I finally did it

I am in the same boat as the OP. Using a Windows command prompt, from directory: C:\Python34\Scripts> pip install wheel @nicolas Yeah, easyinstall is just an outdated interface to setuptools. Pip is awesome, and virtualenv offers the kind of control that you don't get in many other languages without WAY more hackish tactics; perl being the only comparable exception. Alright, so I did everything I could possibly find online, and nothing worked. So I went to the Intel website, and I downloaded the HAXM installer that they provide (instead of using the one downloaded through Android Studio). How do I actually run a file on localhost? I know it is working, but how do I run a file on it, and how do I verify that the file is in fact running on localhost? Server newbie here, additional Thank you that makes sense. I'm still really confused on how to make this all work though. I can get it to calculate the average for each student's 3 tests, but then I need to calculate the class average and display the highest and lowest average. Setup. The first thing we'll need is to identify a condition that will act as our criterion for selecting rows. We'll start with the OP's case column_name == some_value, and include some other common use case Use git rebase -i <after-this-commit> and replace "pick" on the second and subsequent commits with "squash" or "fixup", as described in the manual. i++ is known as post increment whereas ++i is called pre increment.. i++. i++ is post increment because it increments i's value by 1 after the operation is over. Running: npm install from inside your app directory (i.e. where package.json is located) will install the dependencies for your app, rather than install it as a module, as described here. From my experience the fastest way is to take each row for which there is no newer row in the table. Another advantage is that the syntax used is very simple, and that the meaning of the query is rather easy to grasp (take all rows such that no newer row exists for the username being considered).

2025.01.21 04:44 Soggy_Pack7883 I finally did it

I finally did it I recently purchased a new sealed copy of legacy edition for my xbox (as 360 edition isn't backwards compatible) and WOW! I seriously haven't had this much fun in a long time with minecraft. I actually have motivation to explore and create, I don't feel overwhelmed nor am I bored with the lack of features, quite the opposite actually. It just feels so comfy. Like I have this little world I can change and create to my vision. Plus mini games still are better than bedrock servers...
submitted by Soggy_Pack7883 to GoldenAgeMinecraft [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:44 dnlrtx How to make a successful film recipe

When I was starting out with photography back in 2019 with my X-T2, I was tempted to buy a pack of film recipes from Capture One. C1 calls them styles. But I was convinced by all the forums I read that styles for purchase were a crutch and that if I really wanted to get good at photography, I should make my own recipes. Well it’s been 4 years and I haven’t made a single film recipe either in camera or in C1 that I can call successful. I think I fussed around with too many parameters and over complicated things. Each recipe I made would have the intended effect for the 1-2 photos that I worked with to create the recipe in the first place, but largely did not work well for any other photo.
For those of you who have made successful film recipes, can you give me guidance on the parameters I should focus on to make film recipes that work 95% of the time across a whole range of photos? Or tell me if I’m going about this all wrong and what the appropriate approach is. Thanks.
submitted by dnlrtx to fujifilm [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:44 EssYouJAyEn Unscreen - Tool for Background removal

Pricing: No pricing
Category: Background removal
Release Date: 2020
About Tool: Unscreen is an AI-powered tool that facilitates the automatic and hassle-free removal of video backgrounds.
Product Link: Visit Unscreen
submitted by EssYouJAyEn to FutureTechFinds [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:44 ImThEpRobLem_TX AIO - What you all think?

Was he requesting a waiter? or petting children
submitted by ImThEpRobLem_TX to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:44 bot_olini Acusan a Elon Musk de hacer el “saludo nazi” en la toma de posesión de Trump

Acusan a Elon Musk de hacer el “saludo nazi” en la toma de posesión de Trump submitted by bot_olini to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:44 JewishDoggy CFP expansion was meant to give smaller schools a viable shot at the championship. It ended up helping a blue blood program who did not make their conference championship win instead

Hey, whether you like it or not, that’s what happened. Is this better than the old way?
submitted by JewishDoggy to CFB [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:44 glowrocks Bamboo Dragon - a natural match for this group

Bamboo Dragon - a natural match for this group submitted by glowrocks to BambuLab [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:44 Vivi01224 What is the best thing and/or the worst thing about Trump?

submitted by Vivi01224 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:44 Neat-Sun-8187 First time making ramen for a crowd in my tiny kitchen

First time making ramen for a crowd in my tiny kitchen submitted by Neat-Sun-8187 to ramen [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:44 TatonkaJack Blood mage witch mid game

I'm currently running a blood mage witch and not having a good time. I just finished Act 3 with help from friends for the bosses. But I've felt underpowered for awhile. I think I'm level 50? Maybe one or two below that. I'm currently sitting on 3 of my 4 ascension points so I don't hurt myself every time I cast a spell.
The first thing I tried was contagion+essence drain but that's only good in the early game. Next I tried exploding corpses and right now I'm focusing on hexblast. I hide behind some meat shield minions while I run around and spam it. But I still feel very underpowered. Are there any other blood mages out there who had decent builds around this point and what did you do?
submitted by TatonkaJack to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:44 xx_swegshrek_xx Kyuubi’s log, Humans

I think it’s time I… clear some air about my world .. the fifth human that dammed ballet dancer, I’m not that good at reading expressions but when I stood in front of Kanako that day looking into that human’s eyes… I saw hate… those same eyes the sixth had… pure hatred for my kind for the fact we refused to lay down and die. It’s embarrassing but I sleep with the lights on … because in the dark I swear I see those same eyes but… with the lights on it’s just… my lovebird… her gorgeous topaz eyes dancing in the light of our room
submitted by xx_swegshrek_xx to UndertaleYellow [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:44 _StarDoodle_ Black Bunnycomb glitch

Black Bunnycomb glitch https://preview.redd.it/8t1sp9z91aee1.png?width=598&format=png&auto=webp&s=c07b47a8e4b45114db25399588bc47ea7bf38638
Sitting here working on my Pretztail only garden and this weird little guy rolled up! Whenever he go too far away it would only render his eyes. Making him a resident still kept his fur black too! Kinda sad knowing this'll likely be fixed when I box him up to go to my main garden or exit out, but it's a neat little thing regardless :>
his name is void now btw!
submitted by _StarDoodle_ to VivaPinata [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:44 WhatRobloxServers Gooby snoobert Virtus

Gooby snoobert Virtus I erm…
May have updated my funny thingy. My silly little gooby snoobert is now gonna murder me
submitted by WhatRobloxServers to BYBAT [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:44 Big-Foundation-5939 Actual depiction of me being left discussing this with my far right family members

Actual depiction of me being left discussing this with my far right family members submitted by Big-Foundation-5939 to PoliticalHumor [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:44 Wind-UpBird1973 Утонула

Утонула submitted by Wind-UpBird1973 to Escapism_is_my_realm [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:44 whosthatgirl13 Can’t take care of mom, not sure what to do, potentially moving

Sorry this is partially a post asking for advice, partially me writing out my feelings. My mom (72) is showing signs between mild cognitive decline and mild dementia. She and my dad (77) currently live in their (big) house. My dad is showing typical signs of aging, but definitely in better shape than my mom. My mom has anxiety and I feel between that and her cognitive decline she does need some help now, and will need more help later. My dad will need help later as well, and can’t care for my mom on his own. I (35) now live 45 minutes away from them in my own home with my husband and dog. I have a full time job where I can visit my parents once a week but if we stay in California I will need to work more. We need a new (aka new-used) car we can’t afford, I have no savings, I get by month to month but I feel “house poor”. Where my conflict lies is I feel like I can’t take care of my parents. I can’t move close to them because their city has HCOL and little job opportunity. We would have to live with my parents, and not only would that be bad for my mental health I don’t want to make my husband do that. Plus our dog is a lot of work lol so caring for him and my mom would be too much. We also may move out of state to be able to be in a better place financially due to a new job for my husband, and I will live near my brother. I am feeling guilty I won’t be there to help my mom, this timing is so bad. I recently graduated college, got married, and bought a home and I can’t focus on myself and my parents. They do have money to hire help, but I feel bad I can’t be there to help them. I have sisters, but again no one can afford to live near them. Has anyone ever moved away from their aging parents? Could you still help in some way? Parents do not want to leave their home. I am hoping to set up a plan for them to have a caretaker come in a few days a week now, then maybe more in the future when needed (then AL when they can’t live at home). Will my mom remember me when she is declining more? Am I a bad daughter? I don’t think I can handle taking care of someone with dementia, I’d rather stay just the daughter. Sorry this is long, I’ll take any advice. Thanks.
submitted by whosthatgirl13 to dementia [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:44 CheezWeazle G & G savagery

G & G savagery submitted by CheezWeazle to cfbmemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:44 No-Zombie-9725 Roth tsp

I’ve been contributing to the Roth tsp and I never realized if the Roth tsp gets any type of gains besides the amount I contribute to it every check. Does the Roth tsp automatically gets invested or is it something I have to do on my own. If it does get automatically invested where can I see the gains? This new tsp website is horrible which they would have kept the old one.
submitted by No-Zombie-9725 to ThriftSavingsPlan [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:44 lss_web_1444 Text post title 391

Text post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:44 SonicAwareness Mire

Mire submitted by SonicAwareness to tribedaloca [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:44 MakiFreak Is my Top 10 crazy?

Is my Top 10 crazy?
  1. TF Sukuna
  2. Gojo
  1. Yuta
  2. Kenjaku
Decent Gap
  1. Yuji
  2. Kashimo
  3. Yuki
  4. Yorozu
  5. Maki (my beautiful queen)
  6. Toji
submitted by MakiFreak to JujutsuPowerScaling [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:44 ComfortableBubbly692 Mascota

Hola buenas noches, alguien podría recomendarme lugares aquí en Querétaro para adoptar un cachorro?
submitted by ComfortableBubbly692 to queretaro [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:44 DescriptionExtreme28 This my live bet rn fingers crossed 🤞🏽 🎯🍀

submitted by DescriptionExtreme28 to fanduel [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:44 wilde187 Let’s trade

Let’s trade submitted by wilde187 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 04:44 TipComfortable2372 porque es tan caro importar carros de alta gama como lambos,aston martin,bugatti etc?

apenas tengo 18 años y no es que entienda mucho de politica o de importaciones,pero ami me gustan mucho los carros, y me pone triste saber que con el mismo dinero que vale una toyota prado aca en colombia,en estados unidos o en cualquier otro pais del primer mundo te compras un lamborghini gallardo o cualquier supercar relativamente viejo,y mas triste aun,en mi ciudad,santa marta,el unico supercar que hay es un mclaren mp4 blanco 1/1 en colombia y tambien un nissan gtr r34 1/2 en colombia que esos los sacan cada como 5 años ajaj
que opinan de eso y que me pueden decir para aprenden,gracias por leer
submitted by TipComfortable2372 to Colombia [link] [comments]
