Will snap swivels kill my presentation

2025.01.21 04:22 blobvski3 Will snap swivels kill my presentation

Will snap swivels kill my presentation Using soft plastics
submitted by blobvski3 to FishingAustralia [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:22 BothZookeepergame612 ABC News: Trump issues sweeping pardons and commutations for Jan. 6 rioters

ABC News: Trump issues sweeping pardons and commutations for Jan. 6 rioters submitted by BothZookeepergame612 to law [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:22 GOAT4days SEC getting investigated?

SEC getting investigated? submitted by GOAT4days to GME [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:22 Mrbalinky Why does anyone think mystery man is gaster when we already have confirmation that this is gaster?

Why does anyone think mystery man is gaster when we already have confirmation that this is gaster? submitted by Mrbalinky to Undertale [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:22 tireddad86 Miami tickets from the sg sold out in minutes. The other away tix on sale soon.

Which away games are everyone looking to go to? We making a big deal out of any of them this year?
submitted by tireddad86 to NYCFC [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:22 mintBRYcrunch26 I made a big floppy hat!

I made a big floppy hat! This old hat pattern fit perfectly on the back of a button down shirt I needed to recycle. And I’m always looking for ways to use up newspapers. So this project was perfect!
I used up some bigger scraps for the lining. This is my second try. The first one didn’t go so well as I didn’t measure accurately because I was getting too excited to start assembling the pieces. Tale as old as time.
I intend to make more of these this year. It’s pretty easy, just eats up a lot of thread. But I’m not mad about it. I just popped some old spools on the machine to chew through them. The pattern hides the mismatched thread pretty well.
I love a jaunty hat 👒
submitted by mintBRYcrunch26 to SewingForBeginners [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:22 datbimmer Budget Gaming 3020

Budget Gaming 3020 submitted by datbimmer to SleepingOptiplex [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:22 Arzopa_team 【Unboxing Diaries】Keep Up with the Arzopa Vibes!

【Unboxing Diaries】Keep Up with the Arzopa Vibes! submitted by Arzopa_team to ARZOPA [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:22 Onenightceo Extremely concerning TikTok / YT account “Waltz Travel Time” (Bobby Walton)

Extremely concerning TikTok / YT account “Waltz Travel Time” (Bobby Walton) This has gotten taken down twice: Okay so I was scrolling on tiktok and found this guy that posts these weird animations of high schoolers gossiping and moving crazy. we went to his yt channel and he has a bunch of weird playlists and one has a bunch of videos of girls underwater and drowning fetish type of videos. I haven't seen anyone else come across this person it's rly giving piper gate. He posts pictures and videos of himself with multiple little girls and he might be a swimming instructor or works with kids https://www.tiktok.com/ @bobbywalton960?_t=ZT-8tEwZjkKgXe&_r=1
This is without a doubt potential p*dophelia and needs to be investigated
Definitely does not need to be taken down from Reddit
There are multiple pictures of him with different little girls on both accounts
If y’all take this down you’re weird
submitted by Onenightceo to InternetMysteries [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:22 Hungry_Letter_7558 Should I go for him?

Okay, where do I start? I'm f15, and my crush(?) is m15. He's quiet, athletic, and all around my type. I'm relatively attractive, smart, athletic, so I'm pretty certain I could go for him if I tried. I only have two issues though.
One, I think my friend, we'll call her Beth, might like him. At the beginning of the school year, I was romantically romantically speaking to this guy. We'll call him Mark. I didn't know that Beth had liked Mark already.We're not really close, so she found out through a mutual friend. She was pretty upset, but stopped engaging with him. We're not very close, but she's genuinely a great person and I respected her deeply for it.
A few months ago, she pointed out my current crush, who we will call Jack, and said she had a crush on him. At that time, I wasn't interested in him so I was just happy for her and that she found someone else to obsess over. Honestly, I don't even think she actually likes the guys she says she does, just wants someone to go boycrazy over.
Now, I'm class president. Student council has been visiting all the english classes and to say they're rowdy is an understatement. During our presentation, he was hissing at his friends to shut up and that he was trying to listen. I swear I saw him staring at me the whole time, or maybe I'm just crazy?? anyway, after seeing how much he was paying attention, I just couldn't stop thinking about him.
SUMMARY: I kind of like this guy and could easily bag him, but I think my friend might still like him. I also stole this friend's other crush unknowingly, so this would be my second strike
I guess what I'm asking is if I should go for him, or let this crush fade away for the sake of a friendship? Please don't be afraid to be harsh. My two close friends are telling me to go for him, but I can't stop thinking about my not very close friend and how she would react. I'm more worried about our mutual friends that I'm closer to, but would choose her over me at the end of the day.
submitted by Hungry_Letter_7558 to Crushes [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:22 Deep-Dimension4434 More pics as requested by a certain someone. You know who you are <3

More pics as requested by a certain someone. You know who you are <3 submitted by Deep-Dimension4434 to 2077Fashion [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:22 Prior_Blackberry4386 tv shows where group of people have leader

something like twd,lost,star trek
submitted by Prior_Blackberry4386 to televisionsuggestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:22 BeckyLynchDomination Thank you for 4.2k! 🖤

Thank you for 4.2k! 🖤 submitted by BeckyLynchDomination to BeckyLynchDomination [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:22 ratwithwifi Week one "missing mods"

Week one What are these and how do i get them? Some dont exist
submitted by ratwithwifi to projectzomboid [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:22 No_File_6158 Goob drawing (it is actually trash)

Goob drawing (it is actually trash) This is garbage i am big stupu dum dum and i think this sucks and i should quit art and eat my art
submitted by No_File_6158 to DandysWorld_ [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:22 ResearcherWild4219 Realistically, how am I supposed to complete Thorny Rescue?

How have y’all done this? I’m a solo queuer 90% of the time, this is the last challenge I have for SotT.
submitted by ResearcherWild4219 to Vermintide [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:22 rert13 Erm that just happened

IJUSTWANNAPARTY Midnight New marlon and joeyy EP sounds fire
submitted by rert13 to ShedTheory [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:22 SprocketEnjoyer my first hard randomized hall of fame (also my first hall of fame in general lol)

my first hard randomized hall of fame (also my first hall of fame in general lol) submitted by SprocketEnjoyer to PokemonInfiniteFusion [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:22 kwentongskyblue Jon Stewart on Trump’s Inauguration and Elon Musk's Nazi Salute | The Daily Show

submitted by kwentongskyblue to JonStewart [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:22 od_bo-od_bo IGNORED & brushed off by 2 diff nurses when I asked to take baby’s temperature…. Next shift nurse finally did…. son had a fever of 104!!!!!!

I fucking hate my NICU!!!!!!!!!
I’ve posted here before on another account.
I had twins at 29 weeks exactly. Baby girl came home after 44 days….. six weeks later, at 35 weeks. Felt was too soon but she’s thriving.
My son has been there for 113 days or 16 weeks so far. He has Down syndrome and I 10000000% feel he has been treated so poorly. There was a MAJOR incident, in which I can likely sue the hospital over. But probably won’t even consider it until he is released. But that’s not why I’m complaining here today.
We went to the NICU last Saturday for a pop in. We only were going to spend two hours, and we came at a time that is unusual for us as we went to a bday dinner earlier. As we walk in, the nurse is feeding my son, hands him off to me to finish.
I immediately notice he’s off. He’s so fussy, he’s not himself. He is HOT TO THE TOUCH.
After he finishes his bottle and burps, he is extremely fussy. And then about 20 minutes later, HIS HEART RATE GOES TO FUCKING 223.
The alarm beeps and beeps, the nurse is feeding another baby, which I understand.
My partner gets the attention of another nurse, who looks at the monitor and says it’s no big deal. I said, I think he has a fever. We need to take his temperature. She said, I’ll get your nurse. I said she’s feeding another baby, can you help? She said no, I’ll get your nurse.
Another 7 minutes goes by. Our nurse comes. Says he’s fine. Tells me it’s not a big deal. That he’s okay.
I ask again about taking his temperature, he’s warm to the touch. He isn’t acting like himself.
She said babies get fussy after they eat. I said I know he’s not okay.
She tells me a fever would never come on so fast. It doesn’t work that way.
I say why is his heart rate so high. She said maybe from his medicine (which he had 4 hours earlier).
She calms baby down, heart rate still over 200, and says he’s okay. It’s not a big deal. It’s probably the machine.
We leave soon after. I’m so very upset.
I call at shift change, which was 35 minutes later, the nurse says he has a fucking fever of 104.
I literally hate our NICU. I HATE THEM WITH ALL OF MY HEART.
I called the charge nurse to complain. She tells me I should have gotten her attention when I was there. I told her, I was assured there was no fever. I called her as soon as I became aware of the situation. She was rude as fuck.
I hate this place. I want my son home. I hate them. I hate all of them. The doctors are mid. The NPs are raging bitches. And the nurses are subpar at best, give or take like 3 of them.
submitted by od_bo-od_bo to NICUParents [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:22 duckmeatcurry Eita kar kaj?

Eita kar kaj? submitted by duckmeatcurry to kolkata [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:22 JamzJams TW: SH, Su1c1d3

submitted by JamzJams to ventart [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:22 Sunnydazergr8 "Dawn" by William Hayes

submitted by Sunnydazergr8 to CoolShots [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:22 muss_es_sein Living Room Coffee Craft and Home Church?

Went to Living Room Coffee Craft for the first time today with a friend who didn't realize that it was connected to the Christian church next door, Home Church. ngl the coffee drinks were good and they used Strauss milk for the lattes. Notably, the cafe doesn't have any signage inside that indicate they're Christian or affiliated with a church. So - what's this church's deal? And to keep it short and sweet - What is their pastor's stance on the dignity of LGBTQ+ people?
submitted by muss_es_sein to SanJose [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:22 highcoeur Guys

Saul = Walter Chuck = Skylar Kim = Jesse
submitted by highcoeur to betterCallSaul [link] [comments]
