposer, mais Bratislava est prêt à défendre son territoire. ⚽🔥
Pourquoi regarder sur ?

Regardez Slovan Bratislava vs. Stuttgart sur Vivez l’intensité du football avec NEXT4K.COM ! ⚽🔥
submitted by arroshine to WatchNext4k [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:23 Wide_Independence_80 How do we repair this river rock tile floor?

We moved into this house about a year ago and the shower looked to be in great condition. However after a month or so we noticed some of the rocks were not grouted down. And the previous owner caulked a lot of the edge, some of the rocks, and around the shower drain. The caulk is peeling off and it’s been a pain to clean. You can’t scrub it otherwise the caulking completely comes off. Is there a way to repair the loose stones? And should we just peel the caulking off? Should we clean and seal it? Will it make a difference or is this shower floor just a goner? I got quotes to redo the shower completely and it’s around 13K.
submitted by Wide_Independence_80 to Tile [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:23 ChillGuyReviews Zoya Sharma Kumar

Zoya Sharma Kumar submitted by ChillGuyReviews to insta_media [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:23 Business-Knowledge04 Personal loans

So I seen many people needing help and copy and pasted this, I also do loans the same way and if the owner would like me to delete this please shoot me a message.

  1. You may experience a delay in accessing your funds. If you can wait at least 48 hours for funding, I may be able to help.
  2. I only offer loans through PayPal. I will not respond to messages asking for other forms of payment.
  3. Please send your message as a chat not an inbox message.
  4. ONLY send your request in this format so I can quickly skim it:
Amount Requested:
Proposed Tip:
Repayment date:
I will help as many folks as I can. Thanks, all!
submitted by Business-Knowledge04 to Sololender [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:23 Own-Leadership9566 I dont know how to call this one

This line before the redline , this , from my understanding , it should move and give you a ideea about how much to rev your engine , well , mine does not move . (525d 2009) . As you can see in the middle screen the temp of the water is 46 celsius , so the engine is still cold
submitted by Own-Leadership9566 to e60 [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:23 dead_hobo_society Orange

Orange submitted by dead_hobo_society to cats [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:23 UpLiifted90 So beautiful

So beautiful submitted by UpLiifted90 to ellamendelsohn_nsfw [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:23 Ljade94 £500 / $1000 off new TESLA

submitted by Ljade94 to Referral [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:23 thriftedcontent Is this happening to anyone else 😭😭 it’s definitely not my wifi cuz everything else including my other apps work just fine…its just my fyp and my profile that arent loading properly

Is this happening to anyone else 😭😭 it’s definitely not my wifi cuz everything else including my other apps work just fine…its just my fyp and my profile that arent loading properly submitted by thriftedcontent to TikTok [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:23 ImIEnough17 Felt a bit cute

Felt a bit cute submitted by ImIEnough17 to fempark [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:23 Darth-Dukes Codes for Art

Codes for Art submitted by Darth-Dukes to toyhouse [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:23 Novel-Ring6530 428278857746

428278857746 submitted by Novel-Ring6530 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:23 BananaBeach007 Curious Thoughts on moving locales to become less agreeable?

Watched this at 8:30 where he recommends someone moves out of California because living there has made him too passive and agreeable. To move somewhere where people are more confrontational to develop that skillset. I'm curious what your thoughts are on this? Where would you go to places where people are more confrontational?
From a self improvement standpoint I've considered going elsewhere for work, school, romantic prospects, and recreational reasons. Never thought of it for personality/ skillset development and was curious if this is a reasonable reason to move? Asking because I'm trying to become less agreeable.
submitted by BananaBeach007 to BigFive [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:23 Space_Ranger0000 [PC] Leyndell

pw: 0000
assist with clearing royal capital
meet @ Avenue Balcony
submitted by Space_Ranger0000 to BeyondTheFog [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:23 thatgoesthere girl, are you a book... [poetry]

submitted by thatgoesthere to newsentences [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:23 Lanky_Map2183 HP Laptop won't boot - "Windows can't create temporary profile"

Hi there.
I'm experiencing some problems with an old hp laptop (pavilion dv1000)
It came pre-installed with windows XP, acquired about 2 years ago (used); everything worked fine, and suddenly it shows me a strange error. It says (in Spanish, that's the configuration I have, so I don't know how it shows up in English) something like "Windows no puede crear un directorio de perfil temporal" ("Windows can't create a temporary profile directory", or something like that), and below that, "Detalle - Recursos insuficientes en el Sistema para completer el servicio solicitado" ("Detail - Insufficient system resources to complete required service"). Then, it closes my session (without even starting it), and takes me back to the login screen. I've tried Safe Mode, same results. I tried reinstalling it, and the same happens, it seems the system is somehow affected by the last installation. Using last restore point, or whatever it's called in English, same story. So I just can't log in, I can't even reinstall windows, or I'm just being stupid and doing something wrong, which is the most likely explanation and why I'm here, honestly.
Anyone has any clue of what's happening here?
Thanks in advance, good day.
submitted by Lanky_Map2183 to windowsxp [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:23 nicolaskina Lol (logoland)

Lol (logoland) Nintendo saying vibri
submitted by nicolaskina to vib_ribbon [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:23 False_Warning_2393 ¿Es malo buscar una sugarbaby?

Durante un tiempo para acá me ha picado la curiosidad de buscar una sb.
Para aclarar un poco. He tenido varias relaciones estables y no considero que conseguir novia/pareja sea algo imposible; pero tengo las ganas de vivir esta experiencia (por la anécdota? jajaja)
A mí no se me hace algo malo porque es algo consensuado y termina siendo una situación ganar-ganar.
He visto varias comunidades en la que ser SB o SD está bastante normalizado y generalmente son de USA. Estuve buscando algunas páginas en español, para México o latinos y realmente no encontré subreddits o comunidades similares.
Incluso escribí alguna publicación a un grupo de "encuentros" y los MODS borraron la publicación, esto me hace pensar que en México y en general para los latinos este es un tema tabú.
¿Qué opinan?
submitted by False_Warning_2393 to TengoMiedoDePreguntar [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:23 Full_Instruction_971 Anuncio de Moderación

Debido a recientes problemas con el grupo de Reddit llamado "Magic Gang", que han sido traídos a este subreddit debido a su relación dos de nuestros moderadores. Viendo que los medios anteriores para establecer paz entre ambas partes no han dado frutos, nos vemos en la obligación de hacer un comunicado. Este tema lleva más de un mes abierto, así que espero puedan entender el motivo del anuncio.
Para evitar que el conflicto escale más, queda *estrictamente prohibido* que cualquiera de las partes involucradas diga comentarios provocadores o burlones hacia la otra. Esto significa que:

  1. Los moderadores de este subreddit no harán comentarios ni alusiones negativas hacia Magic Gang.
  2. Los miembros de Magic Gang, quienes ya han sido informados por DM de esto (Además que el moderador del grupo debería avisarles), deben cesar cualquier comentario burlón o provocativo hacia los dos moderadores.
A partir de ahora, si incumplen esto, resultará en un baneo de 2 días, independientemente del infractractor, incluyendo si es un moderador.
Agradecemos su atención y espero que haya quedado lo suficientemente claro
submitted by Full_Instruction_971 to repollitos_criptidos [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:23 nightmare29823 Gray Knights and the existence of outcasts among their order.

I was reading the book "The Emperor's Gift", in the part where they return to Titan and are about to deliver Sothis's body, the gravedigger who is in charge of the burial turns out to be a pariah, but a space marine pariah, hyperion highlights the The fact that this is in fact a space marine, although it does not seem that he is dedicated to combat, while Hyperion speculates if this one was ever in service. Another thing to note is that this pariah has an aura that closed the warp perception of the knights. But does anyone have any other examples of marine pariah? They must be extremely rare and using them to care for the remains of the fallen is quite reasonable.
submitted by nightmare29823 to 40kLore [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:23 InsectAccurate Responses Needed For TikTok Engagement Survey

Please fill out this survey, it has to do with TikTok Engagement, and it's impact on study habits/resources!
submitted by InsectAccurate to APResearch [link] [comments]