最近正在准备毕设论文,有几篇外文文献看不懂期卷号和页码号,如下图 中鋼(2002)的個股市況總覽,包含股價走勢、技術分析、基本資料、法人買賣、資券變化、集保分布、主力券商,以及營收、損益等詳細的財務報表。 股市 - Master Financial Information 2002年5月7日晚8点37分,103名乘客结束五一假期,乘坐北方航空b-2138号飞机,从北京飞回大连。 晚上9点32分,飞机抵达大连付家庄上空时,机舱内突然燃起大火,随后与地面塔台失去联系。 中鋼(TPE:2002)-歷年股票股利、現金股利、除權息分配與現金殖利率,查詢中鋼(2002)配息、股利發放、除權息日等資訊,就在CMoney股市爆料同學會。 周杰伦所有歌曲名单周杰伦共发行了七张正式个人专辑、四张ep专辑总共70首歌 一、2000年11月01日 《jay》(周杰伦) 二、2001年09月18日 《fantasy》(范特西)幻想 三、2002年07月19日 《八度空间》 四、2003年07月31日 曾经出现过这样的情况,供参考: 问题描述:直接把在endnote下完成的word文档1发给老师修改 ️老师将修改过后,并将文档1整合入文档2发给我 ️我再次修改文档2时,发现用endnote不能正常插入参考文献,也就是出现了你描述的这种情况 中鋼(tpe:2002)-傳產-鋼鐵-今日即時股價與歷史行情走勢,中鋼(2002)今日股價18.35與漲跌幅1.38%、成交量、漲跌幅與總單量等資訊,還有眾多股市達人協助回答你的中鋼疑問。 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... 中鋼(2002)-外資/投信/自營與法人買賣超總表,外資/投信/自營在中鋼(2002)買賣超統計圖表,還有眾多股市達人協助回答你的持 ... 中共十六大,2002年11月8日至14日。在北京召开。 扩展资料. 召开办法: 党的全国代表大会每五年举行一次,由中央委员会召集。中央委员会认为有必要,或者有三分之一以上的省一级组织提出要求,全国代表大会可以提前举行;如无非常情况,不得延期举行。
2025.01.21 01:20 lindseydoesredditt ford ranger 2002 advice
hey guys so my husband has a 2002 ford ranger 3.0 v6 with an automatic transmission the truck has 255,000 miles on it everything all original, the torque converter is starting to go out even with regular service done to the transmission. he loves this truck, i love this truck. my husband takes such good care of the truck. so he was wondering if he should put the time, effort, and money into replacing the transmission/torque converter OR just buy a new vehicle. like i said he loves this truck, she has taken us from ga to okc multiple times. its just us, no kids, so our money situation isnt to bad. so we just want to know whats the best thing to do, like i said he just isnt sure what would be the best like i said money/time wise. i figured the redditors could help me out lol.
submitted by lindseydoesredditt to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 01:20 8000BNS42 Dragon Fruit Score!
Found four of these badboys today at the liquor store! Well aware how the masses feel about dragon fruit; it will always be my favorite. Going to savor every sip. submitted by 8000BNS42 to redbull [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 01:20 ibwebb86 Breeding Settings on Ascended Unofficial Dedicated Server not working.
I've search, tried, and tested, but nothing I do affects the Egg Hatching, Mating Interval, nor Maturity settings.
Tried putting the settings in the Game.ini file. Tried in the GameUserSettings.ini file, but breeding settings just wont take.
Player harvesting settings are working, tame speed settings are working, but breeding just woke take.
1) Deleted the Game.ini and GameUserSettings.ini and adjusted newly created ones.
2) I understand that the current timers wont be affected which has been making the testing part of this so much fun!
3) Tried moving from the Game.ini file to the GameUserSettings.ini (Under Server Settings) still no love.
My the settings I'm putting in.....(Crop Growth Speed IS working so is the Egg laying)
The only thing I can't seem to find is the accepted ranges for these inputs. Am I maybe too high for Ark Survival Ascended so it's setting it back to defaults?
Please help, I really want to get into breeding, but I work full time and can't sit here for 2 days before my Dinos can mate, then taking 4 days for Egg to hatch and Kiddo to mature.
submitted by ibwebb86 to ARK [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 01:20 DigBickPiper Conflicted
I’m conflicted bruh. So in western astrology I’m a Virgo Sun and Moon but in Vedic astrology I’m a Leo Sun and Virgo moon. Which is correct what should I go by? I’m Confucius man
PS: sorry if this isn’t the right place
submitted by DigBickPiper to astrologymemes [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 01:20 LosYams Doing My Part
Voting where it counts 😂 submitted by LosYams to clevelandcavs [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 01:20 Recent_Mastodon2148 Traditional Martial Arts Defensive In Nature
Why are traditional martial arts defensive in nature, and not offensive? Is this due to the underlining religions and philosophies of their time? Such as Buddhism and Taoism? Is it due to the belief systems of their time, or that protecting yourself would be of a divine nature if you responded to violence rather than initiating it? Curious.
submitted by Recent_Mastodon2148 to martialarts [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 01:20 CanarinhoPistola123 Visualmente, o que vocês acham da UFMG? A arquitetura, árvores, prédios, etc.... é bonita pra vocês?
submitted by CanarinhoPistola123 to ufmg [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 01:20 SentientTooth From the Land of Ports
submitted by SentientTooth to AccidentalRenaissance [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 01:20 Ryley03d Spudsy's AU: Help wanted! Now Hiring!
submitted by Ryley03d to GlitchProductions [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 01:20 llaurilai Grails!!
Managed to get both of these (fully complete) dolls!! They were both favourites of mine when I was a kid, I still can’t believe that I now have them! submitted by llaurilai to MonsterHighDolls [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 01:20 Equivalent_Ad_9066 ELI5: Why is time an illusion and relative to human perception?
submitted by Equivalent_Ad_9066 to explainlikeimfive [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 01:20 standaman1031 Debra
submitted by standaman1031 to DebraMcMichael [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 01:20 Square_Message_5513 I noticed creepy males message me more on Reddit when my bio doesn’t say …
‘ do NOT message with with silly or rude questions. You will be blocked and reported ‘
I did a lil experiment. So this shows me that predator males really do back off if you show the slightest bit of boundary or aggression.
submitted by Square_Message_5513 to Diary [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 01:20 lss_web_1444 Text post title 179
Text post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 01:20 kittyvaynes Medical Ultrasound Fall 2025
I was wondering what my chances are at getting into the ultrasound program without a COE and if anyone is in the same boat as me. I’m aware that last year, everyone in the program had COE. I’m finishing my prerequisites at an adult ed school. My lowest grade is History with 94.5%.
I appreciate any information about the admission process for this particular program or any advice in general! Thank you!
submitted by kittyvaynes to Dawson [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 01:20 icky62 The golds are taking over my life
Every second the urges for a Marlboro gold get more and more intense, I'm honestly not sure how much longer I'll make it, I don't even know if I'll make it to tomorrow I think I might have a heart attack or my lungs might just collapse from the lack of smoke.
I've been consuming too much fresh air recently and it's doing numbers on my health not even to mention my mental health which is being absolutely destroyed by the minute, during writing this post I could feel my heart skipping beats and I almost saw the light for a few seconds, every time I close my eyes I see the outline of Jesus Christ himself smiling down at me because he knows my time is coming and he's mocking me about it because he knows I just can't get another Marlboro gold and can't do anything about it, it's like if you had stage 4 cancer and you know you're going to die but you can't do anything about it, horrible feeling honestly and I really don't appreciate being mocked and treated so badly like this by our one and only Lord and saviour, he was talking to me last night in my dreams and he told me that the only way he'll allow me into heaven is if I buy one more pack of Marlboro golds and smoke every single one of them in the span of 30 minutes, I've been considering giving into these temptations and taking on this challenge, tonight when I fall asleep I know he'll be waiting for me, waiting to taunt and mock me once again, and I'm not sure how much longer I'll last, send help guys. I can quit whenever I want by the way I'm not addicted
submitted by icky62 to stories [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 01:20 Cattovosvidito 파킹 통장 / HYSA
Anybody have experience with a 파킹통장 or some kind of HYSA in Korea? I see on naver places like 저축은행 offer these type of accounts with interest from 3% to 7% etc. but I've never dealt with one before and am wondering if it is safe to park money there. The major big banks don't seem to offer HYSA from what I see. I'm looking to put around 30 to 40 million won in an HYSA.
submitted by Cattovosvidito to Living_in_Korea [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 01:20 zaptadub Having a little problem with my gpu
So my gpu (Rx 570 8gb) isnt displaying, everything is plugged in correctly, hdmi is in the gpu, its clicked into place, wires are all clicked in.
The only way i can get monitor displaying is if the hdmi is plugged into the motherboard and uses the integrated cpu.
The gpu gets warm but is it broke? Do i have to install the gpu drivers 1st
Im really stuck at this point.
submitted by zaptadub to pchelp [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 01:20 Nick1738619 ID Verification has taken 2+ months + IP banned?
Hello All,
I signed up for Prolific after finally getting an invite after being in the waitlist for some time. I was able to sign up and do the ID verification and then send it in and the screen said it would take up to 10 days. I check back after 10 days and the coffee mug with that same message is there.
After another week of waiting with the mug and message still there, I decided to email support as to why the ID verification is taking longer than 10 days and they proceed to tell me that my IP has been flagged
I went through the various steps (removing VPNs such as ICloud Private Replay, turning off WiFi and using cellular, resetting router, trying Mobile Hotspot, switching to Airplane mode and back multiple times, and restarting my phone a few times
Any one have any ideas as too additional steps I can take or am I just SOL for the time being? Thank you all!
submitted by Nick1738619 to ProlificAc [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 01:20 Present_End_631 Anyone know where the "Who!" is sampled from on Tujamo and Plastic Funk - Who?
I've heard the same sample on Moody Boyz - King of the Funky Zulu, and other tunes from the 90-92 period. There has to be an original source. Anyone?
submitted by Present_End_631 to WhoSampled [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 01:20 Mythicalforests8 Betting again.
Last time I had a bet it was here: https://www.reddit.com/OverSimplified/s/jwoTetAOAE I got it wrong. Off by 2 months. I had to write a 10 paragraph essay since I failed, but this time I won’t. This time if oversimplified doesn’t upload by July 8th, 2026, two years after I made my first bet, I’ll have to eat a piece of paper every 3 days he doesn’t upload. So… PLEASE OVERSIMPLIFIED PREVENT ME FROM EATING PAPER PLEASE! submitted by Mythicalforests8 to OverSimplified [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 01:20 swamp_waffle Reading companion
Lorelei was lying there the whole time I put my son to bed, purring away submitted by swamp_waffle to tortico [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 01:20 Less-Friendship3821 App para ajudar na aprendizagem
Bom dia a todos !! Criei uma app que ajuda a estudar com flashcards com IA integrada .
Funcionalidades : Organizar os cartões por temas. Criação de flashcards manual. Criação de flashcards via IA na submissão de um ficheiro plein text. Ter sessões de estudo , no final com uma nota e um sumário feito pela IA com as áreas a intervir e estudar mais .
Para quem interessar estou a correr um teste fechado em android , podem fazer o download da app através do link : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.spiderherder.MemorizaMaisApp Não hesitem a fornecer o vosso feedback para melhorar esta app ao máximo.
Obrigado 🙏🏾
submitted by Less-Friendship3821 to EnsinoSuperiorPT [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 01:20 JonasP89 Colorblind, need advice
I’m a first time grower. I have three plants in bloom of the same strain, Easybud. The leaves of 2 plants have changed color. The smaller stalks of those plants also turned purple/blueish (to me).
Since I’m colorblind I can’t see what color they are. Should I worry?
I added a few photos of the main buds. Do they look okay?
Any advice would be much appreciated!
submitted by JonasP89 to cannabiscultivation [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 01:20 Teguuu Prehistoo.io is back in development!
9 months ago, u/polentacze started a deeeep.io inspired project with prehistoric wildlife called prehistoo.io. And after a 4 month break, we're working on it again, and making good progress too.
Currently, we don't have particularly many members, so we're hoping that some people here could potentially join our subreddit (prehistooio) and contribute to it, whether it be through artwork, concepts, funding, or coding.
submitted by Teguuu to deeeepio [link] [comments]