What’s the point of the houses if he president can just sign executive orders?

2025.01.21 06:14 ElBurgeUK What’s the point of the houses if he president can just sign executive orders?

submitted by ElBurgeUK to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 06:14 HastilyDone Vivek Ramaswamy left DOGE almost immediately after months of everyone hyping him up to be one of the major guys

🤦🏻‍♂️ Why do I have a feeling he’s going to lose his race for governor?
submitted by HastilyDone to dogecoin [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 06:14 Sweaty_Hamster_1260 💪 Men’s Health & Wellness Just Got Smarter – Check Out Aadmi.shop!

Hey everyone! 👋
Are you looking for top-notch men's health and wellness products? Look no further than aadmi.shop, India’s trusted online store dedicated to men's care. Whether you’re focusing on fitness, grooming, or overall wellness, we’ve got you covered!
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submitted by Sweaty_Hamster_1260 to CouponsIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 06:14 murfburffle FYI, There is supposed to be a screw here that stops the speakers from pivoting. It's not in the manual.

FYI, There is supposed to be a screw here that stops the speakers from pivoting. It's not in the manual. submitted by murfburffle to IconicArcadeGaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 06:14 Educational-Fudge466 I love Tapentadol

submitted by Educational-Fudge466 to pillslover [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 06:14 soma92oc HOLY SHIT, I MIGHT JUST PULL THIS OFF

I don't have any pedigree, good grades, or a ton of research experience. I just write extremely well researched cold emails about the work people are doing in their labs, and my ideas on directions they can take their work with my help. (Only to potential advisors who work on things I am passionate about, so I don't sound like an idiot..)
I have an interview at my *moonshot* program tomorrow.
Holy hell, this has been nerve-wracking.
Write those emails! We got this!
submitted by soma92oc to gradadmissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 06:14 Competitive-Camp-529 AITAH for leaving my abusive boyfriend for his stepbrother

My now ex we had recently started to drift apart, we were young when we got together and were using drugs heavily at the start of the relationship for 3-4 years of drugs abuse we grew close and had our ups and downs, but things started to get stale and he wanted an open relationship that was very one sided and I did agree upon the idea but I knew he would've had a meltdown if he knew I was seeing other men so I never took any opportunity's presented to me. He was seeing girls at bars coming home and talking about how he loved them while I was at home taking care of his family also doing all the house chores and working.
8 months ago, he started heavily drinking and acting out around his family saying racial slurs to his cousins who were all different races ( he is white), getting physical with others, driving while intoxicated, pointing his firearms at his brothers and cousins and passing out in various spots in the house.
2 months ago, I invited his stepbrother over hoping that maybe he would stop the cycle of drinking and possibly make him happy cause I had always assumed that him and his stepbrother were very close, and I thought that this would be a nice surprise for him. During his stepbrother stay he was working long hours and I was spending time at home with his brother.
2 Days of him being there, me and his stepbrother were out drinking with some of my friends. His stepbrother brought up how he could tell that I wasn't being treated right and haven't been treated right for a very long time, which made me think about how I've had multiple people tell me the same thing, but I would always brush it off. After That Day me and his stepbrother were connecting on a different level, just having small conversations about everything that has happened in our past relationships. At the time he was also in a long-term relationship of 7 years that was toxic in its own way.
1 Night we again (his stepbrother) went out with my friends to small house party. Going on throughout the night we started to catch a vibe for one another, and my drunk friends were encouraging us to hookup, So we did in the woods that night ...
Things started to happen between me and his stepbrother daily whenever he was gone. I started to really fall for his stepbrother, and he was falling for me, we've had many past relationships, but could both tell that this was a very special bond that we had for one another. We continued to contact each other after he went back home.
I ended up going to his place 2 weeks after he left and the moment, I got there it was like paradise he showed me my worth and what real love is like. I spent 2 days there and we hooked up again. When it was time for me to leave, he came back with me to my house. We continued to do things together whenever we had the chance. We constantly talked about how we wished things were different for us and if we had the chance to run away with each other how we would take that opportunity. Before he was going to leave again I decided to go with him, I left and didn't say anything to him.
I now have a child with him and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been
submitted by Competitive-Camp-529 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 06:14 MyBrainIsSpicy Exploration life hack!

Have you ever been exploring a planet, trying to scan all of the wildlife? Been scared to get too close in fear of being attacked, or maybe your feet hurt and don’t want to walk too close?
Turns out, if you kill the animals, it automatically scans them for you! Have fun sitting atop your ship with your toes dipped in a kiddie pool on your favorite foldout chair while you sip a beer with one hand and pull a trigger with another!
submitted by MyBrainIsSpicy to Starfield [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 06:14 Interesting_Rain1880 You got it.

You got it. submitted by Interesting_Rain1880 to DankMemesGoneWild [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 06:14 Time_Flatworm1788 Full Scream Ahead

submitted by Time_Flatworm1788 to malepolish [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 06:14 SherbertOk7837 Breakouts & Whiteheads

I’m in week 1 on Wegovy, my appetite has quickly suppressed, and I’m not really backing these much, which I love BUT I’ve been getting breakouts and whiteheads all over my face. I am not taking any other medication, so I’m pretty certain that it’s related to the WeGovy.
If you dealt with this in the past, please feel free to share some tips and how I can resolve this, because I really do want to keep taking the medication .
submitted by SherbertOk7837 to WegovyWeightLoss [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 06:14 GhostOfOps Is there anyway to fix this?

Is there anyway to fix this? Hello, so after building my tall castle the further away i go it looks like lava or a massive light source is there, is there anyway to fix this or do i just have to deal with, happens with shaders on and off.
submitted by GhostOfOps to DistantHorizons [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 06:14 natasha0512 My ex cheated on me and the saddest thing was having to realize it when I looked at his cell phone and found videos of him having sex and today I decided to end that relationship.

submitted by natasha0512 to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 06:14 phoebelily12 Starting my Eclar Plaster journey: How to start?

Hi! I recently bought 5 sheets of eclar plaster and I’m wondering what should I do and not do so that It will be more effective on my keloid.
About my keloid, it’s just a small chest keloid in the middle. It started as a small pimple but my dermatologists made it even bigger (after injections and laser sessions). I think it’s around 2cm length and 0.5 width. I recently put it on and tried my best to cut it into my keloid’s shape which is really hard. Will it be bigger if the unaffected area got the plaster’s coverage?
submitted by phoebelily12 to Keloids [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 06:14 shikshakshoks can someone explain this draft, info in body text.

can someone explain this draft, info in body text.
  1. Otis (red)
  2. Gale (blue)
  3. Tara (blue)
  4. Nita (red)
  5. Dynamike (red)
  6. My pick: L&L (blue)
Bans: Surge,Rico,Juju 2x,Ash,Rosa
Map: Snake prairie, Brawl Ball.
What picks were good and what were bad, why?
submitted by shikshakshoks to BrawlStarsCompetitive [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 06:14 InitialRelative8015 31m New Zealand looking for a fun chat

Tuesday night here in NZ and I'm just chilling at home. Anyone wanna come keep me company? Happy to chat about whatever. :)
submitted by InitialRelative8015 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 06:14 Famous-Grocery275 Whats the best way to disown/seperate from family members

My family members are like a ball and chain of negative energy.... the issue lies with them.
But im not about to carry the weight for them any further. Ive got my own life to think about
Im beginning to think i need clear and concise seperation im just not sure how to proceed with it
I mean long drawn out silent treatment or just text them and say i think we all need to go our seperate ways .... both are rather a pain to have to do . But im done with them so i have to do something
submitted by Famous-Grocery275 to family [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 06:14 BridgeToClarity [AER: Memories of Old] Plat #164

[AER: Memories of Old] Plat #164 submitted by BridgeToClarity to Trophies [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 06:14 PotentialComplex3007 Should I save my tokens for later in the game?

Should I save my tokens for later in the game? None of these survivors seem particularly good, except for maybe mining, farming, and nurse. But maybe tokens are better saved for UR survivors?
submitted by PotentialComplex3007 to LastWarMobileGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 06:14 Ecstatic_Buy749 Home loans - can any banks consider this year’s income?

Would really help boost my max borrowable amount if so. Prestia already said no, they only look at the past 2 years. Any tips appreciated!
submitted by Ecstatic_Buy749 to JapanFinance [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 06:14 MilcahRawr Bad Marx Brothers AU idea: Slasher/Horror AU

submitted by MilcahRawr to publicdomain [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 06:14 Purple-Speech9432 Advanced Investment Strategies Exam CSI

Hey folks,
anyone who has written the advanced Investment Strategies Exam from csi?
I would love to get some insight on how the exam is? Difficulty, anything to focus on specifically? any tips would be highly appreciated.
submitted by Purple-Speech9432 to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 06:14 ProfeRafa Mezcladora de audio virtual?

Hola! 🙋🏻 Quisiera sus mejores recomendaciones de software gratuito para controlar audio de forma virtual (varias salidas/entradas) para OBS dado que uso streamerbot y speakerbot para el chat y control de stream. Pero también música de fondo en just chatting, o cuando meto gameplays. Por esas razones me gusta tener diferentes niveles de volumen/ecualización en mi stream o mutear salidas de audio hacia mis audífonos pero que no se cancele hacia el OBS Actualmente uso voicemeeter potato porque ofrece más salidas de audio que otras versiones del mismo. Pero es demasiado molesto el tener que cambiar manualmente las salidas de audio cuando no uso audífonos fuera de stream Tengo pensado usar los cables virtuales pero cuestan cerca de 10 usd (no quisiera invertirlos en eso de momento) A futuro pienso comprar una maonocaster para este propósito pero mientras tanto, me gustaría tener sus consejos
PD antes usaba un programa con este fin de una marca de audífonos que no tengo (olvidé la marca) pero no me dejaba controlar el audio desde la perilla del teclado(yeyian asward3000) o del headset (logitech), cosa que voicemeeter sí permite
submitted by ProfeRafa to soportepc [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 06:14 Embarrassed_Lynx2438 This image is perfect

This image is perfect submitted by Embarrassed_Lynx2438 to Transformemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 06:14 wilsonofoz China plans on building a 1km wide solar power station in space that in one year would collect the energy equivalent to the total amount of oil that can be extracted from Earth

China plans on building a 1km wide solar power station in space that in one year would collect the energy equivalent to the total amount of oil that can be extracted from Earth submitted by wilsonofoz to interesting [link] [comments]
