Jagmeet Singh on Instagram: "“When people show you who they are, believe them.”"

2025.01.21 01:41 CarletonCanuck Jagmeet Singh on Instagram: "“When people show you who they are, believe them.”"

submitted by CarletonCanuck to ndp [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:41 Abujarfard2 Plz i need skins any thing helps im new got any ideas? https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=482639976&token=3pAP3cZM

submitted by Abujarfard2 to csgo [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:41 Verbal-Gerbil 1500 insurrectionists pardoned IMMEDIATELY after taking office

after trump's giant tantrum and assault on democracy, which saw terrorists try to overturn a legitimate election, Trump immediately pardons 1500 of them the moment he arrives in office
Trump also directed the justice department to dismiss all pending indictments against people related to January 6.
“This proclamation ends a grave national injustice that has been perpetrated upon the American people over the last four years and begins a process of national reconciliation,” Trump’s action says.
I genuinely can't believe he didn't spend the rest of his life in jail for what he did that day/post election, let alone what we're experiencing now in the worst timeline
submitted by Verbal-Gerbil to MAGANAZI [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:41 kdkskdmcmems la mia amica ha tentato il suicidio

quest’anno compio 17 anni. è da 5 anni che mi sembra di non star vivendo davvero, ogni anno peggioro e mi sento sempre più sola al mondo, come se non potessi contare su nessuno. ho cambiato tante amicizie e perso persone a cui tenevo. ultimamente sto di merda e non ho voglia nemmeno di alzarmi dal letto. mi trascino a scuola come uno zombie e prendo voti di merda perché non ho la forza di fare niente. a dicembre io e la mia amica abbiamo festeggiato il compleanno del mio migliore amico, a fine serata lei mi ha preso da parte e mi ha detto che se ne volesse andare via da casa sua (dove dovevamo rimanere a dormire) mentre erano le 2 di notte. io vedevo che stava male e quando le ho chiesto cosa avesse, lei fra le tante cose mi ha rivelato che avesse tentato l’overdose con i farmaci di sua madre qualche settimana prima. da quel giorno non sono più riuscita a parlarle allo stesso modo di sempre. sento un forte senso di disagio e nausea al pensiero di quello che ha fatto, anche perché il giorno in cui ha tentato il suicidio aveva passato la mattinata con me. sto già male di mio e non so come andare avanti, questa cosa mi ha devastato, è stata la ciliegina sulla torta. lei adesso vede uno psicologo e a me stanno per bocciarmi per le assenze.
submitted by kdkskdmcmems to psicologia [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:41 Ok_Yoghurt879 Referral link https://www.tesla.com/referral/peter617483

Referral link https://www.tesla.com/referral/peter617483
submitted by Ok_Yoghurt879 to teslareferralcode [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:41 Fit-Device-324 Is it possible to emote on console?

If you can let me know cause I feel like it’s impossible
submitted by Fit-Device-324 to JujutsuInfinite [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:41 CrazyStarlight Club Ideas, Akin to Tie Dying?

TR;DR; I now run 2 clubs. One I took on this semester. The previous president took a break due to workload. Previous president had a plan to do tie dying, however we've done that too many times in my opinion, so I want ideas that are to the same spirit as tie dying.
I am president of a politics themed educational and outreach club for the first time, no club running experience at all. I got the idea of it very quickly though, though after the experience last semester of running a semesterly bake sale charity fundraiser, I passed the responsibility of that of my new VP.
Since then, the day before this semester started, the president of my school's Gay Straight Alliance learned that it was too much for them, and as secretary, I took on responsibility as interm President, just to see what happens, my workload is light in classes and didn't want to see the campus' oldest club to die.
Things are going smooth. I have everything set up, just waiting on both clubs to start. Old major hurdle so far is campus events where multiple clubs are either obligated or expected to rep, and it's just me in the GSA and most of my team on the political club own their own clubs.
Anyway, for at least the GSA, there has been events we try to do to keep engagement up and create memories, or serve a purpose. For both clubs that would be the fundraisers, for the GSA, we've also done T-shirts and hoodies where they are minimalist and white so we would tie dye them.
The previous president had plans to do the same for this semester, I had a peek at the schedule recently while we were exchanging information for a google drive. Obviously since it was just me leading the club, and the club has been going downhill, I was not going to do a bake sale fundraiser, since I was going to host my own the same semester. However, I liked the idea of tie dying.
My issue comes that we've been doing this almost every year since I've been there, about 5.5 years. It's easy to set up enough. just an order form, a design, order the merch, get the dyes, ect. But I want to innovate since I seen it about 3 times.
So I am reaching out here. Has your clubs done anything to the same spirit as tie dying? Or do you have any ideas on larger club activities that are fairly simple to set up?
submitted by CrazyStarlight to college [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:41 Jealous-Promise3485 A alguien más le pasa este erro al jugar fortnite??

A alguien más le ocurre el error de que su compu se congelé al querer jugar fortnite y estar en discord al mismo tiempo?? Solo me pasa con esas dos aplicaciones abiertas, porque uso discord con cualquier otro juego u aplicación y funciona perfectamente.
Este error es un fastidio ya que me obliga a reiniciar la PC. Me sale un letrero en la esquina inferior izquierda que dice que el programa se a detenido si espero un momento puede que funcione pero nada.
submitted by Jealous-Promise3485 to Preguntas_de_Reddit_ [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:41 SwingingDicks INNOCENT BLOOD (92)

INNOCENT BLOOD (92) John Landis vampire dark comedy takes place and was filmed in Pittsburgh, a very interesting and unique film to say the least.
submitted by SwingingDicks to penguins [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:41 Technical-Pie3935 41 [M4F] back to the grind

Had a nice relaxing 3 day weekend, I hope you did as well. Looking for any ladies out there dreading the return back to the grind tomorrow. At least it'll be a short week.
Up for chatting about anything, as always let me know what's on your mind and going on in your world.
Not interested in buying anything, thanks!
submitted by Technical-Pie3935 to Kikpals [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:41 suenic Seeking wisdom setting up my new Nest Box

I received one for Christmas, and I'm eager for advice to start strong. I'm in Michigan, where today it was 7 degrees, so hoping waiting till closer to spring is acceptable Our owl box is currently a very cozy home to a grey squirrel. Hoping for better luck with this!
submitted by suenic to Birdfy [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:41 Ok-Beginning8008 Presser Foot Identification (See comments for the question) :)

submitted by Ok-Beginning8008 to sewhelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:41 Pristine_Penalty_947 Samsung Dryer, dve50r5400v/a3 Heating element replaced, still same issue.

Hi, this Dryer would run for 5 minutes before giving an "HC" error code, after cleaning vents I determined the hesting element needed to be replaced. I replaced it as well as the 2 pieces on the hesting element, I they are thermistor and something else. Cleaned the dryer really well.
Afterwards it ran for longer, with heat (about 15 minutes) before giving the HC error code again. Any ideas? Do I need replace the 3rd part it came with? (I think a thermostat).
Thanks in advance for any advice.
submitted by Pristine_Penalty_947 to appliancerepair [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:41 mikasas_husband yves concert

hey! i’m going to yves’ concert! i’m not able to post in the loona subreddit but does anyone know if we’re able to give her gifts if you have VIP? i really want to get something for her if so!
submitted by mikasas_husband to kpop [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:41 Lemon_Nellian675 The poor guy lost his husband :(

The poor guy lost his husband :( Dont ask why i added the ring on his finger
submitted by Lemon_Nellian675 to Socksfor1Submissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:41 TheRustyRustPlayer Join The First Colonial Regiment!

Join The First Colonial Regiment! Have you ever felt disillusioned by the communities difficulties in staying united during the galactic war? Have you ever been forced to play with toxic randoms, when your friends don’t want to buy or play the game? Do you want to feel like you're making a difference?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then the 1st Colonial Regiment needs YOU to join us.
Our clan boasts one of the most active member numbers of the Helldivers 2 clan scene, as well as a strong, experienced leadership that have previously led a Halo clan for almost a decade!
We also have a youtube channel (Link here: https://youtube.com/@1stcolonialregiment?si=JBRrYHFr54pJhpyP), which boasts nearly 20k subscribers, where we post proposals and theories for combating factions and winning the wider galactic war.
In our Regiment, everyone has the opportunity and ability to become a leader. I look forward to seeing you all on the front lines.
We Are the Tip of the Spear!
submitted by TheRustyRustPlayer to LowSodiumHellDivers [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:41 TimesandSundayTimes Trump puts Churchill bust and ‘Diet Coke button’ back in Oval Office

submitted by TimesandSundayTimes to dietcoke [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:41 the_real_hackman Ismaili Discord Server

submitted by the_real_hackman to ismailis [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:41 Particular-Pound-311 Got messed up after a golf cart accident that I was unfortunately a part of.

Got messed up after a golf cart accident that I was unfortunately a part of. (TW:) bruises, blood & healing in the following pics 😬🩸
submitted by Particular-Pound-311 to Wellthatsucks [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:41 Puzzleheaded_Bad3732 Reddit Virtual Assistant for OnlyFans Promotion

position Overview: We are seeking a proactive Virtual Assistant to manage Reddit promotions for a new OnlyFans model. The role involves growing engagement, driving traffic, and increasing visibility using pre-provided content.

How to Apply: Send a private message to Marc on Reddit with details about your experience, past results, and why you’re a good fit for this role.
submitted by Puzzleheaded_Bad3732 to DoneDirtCheap [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:41 Tgrovi413 Squads Gauntlet?

Anyone know why there was no squads gauntlet this season? Loved the extra rewards and the longer games, thought they would return eventually but it has yet to return.
submitted by Tgrovi413 to CollegeUltimateTeam [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:41 yyouriley Please help us order 2 boxes of Selarid to treat hookworms and prevent fleas for the kitties in our care!

Please help us order 2 boxes of Selarid to treat hookworms and prevent fleas for the kitties in our care! Hi everyone! We need to order prevention for all our kitties this month.
We need to get 2 boxes of the 6 month pack of Selarid to treat everyone.
It’s comes to about $138, it will deworm them and have a flea preventative. It’s a prescription prevention and is one of the the most affordable monthly preventions I could find that I trust that also deworms and treats hookworms.
If you’re able to help us reach our goal to order the flea prevention for the kitties in our care, here are links to donate: https://linktr.ee/sunbeamtreeskittykatrescue?utm_source=linktree_profile_share<sid=05fe8177-ddf9-457c-a6ff-9352d4510454
Thanks for any help 🙏🏻
submitted by yyouriley to rescuecats [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:41 Outrageous_Practice9 The Rise and Fall of Flash Games

This is my first real project. All my other vids are just clips I put together in less than 3 seconds. I worked hard on this and would also like feedback on what to do next time to improve. Thank you. https://youtu.be/9zPTyK4BR1A
submitted by Outrageous_Practice9 to YouTubeSubscribeBoost [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:41 KK1927 I downloaded HdTune and scanned... is it false positive?

I downloaded HdTune and scanned... is it false positive? https://preview.redd.it/84xp10jp49ee1.png?width=1308&format=png&auto=webp&s=770abaf33a8847744dc04260b3b21d26a439ebdc
submitted by KK1927 to Malwarebytes [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:41 WhereIsMySun How do you see tariffs affecting the country and the currency?

Not a political discussion by any means, I'm curious to see what people think about Trump's potential tarrifs and how they'll hit Canada, the CAD, and some key sectors including OnG and financials.
Are you worried? Do you think your sector of employment is fine? Will we hit 1.5 or 1.6 USDCAD?
I tend to only listen to equity research analysts about how OnG can be used by Canada because they have an intricate understanding of pipelines and they mention ideas and concepts that most people don't even think about.
submitted by WhereIsMySun to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]
